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Ketchup questions for SW halloween/fall round!

When you receive your sw packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? Whatever my witch prefers- I won't make him/her do anything she/he doesn't want to do.   Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. No idea, let me think on it...   Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? yes. the wind in the trees makes me happy. the sound of rain makes me happy.   Superpower? flight- I can go anywhere whenever I want.   if you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? All of those things would be greatly appreciated.   If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? I have a coffee grinder, and I have a spice mill that i have never used, so whole would be a wonderful way to recieve them.   For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc? Above coffee grinder has been for guests as I don't drink coffee, but I don't know what kind of accessories are out there.   what's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? hot bath with something smelly in it, and bed.   In your perfect world it is chocolate and...? ark choclate, then milk, then white, and anything in any of them except for fruit- ick.   How do you scent your home Tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? I scent it with all of the above, depends on the mood I am in, though my tart burner did just die on me, it was electric and I loved it.   How do you take your tea? Black or with cream and/or sugar? 2 milk 1 sugar   Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us? Its a hand in hand thing for me. i think there are specific milestone points we have no control of, but the path we use to get there is what is chosen by us.   What one thing that is missing from your life would you like to have above all else? I am not sure   What's your favorite dessert treat? I love all desserts- how can you pick just one?   Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Sure am! Send what you have!   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? A couple of them actually. the Zieba tree, because I am curious about it, hymn to proserpine, because I still have an imp, the dormouse- I guess thats one more than a couple. lol   Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? Metallica:and justice for all, Wicked:broadway musical soundtrack, some celtic reels and jigs. the generator would be powered by someone else, as I would be sharing the residence in order to compile more music than just three albums. lol     What's your favorite animal?and you can have more than one Owl, Raven, fox, skunk, llama, pot belly pig   Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else? Anything cook-ish is appreciated. I love kitchen stuffs.   Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? I read alot. I mean, A lot. So basically whatever i can get my hands on is good.   What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? the now really hard to find molasses chews. i freaking loved those things, and my sisters would gladly swap for them, they are still my favorite.   What are your phobias? I don't know if this counts as a phobia, but bees. mainly because I am allergic to beestings. I get very panicked when they are about. But yet, I love bee things, like honey, and pictures of bees, and beeswax candles, and bee affiliated things, just don't like the bees.   What is your favourite flower (or plant)? My favorite flower is a rose. my favorite plant is lavender   An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? a complete spa day, head to toe. and if that doesn't take care of it all, with the remainder I take my best friend out for dinner someplace fantastic.   Who likes coloring books? me!   You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? It depends on what the first five ingredients are. i have been known to do both.   What was your favouritest job ever, and why? The job I have now is my favoritest job. the people I work with, the patients I see, the work that I do. I love it all   If you could decorate/redecorate any 1 room in your home, what would it be and how would you decorate it? It would be my stairway/hallway- I would repaint it and redecorate it. I want to put a huge mirror in there that would span the one wall that is the height of both the main floor and the upper floor.   Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? Not a huge sprots fans, but I watch a bit of hockey and a bit of football. I like the canucks, and the colts   This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? Return of the elder gods, not a fan of zombies or robots.   Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? Yes I do. It means to me that there are still some things in this world science will never explain.   If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it? ) I would totally play with it because I am a sucker for puzzles.   Do you like pinup art/images? yes.   What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? I go out every year, dress up (not those cutesy/sexy costumes, but time and effort ones), and either go to a bar, or a house party. I don't care where I am I just have to be with other people who want to be dressed up too.   What is your favourite historical period? Elizabethan   Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! I havent been on here long enough yet to establish "buddies" but hopefully that doesn't stay the case.   What is your favorite color? red.   Any other steampunk fans/lovers? I do like it alot, though I don' t own any pieces.   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? tennis balls. she loves to play fetch, and a collar is always a good idea as she trashes hers pretty quickly. treats of any kind will me met with big tail wags.   What kinda socks are you wearing tonight? none I am barefoot.   Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. nope, but that doesn't mean it wont happen   What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why? I have wanted to try Tiki King. and I tried faith and absolutely loved it, but haven't been able to find anyone willing to part with it.   i know we're all scent sensitive here. what are your favorite non-perfume smells? day in the life stuff? the smell of fresh laundry off the clothes line. and cut grass. and the smell of ozone after a lightning strike.   abj? No.   homemade sewn type crafts? Bring them on!! There are alot of talented people on here!   Favorite childhood toy? I love(d) lego, and board games. lots of board games.   ravelry? No.   favorite halloween icon? bats and pumpkins and skulls.   Twitter? Yes. If you want to hook up let me know.   Takeout burger? bacon double cheeseburger with extra cheese. You just have to go all the way with it, or what's the point? lol   Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? A childhood book I had of fairy tales, it was a paperback cover, don't remember then name of it(I know, NOT helpful), and I would read that thing over and over again. Alice in Wonderland, still and always. Movies- the neverending story, the dark Crystal, ET, the labyrinth, stuff of that realm. games it was battleship, payday, and life. Shows were ones like Jem, the smurfs, the ones from that time frame.   blu-ray player? No.   downloads? My computer and the speed of it should be good for such things.   hot drinks? tea, hot chocolate, apple cider.   restaraunt.com? I live in Canada, so I don't think it will apply to me.   In the year 2525... if man is still alive... what sort of future do you imagine? (apologies to anyone who gets that song stuck in their head!) I will be 52, and I hope to be happy and healthy, and not in want or need of anything.<EDIT. I will be DEAD. and my ancestors will build have built an empire.   Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps? yes I am interested in local products, all of the above mentioned things would be lovely.   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? Vampires.   What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? poutine.   who has a birthday? Me, Oct 7th.   candies? If it's got sugar in it, I will eat it. I love all candies, except the hard little lego building candies (they hurt my mouth) and licorice allsorts.   what's something you're really looking forward to in the semi-near future? The ren fest I can't wait to get there!!! I am going next weekend on the Saturday just for the day and then I am taking my daughter with me (as soon as her passport shows up) another weekend, because she has never been. ooo wee!   Pumpkin seeds and Chex mix?: Yes indeedy! come to momma   Earrings, pendants, etc.: yes to both   Socks, headbands, arm warmers, etc.: OOoooOOOoooo pretty please ?   what fictional character do you most identify with and why? I identify with Alice from Alice in wonderland- I wonder on a daily basis which side of the mirror I am living on. She has been with me as long as I can remember, that story has been around me all my life.   could you use a 'travel' imp case? how many should it hold? I would absolutely love a travel case I think it should hold about 4. why four? Because I think any more than that and I wouldn't be able to decide, and start berating myself over choosing what I put in it and not picking something else to go in it. That may not have made sense, but in my head, it did   As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one HUGE final package to seal the sweetness? whatever my witch can manage. I would hate to ask for one or the other and put my witch into coniptions trying to achieve it.   perfect evening at home? dont' know.   who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods? John Waterhouse, Arthur Rackham, Brian Froud, Van Gogh, Monet, John Singer Sargeant, Shel Silverstein, gothic art (not the stuff thats around now, not that I don't like it, I just prefer the 1500's version), art nouveau, romanticism, renaissance, and I am sure there is more.....   what's your stance on cranberries? its a love hate thing..   Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? Used and/or burned CDs or DVDs are more than welcome.   Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people? I have crushes on Hugh Jackman (him topless in the movie Australia... ), Jude Law, Vincent Price (yes I know he's dead, I can still lust after his image), Alan Rickman, just a few will do..   You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab?   Your one absolute favorite BPAL? I would have to say Antique lace. A close second is Snake oil   Do you have a favorite BPAL bottle art? There are some absolutely gorgeous works of art floating around on bottles and shirts out there, I love the berry moon art (wish I got the shirt), ALL the pumpkin bottles (read on below as to why), and Milk Moon was one that drew my attention.   Are there any decants from the Halloweenies, Literary Vampires, Gris Grimly, or Hellboy that you would be interested in receiving? Absolutely! I would like to try all of the ones that don't have the dirt note in them.   Pumpkin pecan waffles? You betcha! I love anything with pumpkin in it. i am a pumpkin-holic. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin juice, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin smelly things, pumpkinpumpkinpumpkinpumpkin...   if you had the funds to commission an original painting for yourself, what would it be of? what would it be like- colors, size, style   NO IDEA. Drawing a complete blank.   What's autumn like in your neck of the woods? What d you love and/or hate about it? traditional autumn. the leaves turning the cooler weather, and the thing I don't like about it is the mucky paws it brings through the house. But other than that fall is my favorite time of year.   Any Amy Brown art fans? She is good but not really my thing.   How do you feel about Halloween music? (mix CDs, what have you) fer sure.   Who else is reeeeeally looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland? MEEEEE   Is there a store that you love which does not have a location near you (but that has a physical presence somewhere, not just online? Why do you love it so much? World Market   What is your favorite creepy folk story or legend? the Legend of Sleepy Hollow   If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both? I would LOVE this!   If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching? the food channel, discovery channel or a&e (can't wait for paranormal state to start again)   Can you use pill boxes, a hard ID case, coin purse, etc? Pill boxes not so much, but yes to the others... but anything fun is a heck yeah!   What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why? I don't know if I identify with them but I have a strong affinity for Faeries. I do believe, and when I am alone in the surroundings of nature, it's hard not to feel I am close to something I cannot see.   How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines? Definitely interested- I think it's fantastic.   Do you have a favorite poem or poet? I am a fan of William Wordsworth, and Shel Silverstein- I have too many favorites to type them all out here. As a general rule of thumb I really enjoy poetry.   super villain or vigilante? Can't I be a vigilante who looks like a super villain? they have better wardrobes.   PIRATE or NINJA pirate. AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!   Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic? I would have to say triskelles.   Did you not order any Halloween/Literary Vampire blends and wish you had? If so, which ones? I ordered Boo, But didn't order creepy and Lamb's Wool and am kicking myself for not doing so. I also didn't order under the harvest moon, and I should have. As for the vampires, I would love to test an imp of Carlin before I buy.   Are there any musicals you love? ALL musicals! Seriously.   How broad are your musical tastes? Very broad. There isn't much I won't listen to. I won't listen to techno or country. thats about it.   Which of the seven deadly sins is most likely to be your undoing? I did at fist type lust. but I think that it is my wrath that you should really be watching out for.   Would a "gift" donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift? I think it would be an absolutely lovely gift.   You're given the opportunity to apprentice at any trade (or craft) of your choosing for the period of one year. Your mentor may be any currently living person. which field of study would you choose, and who would be your mentor? I would love to learn the art of painting. A big blank canvas intimidates me. I want to have the confidence of saying, this is what I see, and then be able to produce it.   Who is musically inclined? What instruments (voice counts) do you play? I would consider myself musically inclined, even if not fluent in any instrument. I love to sing, and have been told that I have a good voice, except by my kids because they are usually telling me to stop. I sing a lot. I do it because it makes me feel very happy. To be honest, I don't think it would matter if I had a good voice or not. I just love to sing.   Who wants hair pretties?(headbands, barrettes, pony-o's, scrunchies, bobby pins, hair clips, etc) Answering my own question, all of these would come in pretty handy. I have long dark brown, naturally wavy/curly hair and as much as I love it somedays, there are others when I need it away from me.   Do you mind artificial colors in your food I think it's fun as do my kids (last night the boychild made rice and tinted it pink- he was going for orange..lol), and I usually tint our food to match holidays, like St.paddy's day we have green mashed potatoes, valentines we have something pink or red. the only thing that has ever squicked me out was when they came out with the purple and green ketchup years ago. I could eat the green just fine, but the purple I couldn't do. And it's not an aversion to the colour purple, it was just the purple ketchup..   What is one thing you constantly keep with you that you constantly lose? My mind, my money and my keys.     What are your favorite fruits? Pineapple, peaches, strawberries,     Fetishes (the animal kind)? They look quite lovely, I would very much appreciate a fetish made w me in mind.   Are you a Miyazaki fan? Do you have all the films you like, or is your collection missing one? Is there any merchandise you want? I have seen kiki's delivery service, but honestly japanimation doesn't do it for me.   Do you wear lip gloss/lip balm? If so, what flavors/scents? I do- I love peppermint beeswax ones.     What is your favorite cookie type? Cookies are snickerdoodles or chocolate chip   Carnivale Scents? I believe that I am like everyone else in saying I love it but my wallet doesn't, I want it here yesterday!   Would you object to anonymous postcards (real ones) from your witch before the big reveal? Of course I would love them- its a lovely idea.   For you tea drinkers, are you partial to tea bags or loose tea? How about tea paraphernalia? I do both. whatever is easiest. tea paraphernalia sounds okay too.   Do you drink alcohol? Wine, beer or liquor? What is your favorite wine/beer/mixed drink? I do drink alcohol. I don't do beer though (nasty accident with it way before I was legal to drink it led to my distaste of it), I love ciders, and hard liquors, wine is hit and miss. I love a vodka with water and a slice of lime, spiced rum w pineapple juice, ceasars, margaritas, bellinins, baileys on the rocks, apple jacks, basically anything mixed. I am not too picky.   If I were your witch, and I wanted to make you a spell or mojo bag, would you be into that? And, if you were, would you want it for something like love, prosperity or luck? Or would you want it for a certain element? Or would you want it for something more personal- and what might that be? I need something that could help calm my life down. At the moment lots of stress and upheaval is in it, I would like to have that eased up. And, like alot of people, I could use a seat on the money train.   Stamps? I don't really do anything with stamps, I could send them along to a friend of mine who collects them for her church, I forget what they do with them, but its for some good cause I am sure.   cake or death? I am not sure if this is a movie quote of some sort, but uh, yeah, I choose cake, even though I am not a big cake eater, but its way easier than dying, and more filling too.   If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be? Spontaneous, Passionate, Fair, Creative, Kind.   What are you and your family's feelings on: peanut butter, chocolate and caramel? The boychild is addicted to peanut butter- he would have it every day if I let him. Chocolate and caramel are all round crowd pleasers.   What are your thoughts on Halloween decorations? I believe this may have been already answered, but if not- bring on the decorations!!   What tarot card do you most identify with? Right now its the death card for me. Not because of dying and death but its the card I associate with change, old things ending, new things beginning. Maybe I am reading it wrong, which is entirely likely as I don't read tarot, but that is what I take from that card.   Do you like Celtic things? I do very very much, and its not really all that surprising, since I come from an Irish background.   Can you receive flowers at your address? Would you prefer food or a plant instead? I can, and any of the above mentioned things would be lovely.   Would you mind vintage clothes? I would love vintage clothes, that would be very fun.   What about 2010 Wall calenders? Or 2010 journals or appointment diaries? What subject? Well wall calendars would be ok, I would need one with magnets on it with the tear away pages instead of flip because I keep my calendar on the fridge. I don't really need an appointment journal as I have a blackberry that carries all of that information fro me, but blank journals would be great.   do you use henna at all (hair or skin)? I love henna and use it on my skin occasionally, I don't think I have ever heannaed my hair.   Who collects ACEOs/ATCs? I don't collect them, but I bet they're beautiful.   Are there any languages other than English that you love? I don't know how to speak another language, but spanish and gaelic are ones that I want to learn, french I can read for the most part, but very very basic.   F1 racing? uhhh.... no. I don't do cars.   Decorated journal? That would be really nice.   What are your thoughts on Incense? I love the smell of incense, I haven't used any in a while though, so I am not even sure if i have a burner anymore....   What about handbags/totes/clutches?? I adore purses, handbags, totes, cluthes, and all manner of purse-like things.   Are there any particular movies you want on DVD? I would love to own Ever After again- mine broke, and I would love to have The Ghost Whisperer Seasons.   What about stickers?? Bring them on! I like stickers alot.   Five sites I visit regularly? etsy.com ebay.ca lush.ca google.com/.ca (it counts- I google a retarded amount of things on an everyday basis) youtube.com   Suppose I have a bottle of something you (my witchee) really wants, and I want to share it with you. Would you like a rollerball bottle made from oil in my own bottle in it? Of course!   How many people dress for Halloween? And, what are you going to be this year? Do you need anything for it? I dress up every year without fail. I am a sewing fool come this season, as I make my own every year, and at least one of the kids too. this year I am going to be a Musketeer- and I need a sword, but I seriously DO NOT expect my witch to mail me one- I doubt you could get it though the mail to me lol.   scarves? Oh yes please... lovely...   Disney? I freaking love disney- all of it. i have never been to DisneyWorld, but am determined to get there someday...   fruitcake? Uh... no.   green tomato ketchup? Sure, why not?   What are your top 5 bath & beauty products that you "can't live without?" 1. Skin Scrubs 2. Shampoo and conditioner (does that count as two?) 3. bath melts 4. face wash 5. peppermint lip balm   Bacon? Hell yes! I did really cry for bacon when I was trying to be a good veggie (I have fallen off the wagon for no), seriously...




