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My star chart

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It is imperative that you find a way to use whatever talents and gifts you have--the more you use them, the more ability you will develop. Do not neglect them (given your 5th house stellium I'm betting on creative something or another, maybe very public, dramatic work/play...but whatever it is, don't just think something like "well, if I can't be the best {fill in the blank} I shouldn't even do it.." Do it, whatever it is.


Jarvenpa read my chart based on my birthdate, location and time of birth. That's a brief snippet of what she said-- I'm still processing it all. The above seemed really personal and relevent right now, given my whole art obsession- could my talent lie there? It's possible.


I really think that was the nudge I needed to decide to stick with the art class and not watch for another class to open up in that time slot instead. However, I am not convinced that drawing will be my creative talent. I might need to start writing again soon. English 201 is on my list for winter quarter, and then in the spring or next fall I'll probably take creative writing. I. . . guess we'll see where life takes me this year.


I'm really rather excited.


Now all I have to do is wait for the financial aid to be awarded. . . I really, really hope it happens soon, so I don't have to drop all my classes and scrounge around at the last minute for open ones. That would be terribly sad.


I've got a lot to think about.

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I've lurked that birthchart thread and often considered having mine read as well... even though I only have a passing knowledge of astrology. Lately it seems like a lot of Capricorn traits are surfacing for me, but with a sort of Leo-slant (my sun sign).


I am :lol: ing you all the way in your creative pursuits! Once you find your niche, you'll wonder why you just weren't always painting/drawing/sculpting/writing/performance art attacking. :rantrave:

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