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Switch Witch 2010 !

Does anyone do altered books? Would you be interested in old books to alter? Any type or title in particular? I am ignorant of this practice.   Did someone ask about incense yet? Would you like some? Something to store or burn it in? What scents? What form? I do like incense - any kind.   Any oddball free things you collect or would want saved for you? I try to throw away as much stuff as I can, because my grandmother was a hoarder (boxes and boxes of twine, butcher paper and old newspapers), so STUFF makes me nervous.   For those who are yarnies, would you like other-than-yarn witchery? Hooks, needles? Preference of material? Do you use/would you like handmade stitch markers, etc.? Not a yarnie.   What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...) I've lived all over, but I think I most love being near a beach. I've lived near beautiful white Destin, Fl. beaches, near crowded Rio de Janiero beaches, chilly Jersey Shore beaches and now muddy Galveston, Tx beaches - and have loved them all...just so I also have a big umbrella handy!   How do people feel about edible arrangements? I love fruit, and I love chocolate, so it could work!   Anyone need address/phone type books? Got enough, thanks.   Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it? Yes! Terry Pratchett, Jim Butcher, Jacqueline Carey, but I think I currently have all of their books   Soaps : do you like them? What brands? What scents? Anything you're dying to try? I do love soaps, but all of my money goes to BPAL perfume, so I haven't tried much. Any are appreciated.       Socks? I love socks, mostly knee socks, of warm, fluffy material.   How do people feel about word magnets? I don't have a metallic surface for magnet.   What are you guys going to be aiming for in the Inquisition? Slaugh or Ginger Snaps look interesting.   If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? The dresses from the latest Marie Antoinette movie (with Kirsten Dunst), all of Lucilla's costumes/jewelry from "Gladiator", Eliza's black and white Ascot dress from "My Fair Lady" (and hat).   If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? For example, you like some simple earrings with moon charms on them. We have moon charms and earring backs, though of course not exactly the same ones. Absolutely.     Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? - Pippi Longstocking   Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? – I try to stay out of the kitchen, as much as possible. My family prefers that, as well.   Music, DO you prefer Live or Studio? Edited or explicit? - Live or studio, either is good. I tend to prefer edited - just because I've always tried to keep my kid's world clean. Now, however, they are the ones that turn the radio down when an explicit song is on, saying, "Mom, you shouldn't hear this one".   If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? – I adore cats of any kind. And golden retrievers.   Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? – I love lilacs and hydrangas, but am able to kill any living plant, so I view them from afar.   Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage? - Favorite quotation, from my mom: BE FLEXIBLE     What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang) – mmmm, Seasoned steak and baked potato from Saltgrass Steakhouse, turnip greens, and a Haagen Daz Chocolate covered chocolate ice cream bar. With a bottle of Chimay blue.   Dollar store stuff - whatever tickles my Witch's fancy   Specific book - I'm still waitin to get the latest Jim Butcher Alera series book in paperback, "Prince's Fury", but I don't think its out yet.     Groupons vs gift certificates: No thanks   HP House: Love HP - I'm a Ravensclaw.   Pajamas? I sometimes wear yoga pant in size S/M.   Level of Girly: I've always loved twirly skirts and big fluffy crinolines and starchy pink tutus - but that just may be due to my love of costuming.   Tarot: no thanks   Austen: YES!!! Have read and loved all of them.   Mix CDs: Please.   Soft/plush: My past Witchee, the fabulous LunaLiquid, knitted me some fingerless gloves and a lovely scarf, as a reverse Halloween SW gift- and yes I adore them, and allthings soft and plushy.   ----------------- New questions!   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? I love Project Runway, and I'm strangely, horrifically attracted to the Hoarding shows, particularly the Pet Hoarders.   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I started bellydancing a couple of years ago and have had to stop, due to time issues. But I'm always looking for "pretty goth" and renaissance faire costumes.   Celebrity crush?: mmm Alan Rickman, ever since "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" Sean Bean circa the "Sharpe's" series     What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Sure, especially any comedy. Favs are BBC comedies, Monty Python, Spinal Tap   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen.   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? CD's...I'm low-tech.   Do you like scented tarts? Sure!   Lip balms? Yes, I use Burt's Bees, or whatever is handy.   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? Just earrings, which I adore.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some? Love wine and wine accessories. Also enjoy me some spiced rum (arrrr!!)   What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) Hirschfield.   What is your favorite snack food, something you could grab any time? peanuts, dried cranberries, and any type of dark chocolate.   Ebooks? I don't have an ebook reader.   Nail Polish I polish my toes with gold, silver, or very dark red/maroon.   Do you wear make up? - Just on the eyes, nothing special   Socks? Anyone? - Yes! Its hot most of the year, here, but I love big fluffy socks to wear to soccer games in the winter!   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? - Dorian, and my fleece comforter (and my hubby)   Favorite Halloween/Scary movies? "The Changeling", a real creeper with George C. Scott. "The Ring" was pretty good, too. Can't take slasher movies.   Favorite Halloween/Scary books? Nah