LIST OF MY BPAL- WHATS LOVED - it's a long list!

The List of my unloved bottles is my swap page, along with the list of imps that I do not want as well- I am willing to take requests as to what I should bring on Sunday   My bottles of lovin':   1. Aizen-Myoo (colbalt bottle) 2 &3. Antique Lace x2 4. CD: Hope '09 5. CD: Faith'09 6. Snake oil ('09) 7. Pirate Moon '07 8. Green Phoenix '09 9. Fairy Wine '09 10. Proshitapathika '07 11 & 12. On Darkness ('08 and '09) 13. Shadowless like silence '09 (1 imp left) 14. The Harp of Cnoc I'chosgair '10 15. Mouse's long and sad Tale '09 16. Hay Moon '08 17. Temple Viper '10 18. To Autumn '08 19. The Girl   Sniffies: Chaos Theory V: The Dorian Series   Bottles I could be swayed on:   Joulumuori '09 Michtecacihuatl '08   My imps of love:   Alice Antique Lace Brom BOnes Bon Vivant Black Opal Baobahn Sith Cupid Complaining to Venus Copper Phoenix Delirium Fruminous Bandersnatch Gunpowder Hymn to proserpine How doth the little crocodile La Belle Au Bois Dormant Lilium Inter Spinas L'ecole Des Filles Lolita L'estate The Millers Daughter The Mouse's Long and sad Tale CD: Midway x2 Maiden x2 Mole Murder of Crows '08 Persephone Rapture Roses pearls and Diamonds Rose Red '07 Shanghai Samhain '09 Saint-Germain Swank The Sea Foams Milk Snake Oil Snow White '07 Tabella Tempest Tweedle Dee Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat x2 Tiki King Tiki Queen The Temptation Violet Ray White Rabbit Grand Guignol Schrodinger's Cat Lurid 51   Plus single note imps of: Violet, Apple, cheesecake, musk, kashmir, leather, tomato leaf   Like I said at the beginning, my whole swap list is open for bringing along too PM me if there is anything you would like to sniff or swap or buy, that is, if we're doing that!




13 Nights Questions

Anything here: http://paintboxsoapworks.com/ look like something you'd like to try (assuming that you're not already ordering it)?
I would like to try their 221B scent, and the englishman, and it can be in any form, but I think I would like it in the wax tarts the best

Do you like stuff related to Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?
Yes I do, very much. Anything would be appreciated.

Knitted Items?
Yes please! I crochet mainly but have done a few knitted items, but don't have any real talent for it- my pieces usually look fairly wonky. And by having done small amounts of it myself, I truly appreciate the work that goes into every item.

Fandom/Specific Items?
There is alot to choose from when it comes to me... Dr who, Sherlock Holmes, Labyrinth, the Dark Crystal, anything disney,

Fall/Halloween Icons?
Bats, owls, pumpkins (so much so I have a tattoo of one), witches, skeletons, ravens,

First, talk to me about soaps- do you like them, and what kinds of scents/lather/varieties do you like?
I do like soap, and am willing to try news ones all the time.

Second, tell me about teas! Favorites? Anything you'd like to try?
I am open to anything, no real preference except I don't like chais very much.

Lastly, I go to Renn Faire- is there anything from there you might like?
I love Ren Faires!! I would happily accept anything my swapper wants to gift me, it's all so much fun

What Weenie of year's past are you seeking from the lab?
PAn Dwardowski and the devil <-- big want!!Theme in Yellow, October, Tattie Bogle, Anything with Hay or Wood or leather would be nice, but steer clear of cinnamon...

Lush? I love their flying fox scent.

I live in Japan, is there anything from there you would specifically want? Since I have never been to Japan, I don't know exactly what there is to want But, if my Scarecrow thinks there is something particularly awesome that needs to be shared around the globe I'm all for it. And, I don't mind Hello Kitty

So, in this swap, you open a goodie every day. I have seen this gift direction done several different ways, but I am interested in which you are most keen to do. Would you rather:

A. have strict direction as to which gift is to be opened on which day(aka the number system)?
B.have a few gifts that are meant to be opened on specific days (ex: *this* one is for Halloween night only), but the rest be your choice?
C. have a free-for-all, grab bag-style box of goodies, where you are the sole arbiter of your goodie grabbing destiny(everything is wrapped but you pick the gift you want to open each day)?
D. be surprised?

Just Surprise me. Maybe my scarecrow isn't the kind to be all methodical and stuf and I don't want to have them losing their straw ( <--- see what I did there) stressing out about it.

Scarecrow/pumpkin? I vote yes, as this post clearly indicates lol.
Pumpkin Spice or No Pumpkin Spice?
"To be clear, I like the SPICE. And I like fresh, actual pumpkin things- pumpkin pie, etc.
BUT, I do NOT like pumpkin+spice *perfume*. All the Pumpkin Patch scents go wrong on me, sadly. And if you have some Pumpkin King that you'd like to send me...well, I would NOT turn that down! ;)" Quoting because it applies to me as well

Milk, white, and/or Dark Chocolate?
Anything but white please.

Do you like Yankee Candle? Anything you want from there?
I like their witch's brew, but the black magic that I have smelled is better to me.
Trading Post Goodies?
But of course!

Bath and Bodyworks?
B&B is not for me, except for their hand sanitzers, but no foody scents in those.

Tell me of your Sock Dreams, please!

i'd like to make some baked goods, would you like some? And if you have any food allergies what can I use as a substitute?
Well I am allergic to wheat and although Quinoa or tapioca or rice or a combination of those flours work , it really depends on the recipe and what you're making. It doesn't always translate well. If you still want to bake me something, the 6 other beings in my house wouldn't have a problem with it! I wanted to let you know that it wouldn't go to waste.

What is your stance on Glitter?
Yes. I do glitter

Goodreads/book wish list:
I do not have one, sorry.

Witch In/Out Sign


Dearest Pumpkin - how much are you wedded to wishlists, say I have some read once books which I think you might like based on what you've read in the past, but there is nothing of the sort on your current Goodreads "to read" list?
Yes, please!

How do you feel about reading series out of order?
If they aren't tied to one another in an absolute way, but can stand alone as stories on their own, then that is ok.

Would you be interested in a Halloween themed short story anthology?

Is there a limit to the number of books you'd like to receive?

Have you read Movies in 15 Minutes by our very own Cleolinda? Would you like to?
I haven't but would like to.

Those who are amenable to yarnie things--ok, two questions: Any undesirable fibers (wool allergy, vegan so no critter hair at all, etc.)? and how do you feel about cowls/infinity scarves?
I am good for any fibre as long as it isn't rough and scratchy, and I would be grateful to receive anything my scarecrow makes for me.

Motherhood update: Good Morning London, Plush Viscera- These are both needs, in my opinion lol.

So who likes incense? and is there a preferred scent? and cones or sticks? Would you like a burner for it?

I would love to burn some incense. And I would take either cones or sticks and a burner would be nice, but not necessary.




