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BPAL Madness!
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Effective scents.

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13 ~ Oddly, I used to have issues about walking around smelling like I'd smeared myself with chocolate, but sometimes 13 would just be too much fun not to wear. Then I let my sweetie sniff some. There's nothing like seeing someone's eyes glow from a BPAL scent to change one's mind. I'm beginning to equate certain scents with sex (ginger and more recently mango, for instance), which is a habit that seems to transcend whatever relationship I'm in. I keep forgetting to wear this oil on the 13th -- after all, I have a bunch of new decants to play with today -- but hopefully I'll correct that next month.


Imp ~ I love this one because it makes me feel somewhere between mischevious and downright evil. Sometimes I feel like I'm developing the Joker's grin just from applying it. "I aim to make some mischief." It's kind of difficult to be scared about walking around alone at night when I feel pleasantly psychotic.


Loviatar ~ for a couple of months, I wore this out while dancing before I started dating a scent-phobe. He's no longer an issue, but I've dropped the habit of wearing scents to the club. I'll have to correct that soon, as this one left me feeling relatively powerful and predatory.


O ~ for months, this was the oil I wore out dancing because it was soft and sexy and made me feel pretty. I have to start putting some BPAL in my dancing bag.


Snake Oil ~ the only precioussss I can wear to work and get compliments on, it's grown on me since I first tried it a few years ago. I used to think that Tombstone was sweeter, but I must have been very confused.


Spooky ~ This smells the way my hair does after I've shampooed with Washaday Greens and conditioned with Cooaluin. Of people I've hugged after giving myself the complete mint-and-coconut treatment, only one has complained about the wet cardboard scent --

the rest have told me I've smelled edible and prolonged the hug just to breathe me in some more. This is my "no, really -- you wuv me" scent.


Sugar Skull ~ While playing "my sweetie has a broken sniffer," I held this bottle up to his nose, keeping my fist around it so he couldn't see the name. This was the oil scent that made him grab my hand in both of his to keep me from moving the bottle away. I've since decanted about half of one bottle into a lip-gloss roller bottle for slathering, and picked up another 5ml for good measure.


Talvikku ~ My sweetie sniffed me after I put some on and said, eyes glowing, that I smelled like candy. I'm not sure that a whole week passed before I bought a whole bottle from Lush-a-Lot.

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