SW ?s what day 10?

do you all like board games. Apples to Apples is my favorite.   what are your thoughts on masks:I love masks. I believe I have 8 or 9 that I use at various faires.   Are you going to reveal yourself or do you want your witchee to let you know that they know if they do?? Yes and Yes. I haven't been that careful about staying anonymous, so my witchee probably could figure me out without much trouble. If she/he does, I'd like to know.   would you wear a name necklace (like carrie has from sex and the city?) No.   do you like/collect any toys?? I used to collect dolls from different countries, and my mom still has my collection of much-loved stuffed animals - but not collecting much now.   five bath/body things? 1. Cheap liquid soap 2. Cheap shampoo 3. Cheap conditioner 4. Cheap astringent for my face 5. BPAL (not cheap)   retro candy? Nah.   bacon? Loves me some bacon! As Homer Simpson says "Butter up that bacon, boy!"   disney? Yes, love the movies. Enjoyed visiting the park with my kids when they were 8 and 10. The nighttime Electric parade was just magical.   bug phobias? Spiders are not my friend, nor are cave crickets. Roaches - I have lived in places where the roaches (water-bugs) are as big as my hand - not fond of them either.   figs? I adore figs. My grandma had a fig tree, so we always had tons of fig preserves.   Nervous about my Witchee liking packages? Nope. My witchee is perfect and I know he/she will love everything, because we are so in-sync.               If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching? Comedy Central, esp. Daily Show, Colbert Report   lolcats....yeah or nay? Luv those kitties.   most looking forward to in teh weenies? lamb's wool & Pomona   what is your favorite creepy folk story or legend? The Hashslinger Slaaasher! (from Sponge Bob)   What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why?I identify with dragons and centaurs. I think my love of centaurs was instilled in me by the combination of great animation and Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony in the movie "Fantasia".   How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? No thanks. Skeletons make me feel fat, and sugar skulls give me cavities.   Do you have a favorite poem or poet? Do limericks count?   Favorite Musical? Gosh, I love so many, but my ALL TIME favorite is "Sweeney Todd", especially when performed by George Hern and Angela Lansbury. I also love "West Side Story" and "Fiddler on the Roof".   Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic? Not really. I like most musical symbols, cause I'm a musician.   Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond? I like mythology, but I don't suppose I ever really got overly attached to any of the figures.     How broad are your musical tastes? Huge. I love everything with the exception of country(excludeing bluegrass banjo), and rap. Early chant, Renaissance, Boroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, Rock, Pop, Techno, Opera, Various ethnic (gypsy, celtic, turkish).   Would a “gift” donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift? Juvenile Diabetes would be great.   Which of the seven deadly sins is most likely to be your undoing? Probably wrath.   Who is musically inclined? What instruments (voice counts) do you play? Would you enjoy sheet music? I've been playing the piano for 40 years (HOLY COW!) - not straight... I mean, I stop occassionally. I also play flute, violin and mallet percussion (vibes, xylophone, glockenspiel). I currently accompany for three high schools an three middle schools in our district, so please, NO SHEET MUSIC for me, I have enough to play.   How do you deal with stress? What's your favorite way to unwind? To unwind, I jump on the BPAL forum! Also, read a book in the quiet.   You're given the opportunity to apprentice at any trade (or craft) of your choosing for the period of one year. Your mentor may be any currently living person. Which field of study would you choose, and who would be your mentor? OOO! I would love to play the harp. Maybe Bard would be my mentor.   --------------------