Switch Witch questions Spring Round 2011

Baked Goods? Yea Nay? If my Witch wants to take the chance with it in transit, I'm game   What would I order TODAY from BPAL? I would order.... The Velvets, Philologus, Violens to try, The Butterfly, Sara Pezzini, Cupid Complaining to Venus, The Arbor, And thats enough for now, let's face it, we'd buy them all if we could lol   What level of nudity? Nudity MUST be tasteful, I don't like it trashy, I think it cheapens us as a species.   Gently used items from a garage sale/thrift store? As long as its clean!   Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out? Love them! Whatever my witch deems worthy for me to try, bring it on!   Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk? I'm not a tea snob, but I don't drink coffee, And nothing that fits in the bulk category.   Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?) I love gummies, the worms are my favorite i think, swedish berries rock my socks off, and I adore junior mints.     Tim Tams? Yes or no? I've never had them, so I don't know.   Ebooks?Sure, I'm Willing to- I would need ones that I can read on my ipod, however.   Candles or melts? either or, no a preference.   Any "classic" literature? Sure, all good books need to be revisited.   13 Songs on Shuffle:   1. Never say Never- Trouble 2. Marianas Trench- Celebrity Status 3. Space Oddity- David Bowie 4.Cry Little Sister- Sisters of Mercy 5. Pirelli's Miracle Elixir- Sweeney Todd Soundtrack 6. Wuthering Heights- Hayley Westenra 7. Pink- Aerosmith 8. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'- Michael Jackson 9. Vermillion Pt. 2- Slipknot 10. Rollin' - LImp Bizkit 11. White Rabbit- Jefferson Airplane 12. Sixteen- No Doubt 13. And I'm Telling you I'm Not Going- Jennifer Hudson     I am also ALL ABOUT mixed CDs. I am willing to listen to anything at all- except country.   If someone were attending Disney on Ice (Toy Story 3) with a bunch of Girl Scouts, would you want a patch/souvenir? YES!!!! We all have "badge Blankets" at my house, and when we go places or people we know go away,we try to get patches that we can sew onto it. Its also where their acheivement patches go- swimming, skating, soccer, scouts, guides, pretty much if you get a patch, it goes on the blanket. Its a great place for them to be, instead of stuck in a drawer, like they were when I was a kid. lol.   Would you rather have HUGE list of things your witchee wants to try or just a highlight list? With a huge list it would be easier to acquire things.   candles and/or aroma melts: yay or nay? Yes! I don't like foody scents for my environment though. Just makes me hungry.     Hey, how do folks feel about little e-goodies, like links to stuff your witchee likes? (articles online, pix, fic, etc)   Astrological charts and interpretation/ reports? Yes   surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours?   Do you have any blogs you regularly read? Cakewrecks.com, regretsy.com, etsy.com,   Do you need another bpal box? If so what would your fantasy one look like? It would be art nouveau/art deco looking   Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? Vegetables, flowers? I like to do gardening, but I confess I am only so-so at it, but I try my very best. Flowers and veggies   Social Networking sites:none   favourite artists or specific paintings? i love all art and am very open minded to artists that my SW would recommend.   Booze? Yay or Nay? what kinds? Yay surprise me   Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay? yay   Do you like amurigami dolls? yes I do very cute!!!!   Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Which do you love most? Its Pirates, with Zombies coming in at a close second.   Do you like wearing things in your hair? If so, what kind (snap clips, scrunchie, headband, etc), how big & crazy (lowkey, bigger the better), and colors. Fun and Funky, let someone know you have something in your hair   Piercings? - ears?? - elsewhere? ears and belly   Chocolate. With stuff in it? Are you more a plain chocolate lover, a chocolate and normal items lover (normal items being nuts, fruit, caramel) or do you like weird stuff in your chocolate? (weird stuff being curry, chilis, balsamic vinegar, floraly things) I love chocolate, and like anything or nothing in it, weird things and normal things.     For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer? Warm opaque and shimmer is optional.   Are there any fancy/gourmet/special herbs or spices that you'd love to receive? ie: good quality vanilla or other extracts, vanilla beans, saffron, lavender, etc.: I would love a good quality vanilla.   What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? The Owl   If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want? Velvet Panther, First of the three spirits, Elf, Half-Elf.   DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither? DVD   Sock Dreams? What kind? (anklets, footies, etc.?) I bloody love sock dreams, but knee highs please.   Since this is a price capped round, would you rather get one "big" thing or lots of "little" things or don't care? I don't care, whatever is easier for my SW.   Do you like pirate-related things? Yes   Soaps? Be specific: if there are BPAL soaps you want to try or are dying for more of, tell all here! Also, any other companies people like or love? Villainess, maybe? Or Lush? What flavors??? I would love to try ALL of the bpal soaps, and I love Whole Foods french milled sandalwood soap.   What periods of art do you love most? Like, if someone was going to get you a tapestry or a box or some other item, what period would you want it to most resonate with? the pinks and golds of Rococo? the clean geometry of Art Deco? The romanticism of Art Nouveux? The strange lines of Cubism? Art Nouveau, And art deco   Would you like caffeinated lollipops?: http://www.lollyphil...cks-caffeinated : Don't know, never tried it.   Copied CD's or DVD's? Definitely   I'm going to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, is there anything I can get you? YES!!!! I would love a badge for my blanket   Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what? I haven't heard of any of these.   Pillows? What size/designs/colors would most interest you? eye catching bold colours throw size   purses? bags? What style/colors? I am a purseaholic so any size and shape   Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors? No scarves arent for me, but thank you   Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs)? I haven't used either of these, but willing to try it.       Do you like poetry? Yes, very much.   What types of scents do you like to scent your home? Which do you totally avoid? I switch it up alot so there isn't anything I would say no to except cinnamon. I find it hurts my nose.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Well, my dog is named after the joker's girlfriend from the batman comics.... LOL   How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles? Bright, jewel tones, sparkle is optional.   Household/kitchen goods/gadgets? sure   Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these? I don't really think I qualify as Geek. I used to play D&D but thats years ago.   Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse: It definitely depends on the item you are making- but I think that traditional cotton velvet is my favorite.   Anything with the Worm Moon update that you're already lusting after? Captain Cully, Magic do as you will, MOlly Grue,     If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch? I think it would be kind of cool to know you have people so close by loving the same stuff you do, the potential to meet and have something in common for the word go. I say bring it on   Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things? That would be very fun. I would see it and think of its mate resting in the happy home of someone I have a connection with.     UPDATE MArch 30     o Witchees, do you enjoy pre-1970 movies? If so, who are your favorite actors/actresses? Yes, I do, but I don't have any particular favourites, I just enjoy them on a whole.   Are you interested in trying Super Villainess (from Villainess - the birthday scent that was just released tonight!) and if so, which item do you like the most? I do not know from Villainess, sadly. Have not been enabled.   If I were to order you a Smack, which four notes would you like? I don't even know what a Smack is!   Would you enjoy receiving a knitted gift from your witch? If so what would you be interested in (scarf, hat, wrist / handwarmers, socks, etc.) and in what colors? I would be BEYOND THRILLED if my Witch were to craft for me, red and black are always good choices, anything jewel tone.   What kinds of fabric do you prefer to work with? I will work with anything except lycra or knits, for some reason I am cursed when it comes to stretchy fabrics.   What is your favorite time of day and what do you like to do then? I would have to say mid afternoon as the sun pours through my front Window on my favorite reading spot.   Easter Candy - do you like it? If so, what types? There's nothing I HAVE to have, and so its not really something I get worked up over. I would gladly eat it, however, if given the opportunity. LOL   What scent(s) are you petrified of getting DC'd? Any of the bottles on my wish list! I would be most upset if ANYTHING in my keeps box was to be discontinued, but if I had to pick one I think I would say Aizen-myoo as I wear it quite often, and Morocco being a close second.   What is your favorite type of wine? Would you be interested in trying something new? I'm not really a wine pro. No preferences.   Violette Market Update is up. Do you covet anything from it? I've never collected VM, I'd be up to try anything.   What three things are you craving right now? I am craving a bath to relax, some mint chocolate, and a new book as I have read all own at minimum twice over.   paper goods, anyone need? We, all those living in my household and myself, are paper whores. and origami paper would be FUN.   What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? I want to know what   Is there anything in your life that you'd like advice or a "selfhelp" book for?: (ie finances, eating healthier, meal planning)Eating better, but doing it easily. Along with that would be meal planning.   Baked Goods? Yea Nay? Gluten free, sure, but I try to avoid them in general. Something special I'm always up for.   If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle? That would be amazing!   What would I order TODAY from BPAL? I would order Red Rider, Minamoto yu Norimitsu Cuts At The Earth Spider, Ushi(for Sure!!), Molly Grue, Rocking-horse Fly, Just to start.




