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more swap questions

weenie order?   i actually didn't get to place my weenie order this year but i'm really interested in more samhainophobia and the incensy, heavy ones from the pickman's gallery.   Christmas music? yes, please and any type! oddly, christmas music is the only thing that kills my night terrors. i have no idea why. but i listen to it year round when i'm really stressed so i can get a full night's sleep.   Rose/mastic flavored things? not rose, but i've had other floral flavored things that i've liked.     Anyone else with an Etsy store and a member of Tradeaholics (or you could join) and interested in bartering for gifts for their bunny?   i don't have an etsy store but i'm not against trading knits either. my wordpress link in my sig has examples of my stuff. i just need at least a 3 week turn around time- it probably wouldn't take that long but to account for shipping and whatnot- if you want something that's not listed on my trade page already.   paint box-     not a company that i'm familiar with (really, i don't wander far from my favorite companies but that could change). but these look interesting- guy fawkes, comfort and joy,   and the yuletide mariner- i was born in saint john's newfoundland and i'm starting to find myself drawn to that sort of northern seas imagery. i think i'm getting homesick for somewhere i haven't lived in 23 years!   Will you be away for any part of the round?   just the very tail end- dec 10 and 11th   What type of books do you like? Dying to read anything?   nothing specific but i love horror anthologies, and the irony of the phrasing is that i'm becoming interested in death as a research topic so nonfic on death/death practices are a good bet since i have nothing in my collection on it other than spook. 26. How do you feel about honey/beeswax? Would you like any?   honey, yes, beeswax,no   trader joes?   eh. i'm not all that convinced by the sounds of trader joes. we have a wegmans that's awesome and aldi carries a lot of trader joes stuff.   Would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents?   again, i like soap in theory but i really do use liquid soaps more often.   NEW QUESTION! - Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety?   it's just me, my boyfriend and my beta fish jorge.   Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like?   i've honestly never heard of them, but i like trying different eyeshadows. i'm finally learning how to apply eyeliner and i like different colored mascaras. my eyes are grey and the color shifts all the time but i can't wear greens or blues. i shy away from trying foundations/powders because i have both blues and reds in my skintone so i generally just go to sephora and have them match it for me.   Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try?   i have to admit that while i don't know that company, from what i have heard, most of that type of stuff would be lost on me. however, i love trial sized anything. i'll try anything once.   Anybody into nail polish? Any color or formula preferences? not really.     If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!) a bottle of cernnunos (however it's spelled), a bottle of tavern of hell, and imps of nephilim, dee, and old demons of the first class. or a random imp pack of things that aren't too foody or floral.   i live in the city of the chicken wing. if i were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter).   the hotter the better. i don't like feeling my mouth at the end.




swap questions part 3

Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed? as much as i love things with turkeys on them, i've pretty much run out of room in my house.   I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store? handmade is completely fine. the only real food allergy around here is scallops.     My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a bodyscrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist? sure! either salt or sugar is fine, and any grain is fine. i have horribly dry skin in the winter. scents for scrubs- pretty much anything other than floral or really, really heavy floral. i do prefer them on the drier side.   Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? if yes, then what kind? scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted?   unscented is preferable but i'll burn anything other than floral. all colors would a use. i could use some tealights for my yule log. i don't mind decorations. same with pretty much any style.   Also what do you think of little soaps?   honestly i prefer gels or scrubs so most soap gets frimped.   Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams? i like little ballet flat style slippers. socks for me are utilitarian items; i don't see the appeal of sock dreams in my life right now...but i wouldn't say no to a ball or two of sock yarn!   Dear Snow Bunnies: Do you do a Christmas tree? If yes is it themed or specially colored or do you just have all different ornaments and such?   oh my infamous christmas tree. it's white. we've been decorating it in ice blue, royal blue, silver, and white. however i would never be upset if i got decorations in other colors.   Would you like a special ornament? sure!   would you wear a cowl?     honestly? probably not. i have a couple that i made that i'm tempted to tear out for the yarn.   Tim Tams. Yay or nay?   yes!   new question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BING ON THE TEA?   ground would be best but my blender will grind beans. caffinated please! we drink a lot of dark roast and i like spice flavored coffees. we have all three- drip, french, and keurig. we do drinka lot of tea as well, and my boyfriend was looking for hot chocolate last night.