SW ?s Day 9

Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people? I crush always on Alan Rickman. Also Sawyer from LOST (the character more than the actor). Literary, Harry Dresden and Sharpe from the Bernard Cornwell Sharpe series. Not interested in any paraphenalia about any of them, though.     What's your stance on cranberries?Love them dried, in sauce and raw mixed in with melted almond bark to make a candy.   Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? Yes, yes.   Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods? [/b Al Hirschfield   You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab? A slim jim or pack of 100 calerie chocolate covered preztals.




SW ?s Day 8

Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold? Fabulous question! Yes Yes Yes! Imp # for me would be 6 minimum, and oh, about 20 max. That's one of my favorite parts of going away, carefully selecting who will travel in my imp case (which is currently a sandwich baggie).   What fictional character do you most identify with and why? Bilbo Baggins. I'm short, love to eat, enjoy an adventure once in a while, and have hairy toes (or is that TMI?).   What is your idea of a perfect evening? Going OUT for dinner with the hubster, maybe dancing at a club, then home for a glass of wine and some hawt mano a wifo action.   May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment? For moi, I'm always looking for any jewelry or knickknack that would go with my Renfest stuff. I do serving wench, pirate lady, scottish lass, and barbarian babe.




SW ?s Day 7

Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? Does live theater count? My parents took my sis and I to see "The Nutcracker" every year, in whatever city we were stationed - so its not Christmas until I've seen or heard it. But then, I love ballet as a whole.   I read all the Narnia books in my 8th summer, while staying at my grandparent's house. That weekly trip to the library was my LIFE!   We had a record collection (yes, old school) of all the Disney soundtracks - Cinderella, Snow White, Bambi, Sleeping Beauty, etc, and I still have them completely memorized.     There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate? What is this "candy" of which you speak?   I guess my favs must incorporate CHOCOLATE, so they'd be Cherry Cordials and Martha Washington Candy (which my grandma used to make - when I was six I ate so much of it I had an allergic reaction and had to go to the ER on Christmas. Ahhh, good times).




SW ?s Day 6

How do you take your tea? Black or with cream and/or sugar? Tea with honey. Coffee with Equal and a drop of cream.   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? March Hare   Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us? I believe we have freedom of choice within a given, broad plan for us.   What one thing that is missing from your life would you like to have above all else? Money. It always gets in the way, that lack of it.   If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? We can grind them here.   Favorite Dessert: Dark Chocolate ice cream.   In your perfect world it is chocolate and...? Dark chocolate and more dark chocolate.   How do you scent your home: tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? I use as many candles (any type) as possible, to cover the wet dog smells.   Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? The sound of my hubby's soprano sax - sexy and soothing. My sons laughing together. Especially at my jokes (rare). Harp music. You can't make harp music sound bad, even when the notes are wrong. THUNDERSTORMS!




SW ?'s Day 5

Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else?Yeah, what I need IS a cook, to come live here with us and make edible foodstuff. I totally suck at kitchen, but could always use new dish towels or pot holders (to replace all the ones with crispy burnt edges).   What was your favourite job ever? Its one of the ones I currently do - musical director at a theater.   Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator?[/b ]Bach's complete Brandenburg Concertos, Compiled Works of Aaron Copeland, and a compilation albumn of Rush; generated by my breathing.   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? March Hare.