SW fall/Halloween round 2011

September 30th   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update?   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? i"m not sure what this question means.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? There isn't really anything I am desperate to try atm, so I don't know that I can answer this.   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? I really like the smell of hemp in lotions and such, I am unsure about it in jewelry.   September 29th   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? I answered this one in the thread actually, since I am the one who asked it   julep maven monthly boxes: I think it's a really fun idea.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? I'm not sure that these would work in Canada, but if they did, I would definitely use it!   Like commercial socks? Another question I m not sure of the content?   What kind of bear is best? Black bear   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? Very interested.   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses? Sur, I've never had them!   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? It's cute, but not for me.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? They are very beautiful.   Do you drink wine? I do. Prefer to have white, sweeter is better. Riesling is always a pretty safe bet.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?! That is definitely not what makes me nervous, for me it is making sure my box of awesome has enough awesome in it.   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? yes. Yes I do.   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? I would try it. I am team Candy Corn.   September 28th   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee?The Guild is pretty fun, and I think the D&D is cool too.   It'sBanned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out?   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? Smoked slat FTW. And anything with Lavender in it wins too.     September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? I can't really think of anything atm.   So who else watched Babylon 5? Brutal HOnesty. Only if there was nothing else on, and even then, I may have just shut the tv off.... Sorry.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? If i used childhood dog/street, it would be Buckles Elgin. If I used present dog/street, it would be HarleyQuinn Catherine.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? It has indicated Expressive.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? porcelain dolls. My ex MIL had quite a few and I hated going into their laundry room, which is were she kept the oldest one she had, which when you think about it, is a really weird place to keep a doll, and when my first daughter was born, she immediately started a collection for her, which immediately stuffed to the very back of a closet and kept it there. She's almost 16 now, and those dolls are still there...   what level of contact were you hoping for? Whatever kind of contact my witch/witchee can afford me. I realize that people have busy lives, but still want to be part of something that is alot of fun. As long as you let me know you're out there, i'm pretty good. I do prefer a really well filled out questionnaire if my witchee is going to be silent during the round though, but I think thats my only requirement.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? I can't think of any.   September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I love international candy!   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? I really like cats eye shapped glasses, and am currently looking for a vintage pair to fit my prescription into.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Since I live in Canada, not really, but if you're in a different province than me, that would be fun to get.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? smoked salt, lavender, caramel, in dark chocolate would be one, and bacon, cayenne pepper, and butter toasted peanuts in milk chocolate would be another   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? Don't really know their products.   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? I would say Ceres.     September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Blow up some photographs that I want to hang in my kitchen, get my closet all organized again, finish painting the patch job n the downstairs hallway.. thats just straight off the top of my head..   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Yes indeed I would, preferences would go in this order.. preserves, jellies, jams. Only because I have alot of jams..   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Not par5ticularly. if I'm feelng ancy, I slip lavender in my pillowcase, if I'm sick, I need my super cozy jamjams, thats about it.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?I had never heard of this site, so I looked, and promptly bought the T they have up today.. I may have found a new addiction   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? A really big YAY!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches I love Alice in Wonderland, I really do, almost every version I have found, but the classic is definitely the best. My favourite witch is the Queen from snow white.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? I'm good with it.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? They are very cute, but I think it wouldn't stay on either my desk ormantel, I think my youngest child would steal it and claim it for her own. lol   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Well since I am at work (early, no less!) I look very respectable today_ black shortie sweater with a dress that is a swirly patter with light green, green, black and white mixed around in it. I am also wearing a pair of harajuku lovers heels.   Kerchiefs? I think I would wear it.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? The weekend has passed at this point I know but to answer the question.. I pretended not to have any chores or responsibilities and headed to the Michigan Renaissance Festival.     September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? That museum is. SO. COOL. I collect a couple of touristy- like things, squished pennies and badges or patches, that kind of thing, but lets say you had something wildly cool to give, i'm game:)   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? I have never done anything by cocoa Pink, so I cna't really say there is anything I wouldn't want.   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes?   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes?   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? googling Spoonfeather... I can't find anything. Did you mean Spoonflower? If so the fabric on there is to die for, there is so many I like I can't even begin to list them..     Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! red is my favourite colour, I like bold colours, puce is not a nice colour..   What is your favorite word? conundrum and epitome   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? Armwarmers are wonderful inventions. One cannot have too many pairs, hence one cannot have too many different kinds. i like a not too thick kind that are easy to fit under my jacket sleeves if they are longer, nothing chunky, dainty lacey "going out" ones are lovely too.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I enjoy jar candles best as I don't have many candle holders and they come equipped with their own.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? I love to mix up the flavors, for example Spicy Peanut brittle   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) no but thank you   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Not really   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I don't drink coffee on its own but one year they had these cool pumpkin lattes I think? It was pretty good...   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay? yay   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? I wish I could be in a play. I always miss the local auditions and then think oh I’ll just do it next time, and then I miss them again!   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: 1. The Greatest Man That Ever Lived: Weezer 2. As Long As You’re Mine: Wicked the Musical Soundtrack 3. Human Nature: Michael Jackson 4. Steam Train To Mallaig: Tartanic 5. That Was Just Your Life: Metallica 6. Now That It’s Over: Everclear 7. Dry The River: Maylene and the Sons Of Disaster 8. Faith: Limp Bizkit 9. China Girl: David Bowie 10. Vermillion: Slipknot   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting? No, not right now, even though I want to very much…   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! Yes I do.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? I would like a thick and warm one, with bold colours. No allergies, Just nothing scratchy would be the restriction lol   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like. She looks sad because she was about to have a bath lol   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? I do like them very much and if that’s what my Witch wants to send me I’.m good with that too!   How do you feel about terrariums? Neither here nor there about them really.   What's your favorite horror movie? I am not a horror film lover, but I really did enjoy The Others with Nicole Kidman in it. I thought it was really well done.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. I use The Healthy Baby Lotion by LaVanilla everyday.   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay?   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? A handpainted quote would be lovely, one of my favorites is “The past is like an Anchorholding us back; you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be.”   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? Yes I do   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? I do not like manga at all.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Smack?   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? I posted some art in the thread for my Witch to see.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? That would be so cool. I have dyed my own wool before but developing pictures would be AWESOME.   What's 'your' song/your theme song?   What would be your superpower? Flight.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? FER SURE   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! anything goes but raisins or dehydrated plums or apricots.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I love charm bracelets. I would especially like a charm owl.   September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. I never know what kind of brushes to get, so help in that area would be greatly appreciated!   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? Legos ROCK. I still play with them, and not necessarily with the kids!   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get.{/b] I would actually shoot over to the trading post instead. I would get a couple of pairs of socks and then some baors of port royal soap. Pretty sure that would eat up more than my 50 bucks…   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? Alice In Wonderland   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I don’t really have a process per se. I see the end result in my head and begin. And along the way it morphs into something else entirely sometimes, or with just a hint of what I originally envisioned.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? I don’t buy anything else but bpal. I’m sure they’re lovely but it could become even more dangerous to my cc.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? I think that would be awesome!       September 19th   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself?:   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you?   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? You can never have too many lip balm. I am open to more- I prefer pots right now, but will use whatever. Sky is the limit. Right now my go to brand is Korres lip butter.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) I love fountain pens. I keep one in my purse to use when I am out and I use them all the time at home. I did NOT KNOW that there are pen wishlists!! I may have to look into that!   -For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream) Sure.   -How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) Art supplies spell awesome.   -How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? Love them! They are very original pieces.   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? I would pick up that new dry shampoo- I’m curious to see how it works-and if theres anything left over, maybe a scratch card.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? I would love it- I’m currently in the process of making jam for my very first time ever. I have canned all sorts of things but never jam we shall see how it goes…   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? Black and white. And either.   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works OMG!!! That looks like so much fun!!! I love giving gifts like that keep going all year long!   Amigurumi, yes or no? They’re pretty freaking cute, so yeah.     I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples!   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be?   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles Patchouli, pear, cedar   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea Irish Breakfast, Earl Grey, Strawberry leaf       Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I do wear t-shirts I would love some original artwork by my Witch, and my size is L- LG, but don't tell anybody...   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... I LOVE PUMPKIN. PUMPKIN ANYTHING....   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? never heard of it, googling now... If you are referring to the etsy shoppe, they're lovely.. I prefer the rectangular ones.   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. I have swapped with someone from france before and she sent me some really amazing triple milled french soap made out of vegetable oils which was amazing on my daughters excema. I'd like to get some of that again, but I don't care where you're from, every place has it's own cool things and I think anything that I can't get from where I live is pretty neat.   Dear witchee, if you answered 'Mac' to the Mac/PC question previously issued by another participant, please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc). I own the wired keyboard which needs to be replaced because the esc button and the tab button no longer work. mac things are cool.   SOCK PREFERENCES? I love knee socks, or over the knee socks, I also like sock garters..   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? I have never tried to wear those, but I would be willing. Something bright would be nice.   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? Love toe socks, they're fun and they don't bug my toesies, plus you can wear them with flip flops   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? I am looking for a dvd of The Secret Of Nimh, as we had it on VHS and my player for VHS is busted   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards?I love postcards, and will willingly Witch them.   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I don't have anything lined up as of yet...   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? I do like star trek but my favourites are the original and the second generation.   September 16th   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I am a kitchen gadget junkie. I read cookbooks like novels.   New question: How do you feel about maple syrup? I like it.   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? (Like these: http://www.art-shrin...cketshrines.htm) I think that any positive motivation can help bring around positive change.   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? LOVE star Wars. I like the original trilogy best. To me, that IS Star Wars.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)- I love beef jerky. and it is best when it is thin and softer. it's a tricky balance.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. Yes and yes   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) I like Dr. Who. I haven't been a diehard watcher of it, and I would like to see more.   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package? Sure!   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Not really.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Gummies are just fine.   {b}How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? {/b} that would be cool- it would have to be for my ipod though, I don't have any oft he other ones mentioned.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I'm both. I know it sounds indecisive, but it's true. I like both sides.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? Yes they are and yes I would. I only have my ears pierced.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? What's a whoopie pie?     September 15th   interested in anything from Lush? Right now I am wanting their bath melts and sugar scrubs.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? I don't but thank you.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Definitely!!   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? That sounds extememly good and if my witch/nacho witch made some I would happily eat it all. And not share.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. I'm not sure that this works in Canada.   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? Yes to both of these questions.   Who here adores meringue? I do.   September 14th   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Here's my ten: Independent, stubborn, fair, romantic, fun, lonely, determined, imaginative, creative, myself.   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Why not? I like Baileys, malibu rum, southern comfort, schnapps of any kind   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) I am happy to receive any food tuffs of this nature. I most definitely at this time do not have heat to worry about. Or diabetes either.   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? Never had it, intrigued by it.   Anything from the update ya'll are liking? BPTP UPDATE the Halloweenie shirt FER SURE!! And anything in the honey pumpkin Stout!   Does anyone like kimchi? I do, very much.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Samples are always fun.   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? I buy all the LE's, and bottle of Molly Grue, Philologus, A back up bottle of the red rider (or two), The Black Rider, ..... Oh lets face it, if there was no spending limits, I would get one of everything. Just to be able to smell them all.   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update?   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I follow hockey a little , my favourite team is the Canucks.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? It gets big goofy smiles around here..   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want?   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I think that stuffies are a good thing to have around in case you need a cuddle and there isn't a warm body available. Owls would be nice, or Rabbits.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Like these that I did? Sure.   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? my jamjams, cozy blankets, a bath.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!)   What do you really NOT want?         How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? I would think that would be great as I go through them a lot. For some weird reason, those and dishcloths disappear around my house with great speed.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? I wore a black swing-cut style dress with larger white flowers onit, accenting by a beautiful purple color collar and sash belt. I wore a big purple flower in my hair with my hair down, and I have on black pumps with white trim and a white heel. One of my favorite outfits.   September 12th   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? I have an ipod, so whatever format they would need to be for that. I am still debating between a kindle and a nook.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? My kids would by very excited to be included. They are always so taken by the fact that people all over the world can get together and do something this fun with each other without ever meeting one another. They often help me choose what should go into the box of goodies as well. As for sizes, my oldest would be a ladies medium, my son would be 12-14, and my youngest girl would be a 10-12.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you?http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) I Quite like the number six, but with a long handle, and number three is quite sharp as well…   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? I like art nouveau alot if thats a pattern or design..   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? That would be very nice indeed. I feel like my “favorite mug” is always in the sink or dishwasher, because it’s someone else’s “favorite mug” too   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? I like different teas, and haven’t had huge experience with the different packaging of them, I welcome any of it!   September 11th   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.) I am good with thrift. I understand some squick about clothing depending on the condition, but sometimes you can get really great items to be repurposed. For example, bridesmaid dresses. All of this gorgeous fabric which is pricey to get at times, can be turned into something else quite easily. And it’s the thrill of the hunt when you’re in those stores as well isn’t it?   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I don’t own one and I don’t really know any that are SW friendly unless they are already a part of here.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? DISNEY!!! I just took my 3 kids for our very first trip ever to DisneyWorld. I can’t get enough an it makes me extremely nostalgic. I love Disney. LOVE Disney.   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy?I love those little molasses chews that are very hard to find anymore. I also like the caramel squares.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. Soap. I am in love with whole foods triple milled French soap in Sandalwood and lavender. My previous witch sent me some and I am hooked. It’s all I buy now. I also will make an exception for shower gels with Lush’s Flying Fox. It’s gorgeous smelling.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? I will eat my chocolate with anything except raisins. I mean anything. I recently had bacon dipped chocolate. It’s very good.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I used to bead quite a bit, but haven’t touched it in a while. I think I’m good with beads right now as I have many other projects on the go and I don’t know when I would get to use anything like that.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! YES Sea Salted Caramels. Amazing.     Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like?   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? Yes. I display stones here and there in the house, in little dishes- my youngest daughter is an avid collector and I have an abundance of ones from the driveway lol. But pretty stones are perfect.   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? I get a huge kick out of the star wars light saber chopsticks, and the edible hibiscus flowers are tres cool!!   Do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share?           September 10th   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with?   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update?   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? She sure would! And there aren't any restrictions.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? I have to think on this one a bit   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls?   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? fake eyelashes. I am curious about them. As of Monday my hair is blue black for now. and my skin tone in fair.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? Tea yes, coffee no.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc)   Are you going away for any part of this round? No I’m not. Boo.   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? YES- I have gotten one before and it was awesome. And what a great way to find new music you may have missed before.   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? I think that would be very cool, because who knows if you will ever end up there yourself? I collect squished pennies and sew on patches.   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I am a walker. I also play soccer in the summer and volleyball through the winter.   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift?   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? I think fun office supplies are awesome. I am all about keeping office in my own way   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? I cannot get enough of musicals. I go to as many as I can and own as much musical showtune music as I can get. And don’t you worry, I am not worried about getting duplicates      September 9th   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I used to burn it ages agao nwhen I was still in HS, but haven’t in a long while, because my ex hated it. So yeah, I would love to try anything anyone wants to send me.   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Yepper, I’m a fan of ravenclaw, and of Gryffindor.   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Sockdreams, etsy, Lush, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (do they have gc’s?) lol, I would say it would be safer to stick with something online since I am in Canada.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? Alice In Wonderland is my favorite, with Wizard of Oz as a close second.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture!   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! I would love to see the inside of the pyramids. I would also love to see Wonderland.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I take a bath. And read a book.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters?   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I wish I could play the bagpipes.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? I don’t garden a lot, just mostly perennials, because they take not so much work. Lol.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I do decorate, and I keep it kitschy and fun on the outside of the house, elegant on the inside, as the youngest isn’t into gore and it makes her nervous.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you?   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: I have adopted tress in each of my kids names.       September 8th   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? October 2011, because its’ my birthday month, and Sonnet D’Automne, The Golden Apple of The Sun,   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Bright colours. No particular brand.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite?   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... I like fresh clean scents, I am burning one right now that is pear and red currant. I like basically anything (I once had one that was the smell of wood smoke) in regards to scents except for cinnamon. I also really really like beeswax candles.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors?I would love a pair of fingerless gloves, in some funky mulitcolour colours, or stripey. Bright and fun.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? I would like anything my Witch would like to send me, except that I’m not sure how It would fare in transit to Canada.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Morocco! I have some but not much left and I keep thinking I should order more but never do.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar?   Social Media?   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list?   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac.   What is your favorite animal? The one I own, my dog, Harleyquin.   What are you going to be for Halloween? I haven’t got that figured out just yet, but I have a few options.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) pendant, possibly an owl, or a pumpkins. I ADORE pumpkins, don’t know why, always have. Wall art, can’t say for sure.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? I think they have their place and they can be quite nice.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? I would think that the celebrations themselves are the tradition.   Do you like going to the movies? Yes I do.   What are your favorite restaurants? I don’t really have a favourite, I’m always looking for new and interesting places to eat.   Do you play any video games? I own a wii and game when I can, which isn’t often . I also like games for my computer. I like The Nancy Drew games, The Sims, Spore, I am tossing around the idea of buying some WOW time…   Do you like any anime? No.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? My ipod could use a case.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I adore it and I would be HAPPY.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? I am a big foodie and any and all recipes would be fantastic.   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? Probably supplies and who doesn’t need more smelly lovin’ space?   Muppets: yea or nay? Yea.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite?   Favorite Mythological Creature?: I don’t know that I can pick just one. I like them all in their own way.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers: I do very much indeed.   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? I/m not quite sure which you are referring to, but I do like hair pretties. Big flowers, little flowers, ribbons, bows, feathers, any and all 




HOliday fun swap question catch up!