swap questions part 2

I live near a brick and morter location for a really, really good spice store. would you use cooking spices and if you would, what would you need? (it's penzey's if you want to google it).   i just realized i never actually answered the question. i use a ton of pumpkin pie spice, i love their chili 9000 and i love their salt free blends, pretty much any of them. i really want to try their cinnamons.     hey swap partner...could you use a new mug?   i'm set on traditional mugs but if you could find a clear travel mug with a lid i'd love you forever.   Is there any sort of regional food/drink/treat you miss or have always wanted to try?   bbq and hot sauces. a friend in nz sent me some habenaro kiwi sauce one year that was epic.




swap questions

Do you like knitted goods? If so, what would you like, what colors, and do you have any sensitivites or preference when it comes to type of yarn (ex: wool: yay or nay? do you prefer machine washable materials? do you not care?)?       any fiber is good except mohair. i don't really care about washibility, all of my handspuns need to be handwashed anyway. colors run to the autumnal   .   Are you crafty? Do you like to make things?   i knit and i'm a handspinner. i like those little craft kits you get at michael's too. Do you wear hair clips, barrettes, etc?   my hair is really fine/thin and i gave up on trying to find stuff that will stay in it. Alcohol- yay or nay?   yes- just not tequila   Do you wear earrings/have pierced ears?   nope! Colors- if it shows up on a tree in october I'll like it. My favorite color currently is a rusty orange that blackberry refers to as inferno. I'm a fan of jewel tones. Dried fruit- I eat it but it's not something I normally think about buying.   -Would you enjoy a novelty scarf?   i love sheep and penguins! i also really love some of the skull/bone cables that are floating around ravelry right now. my original desire for school was epidemiology and i would still love something bio/genetics related. If so, at what level?   as long as i can actually wear it, i don't really mind.     -Delicate, tough, or it doesn't matter? As in how often do you plan to use it and how rough are those circumstances of use?   delicate is okay, though tough would probably see more use. i'm not exactly gentle with my stuff though i can be if necessary (i have handspun alpaca scarves in my collection). Anyone have colors/fabrics they would HATE for me to use in case I start early and don't wait for my person & their info sheet?   ...i'm actually a red heart fan. but i'm not really big into the novelty yarns right now unless they're part of a wider project (eyelash, pompoms, things like that). and i'm allergic to mohair. -What scarf-types do you like? exs: Cowl (either the scrunched down kinds... or the tall ones that shield your neck while you wear a jacket), no. they make me look like i have no neck.   hooded scarves, sure. there's a couple i like on ravelry   shawls, YES. i have a small shawl army.   poncho-like, probably not   skinny (or wide) and wider than skinnier   long (or short) normal scarves, longer than shorter   wrap, ...i'm not sure what a wrap scarf even is, but i don't have a lot of sleep right now...   fashion types (like necklace-like, or shawlettes), a shawlette more than a necklace type   moebius?? more than a cowl what kind of non-knitted scarves/wraps do you like? Length? Style?   i like pretty much everything, especially multicolored prints. fleece would definitely get used. how do you feel about ruffles/pick ups?   if they're relatively small. otherwise i feel like i look like a walking christmas tree skirt. what are your least favorite colors?   ...i actually don't think that i don't have a least favorite, though i don't do a lot of pastels.




current 7/8

imps and decants absinthe akuma-3x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart block buster-2x blood pearl boo bordello calico jack centzon chimera czernobog crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee deadly nightshade honey (tester) dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle ehecatl ekhidna-2x el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae-2x faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones grief-low hemlock honey (tester) herbert west high john hod-original, very low partial incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 2x josie la bella donna della mia mente (tester/sniffie) lady macbeth lampades Laudanum   Le Père Fouettard l'examen de minuit lilith victoria meliali milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) oleander honey (tester) paramatman pele perversion phantom queen sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tiki princess proto v3 (tester/sniffie) torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice-3x villain yew trees yggdrasil yorick   the amazing red labeled mystery decant *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   sniffies mr. croup ctvi: the amber series 154 sara pezzini anesthesia witchblade





