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1demondog turns a profit

That'll chap a guys hide, no? Buyer turning around and making $5 on a nice little LE purchase. I have always been disgusted by people who use the "just getting back what I paid for it" line. Because frankly you shouldn't always get back what you paid for it, not once you've USED it. Other people paying for your privilige to sample, does that sound sane?




wanted list

WANTED, NEEDED, LOVED: Black Lily Black Orchid King of Spades Queen of Spades Venom




my entire imp box

my entire imp box aizen-myoo anubis arachne athens aureus ave maria gratia plena baba yaga black rose blood amber chimera come to me darkness death on a pale horse debauchery delight dirty the dormouse dragon’s bone dragon’s tears 2x endymion eos eris faustus fenris wolf 2x fire of love florence the ghost hellfire himerus horn of plenty hunger hurricane hymn incantation ingenue intrigue jabberwocky jazz funeral kabuki 2x katharina kurukulla la belle au bois dormant la belle dame sans merci la bella donna della mia mente lampades 2x laudanum libertine loralei love me manila masquerade 2x mata hari midnight 2x morocco 2x nemesis nephilim 2x nocturne o omen othello ouija pannychis 2x paris peitho penitence phantom queen queen gertrude ra rakasha rapture the raven red devil rosalinde salomé santa muerte santo domingo satyr scherezade serpents kiss severin shanghai shroud silentium amoris silk road sin siren snake oil sominus spellbound swank sybaris tamora tarot: judgement tarot: the lovers tarot: the moon tarot: the strength tarot: the temperance tarot: the the wheel of fortune tempest tezcatlipoca tintagel tisiphone titania titus andronicus tum twenty-one tzadikim nistarim umbra val sans retour van van velvet venom vicomte de valmont villain vinland wanda 2x water of notre dame whitechapel 2x wilde wings of azrael wolf’s heart 2x wolfsbane yerevan yggdrasil zorya




top ten

queen mab
shadow witch orchid
hunter moon
kitsuni tsuki




wearing Rage

Yum! After the initial powerspice, it's not as geraniumy as i recall. Almost a year on this 10ml bottle and it's aged to perfection. Little changed from early days but some of the bite and clashing note edges softened. Still a strong one though, herbal touched and turned toward the floral.




Dragon Moon!

Sounded too good to pass up! Dragon Moon
Frumious Bandersnatch
King of Hearts





Smells divine... holy moly.. it's a hit in this house, no doubt. The resounding "That's nice," of male approval is quite a rarity. Alright. Heh.




my top ten 2006

GC -=-=-=- Bewitched Blood Countess Cobra Lily Dragon's Heart Dragon's Milk Frumious Bandersnatch Kitsuni-Tsuki Lampades Queen Mab Shadow Witch Orchid     LE =-=-=-= Ace of Hearts Blood Moon Fruit Moon Harvest Moon The Living Flame Mabon Snake Charmer Storm Moon Sugar Skull Venom




Sale List: October 06

So now I have to clean all this up and compose a sale post. And find out what the LE's cost because the prices shifted and they're not all the same. I have found the price cap guide, just need to look at it, list in hand and make useful notes. Why can't this be done on-screen? Man.. there's something about proofing & editing that REQUIRES a print-out, DEMANDS a colored pen.. and reading glasses. Photos & Descriptions: - all 5ml bottles full & tested once or twice. Variations in levels are mostly bottle-natural becuase I really didn't try anything but Kunstkammer for a winner. I really don't want to go to eBay {pain in the arse, & fees} so this is a forum/community/openly lame flogging of wares. Like when your kids really should go off to college for everyone's good but you're not exactly calling them a cab...   13 Carnivale (2 1x) Chaos Theory LVI Devil's Night Fortunato Gypsy Queen Honey Moon Kunstkammer The Masque Midwinter's Eve Montressor Premature Burial The Sleeper Snow White (2 1x) Suspiro Yerevan Yew Trees  




finally - eBaying 9 bottles

finally got around to organizing photos and ebay text and committing to mail schedule: 9 bottles on the block! Yew Trees Yerevan Suspiro The Sleeper The Masque Premature Burial Montressor Fortunato 13 (2006)




Top Ten - 2007

GC -=-=-=- Bewitched Blood Countess Black Lily Dragon's Heart Dragon's Milk Frumious Bandersnatch Kitsuni-Tsuki Lampades Queen Mab Shadow Witch Orchid     LE =-=-=-= Ace of Hearts Black Moon Dragon Moon Harvest Moon Hungry Ghost Moon The Living Flame Schwarzer Mond Snake Charmer Sugar Skull Venom



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