I live in the city of the chicken wing. If I were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter)? I don’t mind a little heat, I also like it when its heat and sweet mixed together.   If your fox/bunny were to gift you with a gift card from anywhere, as in any store food-wise, music wise etc., what gift card would you like? Pier 1, Sock Dreams, Bpal .   If I were to send you chocolate is there anything I should avoid as in nuts, cherries etc.? Also, what are some of your favorite holiday candies? NO raisins, cherries, orange anything, and I love candy canes, and misty mints.   Does anything from Fusion Sweets interest you? I am not a huge fan of marshmallows, but the rose infused ones intrigue me. And again, as above, I don’t like these things in my chocolate..   Interested in anything from the Elements and Artifacts Yule update? Apparently I want the whole dang update almost! So here are the ones that I would like –NO pressure, my foxy Fox!: Frost At Midnight, Jacob’s Ladder, Midnight Mass 2011, Deepest Mysteries of Creation, Solitary and Abhorred, A Wonderful Light, Thousands of Lights, In Brightness and Joy   What was the best holiday present you ever got? My first born baby    Bunny, what scent are you desperately wanting to be resurrected this year with the Anniversary update? I haven't been into BPAL for long enough to have an answer for this one! I guess I'd love to see what Gluttony smelled like.   Groupon for Moxie Nouveau! Dear Bunneh, is this something that would interest you? \ Bun-bun, what's your favourite colour? Your favourite gemstone? Your favourite animal (real or imaginary)? And do you have any intense phobias? Color: Red Gemstone: I love moonstones, and amber, and opals (it’s my birthstone ) Animal: owls, dogs, foxes, ravens, Phobia: I’m not really sure that I have a phobia   Reveal, yes or no? I would prefer my Fox to reveal, but will be cool if she doesn't want to. I plan to reveal, as I think that's part of the fun.   Nano'ing? Ummm, I am not sure what is meant by this..   Do you like/need boxes for perfume/knicknacks? Fer sure!   Charity gifts? Either fair-trade type stuff, or virtual type gifts, like vaccinations or school supplies being bought on your behalf, or something along those lines? I would be happy with any of these, I also support the Brain tumor Foundation of Canada. Bunny, are you interested in tarts from Two Timing Tart? What scents, if any, are you interested in? It sounds very yummy smelling- Prettyt Boys in Eyeliner, Exp#2, Tease, Parasol. Do you need any holiday recipes? Is there something in particular that you'd like baked or made for you? And for those of you doing the no sugar/low sugar, etc. thing these days, how about savory things? I'm a baker, so I'm good for holiday recipes. I do not believe in low/no sugar, since I have a raging sweet tooth. And I can't think of anything in particular I'd like to have baked -- anything my Fox wants to make me would be great!   Are you a big ol' nerd for any particular subject? Science, math, linguistics, etc? Or particular authors/fandoms? I don’t think I am a nerd for a subject really, but I do love language. Lemon? Lemon is a go    Pink? I can do pink.   Do you like artisan oils and vinegars? Yes I do What are your opinions on traditional holiday cookie flavorings? I'm thinking anise and cardamom in particular. They rock and it’s a shame more peopledon’t use them.   Any crafty pursuits you’ve been dying to experiment with? Would you like a little kit of something you’ve never tried? Do you need any particular items for your new or existing stash?I really want to pursue pottery.   Bunny, could you use a 2012 calendar, and, if so, do you like big monthly ones or the page-a-day type? I love calendars and I do both- the one a day pages at work, and the big ones at home.   Let's talk about fruit! Do you like dried fruit or hate it? Like some but not others? I’m not a fan of the dried fruit really at all.   How do you feel about cherries? Prefer the sweet or tart versions? Dried? Jam? Salsa? Hot sauce? BBQ sauce? Cherries must be fresh.   What is your general philosophy about patterns for accessories such as socks, scarves, and tights? Do you like solids? Stripes? Polka dots? Weird patterns like harlequin-type stuff? Any of the above? Gimmie colour, gimmie fun patterns and designs, gimmie something off the wall.   Would anyone else be interested in a soap dish or something like that? Actually, I DO need a soap dish- for my downstairs bathroom, which is a yellow, and has a beach scene shower curtain, and mermaids on the walls lol.   Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. What are you interested in, Bunny? I added all of these into the question above, whoops!   Do you like coin purses? I’m good, I just got witched one last SW.   Do you prefer dark or milk chocolate? Either or is fine by me, I love both.   fingerless mittens or full mitts? BOTH.




Spring Fool's SW answers

Do you like colouring? I do, very much. I have been colouring long before the adult books came out, but they are a lot of fun as well. I enjoy doing it with pencil crayons, and could use a nice set of those, as currently I have been using whatever ones are in my kids colouring box..

Can you list your wishlists please? I have my bpal wishlist in my sig, and here are the others:
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/Witcharoo/favorites/items-for-you
Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/people/witcharoo/new_library
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/anitao73/

Those are really the only other sites I purchase from.

If you like Lush, are there any UK-only things you're desperate to get? I'm not sure what is UK only, but would be happy to try anything different that they have there.

Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies? Absolutely, anything made with love from my witch would be awesome.

Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc? I have listed my allergies in my questionnaire, so I would use that as your guideline.

Graphic novels: Never read one, but happily would....

Nail Polish? I don't have a specific brand I prefer, and colours are basically sky is the limit.

BPTP Products? I am in love with the bath oils, and I want to try some of the bar soaps. I also will happily accept any of their clothing (if it fits me, of course )

Nail Wraps: Sure, i have never tried them so i dont know how i feel about them

Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop? i would love any of these, just be aware of the allergies listed in my questionnaire

In Regards to loose/bagged tea: i would do either happily.

Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+) i would have to say 6-7, possibly 8. i dont mind the heat, but i like to still taste my food and like the flavor that hot sauce brings, but there is no point if i cant taste anything because its all too hot.

Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc? physical please. i do not own an ereader

Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? If so, please give an example or five YES !!!! i would love any of those things! i like owls, foxes, octopuses, honey badgers, monster dolls, those plushies shaped like germs, sheep, lots more i am sure- this is just off the top of my head.

Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Flowers (seeds, real, or handmade) prank-related items, a court jester's cap? Feel free to be creative and crazy with this one! i like foolish and fun things. Quirky,

Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? My pups isnt so puplike anymore, but she does love treats. She isnt a chewer so that kind of thing isnt for her. But really, you dont have to worry about it as she is fairly spoiled already. lol

Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests?G absolutely. i love harry potter, which i think i missed adding in my list of stuff and i like

Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? nope.

would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail? A big yes for this one. i like things of that nature, pens and the like.

Any places you would like gift cards from? i like sock dreams, etsy, teefury, those would be nice

Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences?
I wear do wear make up and am always on the lookout for a super fine tip eyeliner, that doesnt smudge or flake. i like eyeshadows as well and lipsticks in red/darker plums.

Junk food and candy? i am trying really hard right now to be a good girl, i have a trip to Mexico in May and i need to pace myself with the treats.

Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? Sure

Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? I could use a really good potato peeler. or whatever reason, I can't ever find one that I like. I have tried a few different kinds and they all seem, meh. so if my Witch has one she love s or even a suggestion for one, that would be awesome. As for other kitchen stuffs, I will happily take more linens, or if my Witch has something specific in mind, it will be accepted gratefully

Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? I do like plants, and I have a few. They are indoor, and I have managed to keep them alive for quite a while which is a big deal to me. lol so, bring on the green things!

If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever) ? I would like something that hangs on a wall. I would love the other two too, but right now, some of the walls in my house are a little bare. So to fill up some of that space would be awesome

Are you in need of BPAL storage? I do not need anything for storage at this time, but thank you.

Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts? I would happily accept any of these!

What style of bag from here (if any) would you like? You can easily narrow down the choices on the side menu - but I only want to know the style, not the pattern! if I had to pick from that site, I would go with their small messemger bags

If you like Harry Potter stuff, what house do you belong in? If you like Game of Thrones, what family? I am a Ravenclaw! and I do adore Potter themed stuffs. I haven't watched game of thrones (GASP!), so I don't know where I would fit in with that.

BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? I love all kinds of bags, right now I am trying to search out the perfect summer/beach bag for a trip I am going on in May.

Here's a question. I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that? I think that anything handmade like that would be lovely. They are alot of time and work and truly end up being a work of art, and I appreciate all that the artist puts into them.

What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user? The foxes are amazing but if my Witch spent that kind of money I would have a heart attack!!

Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection? I think the Crickhollow and Bramble & Apple sound good

Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)? of course, since I asked the question

Top 5 hotties in no particular order:
1. Hugh Jackman
2. Ewan Mcgregor
3. David Tenant
4. Jude Law
5. Henry Cavill
6. Alan Rickman
7. Tom Hiddleston
8. Benny Cumberbatch
9. Justin Timberlake
10. Chris Pratt

Oh, was it just 5, you say? My bad.. How do you pick just five?

first 5 songs on my playlist
1. Never Quit Lovin' You - Jill Barber
2. The Greatest View - Silverchair
3. The Greatest Man That Ever Lived - Weezer
4. Vermillion, pt 2 - Slipknot
5. Build me up buttercup - The Foundations

I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug? A fairy door would be so nice   If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get? tricky! I think I would buy fabric though since I have had an itch to sew lately, although some nice yarn would be a good use for it too.   Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines! For me it's that earthy smell that happens when the snow melts and everything under it has begun to compost itself and everything just smells... wawrmer. ( I know you can't actually smell "warmer" but in my head this is what I smell. Warmer. lol




SW Halloween round 2011 pt 2- I didn't know they cut themselves off...