imps and decants absinthe akuma-3x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart block buster-2x blood pearl boo bordello calico jack CD: Blue Pumpkin Floss v3 centzon chimera czernobog crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle ekhidna el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae-2x faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones grief-low herbert west high john hod-original, very low partial incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 2x josie lady macbeth lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lilith victoria milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) pele perversion phantom queen prurience (sniff) sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tiki princess proto v3 torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice-3x villain yew trees yggdrasil yorick   the amazing red labeled mystery decant *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   sniffies     testers smut 2010 tal-decants charisma     bptp champaigne bath oil decant (willing to trade, i don't have a tub!)     other etailers arcana pax mundi   love potions new year's evil   possets nevada heat   bottles   partials spring training   empty womb furie fruit of paradise pomona copper phoenix milk chocolate, coconut...truffle adoration of the mi go       wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies -any of the pumpkin patches AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night chimera clemence Crowley Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GOLDEN WAVE GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS GYPSY hades Hellfire HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king interfector Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari MONARCH oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela philologus POLYNESIAN POP Priala RANGOON RIPTIDE red lantern RED TIDE Rumpelstilzchen samhain, any year Samhainophobia SCREECHING PARROT Sin skadi snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus tombeur torture king Van Van vilf White Light wraith YEMAYA




list update

imps and decants absinthe akuma-3x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart block buster boo bordello centzon chimera czernobog crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae-2x faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones herbert west high john high strung dasies hod-original, very low partial incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 josie lady mcbeth lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lilith victoria mechanical phoenix milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) octopus and abalone diver pele perversion phantom queen prurience (sniff) sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice villain yew trees   the amazing red labeled mystery decant *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   sniffies antique lace iganok jewelers jersey devil obatala ostara penis adoration snow angel under the harvest moon   testers autumn moon of the mirror stand olisbos smut 2010   tal-decants charisma     bptp champaigne bath oil decant (willing to trade, i don't have a tub!)     other etailers arcana pax mundi   love potions new year's evil   possets nevada heat   bottles   partials spring training   empty womb furie fruit of paradise pomona copper phoenix milk chocolate, coconut...truffle adoration of the mi go       wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA





i am going to go back to updating the list when i get new oils- so if you are interested in an oil, pm me to see if i still have it.





my list no longer currant (again) so items listed on the current entry may no longer be there.




massive update to list-3/9

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   imps and decants absinthe akuma-2x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart boo bordello chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones herbert west high john high strung dasies i died for beauty incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 josie ladon lady mcbeth lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) octopus and abalone diver pele perversion phantom queen plunder pontarlier prurience (sniff) riding the goat sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tisiphone torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice yew trees   *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   sniffies antique lace iganok jewelers jersey devil obatala ostara penis adoration snow angel under the harvest moon   testers autumn moon of the mirror stand olisbos smut 2010   tal-decants charisma queen of the nile   bptp champaigne bath oil decant (willing to trade, i don't have a tub!)     other etailers arcana pax mundi   love potions new year's evil   possets nevada heat   bottles partials spring training   empty womb furie fruit of paradise pomona copper phoenix milk chocolate, coconut...truffle adoration of the mi go       wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA





This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   absinthe akuma aquarius 2007 baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black death bordello candles moon chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle event horizon fae farewell to false love faunalia i died for beauty incubus intrigue herbert west high john high strung daisies ladon lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf needlework nefrititi nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) octopus and abalone diver pele perversion plunder pontarlier prurience (sniff) riding the goat sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tisiphone torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice yew trees   *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA





This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   absinthe akuma bordello candles moon chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee danse macabre dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle event horizon farewell to false love faunalia i died for beauty incubus intrigue king of hearts ladon Laudanum Le Père Fouettard mason and jenkins port jelly mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf needlework nefrititi nemesis nephilim 2x obatala octopus and abalone diver perversion plunder prurience (sniff) riding the goat sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 2x tisiphone torture king vice yew trees   *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies   wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Ulalume Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA




