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In the imp: YUM! Sweet mandarin. A tip of the hat to those of you who mention the gummy bear connection - it's a *dead on* description, lol!   On wet: Fizzy, fruity, orange-y. Yes, it's reminiscent of Tang orange drink.   Drydown: Sweet n' simple. Fig on the bottom, mandarin on top. I can't decide if I smell more like candy, or a really, REALLY good bath product!   Overall: I don't know if I'd wear this very often, but it's definitely cheerful and lovely and huffable. Suitable for any occasion, and more than appropriate for any age group - especially the wee BPAL addicts-in-training. A fun 3/5.   (I'm thinking I may layer this with Plunder for some spicy orange tea goodness!!)





In the imp: Almond and a touch of sweet, almost effervescent citrus.   On wet: Pure citrus - sweet, lemony, sort of powdery, too. Very bright and candylike!   Drydown: The citrus has faded almost completely, and all I'm left with is a touch of thyme.   Overall: This blend started out quite nicely - I'm a fan of citrus, almond, and various herbs - but it faded within minutes! And I didn't get anything beyond lemon and thyme - no lavender, mint, or even the usually dominant almond. So, yeah...a bit of a disappointment. 2/5




Blood Countess

In the imp: Sweet fruityness - almost apple-like - and a touch of something floral.   On wet: Nothing distinct beyond sweeeeet and frooooooty.   Drydown: Blackberry at first, then that dark berry vibe gets even darker - definitely the plum. A floral haze sorta clings to the edges of those two emo fruits, and the lilac is the most notable. Still an incredibly sweeeeet blend with just a *hint* of something spicy/cinnamony underneath. Lovely.   Overall: I don't really enjoy blackberry scents as a rule (they tend to not like me very much), but this one works thanks to the plum (one of my favourite fruit notes). The fruit/light floral/spice combo makes for a very warm n' wearable blend - and it's not going potpourri/holiday candle on me, either - another bonus. My nose says it's reminiscent of Frumious Bandersnatch. I rather enjoy these plummy-spicy scents, but don't really wear them very often (just because *I* don't get candles or an Xmas sachet from them doesn't mean others don't - like my DH ) - even still, I'll be keeping my imp. 3.5/5




Black Phoenix

Originally reviewed: Jan 09 06   In the Imp: Almonds or cherries.   On Wet: Almonds or cherries - supersized!   Drydown: Woo-woo! Sweet, soapy, spicy, vaguely peppery - a complex and potentially addictive scent. It actually reminds me of how Thrills Gum used to taste (peppery/soapy/violet gum - little purple Chicklet-y guys that lived in a small yellow box). Great staying power, too. I slathered this on before bed last night, and woke up to spicy candy wrists this morning.   Overall: Another winner, another addition to the Big Bottle Wishlist. A 5/5 in this grrl's book.




Black Moon

In the bottle: A sweet hint of pear, something a little perfumey (jasmine?), and the faintest touch of dustiness I always seem to get from orchid notes.   On wet: Peaceful, soft, watery - a lovely, mild scent so far.   Drydown: Still soft and sweet, but with a more pronounced perfumey edge. I'm able to smell the fruit (or perhaps it's the lotus?), what I'm thinking is the mottia attar, and the crystal musk underneath. No distinct hint of cucumber (though I believe it's contributing to that watery vibe), the orchid is either gone or smothered under the other florals, and I'm not familiar enough with the other listed notes to be able to pick them out specifically.   Overall: When I closed my eyes to dissect this blend, I was immediately assaulted by some of the most vivid images any BPAL blend has evoked to date: An ornate outdoor bathing grotto filled with cool water, generous handfuls of fragrant, exotic flower petals floating on its surface, a mild breeze - faintly scented with the sweetness of recent rain and growing things - raising gooseflesh when it brushes up against naked skin, a blue-black sky overhead. I can envision a fey queen or nature-loving goddess bathing here, floating on her back, eyes closed, long hair fanning out behind her, soothed by her surroundings, completely at peace...   I honestly didn't think I'd like this scent - too many floral notes, too much potential for aquatic mayhem (I can't seem to pull off watery schtuff), and while pear/cucumber-type scents are pleasing, I don't often find myself reaching for them - not with so many spicy/creamy/sexy combinations available. Now that I've actually *tried* it, though (instead of just sniffing the bottle's contents, promising to try it soon, then passing it over in favour of something else), I can't believe how incredibly pretty it is. Pretty AND wearable! It's got this softness to it that sort of mutes all the potentially louder components - almost as if each note went blurry at the edges and was bleeding into one another - like a watercolour painting.   An evening, special occasion, or spring/early summer fragrance (for me, anyway), and an impressive 4.5/5. Gorgeous.