October 5th   Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?) none that I am aware of.   Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo? No, I don't   Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography?possibly a beginner kit?   Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what? I love music, but don't play an instrument, except my voice.     October 3rd   Does anyone else like collector Barbies? My daughter has a shit ton of them, and other porcelain ones from various people in our family, I always felt bad about not letting her open them because that was the request that came with the doll. I hope that someday they will e worth enough to be able to have her benefit from them, but until then they just sit.   What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get?   Tarot It has been a very long time since I have had my tarot read, I used to dabble in readings when I was younger, but havent done anything with it in years.   Tell me about something you like, and why you like it. I like crafting. a lot. I enjoy crocheting, crossstitching, knitting sewing, stained glass, I used to scrapbook quite a it, some stamping too. I like it because of the satisfaction my mind gets in creating something completely out of itself, and the happy feeling you get when you have something to show for it at the end.   If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy? Some fun sparkly eyeshadow powders would be nice.   Would any witchees be interested inQuinn Popcorn? I love popcorn, but it hates me soI think I should pass. October 2nd   Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee??? I DO!   Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want? I haven't had anything from NA     What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? The candy corn stripeys.   Luck charms? I don't have a particular luck charm but if I was to receive a special one made for me in mind, that would be perfect   Does anyone want anything from... here...? again, no link sorry witch!   For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles? candles, until I get myself a tart burner.   Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace fromhere? link didn't show, sorry.   Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now? I keep forgetting to buy myself Zombieland. I really enjoyed that movie.   Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet? NO I am good this way.   Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted? Not that I can think of.   Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)? I am never to shy to buy myself R-rated products.   Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there? I haven't seen the lsh update, looking now... PUMPKIN SOAP! Demon in the Dark is one of my regular faves, and their little pumpkin wrap is so cute!   if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts? Of course I would, but only if you're willing to share       October 1st   s there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread? the personalized chocolate, the sea salt caramel lip stuff, a few other things   Reveal? Only if you want to, no pressure, as long as you know I am very grateful..   Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent? I would be very interested.   Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try?yes it does   September 30th   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? I don't think so.   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal?   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they?   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? I like it in my body products, not necessarily in my jewelry   Is there a magazine that you DON'T read because you can't find it near you, but wish you could? I don't think so.   Describe your sense of humour. British humour I love, anything goofy,   Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?)I do. I love them and have some but they keep getting repurposed so more would be great.   I'm about to make an order from Sephora (nothing off of my wishlist, witch, so don't worry about that). Is there anything for you that you would like to accompany my order, if you're my witchee? I would love another korres lip balm... they are amazing




12 Days of Christmas swap answers

08 Nov
Do you have a wood-burning fireplace or fire pit, and if so would you like handmade firestarters or scenting bundles to throw on it? (think bundles of apple wood chips and cinnamon bark, or little wax/herb/paper bundles with a wick)
I do not, sadly. I have a gas insert and I miss the smell of the wood smoke.

07 Nov
If you said you liked candles/melts/incense/etc., what are your favorite scents for such things? Same as my scents for what I wear- easy peasy
Do you like to cook and would you be interested in cookbooks? If so, what kind? Gluten free
Do you like games (board/card), and if so what kind and for how many players? I love board games! and card games! and it can be for 2 to 200 players. All are good!
Would you be interested in:

- Dried honeycrisp apples Yes!

- Applesauce (with red hots for sweetness and cinnamon) Yes!

- Rose petal liqueur Yes!

- Blackberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, or Peach Jam YES!

- garlic dill pickles YES!

- raw honey from bees on our property Yes!

- Baked or homemade goods (rum balls, spritz cookies, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, fudge, cranberry bliss bars, chocolate topped toffee, zucchini bread, pumpkin bread, princess buttercups, chex mixes, trail mixes, etc.)
Feel free to request a certain type of favorite thing you like. I have a food handlers license and I will make sure everything is very sterile, I am ultra virgo about cleanliness. I will avoid allergens like the plague if you are allergic to certain things. I can do gluten free baked things and/or we could do sugar free if that is a must. This to me is awesome. I truly appreciate you going above and beyond when it comes to allergens. I cannot have wheat.

- handsewn project bags or makeup bags? We do different sizes, some with zippers, some with draw strings. I can get all kinds of fandom type fabric like Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hello Kitty, Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Mario Brothers, etc. I have some glittery bats, skulls, etc. too.
If you're interested, what size would you like and would you prefer drawstring or zipper? Zipper please!
What colors/theme? (most things that are on jo-anns web site, we can get locally.) I love all things dr who, Harry Potter, day of the dead, ravens. owls, foxes, octopuses, if you need to know more, ask

- yarn, roving, batts, fiber? I have a LOT of really nice "farty" or "snobby" yarn in semi-solids, self striping, and gradients. Or I can make batts with our drum carder. I have roving and wool too if you spin. Or I have some handspun yarn in different colors/weights as well. I really want to try my hand at spinning so this would be amazing! I also love to crochet and knit, so "farty" yarn would be a nice treat lol.

- any cross stitch items like a small wall hanging or bookmark? I'm learning cross stitch and might be able to get a project done. I'm hip with inappropriate phrases... Sure!

- if you said you'd want a knitted item, are there any particular favorite patterns you'd like -
ravelry bundle? You can take a peek at my ravelry library. My user name is witcharoo.

How about favorite colors for whatever you'd like? Jewel tones, and black.

04 Nov
Bath and Body works? just the handsoap (foaming preferably)

I'm going to San Diego next week. Are there any souvenirs from there you'd like? How about any little souvenirs in general that you appreciate receiving? I would appreciate anything my snow anbgel wouldl ike to bring, but I do like to collect patches and squished pennies from different places.

What's your shoesize? Would you like to receive socks? 7-8 and yes please life is too short for boring socks.

Stuff from The Netherlands, England, Germany, etc.: Yes Please! England especially. It is on my bucket list of places to see. I really really really want to go there. But, I know that both the Netherlands and Germany have great things to offer, so if my snow angel is headed there, I do collect patches ( or badges as some call them) of different places, so I would also love those as well.

Office supplies:
Yep I work at a boring old desk so anything to make it more my own is welcome.

Spicy, cheesy, or sour snacks:
Yes please! As long as there is no wheat in them it should be fine.

Would you like cooking ingredients, mixes, spices, oils, gadgets, etc.:
Yes I would

Soaps or bath gel?
I use gels more often than bar soap, but that doesn't mean I won't use it.

Candles, wax melts, incense?
Candles and wax melts, yes. Incense no. I love it but it bothers the hubs.

Jewelry preferences:
Silver/silver-toned, or copper/bronze (I don't have any allergies or sensitivities).

I try to avoid artificial sweeteners when I can.

Handmade items & homemade food:
Yes yes yes please!

Licorice? I used to love licorice, but I can't have it anymore since it contains wheat.

Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? If not, would you want some of their famous delicious treats? (Cookie butter - original or pumpkin spice!, sweet plantain chips, chocolate covered potato chips, etc) I do not have a Trader Joe's near me, but always watch with envy at the wonderful things that come out of that store lol. So yes, I would love some of their famous delicious treats.

Do you have any interest in Shakespearean swag (insult mugs, play themed lip balms, oodles of other possibilities) or general performing arts related goodies?
I love Shakespeare so this would be good for me
What is your favorite Christmas story - be it book, movie, cartoon - and if there are various versions, which is your favorite? I would say that my favorite Christmas story would have to be the Claymation Rudolph the red nosed reindeer because I remember vividly watching when I was small at my grandparents house. As I ot older it was definitely a Christmas Story and Christmas Vacation.

Do you have a preference for numbered packages or random selection? Whatever my Snow Angel's heart desires.

Do you have any external wishlists, Goodreads, or anything else that you might not have listed in your survey? No I don't but I am always interested in learning about new authors.

For books that are part of a series, do you have a strong preference for whether you receive them in order, assuming that any overarching plot is reasonably easy to pick up on and the main story is self contained? Obviously in order is usually best, but if it's a really good story, it should be fairly easy to pick up in the middles with no issues.

03 Nov
what kind of collector are you? And do you have a log or a list somewhere away from the forum of the things you love, hate or already own?
I have an excel spreadsheet that I chronicle everything I own and have tried- I also have notes on if I have already swapped it, just to remind myself that I have indeed tried a specific scent already.

02 Nov
Christmas decor?
We are hosting Christmas this year and the theme is cozy Chirstmas. So everyone will be coming in their pjs or comfy wear and I plan on using alot of knits and warmish things for decorating the tables with. My trees (yes, I have 2 every year) don't have a theme unless you called it colourful eclectic. I have all sorts of ornamets and bright colours and nothing matches and they look awesome

When it comes to makeup, what is your coloring? Fair, dark? Sensitive skin? Eye color? Hair color? Style....funky, natural? Any additional makeup info?
I am very fair, with hazel eyes, dark hair, styled any old way I want on any given day I wear lots of different colours when it comes to eyeshadows and as for any other additional make up info I am looking into foundations. I have always used just a powder but right now I am considering trying a liquid....

Is there any craft or hobby that you are interested in trying?
Right now I am really looking into spinning my own yarn. I want to get one of those kits with a top spindle ( the ones where the disk is at the top, not the bottom) and some roving and just give it a go. I wouldn't care if the yarn was dyed or not, I just really want to try it.

31 Oct
I love crocheting, it's my favorite hobby. Can I make you a scarf/cowl/sweater/lap blanket to keep you wintery-warm!?

I love crochet and you can make me any number of things, an aghan (although I pretty sure shipping would be horrendous), mitts, fingerless mitts, a scarf/cowl kind of deal, or whatever my swapper wants to make for me.

How do you feel about knit socks? (Plain stockinette, lacework, cables, etc). Are there any other hand knit items you'd especially like? (Mittens, fingerless gloves, hats, etc).

I cannot get enough of knit socks. The time it takes (for me anyway) to actually sit down and make a pair, well let’s just say I am in awe of people who can churn them out. You can do cables, lace, plain, whatever your heart desires. Anything else that tickles your fancy to make me would also be happily accepted J

How do you feel about amigurumi (i.e. little crochet toys), either characters from a fandom, wee animals, or as decorations?

I would LOVE some!! Fanbased would be most welcome (Harry Potter, Sherlock, Dr who, game of thrones, labyrinth, dark crystal, Nightmare before Christmas, Princess bride, and many more)

What kind of snacks do you like? Does dried fruit or crunchy dried vegetables sound appealing? Do you like (raw) honey? Jerky? Jam? What sort of local products do you like to receive as gifts? If you're familiar with products in the Pacific Northwest, is there anything specific you'd like to try?

All of them sound good. I just can’t do wheat though, that’s the only thing you need to watch out for. Other than that, I am very adventurous with food and will usually try anything once.

If there's one place you could go in the world, where and why?
England would be a place I would love to go to. I am in love with all of the history there. Ireland is second on the list, there are a few vying for third.

What sort of dollar store items do you always get a kick out of?
So, I don’t know if there is anything I get a kick out of per se, I like to browse the aisles. I do purchase some of my kitchen items from there (think tin foil, sandwich bags etc), and sometimes they have cook kitchen gadgets.

Do you like to receive plants or gardening stuff? Do you grow plants? What's your favourite flower, if you have one?
My favorite plants are lavender, roses, peonies, succulents, irises, marigolds, peppermint, in no particular order.

Favourite flowers to look at touch: pansies, peppermint, lavender,

Favourite flowers to sniff: Roses, peonies, daffodils, irises, violets,

If you had a custom perfume/beauty/bath product made for you, what would it be and what would the scent description look like? (everything from prose to the specific selection of notes)
A custom blend would probably be something smoky, with a hint of a sweetness coming from one of my favorite flowers, and ending with a whisper of parchment and ink.

I love drawing! Either fanart chibis on the tablet or portrait work in graphite pencil... but it's been a while..so I'd love to use this as an excuse to draw something for you! If you could commission an art piece, would you choose traditional or digital artwork- and what would it be of?

Traditional for sure because I would want to hang it up,a nd I would get lazy printing out a digital one. And whatever you are happiest drawing would be good for me J




Switch witch 2015 answers


Pumpkin? Yes please, but nothing too spiced pumpkin-y

Booze? I love ciders and hard liquor.

Want anything from Yellowstone? Be it postcards, key chains, shot glasses, pint glasses, or huckleberry what have you? I would like a sew on badge or patch, as I collect those, and squished pennies would be nice too. huckleberry is good in my book.


I know there is a question about "decorating style", but if you're comfortable, could you should us some photos of your spaces? For those of us who like to art and craft, it can be nice to have a visual sense of decorating style! If my witch would like that, I would be happy to supply it for them


For those of you who don't drink alcohol, can you specify if you live with any drinkers or ever have alcohol on hand for guests, vs. abstaining and preferring not to have it around at all? I have alcohol in my house for personal use and for entertaining, I am fine with it.

Are you a fan of the TV show Penny Dreadful? Yes! and to have my own copy of them would be great!