2010 Switch Witch

SW ANSWERS   Do you have a deviantart print wishlist or favourites list? no   Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update? I haven’tried Blooddrop.   What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes? I'm a 6.5, love anything at or over 3 inch heel, any odd or interesting type shoe. And used is acceptable.   Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books? OH! As a child I would have been ALL OVER THIS, but probably not now.   Do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? Like most folks, Mint thins and Samoas. I'll prolly end up buying from my regular GS's here though.   What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? Ya!   Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.? Hmmmm, I do like garlic...I mean, I'm not a vampire or anything, but not too sure about contaminating delicious chocolate with it (although I'm open to trying it).     Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? Just got my hair cut, - so it looks like little barettes would do well.   Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? Safe in both sense would be appreciated.   In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats? I love anything that keeps any part of me warm.   How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? Fab.   Cake or Frosting? frosting, esp. chocolate   Are you a foodie? yes- I'm not totally sure what this means, but yes, I'm sure I am one, whatever it is.   Countries you are interested in--Scotland (heritage), Brazil (lived there).   Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Yum, yes   Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? I love Soccer, namely the Houston Dynamo, and Brazil.I also love American football, namely University of Alabama and the Houston Texans (who totally pulled off a miracle win against Payton Manning'sColts today!!!!!)   How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers?   I like floral drawings and pressings, but I am a notorious plant/flower killer. Black thumb, that's me.   Vampire Stuff? I love vamp stuff. I was a huge Anita Blake fan, until it started getting to prono. I've read all the Sookie Stackhouse books, but have only seen the first season of TrueBlood (on DVD). Love vampire fiction, as well as my hubby sucking on my neck (oh, tmi?).     Cake Truffles? anything chocolate.   If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? have Xbox and PS2, but don't play.   Would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? Coyote or cat.   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivities/allergies to any materials? I have no allergies, and am partial to golds, reds, blues and green... and purple...ok, any color.   If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? Either is fine   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? Any autumnal type, especially with apples.   How does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? erm...no thanks.   What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Borders, Barnes&Noble, Starbucks, Bath and Body Works, Target.       Groupons vs gift certificates: No thanks   HP House: Love HP - I'm a Ravensclaw.   Pajamas? I sometimes wear yoga pant in size S/M.   Level of Girly: I've always loved twirly skirts and big fluffy crinolines and starchy pink tutus - but that just may be due to my love of costuming.   Tarot: no thanks   Austen: YES!!! Have read and loved all of them.   Mix CDs: Please.   Soft/plush: My past Witchee, the fabulous LunaLiquid, knitted me some fingerless gloves and a lovely scarf, as a reverse Halloween SW gift- and yes I adore them, and allthings soft and plushy.   ----------------- New questions!   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? I love Project Runway, and I'm strangely, horrifically attracted to the Hoarding shows, particularly the Pet Hoarders.   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I started bellydancing a couple of years ago and have had to stop, due to time issues. But I'm always looking for "pretty goth" and renaissance faire costumes.   Celebrity crush?: mmm Alan Rickman, ever since "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" Sean Bean circa the "Sharpe's" series     What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Sure, especially any comedy. Favs are BBC comedies, Monty Python, Spinal Tap   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen.   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? CD's...I'm low-tech.   Do you like scented tarts? Sure!   Lip balms? Yes, I use Burt's Bees, or whatever is handy.   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? Just earrings, which I adore.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some? Love wine and wine accessories. Also enjoy me some spiced rum (arrrr!!)   What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) Hirschfield.   What is your favorite snack food, something you could grab any time? peanuts, dried cranberries, and any type of dark chocolate.   Ebooks? I don't have an ebook reader.   Nail Polish I polish my toes with gold, silver, or very dark red/maroon.   Do you wear make up? - Just on the eyes, nothing special   Socks? Anyone? - Yes! Its hot most of the year, here, but I love big fluffy socks to wear to soccer games in the winter!   