imp list and wishlist- 1/19 updated 2/1

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   absinthe aelophile akuma Arcana baku bordello chaos theory v clxxxi chimera crib girls crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil danse macabre ded moroz dee 2x dioble en bote Dragon's Heart dragon's hide farewell to false love hecate incubus J Horror king of hearts ladon Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lump of coal mason and jenkins port jelly mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf nemesis nephilim 2x perversion P Horror plunder prurience (sniff) riding the goat Santa Eularia Des Riu sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) snow maiden spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the great sword of war 2x the music of erich zahn tisiphone torture king the ides of march[/b tushnamatay vice yew trees   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies     wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn Doc Constantine, Act II: Fiat Nox Faunalia fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali LAMPADES Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE JERSEY DEVIL THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Ulalume Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA




reviewed scents- january 2010

queen mab the coil akuma laudanum yew trees hesperides danse macabre catherine marianne incubus ded moroz hurricane black lily grand guignol vice the snow maiden 4-13-07 spooky res beaver moon morgaouse ladon king of hearts plunder nephilim the coil




imp list and wishlist- 12/26

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   Arcana catherine chaos theory v clxxxi chimera crib girls crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil danse macabre dee dioble en bote Dragon's Heart dragon's hide farewell to false love J Horror king of hearts Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lump of coal nephilim P Horror plunder prurience (sniff) Queen Mab Santa Eularia Des Riu sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) st. john's eve suck it the coil- partial the great sword of war 2x the music of erich zahn torture king the ides of march yew trees   * one of these are being frimped, i need to double check which one.   wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror  A Bachelor's Dog  The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its Aelopile AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn Doc Constantine, Act II: Fiat Nox EPHEMERA fae Faunalia fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades HECATE Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky JACK Kali LAMPADES Loup Garou Love and Pain Loviatar Mama Ji mata hari Nemesis oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut Snow Bunny snow moon Strangler Fig TAVERN OF HELL THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE JERSEY DEVIL THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Ulalume Van Van vice White Light wraith YEMAYA




imp list- 12/18

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   Arcana catherine chaos theory v clxxxi chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil danse macabre* dee Dragon's Bone* Dragon's Heart* dragon's hide* farewell to false love J Horror king of hearts Laudanum nephilim P Horror plunder prurience (sniff) Queen Mab Santa Eularia Des Riu sapphics st. john's eve suck it the coil- partial the great sword of war 2x the music of erich zahn torture king the ides of march yew trees   * one of these are being frimped, i need to double check which one.   My current wishlist;   -any of the four lick its Aelopile AEVAL BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera* clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee* Devil's Night Djinn EPHEMERA fae* fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades HECATE Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN holly king Jabberwocky JACK LAMPADES Loup Garou Loviatar mata hari* oak king oberon Pais de la Canela Priala red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Sin skadi smut Snow Bunny snow moon Strangler Fig TAVERN OF HELL THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo The Great He Goat THE JERSEY DEVIL THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn* THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king* vice wraith YEMAYA     * what i will always buy/swap for if offered (imps preferred, no sniffies/testers)




Reviewed Scents- December 2009

#20 Love Oil Chimera crib girls crossroads Dee diable en bote Eve Fae farewell to false love Fearful Pleasure The Great Sword of War Jolly Roger JOULUMUORI Kabuki The Music of Erich Zahn now winter's night enlarge torture king Sapphics Season of Inundation sleipnir suck it Wolf's bane




My Current Imp List-12/16

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   Arcana catherine chaos theory v clxxxi chimera danse macabre* dee Dragon's Bone* Dragon's Heart* dragon's hide* J Horror king of hearts Laudanum nephilim P Horror plunder prurience (sniff) Queen Mab Santa Eularia Des Riu sapphics the great sword of war the ides of march yew trees   * one of these are being frimped, i need to double check which one.   My current wishlist;   -any of the four lick its Aelopile AEVAL BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera* clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee* Devil's Night Djinn EPHEMERA fae* fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hamadryad HECATE Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN holly king Jabberwocky JACK LAMPADES Loup Garou Loviatar mata hari* oak king oberon Pais de la Canela Priala red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Sin skadi smut Snow Bunny snow moon Strangler Fig TAVERN OF HELL THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo The Great He Goat THE JERSEY DEVIL THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn* THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king vice wraith YEMAYA     * what i will also buy/swap for if offered (imps preferred, no sniffies/testers)