What are your coffee and tea preferences? Do you prefer one, the other, both, or neither (and if it's neither, what about things like hot cider and cocoa)? Loose leaf or bags, whole bean or ground? Is caffeine OK? Any gadgetry you're in need of? Any brands or flavors that you particularly love, loathe, or want to try? Caffeine is fine, I don't drink coffee, but do like the occasional yes. I have no preference as to type, loose leaf or prebagged, and I could use a fun little infuser as I don't have one at the moment ( my old one broke).

What's your sense of humor like? Do you enjoy puns? Play on words? Dirty humor? Dry humor? Who are some of your favorite comedians? I love to laugh. puns, word play, dirty, dry, bring it all on. I enjoy Kevin Hart, Amy poehler, Russell Peters, Craig Ferguson, Bill Murray, Eddie Izzard, that's enough for now.

Do you like board games? If so, which ones? Traditional or more unique? (like Settlers of Catan, Small World, Red Dragon Inn, etc) Yes I enjoy board games, I have never played the ones mentioned though, So maybe I like more traditional?

Is there anything that you specifically do NOT want to receive? I can't think of anything.

Plain or fun socks? Life is too short for boring socks!

Name one (or as many as you would like) thing you would like to learn more about? Not sure, let me think on it.

What one thing you would like to do more of? I would like to do more painting. I am a super newbie at it, but keep trying. Also travel. And excercise of any sort..

What are some things that fascinate you? Or, What would you like to know more about? I find nature fascinating.


Would you like any cookie butter (just to be clear, store-bought, not home-made, and does contain wheat since it's, y'know, cookie butter)? No thank you. I cannot have wheat.

Is there any particular piece (or pieces) of art (painting, photograph, etc) that speaks to you in some way? I Really enjoy Gustav Klimt's work, as well as John William Waterhouse. I have The Lady of Shallot hanging in my bedroom and a section of Klimt's Water Serpents hanging in my rec room. I also like Leonid Afremov, Edward Gorey, Romero Britto is another one, and my ribcage is scheduled to be covered with Tenniel's images from Alice In Wonderland in November. The art I enjoy is extremely varied. I don't know if it speaks to me until I see it.

What kinds of things would you like from the Lilith BPAL or BPTP update (or are you joining a decant circle?) I am not join gin a decent circle at the moment. I would love to try out Catch Me Dad, Once upon a Time (BPTP), Blood and Judgement So Well Condemned, and Walking the Prime Meridian all sound so good.

Do you want to received knit or crocheted items? If so, could you describe or even link to a couple of items similar to what you would like to receive? I would love handmade things from my witch, since I am a maker of these things as well. Knitted socks have my utmost respect since I don't like making them, so yeah bring the yarn things on! I am hoping my witchee likes them too.

Would you like anything from Lush? I love their Flying Fox, and I would love to try Lord of Misrule as well. I also adore their ocean salt scrub.

SPICY! Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" and 10 being "ghost pepper? scorpion pepper? I laugh at these! I love as much heat as you can throw my way!" Where are you?
I go anywhere from 2 to 7. My problem with the super hot ones and that they get so hot there is nothing got taste. I really like the flavor of hot sauces, but it is sometimes over shadowed by the heat. The hot sauce I use on a regular basis is Crystal, but it has more flavour than heat, but I love the stuff.

What is your BPAL "Holy Grail"?
I am thinking that this is to mean a scent that we have yet to try or tried and have no more of and now to find it would be a great quest. If this is the case, then I would have to say Hairy Toad Lily and Brom Bones. HTL was one of the very first imps I ever received from the lab, and although I didn't wear it a lot, I used it as a room scent. BB because damn, all that leather...

Analog or Digital? Or Both?
Both please.

Kitchen Needs or Wants: I am currently on the hunt for some pretty specific decor like this:
https://www.etsy.com/listing/245974369/1981-signed-miller-studio-inc-three?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=miller%20studio%20chalkware&ref=sr_gallery_32 As I have different sets of these on my walls in my kitchen, but there is a spot for a couple more. as for gadgetry, I can't think of any that I need, but spices will always find a home in my cupboard as long as they are wheat free.

Affinity for specific animals: Well in my questionnaire I said honey badger, but there are more, like owls and foxes, peacocks and dogs, octopuses and sea turtles, skunks and cats.

Makeup! Do you like it, would you want some? If so what brands do you like to wear? I am partial to Urban Decay, Besame, and Too Faced. Right now I am still looking for the perfect liquid eyeliner that won't flake, won't smudge and won't wear off after half a day. I don't expect to get it from my witch, but if anyone has suggestions, I would welcome them. I also love a good mascara, nail polish is always welcomed.

Chocolate fiends ahoy! What kind of chocolate do you like? Do you like any other things in it or just plain good ole chocolate? I love all chocolate except white chocolate. The only things I don't like in my chocolate are raisins, because I detest raisins.

Would you be opposed to receiving a ton of Halloween themed items? Halloween is my favorite, so if my witch wants to load me up with them, that is fine by me. And if s/he doesn't want to load me up with them, that is fine by me as well. S/he can do whatever s/he wants because s/he is awesome

Bat Conservation? OH yes please! I collect patches like the scout patches they have up in the shirt section, but I also love the shirt. Fiona Reid's artwork is beautiful, and I have always admired Cannon's books.

What items from the Weenie update interest you, should you have to option of getting anything as a gift from your Witch??? Would you be ok with decants, or bottles?
The question should be which ones DON'T interest you?
Magnificent Autumn
October (my bday month!)
ALL of the Dead Leaves set
Apple I
A Phantasmagoria; Scene- Conjuring up an Armed Skeleton
Depart Pour Le Sabbat
The Magic Circle
The Witch and The Mandrake
A Holyman Advises a Woman...
Pan Twardowski and The Devil

And then there is the LIlith Update as well...

Blood and Judgement so Well Condemned
Walking The Prime Meridian
Catch Me Dad (BPTP)

Bottles or imps are equally fine and My witch is under ZERO pressure to ensure that any of these get to me.

What's your favorite scary movie?

Well, scary (that I wouldn't let my younger children see) would be The Others, Pan's Labyrinth, and ones they MIGHT be able to watch would be Sleepy Hollow and Van Helsing. Ones they could FOR SURE watch would be Coraline, The Corpse Bride, Monster House, and HOtel Trannsylvania. We are actually going the Sunday to see Hotel Trannsylvania 2, my kids really want to see it.

Blu-Ray or DVD?
Game systems - console or computer? Mac/PC? Which console?
I have a mac and a wii and a ps3

Talk to me about bags, what kinds do you like? Sizes and styles?
I am always on the look out for the perfect bag, which I have yet to find. I need something can be converted to crossbody and still be able just to hang from my elbow, and I have yet to find the perfect size with anything I have bought so far. I think the perfect size is somewhere in the vicinity of a foot wide and 8 inches high, I think, lol. I am always pinning purses on pinterest or on etsy, but haven't pulled the trigger on any of them due to funds. I like a zipper close, because I am chronically just tossing my bag into the car and have stuff out of it because of that. I like at least one inside pocket and pockets on the outside are optional, but again they need to be able to close well. I am up for almost any colour and patterns are also fine, but I don't like the quilted ones of vera bradley, they just aren't me. I like unique purses, for example my purse right now is a small little thing (too small, in fact), it's a hard kind of vinyl and is black with big white polkadots on it. The one previous to that was covered in dancing day of the dead skeletons (but it was too big). I really like the retro looking ones, but most can't be converted. But if you want to stay away from purses I can always use a good tote bag.

Holy Crap I am a bit picky about my purses aren't i???

The Last Huzzah of the NY Renaissance Faire happens this weekend and I'm going! Is there anything you might want? (Besides a turkey leg, which won't ship well!) I go to Ren Faires quite regularly, but I have never been to the NY one! So maybe something like a patch if they have them or a pottery shotglass if they have those as well with the name on it? Or anything you think I might like, the crafters and vendors would all be different so pick away
Do you like comics or graphic novels? Any issues or collections you want to read? I like comics but nothing that I follow or collect.

Do you like fanfic? Would you like a story written for you as part of your gift? What characters/fandoms/pairings etc do you like? I always think about reading ito fanfics but then get distracted by other reading stuffs. That said, though, if my Witch wants to write me something I would happily read it.

Where do you have wishlists at? If you could please link to them or to a post that links to them. (Amazon, Etsy, Think Geek, Pinterest, Sephora, Lush, BPAL/BPTP, Soap Box Company, everywhere and anywhere!) I am usually good at updating these

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/Witcharoo/favorites/items-i-love?ref=favs_index_1
Sockdreams : http://www.sockdreams.com/_users/wishlists/64647964795ad23
Pin Up Girl Clothing: https://www.pinupgirlclothing.com/wishlist/index/index/wishlist_id/30642/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/anitao73/
Ravelry: http://www.ravelry.com/people/witcharoo/favorites?bundles=0
Another website I visit alot is The Missouri Star Quilt COmpany, but they don't have a wishlist feature on their site.
BPAL/BPTP: I always have something good in my wishlist which is in my signature, and I have answered about the new updates above.

Let's say you have indicated interest in receiving a hand knitted item. What colors, exactly, do you like? If you could provide color swatches here or to pinterest (or something visual), that would help out a lot. Jewel tones and black, charcoal greys, those are all safe bets.

Would you rather receive a bunch of little packages through the round, a couple of medium packages, or one big package at the end? I refuse to tell my witch how to run the show! I know she will do her best however she plays it and I trust her/him.
If/when you go to the mall, for which store(s) do you beeline? I usually check out Sephora, Le Chateau, Victoria's secret, Yankee Candle, I don't get to the mall much so I can't remember more.
Do you receive any subscription boxes (julep, lootcrate, ipsy, birchbox, etc.)? No I don't.

For those of us with out-of-country Witchees, would you be happy with receiving a few packages from local to you merchants (say, through Etsy or equivalent)? Sure if that’s how my witch wants to roll J

Would Witchees like something from IKEA? (Or any other not always accessible by everyone store?) I love ikea.

Do you like tarts/candles/incense? If so, what type of scents?. I don’t like ones that smell like dryer sheets, and I don’t like ones that smell like just fruit, but if they are together, for example I like lemon and lavender, citrus and sage ( both of those are from yankee candle), cranberry and pear. I also like smoky, mucky, patchouli based, sandalwood scents. I use tarts and candles mostly, but a while back I was on a big incense kick, and wouldn’t mind getting any of these smelly things!

Is there anything you wish you could have picked up from the Dragon*Con exclusives? Arizona v united states, peach XI and peach XIV

Is there a GC you've been dying to try but haven't got around to yet?Dee has always intrigued me.

The questionnaire asked about gold & silver jewelry, but how do you feel about copper jewelry? Do you like colorful jewelry, or do you prefer to keep it neutral?I enjoy copper jewellery and it can be colorful for sure.

We asked about decorating style, but are you interested in receiving decorations for your home? Are you interested in things that go on the wall or things that go on shelves?Things to go on my walls are appreciated.

Office supplies hound? Pens, pencils, journals, any preference, or favorites? I love stationary.

Talk to me about socks! Is there anything, dear, dear Witchee, that I can get for you from Sock Dreams? Anything from another place? I have a wishlist for socks at sockdreams and here is the link http://www.sockdreams.com/_users/wishlists/64647964795ad23

I live near a huuuuge candy store. What kind of candy do you like? Gummies? Caramel? Chocolate? Sour? Sugar-free? I love dark chocolate and honey sticks, I also like caramel and sugar free.

How do you feel about animal products? Not so much animal toys or food, but more like furs, paws, bones, etc. I am good with it.

Are you interested in receiving any restaurant.com gift certificates for your area? I live in Canada so I don’t know that these apply.

How do you feel about "toys" - stuffed animals and the like? Sure.

Did you see the eclipse last night? How do you feel about astrological events, like eclipses? Any interest in the Blood Moon Eclipse scent from BPAL? I wouldn't mind a decant, the pomegrante makes me nervous about it but all the other scents are a go.

Witchee's, how tall are you? And perhaps, what's your arm span (from wrist to wrist)?
I am 5' 3" and I just measured my arm span is 53.5". I am not an ape, I promise..

