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More scent notes.

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Notes of mine grabbed from the Lush forum for future use.


In other news, I'm trying Gingerbread Poppet in my scent locket today. Um, I learned something important: just because I could tip my imp of Imp and have to scoop the oil out with the wand does not mean that the same would have been true for G.P.


I smell like a riot in the Keebler factory.



Bewitched ~ very, very sweet blackberries. If it's too sweet on you, I recommend Baneberry, which has a little greenery to cut some of the sweetness.

Dragon's Milk ~ one of the few of the Ars Draconis line that I can tolerate, if I remember correctly.

Dana O' Shee ~ whee! sweet! Often compared to Snowcake soap.

Eclipse ~ I smell HIWTK from this.

Snake Oil ~ took a while to grow on me, and now I'm considering a 5ml bottle.

Black Pearl ~ a sweet, creamy coconut scent.

Imp ~ my "hi, i'm a large, unstable thing of indeterminate gender walking alone at night" scent.

Embalming Fluid ~ a very bright citrus.

White Rabbit ~ my frimp of it shattered in the box. Smelled sweet and lovely, though.

Tombstone ~ before it ages, it actually smells sweeter than Snake Oil.

Dorian ~ for Anita Blake fans, my standing comment is: This is what Nathaniel's hair my smell like.

Laudanum ~ hoohoo. Herbal, and a great sleepy-time oil. review

Hecate ~ very strongly floral to my nose.

Queen of Sheba ~ spiced, honeyed almonds

Antique Lace ~ after reading people's reviews, I was surprised by how dry and dusty a floral this is.

O ~ powdery and very much like cocoa butter on warm skin.

Snowblind ~ A perfect, light, sparkling mint blend.

Milk Moon ~ somewhere between sweet-n-creamy to "damn, I forgot to finish this glass of milk"

Smut ~ falls a bit flat on its own, but has potential if it's layered with O.

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