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Lovely Layers!

My Layering Experiments, now with emoticon ratings!   Smut 2007 + Body, Remember boooozey raw coconut & sugar cane, sexeh to the extreeeme. Smut 2007 + Touched Twice lovedrunk innocence utterly shattered by first taste of passion. moar booze + coconut goodness. Ice Princess Bath Oil + Touched Twice floating halo of sweet, creamy, faintly tropical white sparkles. Panther Moon + Variety of Pleasing Amusements sweet incensed leather. Dance of Death + Black Pearl yay accidental deliciousness! was testing these two (one on each wrist) and while they are both good on their own, together they are 100x better. Black Pearl gives a creamy sweet depth to DoD's dark elegance. Ivanushka + Entangled Okay, sometimes I just have to see if Ivanushka goes with something. Aaand this, was very weird. Not recommended.

Alia Kaitan

Alia Kaitan


Bottles Stash.

** = incoming

Blood Lotus
Centzon Totochtin
The Lights of Men's Lives

And There Was A Great Cry in Egypt
Cloister Graveyard in the Snow
Death of the Grave Digger
Heavenly Love and Earthly Love
Philosopher in Meditation
The Great He-Goat
The Isle of the Dead
The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

Abhisarika (Faces of the Heroine 2007)
A Demonstration of Affectionate Excitement (Shungas 2014)
Ambergris Accord SN
Bakeneko (Lunacy)
Blossoms in Springtime (Shungas 2012)
Blood Moon 2008 (Lunacy)
Body, Remember (Love Poems 2012)
Butterscotch Balls and Black Beetles
Chaos Theory: Vanilla #537 (Chaos Theory VI)
Ceanothus Silkmoth (Metamorphosis 2012) (x2)
Destructive Vagina of the Fox Spirit (Shungas 2014)
Dyan Moon (Lunacy)
Eight Petaled Lotus SN
Entangled (Shungas 2012)
Epomophorus Monstrosus (Bat's Day 2012)
Faiza, the Black Mamba (Carnaval Diabolique)
Faunalia 2009 (Yule) (60%)
Faunalia 2015 (Yule)
Frau Holle (Yule 2015)
Gold Phoenix
Haloa 2011 (Yule)
In the Forest
Ivanushka (Lunacy) (x5)
Ketkrokur (Yule 2015)
King Cobra
Liaison (Lupers '12)
Little Metalmark (Metamorphosis 2014)
Lovers with Rutting Cats (Shungas 2009)
Luperci 2014 (Luper)
Mabon 2010
Midnight Kiss
Nepthys v11
Nuit (x2)
Orgy with Nine Women (Shungas 2014)
Osiris v4 (x2)
Panther Moon (Lunacy)
Paysage (Yule 2015)
Playful Wooden Mallets (Shungas 2012)
Pteropus Leucopterus (Bat's Day 2012)
Rose Red 2007 (Yule)
Sekhmet v5
Set v3
Shamisen (Shungas 2014)
Siberian Musk SN
Singing Moon 2012 (Luncacy)
Sjöfn (Lupers 2014)
Smoky Moon 2012 (Lunacy) (x3)
Smut 2007 (Lupercalia)
Snake Charmer Ressurected (Carnaval Noir)
The Arabian Dance (Yule '10) (x2)
The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (Yule '09)
The Maltese Cross
The Snow at Midnight (Yule 2015)
Tlazolteotl (Lupers 2014)
Touched Twice (x2)
Variety of Pleasing Amusements (Shungas 2012)
Velvet Panther (Velvet Paintings) (x3)
Velvet Tiger (Velvet Paintings)
Vespertilio Proterus (Bat's Day 2012)
Visions of Autumn III (Halloween 2014)
Winter Heavens (Yule 2011)
Yucca Giant-Skipper (Metamorphosis 2014)
Yule Cat (Yule)

L'Essence de la Passion (Inquisition 2012)
Sylvia The She-Wolf

Twilight Alchemy Lab
Bastet's Laughter
Crown of Success
Fiery Wall of Protection
French Creole
Leo Stellium
Mantle of Venus
Perpetuum Bonum
Queen of the Nile
Senelion 2011
Temple: Egyptian
Temple: Norse
Temple of the Mother
White Light

Beaver Moon 2007
Dia De Los Muertos (testable empty)
L'Essence du Chagrin (Inquisition 2012)
Luperci 2006
Milk Moon 2007 (Lunacy)
Selkie (Lunacy)
The Elephantine Colossus (Event Exclusive 10/10)
The Sea Foams Blood
Queen of Sheba my mom's <3
Heavenly Love and Earthly Love
Goblin Cider
White Peacock (Metamorphosis 2012)
Coxcomb (Le Mat 2009)

Alia Kaitan

Alia Kaitan

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