How do you feel about the 4 elements? Or are you more of an Asian 5 elements person? Do you feel strongly about any of the elements, like a connection or a preference? I feel that all four elements

How do you feel about bento boxes? Is it something you would use if you were to get one?
So I googled Bento boxes, I mean I already had an idea what they were but wanted to confirm, and most of the images I looked at were just trays with rice sculptures in them. I am assuming the question is for the container, not the contents I saw, so I will say if my witch wants to send me one, she can send me one.

Scarves, shawls or cowls? Mittens, gloves, fingerless mitts or wristlets?
I have a ravelry wishlist that is earlier up in this blog, I have most of the above mentioned things on my favorites list

how do you feel about online classes? Like, say, craftsy or creativebug? Or even lynda.com?
I would love to as I check out craftsy all the time.

What do we want from Paintbox Soapworks?
Indian summer, Beet it, The Englishman, fusilia, Mandinka, Crimson and Clover, whiskers and either scrub or hand lotion please.

If I were to make you some art, would you prefer a frame that hangs or one that sits? And what color/style would you prefer?
Hanging please. and I like brights and jewel tones, also black and white sketchwork if that is what my witch chooses.

How do you feel about gourmet marshmallows?
no thank you.

Are you a slatherer or a dabber?
I am a dabber, and rarely a slatherer.

Is there anything from ThinkGeek that you want?
villainess update:
I have never tried anything from Villainess, so I checked out the website and their bar soaps sound nice (fireleaf and saltleaf sound really nice)- I'm more of a scrub person though, and although the base of them sounds good, none of their current scents called my name.

How does everyone feel about duct tape crafts? Any favorite patterns?
I don’t think duct tape patterns are for me, but thank you!

Are there any flowers you especially like?
Are there!! I love roses, and dahlias. I also love lavender (do we still consider that a flower or a herb?)

Would you be interested in any cozies or cases (yarn o fabric, not hard cases) for tech stuff (phone, laptop' etc) or for cups/mugs/bottles or anything else similar?
I am pretty deadly with my tech stuff so I need nice hard cases for it, but I am not against a cozie for my teapot J

Would you like Halloween or Day of the Dead themed ornaments or a "bunting"?
I do love day of the dead themed things, and bunting would be great too!

Are there witchees who would like book related gifts like a booklight, bookmark, bookseat or something for your reading gadget,like a cover or a light for example.
I had to google what a bookseat is, and they look really handy.

I make handmade journals, mini albums and similar items. Would my witchee be interested in something like that?
This witchee would be. Handmade books are definitely an art form!

What songs/music/artists/CD's do you like to listen to around Halloween?
The same stuff I listen to year round, nothing special just for this season, I am afraid.

Are you interested in leg warmers at all?
No thank you, I have enough of those.

Is your Halloween style scary, cutesy, folksy, grotesque . . .?
It’s a little spooky,not overly so because of smaller children in my house, but it’s not cutesy, and it’s not folksy and it’s not grotesque so I don’t know how else to describe it.

Have you read The Martian? Or do you plan on watching the movie? I have not read the book, but I may, and the movie looks good enough, but I will probably wait until it is released for home viewing.

Pertaining to that, how does everyone feel about such things? Will anyone be participating? How about NaNo swag, is there any you want? I have often thought about participating, but I am always afraid that real like will get in the way and I will fail myself by not getting what I want to get done, done. As for the swag, the Nanoland Chronicles seem cute.

Honey or beeswax products? Discuss. I love both honey and beeswax.

How do you feel about bumper stickers and car magnets? What do you like--cute, pretty, snarky, geeky/fandomy? I have had a couple of magnets, but people have stolen them. I would do stickers, but I don’t know that I would stick them on my car. I like fandom-y or snarky.

Do you have any phobia's that your Witch should be aware of? Nope

Trading Post Weenies are live! Anything calling to you?
The atmo sprays October, On Halloween would be top picks and Home with a Pumpkin Light sounds really interesting too.

Are there any DISCONTINUED (not LE) BPAL oils that you wish you had, or had a little more of?
I would like to smell Hairy Toad Lily again. And Antique Lace just goes without saying.   Anything I could use more of?
I am always and forever in need of pony o's and bobby pins.   Marmite?
No thank you.   Used nail polish?
As someone else said, if it is in good shape and only used a couple of times, that's fine.   Jam berry?
I have never tried them, they look interesting.




SW 2016 Questions answered

How do you feel about knitted stuff?
Fancy? Plain?
- I love knitted things. You can get as fancy or as plain as you like. I am trying right now myself to learn lace knitting but so far its not been so great.

What types of things do you like to wear?
- I answered this somewhat in my questionnaire, but I also love cozy things like, wraps and hoodies, and thick socks and comfy things.
I'm into beer. How 'bout you?
Styles? - No beer thank you, but I do like ciders and meads.
And booze? - I am a hard liquor kind of girl

How do you feel about caramel? - all the caramel, all the time
Salt or no? -Both
With chocolate or without? -both

Would you be interested in home made food items?
- garlic dill pickles
- blackberry jam
- dried honey crisp apples
- applesauce (with or without red hots)
- elderberry syrup (with honey and apple cider vinegar - great for immune boosting)
- honey from our bees
- rose petal liquor (made with our own rose petals and everclear but diluted down a bit so it doesn't knock you over)
- baked goods of your choice, what do you like or dislike?
- I am all over all of the things listed above, except possibly the baked goods do to a wheat allergy. If not wheat then we wold be good

Would you be interested in project bags/pouches? I usually make flat bottom round pouches with a pocket inside and a drawstring. Possibility of embroidery if we still have the huge commercial machine. - I cannot stress this enough, if my witch should choose to make something for me with her hands, and take the time and effort to think it out and work on it, then I would happily accept it and find a use for it.

And to go along with the previous knitting question...
Are you allergic to any fiber or do you know what kind of yarn you prefer? (merino, merino cashmere, merino cashmere silk, 100% silk, 100% cashmere, merino nylon, BFL, BFL silk, etc. Or do you like acrylic?) -I don't really have a preference to what the fiber is, as long as it isn't scratchy.

Would you want a quilted pot holder? - yes i would, see 2 questions above.

Do you have any prefered flavour of shortbread? - no.

What are you interested in from the recent BPAL and BPTP updates? (Lilith, Lunacy, etc.) - I really want Good Morning London and Plush Viscera

Would you like hibiscus seeds? -yes please!

Harry Potter? - Yes!!!!!!! I have constantly been sorted into Ravenclaw until recently another sort saw me into HufflePuff

Does anyone like fleece character hats? Like these: http://wonderlandonl...like-fleece-hat? What kinda characters would you like to see? They're adorable but I don't know that I would wear it often enough to warrant owning one.

Reused Packing Supplies? I have tons of bubble mailers that I get reused from my work so I am good with those (although if people don't mind, I may use some as packing filler).

Do you like things with Pumpkin (or Pumpkin Spice?) I love pumpkin, but maybe not so much pumpkin spice. I would however, be open to trying something off the usual path of those kind of things.
Do you decorate for Halloween all year? If not, what level of decor do you have for Halloween?
Absolutely all year

Indoor/outdoor Halloween decorations? What do you do, and what would you prefer to receive?
I will happily take either

What's your preferred Halloween decor style: classic/traditional (skulls, pumpkins, bats), kitchsy/cute, retro, elegant/Victorian, horror/macabre?
I like all of it but the cute stuff for the most part.

and finally,
What's your candy preference? Chocolate of course, all but white, and I absolutely adore the treacle toffees, or Molasses toffees- can't get enough!

Candles or wax melts/wax tarts? I will do either, but please refrain from oceanside-y scents or anything too foody

Do you have an Etsy wish list, and if so, what's your user name there?
I believe this is on the spreadsheet, but its witcharoo

Tokyo Milk? Yea or Nay?
I have never even heard of it until now, so I am now going to check it out so checked it out and I would be willing to try out the dead sexy line, if you were so inclined.

would you like notebooks or journals? Utilitarian or fancy? Lined or blank? Tell me of your stationery lustings.
I love all stationary- nice pens (I use a fountain pen for day to day), fancy papers, pretty journals, they can be lined or not, and a nice planner would do well for next year. I prefer spiral bound for an organizer, and book bound for journals, and colored pages are fine as well.

If you are ok with knitted things, what colors do you like?
I love knitted things and the colours I like are all the jewel tones and black.
If striping, what two (or more) colors together?
Black and anything, usually only two and never more than three together though..
If you want yarn, what colors do you want?
--- A color palette would be lovely if you use Pinterest. Or just want to post palette photos in your blog.

I would love some yarn, and I will make a pinterest board specifically for pallets of colors, but Im pretty much all over the place. J

Are you interested in fabric? Again, what colors, what themes, etc.
I would go with the same color pallets as the yarn and I also have a fabric board as well. I am currently collecting charm squares for a random coloured quilt top I want to make. You can also look at my quilts board as there is tons of stuff on there too. Although right now I am little desperate for a layer cake pack or a fat quarter pack of Tula Pinks Elizabeth fabric collection

What are your tea and/or coffee preferences? Loose leaf / whole bean or bagged / ground? Do you have a favorite type? Flavor? Retailer?
I dont do coffee but teas are good, I just seem to drink as much of it these days. I have liked Davids Tea, Twinnings (the irish breakfast one is a sure go)
If you could receive one handmade item - everything from knitted or crocheted gloves and scarves to sewn bags to fanart or original art, what would you prefer?
If my Witch knits, they can make me a lovely shawl. If my Witch Crochets, they can do the same. If my Witch sews, they can make me
What are your favorite fandoms, if any?
Sherlock, Dr. Who, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones,

Skincare- do you use a particular routine? What products would you absolutely not use?
Right now, my skin seems to be going through some weird sort of change and the things I have used for years are not doing what they should be. I am open to trying new products that other people here have had success with. I have slightly sensitive t zone oily skin and I do worry about wrinkles lol.

Bath/shower products?
I use both.

BPTP products? Pre-owned okay?

Essential oils and aromatherapy oils- yay, or nay?

Favorite animal?
Honey badgers and foxes. Favorite birds, owl and raven.

Twilight Alchemy Lab oils?
I would like to try Wolfs Heart.

Authors - Jennifer Estep, Faith Hunter. Heard of them? Love them, hate them, or eh?
I havent read anything from either of them but I would be willing to give it a go J

Knitted things. Specifically scarves/cowls and shawls.....grabby hands or not? Favorite colors? Are you allergic or sensitive to any textiles, ie wools, cashmere, nylon, metallic threads, mohair, alpaca? Knitted washcloths? For the kitchen or for the bath? And again, colors??

I think I've pretty well answered this in the above, but Witch, if you need more specifics, just let me know!

So, Witchee, I make hair falls (you can see a few examples in my woefully out of date Tumblr here: http://lovelybluekarou.tumblr.com )
Would you like some hair falls? I can make a single (ponytail) or double (for pigtails). Short, long, types of yarns, ribbons? Extra things (buttons, beads, wire wraps? Colors/color combinations? Stuff to avoid?

They are lovely but not for me, Thank you

NYCC Scents: There are none that scream at me to get them, but if you pressed me to pick one, it would be Mrs. Bunce.

Tarot Cards: No thank you.

Cryptozoology/cryptids (Big Foot, lake monsters, chupacabra, etc.): While I am not headlong into discovering them , Wikipedia did show me exactly how many there are- wow! I don't know that I have a favorite, but I think it could be fun

So, the Weenies came up and I am surprised at how many caught my eye,which is no good for my bank account:

*Witch Dance
A Kneeling Child Watching a Ghost, Devil, and Puppet Making Mayhem in a Room
*Dead Leaves and Lavender buds
This Wan White humming Hive
*Speak! Speak!
The Gambols of Ghosts
The Ghosts High Noon
The Smithfield Ghost
The Ghost of Darius Appearing to Atossa
*third charm

The ones with stars are the ones I really want and the others I really want to just try

BPTP picks:

The Ghost Story
October Dusk

Edited to add lavender pumpkin floss, because well, lavender.



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