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What did the mailman bring today, and other BPAL related stories

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Not enough skin

I haven't been paying much attention to the forums lately, except for checking the odd review or swap page. So, I didn't know there were component issues for the Glowing Vulva bath oil and sent an email wondering if maybe they'd gotten lost (yes, they, as in plural.) I was told to expect a click & ship soon, and I think I got them 24 hours later, or less.   And they arrived yesterday! Both orders at once! And I am in scent heaven. But when the packages together contain the following;   Glowing Vulva bath oil Red Lantern atmo spray Spanked Celeste Kitty Ninon   how on earth do you test it all? You probably don't. Except if you're me. And so there I was with GV, Celeste and Ninon on one arm, Kitty and Spanked on the other.   Celeste and Ninon smelled so alike, I decided to do an arm by arm comparison today. And something has been nagging at me regarding Celeste - it's as if I had smelled it before. First off it reminds me a lot of Arcana, just in general, but today it finally clicked. It smells like 'A Perilous Parlor' if someone had taken out the pear.   At first, when Ninon goes on next to Celeste I prefer Celeste. But an hour or so in I actually prefer Ninon. It has more dimensions and honestly Celeste starts to get a little too sweet. That isn't to say it's too sweet for a foodie, just that maybe I'm not as foodie as I thought...   Anyway, all this to say that Celeste reminded me of a scent and it was bugging me out that I couldn't figure out which one - until I did, of course, and then I just had to share.




Spring cleaning initiated

So, my husband went in for surgery, removing a polyp in his sinuses, and I spent all my nervous energy before and after the surgery by getting a little organized. (He is fine, if a little fragile and grumpy.)   I now have a sales post, linked in my signature. Am also selling over at LJ in sinandsalvation plus bpalmarketplace under the handle invading_space, in a hard effort to get these bottles moving (so I can make space for MOAR bottles, natch!)   I have prepared myself this time and ordered 50 little padded envelopes, which should tide me over pretty well. I hate sending a lone bottle in an envelope that could hold 6, such a waste, and the small ones are hard to find here. Yay for internet shopping! The math came out at 0.68€ a piece, so about $1 in space doolars. Not bad!   So, all this to say that I finally did manage to get my bottles up and organized. Now I'm eyeballing my hyooge collection of imps and wondering how to get rid of them in a manner that doesn't require me to list each and every single one of them, because UH! That is never going to happen.   As far as I'm concerned, all is well in BPAL land!




We had our first rain today

If that is not a reason to celebrate, I don't know what is (I live in Finland, it's been a long, cold winter, and just the prospect of an early spring? THRILLING!)   So, celebrate is what I want to do, and of course I want to do it with BPAL. But I'm seriously lacking in paypalz, so a list of bottles (many, many bottles) will be compiled shortly and prepared for the sell/swap section. I've already stocked up on envelopes, so I'm good to go.   Spring Cleaning, here we go!




BPAL won't judge me

Oh godses, I'm caving. YET ANOTHER BLOG! WHY NOT?   Firstly, I need somewhere where I can squee at updates, plan orders and commence to squee over them until they arrive, then squee some more. Oddly I don't feel comfortable squeeing the gospel of BPAL all over facebook or my other blog. (That isn't to say I never mention it there. Just that I hold back.)   Secondly, I need to organize my shizz up. This past year has been.. difficult. To say the least. My husband (and in BPAL terms, MY RIDE) was sick on and off during 2010, and while my son was born in 2009 it wasn't until last year that he started touching all my stuff and I had to start hiding my BPAL (my 4 year old outgrew that phase quickly, bless her!) And my habit hobby (buying, swapping, selling, testing) suffered for it. As a result I don't have a real good grasp on what I have*, what I want to keep and what I need to get rid of.   * Having to tell someone that the bottle you sold them has less in it than you presented it as - or worse, doesn't exist at all - is just as horrifying as it sounds. People were understanding, thank godses, but I can't recommend doing this on a regular basis.   Having this space will, I think, make life a lot easier when I have the need/time to focus on BPAL. I will add bottles to My Stash, write reviews and hopefully sell some old bottles so that I may have room (and Paypal) for new ones.   And thirdly, it's just nice to be part of a community whose one common denominator is BPAL.



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