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? - Dorian, and my fleece comforter (and my hubby)   Favorite Halloween/Scary movies? "The Changeling", a real creeper with George C. Scott. "The Ring" was pretty good, too. Can't take slasher movies.   Favorite Halloween/Scary books? Nah   Favorite comfort re-reads: SO MANY! All the Harry Potters, Mark Helprin's "Winter's Tale", All Terry Pratchett books, Jacqueline Carey   Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? I'm set for boxes   Favorite Halloween Candy: Chocolate. Anything chocolate.           If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching? Comedy Central, esp. Daily Show, Colbert Report, Project Runway, LOST   lolcats....yeah or nay? Luv those kitties.   most looking forward to in teh weenies? Pomegranates   what is your favorite creepy folk story or legend? The Hashslinger Slaaasher! (from Sponge Bob)   What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why?I identify with dragons and centaurs. I think my love of centaurs was instilled in me by the combination of great animation and Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony in the movie "Fantasia".   How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? No thanks. Skeletons make me feel fat, and sugar skulls give me cavities.     Do you have a favorite poem or poet? Do limericks count?   Favorite Musical? Gosh, I love so many, but my ALL TIME favorite is "Sweeney Todd", especially when performed by George Hern and Angela Lansbury. I also love "West Side Story" and "Fiddler on the Roof".   Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic? Not really. I like most musical symbols, cause I'm a musician.   Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond? I like mythology, but I don't suppose I ever really got overly attached to any of the figures.     How broad are your musical tastes? Huge. I love everything with the exception of country(excludeing bluegrass banjo), and rap. Early chant, Renaissance, Boroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, Rock, Pop, Techno, Opera, Various ethnic (gypsy, celtic, turkish).   Would a “gift” donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift? Juvenile Diabetes would be great.   Which of the seven deadly sins is most likely to be your undoing? Probably wrath.   Who is musically inclined? What instruments (voice counts) do you play? Would you enjoy sheet music? I've been playing the piano for 40 years (HOLY COW!) - not straight... I mean, I stop occassionally. I also play flute, violin and mallet percussion (vibes, xylophone, glockenspiel). I currently accompany for three high schools an three middle schools in our district, so please, NO SHEET MUSIC for me, I have enough to play.   How do you deal with stress? What's your favorite way to unwind? To unwind, I jump on the BPAL forum! Also, read a book in the quiet.   You're given the opportunity to apprentice at any trade (or craft) of your choosing for the period of one year. Your mentor may be any currently living person. Which field of study would you choose, and who would be your mentor? OOO! I would love to play the harp. Maybe Bard would be my mentor.     What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? The original 1921 silent Phantom of the Opera is my favorite - but you have to see it in an old movie house with the huge organ playing the soundtrack live.   Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? I prefer Sunflower seeds to pumpkin, but yeah, love the chex mix.   Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? Chocolate Pecan   What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight? No sock, too hot. I'm in a barefoot climate from April-October.   Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? I do love wooly socks for winter, as well as hats and blankies.   IHow do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I like scarey tales - my husband collects Steven King and all the current novelists of horror, so I have a good selection to choose from.   [ What is your favorite Halloween icon? I love Skulls year round. Black Cats would be #2.   Ball jointed dolls? No, thank you.   Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? Select pictures from various photo albums (mostly of my boys), a few of my compositions, my bible.   Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example .Upbringing two teen boys.   Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? I'm more of a chicken woman.     Day 2 Whats your favorite childhood toy? Hot Wheels race track and 8 cars, dress-up box with princess, mermaid, gypsy clothing.   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? I have two Golden Retriever 10 month olds, so any hard chew toy, squeaker toy, or stuffed toy. They currently love a stuffed teddy with it's face eaten off.   Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? no Twitter for me.   Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name?No.   Gaming Preferences   My dh and I used to do Tomb Raider back in the day (when it was just on computer), but now all my time is consumed by BPAL forum.   