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BPAL Madness!
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Wish list

I am new to perfumes in general, so these are just the things that popped out to me as interesting. I've never actually tried any of them. As such, I am only looking for imps. As far as BPAL stuff I only have various imps to offer, but I will include some advanced-copy books and San Diego Comic-con items in exchange for generous offers.   Stared items are things I'm most interested in.     Stormclouds over the Midway** Midnight on the Midway* Cykranoshian Catnip 51 Night Thoughts Bijoux Umbra Worm Moon Tears Plunder The Coil Wanda Event Horizon Kubla Khan Leanan Sidhe Omen Ouija The Raven Black Annis Djinn Ekhina Medea Nephilism Nocuitsa Troll Villain Lilith Ogun Thanatos The Apothecary* Titus Androniais The Dormouse* Godfather Death The Witch’s Garden Thorns Baba Yoga Moonshine and Mist The Night-Raven Black Lily Sloth Galvanic Goggles The Emathides Purple Phoenix Violet Ray Morgause Somnus Tisiphone Intrigue Queen of Spades Romanti.Goth Rivet.Goth Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument* The Illuminati Cotillion Inferno Ephemera The Harlot's House



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