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Color B(l)ind

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The living room, formerly a sort of cranberry red - which was lovely when the living room was a cool grey but clashes badly with the candy apple green, is currently a decidedly horrid first-coat shade of yellow-orange papaya.


It's a fun shade. Festive, even, but just not what should go next to such a bright, vibrant, glowing green. Just... no.


So The Mister just got off the phone with Snarky to propose... black.




His reasons:

1) the Snarks already have a gallon matte black (not because they are goths, but because they wanted to use it as the base coat for the gumball red going up down in the basement... because they are goths)


2) the ultimate wall treatment for the living room will be nothing more than a framing device for all the state plates (The Mister's new Goodwill scavanger hunt obsession) large art posters (Mucha and other Arts & Crafts/pre-Raphaelite/etc. type work) and other various arty things. The walls will be crowded with stuff, and any color will be even less than background in the end.


3) the tenative theme for the living/dining room is "chinoiserie", with the brilliant green accented by laquered blacks, clear reds, and crisp whites. Using black in the dining room would in the end clash much less than the Bango-Mango-Madness currently erupting along two-thirds of the dining room (and ringing the windows and trim)


4) resale, schmesale.


So... Snarky's convinced. Worst case scenario: they end up using a gallon of Kilz to remove all proof of their folly. Best case: they continue to make this house truly and uniquely ChezSnark.


Still, yikes!

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Oh, state plates! I've found a couple of good ones at estate sales: a matching set of Kentucky and Tennessee, maybe 1960s. I love souvenirs and state plates are so crazy and great. Some are like, "How many landmarks can we possibly squeeze onto this 10" round space?" :rantrave:

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Oh, state plates! I've found a couple of good ones at estate sales: a matching set of Kentucky and Tennessee, maybe 1960s. I love souvenirs and state plates are so crazy and great. Some are like, "How many landmarks can we possibly squeeze onto this 10" round space?" :rantrave:


Oh do I love license plates:):lol:-I've made a couple into jewelry,and I wear a blue and white plate(what state is that) into a ring I set in silver, and wear daily-my last license plate find was a 1930s Massachusetts plate-they're currently hanging over my coat hooks, cause I can't seem to put holes in the wall(cause they're now my walls) -oh and snarky- the living room has been describef as CSI red- so Im all the ay with you guys on color- finally get what you want!

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Oh, state plates! I've found a couple of good ones at estate sales: a matching set of Kentucky and Tennessee, maybe 1960s. I love souvenirs and state plates are so crazy and great. Some are like, "How many landmarks can we possibly squeeze onto this 10" round space?" :rantrave:


:D Exactly! I think that's a great deal of the appeal for The Mister. The general wackiness and sort of "design by committee" feel of the plates. We've got some from Canada too! Some of them have lacy cut-outs and look sort of chunkily delicate (if that makes sense). There might be more than one Texas plate. But that's because it's Texas!


Oh do I love license plates:):lol:-I've made a couple into jewelry,and I wear a blue and white plate(what state is that) into a ring I set in silver, and wear daily-my last license plate find was a 1930s Massachusetts plate-they're currently hanging over my coat hooks, cause I can't seem to put holes in the wall(cause they're now my walls) -oh and snarky- the living room has been describef as CSI red- so Im all the ay with you guys on color- finally get what you want!


Hm... we do have a small collection of license plates too (SC, NC, VA...) that might make it on the uber black wall o doom. I'm loving the colors we have so far, but they are all (save for the very light green in the stairwell) really saturated. I'm hoping that the overall effect isn't too overpowering. I like to have a few restful rooms too. (Which right now are the bathroom (dark grey) and the bedroom (chocolate brown).) Still.. black! Ieee!

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I know a guy who inherited his father's collection of license plates. His dad collected for many years, and had A LOT of plates from every state and countries around the world. My friend has a display in his office of his favorite plate from each state (some are very vintage) and several favorites from other countries. They are way cool.

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Whoops! Snarky broke her own "third person rule". Ah well. So much for ironic distance in a personal blog. :rantrave:


Valentina, vintage license plates would be very cool... so long as they don't have vintage smashed up bug bits on them still. :lol: (:D)

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Hee. Now I have "Paint it Black" stuck in my head.




The first coat is down. The Mister sang AC/DC's "Back in Black" the whole time... but Snarky was secretly thinking about red doors instead. ;)

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