Berry Moon

In the bottle: Figgy, blueberry musk!   On wet: Light honey, something herbal - kinda perfumey, but very pretty.   Drydown: It's taken a little while, but musky berries have finally become the order of the day! Still a bit perfumey, still quite honey-sweet, but definitely a nose-to-skin scent. The blueberries are the dominant component, right up there with the figged-out musk. Honey is keeping things sugared up nicely. The poor raspberries are indistinct for most of the time, but there *is* the tiniest swirl of something red hugging the scent's edge - I imagine that's them.   Overall: A really lovely blend! The honey-musk-fig-berry combo works extremely well, and each note (with the exception of the elusive raspberry) is quite pronounced. I expect this will age fabulously, with the berries becoming even more obvious - just like Crawdad Dream did, much to my delight! - so I will definitely be hanging on to my bottle. 3.5/5





Originally reviewed: Mar 31 06   In the imp: A soft, barely detectable fragrance - the first word that springs to mind to describe it is 'clean'.   On wet: Interesting blend of notes I'm picking up - definitely lily in the forefront, something pale, watery, and greenish just underneath (the aloe?), followed by a vaguely unpleasant sour sliver (the linen note? the amber? I'm guessing amber, 'cause it usually smells funny to me), and finally, the sweetness of the white musk.   Drydown: Mmmm.... Wow, this fragrance has really come together. The source of that initial sour tang I was first able to detect (and was scared would ruin the whole blend for me), has either dissipated or been overpowered by its better-smelling buddies. Now all I can smell is a gorgeous combination of white musk, lily, and whatever's providing that faintly greenish/aquatic "freshness" - again, I'm assuming it's the aloe.   Overall: This scent scared me for the first 5 minutes - I was *sure* that weird stab of sourness was going to stick around and screw me over. Thankfully, that didn't happen, and now I've got yet another bottle to add to my next order - and order I must. This is just the kind of fragrance I know I'll be wearing often during the warm summer nights that are just around the corner: fresh, soft, and skin-huggingly sexy.




Asp Viper

In the imp: Uber Almond! Yum!   On wet: Nothing but almond at first. A few seconds later, there's a tinge of darkness from the myrrh, a lighter sweetness that I'm attributing to the mandarin, and a delicate slither of snake oil. Mmm, I smell like a complicated amaretti cookie!   Drydown: Snake Oil + something smoky + a weird herbal peanut butter (wtf? where did *that* come from?) = a very strange, almost savoury version of my favourite GC fragrance. Not what I was hoping for, and not a scent I'm enjoying at the moment. It's actually kind of turning my stomach...   Overall: Well, I've found the first Snake Pit scent that doesn't work on me. It had to happen sometime, I just wasn't expecting it from one of my most anticipated combination of notes. A disappointed 2/5.




All Souls

In the imp: Sweetness, a lick of butter, and a sharpness that reminds me of nailpolish remover.   On wet: Hmm...even though this doesn't share any notes with Dr. John Seward (that I'm aware of, anyway), with the not-so-pleasant, sweet, almost flowery-butter thing going on right now, I'm instantly reminded of that blend.   Drydown: Again, as with DJS, the drydown is a vast improvement. The sweetness has deepened and even darkened slightly (it's somewhat plum-esque to my nose), the butter has finally abated, and there's a vague spiciness underneath it all. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but not bad, either.   Overall: Even though I'm not a foody grrl, I was expecting more of a straight up cake scent - an *evil* cake scent, actually, with the addition of the incense. All I ended up getting, however, was a holiday candle-like incense (the fruit and spice combo can sometimes go that way on me) after the icky butter stage. I'm rather let-down that this didn't work on me - not only had I been wanting to try it for ages, I assumed it would become one of my new favourites. Sadly, my skin chemistry says otherwise. 2/5




Against Idleness and Mischief

In the imp: Pollen-y honey and something oddly astringent.   On wet: Chamomile, a smidge of sweetness - but it's SO light! I can barely smell anything, and I slathered my wrist up good! I hope it intensifies as it dries down...   Drydown: Still pretty faint, which gives me massive sadface 'cause I not only LOVE chamomile, but have wanted a honeyed-cham scent *forever*. What I *am* able to smell, however, is exactly that - gentle, bee-kissed chamomile. It's sweet, delicately herbal, and makes me feel clean, cozy and safe. Not getting any tonka or hyssop specifically, but I'm sure they're lending themselves to sweetening things up and grounding everything. And I agree with some of the previous posters - the further this dries, the more it smells like O without the amber.   Overall: I'm hoping this scent will get more intense as it ages - especially the chamomile. Other than that, I quite like it! It's soft, sweet, and comforting. I will definitely be grabbing a bottle if my imp ages the way I'm hoping it will. 4/5


