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Carnaval Diabloque, etc.

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Eeee! The Carnaval is here! What a pleasant surprise that it went up early too, even if a small part of me wanted to stay up with everyone on the Update thread and have a BPAL slumber party. (If someone teaches me how to French-braid my hair, I'll weave them a friendship bracelet! :D And shhh! be quiet or my mom will hear us and make us all go to bed!)

I waited a couple days to make my order so that my endorphins would die down and I wouldn't say ....buy the entire CD set (which would be lovely except for that part about my bank account spontaneously combusting). Here's what I recently ordered:


Mme. Moriarty: Misfortune Teller-5mL-$20


Antique Lace-5mL-$15


Imp Pack-$19.50

Les Bijoux




Eat Me



Total +shipping = $63.00 USD

Which isn't bad, no?


I've found out thanks to BPAL, that I'm able to prune down all of my online orders so I only get "essentials", hooray!


I also made an order today because today was my very last day at work :D and it was a pick me up/reward. Despite my occasional posts in the Jobs Rant thread, I really did love my job. I liked 99% of the people there, including my awesome supervisor. Another reason I'm feeling sad about leaving is that the job market is pretty icky right now. I have friends who are still working their "transition job" not a job in their chosen profession. I was lucky enough to find a good job, with a decent pay and great people and I'm leaving it :(

Also, I'm kind of scared of going to school hours and hours away from my hometown and my friends. I don't make friends easily (I'm painfully shy) and I can't imagine spending 2+ years doing stressful course/research work without some friends around.


At least my apartment situation seems to be sorting itself out. They've changed property owners/managers to the company that managed my suites in undergrad. Now, my quad suite in undergrad was pretty damn awesome. They were clean, well constructed, heat/AC problemless, and included washer/dryers in the unit. My apartment complex, the way it was before new management (and according to reviews on apartment.com was "sketchy", "gross", "loud" and included some visitors that went by names of "roaches", "mice", "spiders" and "silverfish". :D :D :eek: Hopefully, with new people they'll clean the f-ing place up. I've been stressing out about the supposedly sketchy environment since forever. The only reason I signed the lease was because it was literally right across the street from school. I'm going up tomorrow to get my keys and move some stuff in. I reeeally hate bugs and if I do see roaches, spiders or silverfish I will be very very angry.


On a lighter note, my boy is coming over tonight to watch our new addiction: Numb3rs on DVD :D :D . Also, I will secretly swipe him with Bluebeard to see if it will smell yummy on a boy. Drive-by BPAL swiping! Whee!

I already know he absolutely loves Antique Lace on me. He says it smells "happy and yummy". If I layer anything else with it, he will have none of it. The one time I tried layering it with Peony Moon he picked up on it right away "Mmmm, it's Antique Lace!....and something else that's not Antique Lace...::sad face::"

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