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BPALs I love: Snake Oil Morocco Red Lace Joyful Moon Lillith Victoria The Shadowy & the Sublime Madame Moriarty Voodoo The Mysterious Warning Black Heart Hecate Black Opal Smut Endymion Bordello Nymphia Fae Titania The Velvets Metal Rabbit Midnight Kiss Hollywood Babylon Ville Marie Ode On Melancholy Leanan Sidhe Zorya Haloes Mother Ginger Peach Moon Lunar Eclipse 08 Black Butterfly Moon Mouse's Long Sad Tale Faunalia WILF Valentine of Rome Womb Furie Boo 2011 Pink Snowballs 2011 Cleric Lust     Others I have and don't wear much: Zephyr Suck It Seraglio Spellbound Blood Countess Anne Bonny Belle Vinu The Ta Ta Evil Good French Love All Night Long Blot Upon the Earth Gelt Shadow Witch Orchid Samhain 2010 Lambs Wool 2010 Phantom Queen Queen Mab Come To Me

Lorna Brigid

Lorna Brigid


Blog Entry #2....

So since my first entry, the Boomslang problem got solved thanks to a lovely forumite. It is soooo beautiful, I can see why so many people love it! Sadly, it goes to yuck on my skin in a minute flat. I am fortunate that with this last discontinuances announcement, my only love of that list is Phantom Queen. She was my first imp a year ago when I first sniffed a BPAL! Currently I am looking forward to trying Wulric, and Phantom Calliope. And Cathedral, one of these days, soon. I am seeking at the moment the perfect cherry scent, the perfect lavender, and a beautiful incense scent. I also want to try Suck It and Oneiroi. I have already discovered I LOVE the Shadowy & the Sublime, and will be purchasing a bottle or two this coming Friday before the Weenies go down. I'm also terribly looking forward to our Yule decants coming! Can't wait to get my hands on Snow White and Gelt and The Clock Strikes Midnight...Madame Moriarty has become my "I'm feelin sexy and frisky" scent....just wish I had a man beast to be sexy and frisky with! Sigh. I've also secured a bottle of Peach Moon, and can't wait til next summer, because it will be a beautiful summer scent. One thing I have figured out about BPAL is that the obsession over the different scents is a great cure for depression; before I joined this forum, I had a few imps from my purchase last year, and really did not have much going on in my mind except the usual work, parenthood and college and day to day things. New BPALs and adoration of my loved scents is a little thought consuming happy thing that distracts me from the normal hum drum and keeps the depression at bay. Also, I really love being on here and seeing that the same women on this forum that talk scents, make up and clothing (girly stuff) also play WOW, read comic books, and have things like Olivia Dunham or Veronica Mars in their sigs or avatars, and it makes me feel right at home. My office at work has decreed that as of January 1st they are going 7 days a week and will now be working Sundays. This was a bitter pill to swallow, as well as the fact that my sub department has to work til 7 pm two nights a week. This means that with those 2 nights, and my school classes two nights, I will have a total of 4 nights hardly being with my daughter. I was devastated! She's only 6, and her father has not seen her in over 2 years. She needs me. But, I am looking forward to the paychecks next year, because I dumped my health insurance plan with them. They wanted about $25 more a week for shittier coverage. I said "No way." I found better coverage through a plan through my college, that costs less, will not garner me a whole bunch of bills in the mail due to the deductible, no visit copays, and it will still cover my rheumatoid arthritis. By June I can get my daughter on Medicaid and it will cover her psychotherapy, too. I still have to discuss it with my worker, but I think it will work out great. But the news from work has also lit the fire under my ass and reinforced my dedication to school. Yes it will be rough for several months, but my goal is to graduate May 2012. Between spring 2011 and winter 2012 I will need to complete 32 credit hours for my first degree. (I'm not sure if my Pell grants will cover a 2nd one, but I will have to see). I love my work, I've been there for 6 1/2 years, but I can taste the end in sight eventually. It is going to hell in a handbasket! Much like the rest of the world, it feels like. I am trying to be positive, really I am. From where I sit, though, it appears people's values have gone down the drain. All I can do is worry about my own values and behavior, and take pride in my child and my home and my goals.

Lorna Brigid

Lorna Brigid


My First Blog Here! (Awww...)

So this is my first blog here... anyone who may read, hello! I'm used to keeping a Livejournal, and a Myspace. I refuse to participate on Facebook, though. I suppose I'll keep this to be mainly about my BPAL experiences, with only slight nods to general stuff. So far, I've only been a member of this forum for a few weeks. I have to say I am really impressed! Everyone here seems so kind. It is amazing to me that all you have to do is post or PM, and people will kindly sell you something you are wanting. Except Boomslang; no one seems to want to imp that one, LOL! That's okay, I guess I will wait for my Pell grant refund next month and order a bottle. If it does not work for me, I am sure I can find someone who would give it a good home. I'm just so curious what all the fuss is about! But I am really amazed at the kindness here at this forum. The Lab should be proud to have such a wonderful group of people following. So of the about 30 scents I own at the moment, I'm in love with about 8. I have 10 more still coming in the mail from forumites, and an imp pack on order with the Lab, and about 30 more on the wishlist. What is still coming yet is: 3 weenies, 2 LEs, 4 GC's and 1 vampire scent. Right now my top favorite scents are VOODOO and HECATE. Soooo in love with those. Since I have been here, I've discovered that the orange blossom note does bad things on me. That has to be the problem, since it is in all the scents that are epic fails on me. The Big Bads have been Monarch, The Black Tower and Vixen/Love Me/Jezebel. (I lump those three together because they all do the same nasty thing on me). I'm terribly curious about Shub Niggurath, because I am wondering how much like Origins ginger it is? I guess I'll find out soon enough. I have to admit that I am not that keen on the collecting aspect as far as getting all these old, obscure LE's. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just that being a single mom with limited funds, and getting into it so late, I would rather look to the future. There is just two of them I cannot get from the lab anymore, that I was so seduced by the descriptions of that I must try.But rather than worry about Pink Snowballs from 2006 or something, I am really looking forward to The Last Unicorn and the Midnight Carnival, for example. Let alone this year's Yules. So now the full moon has multiple meanings to me; 1. the Lunacy update from the lab, 2. Craziness at work, and 3. Meditations. One thing I am really liking about this place is that there is a high Pagan population. It is really reminding me of ways I used to be, of feelings I used to have. I am hoping that being here can influence me to be the person I want to be. I've gotten so cynical the last several years of my life. I would really like to get in touch with feelings about the old ways again. Gods knows this world needs more love in it. I really want to be a part of it, but find myself constantly trying to learn how. I can't help but feel the last several months that something has been really wrong with me. Probably depression trying to weasel it's way onto me. Coming here and coveting scents and looking forward to new ones gives me a fun distraction. I appreciate it. (Besides pondering "Where is Chloe Sullivan?""What is Sophie's real name?""Who is Gaby's real daughter?""Why does Christine think she's dead?""When will Lily get pregnant?" and of course, "How long til Peter figures out that's not his Olivia?"

Lorna Brigid

Lorna Brigid

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