Nother question! Coffee or Tea? Love coffee - darker and richer the better. I never drank coffee until I lived in Rio de Janeiro for a couple of years - the cafezinho there is UNBELIEVABLE, so now I'm hooked. Tea is lovely when I have time to really sit and enjoy it, but coffee is a necessity.   Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps? I'm up for any of those.   Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? I adore dangly earrings and pendants, and have long hair, so clips are a huge part of my wardrobe.   What is your favourite historical period? Love the Renaissance.   What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? Hot meade, mulled wine, and Starbucks hot chocolate.   Did you order anything from the most recent update? Mme. Moriarty and Liz. I usually wait for decant circles, but couldn't resist.   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? Ah luv me sum vampahrs!   What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? I totally crave curries, hummas, pita, calamata olives, feta cheese, dolmas. Not sure why, but CRAVE them I do.   Day 3 What's your favorite color? Purple! Lot and lots of purple.   Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so! My hubby and I, at our favorite autumnal picnic spot by the lake in Princeton (where we used to live), watching the Princeton crew team row by. We'd be eating strawberries, New Jersey sweet corn on the cob, fried chicken made by my deceased grandmother, and champagne, with lots of chocolate cordials for dessert. Oh yes, and there would be no ants. Or bees. And after the food, the making out.   Do you like pin up art/images? I think they are lovely, but would not include them in my decorating scheme.     Steampunk? Love it.   BPAL forum buddies? Wow, I've bought from a lot of decant circles, but no one I converse regularly with (although I love you all)(but not in a creepy stalker way)(much).   What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? Our tradition is to have the scariest house on the block. For the last several years, we've had a real skeleton in a monk's robe, staring out of our spiral staircase full-length window, scarey scream/howls/laughter/storm CD blasting through outdoor speakers, and eeiry (sp) outdoor lighting.   Once to the door (which creaks year round), you are greeted by a the sound of scarey organ music, smoke from the fog machine, and a witch (guess who) and told you must come into the conservatory to get your candy. I usher them forward to my piano studio, which is covered by spiderwebs, and my dh, dressed as a monk, is playing (very loudly) along with the organ music - the candy bowl is on the bench beside him.   Then just as you're getting comfortable, a projector beams a spooky face up above the fireplace, which proclaims some lame/scarey pronoucement like "They're coming! You must get out now! RUN!!" We get lots of very frightened children, and tons of freaked out teens (some of whom come back just for kicks).   This year, though, my dh has a new church job, and they have a freakin Harvest Party ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT - so we'll probably be required to help with that (hmmmm is there a piano there? A projector?)   Day4 what are your phobias? Stitches, large-weave cloth (like burlap), ace bandages. I know, weird. That new movie coming out, "9", a stop action flick of little handmade critters in a Tim Burtonesque world - won't be able to watch it. Too many stitches and burlaps. Skives me out, man.   what is your favorite flower (or plant)? Lilacs, Gardenias, Hydrangeas.   An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? CAN'T USE IT FOR BILLS? Then is MUST be for BPAL! I'd splurge on some of the Salons and Gaimans I've been lusting after! The rest would be spent on books   Day5 Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else?Yeah, what I need IS a cook, to come live here with us and make edible foodstuff. I totally suck at kitchen, but could always use new dish towels or pot holders (to replace all the ones with crispy burnt edges).   What was your favourite job ever? Its one of the ones I currently do - musical director at a theater.   Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator?[/b ]Bach's complete Brandenburg Concertos, Compiled Works of Aaron Copeland, and a compilation albumn of Rush; generated by my breathing.   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? March Hare.   Day 6




Oh BOY! Favorite BPALs and Wishlist

WISH LIST:   The Girl Hellboy Kroenen Soothing System Fruit of Passion - can never get enough Punkie Nights - ditto Cupid Complaining to Venus Judith Victorious     FAVORITE LE's:   Lawn Gnome Madame Moriarty Theodosius Zarita Aeronwen Ashlultum Dionysia Daiyu Marianne Blasphamere Reliquaryeahthatone Yvaine Mr. Nancy SBA Snake Charmer MB:Underbed Punkie Nights Pumpkin Queen Fruit of Passion     FAVORITE GCs: LIGHT N FRUITIES - Poisoned Apple Schrodinger's Cat Roadhouse Akuma Kuang Shi Kumiho The Temptation March Hare The Sluggard Katharina Titania Whitechapel Manhattan Aglaea Verdandi Goaler's Daughter Dirty Dorian Rosalind   DARK N DIRTIES Scherezade Death on a pale horse Cathedral Djinn Aperotos Eros Bathsheba Bordello Perversion Loviator Queen Alice Red Queen Lysander Lady MacBeth Othello Centzon Totochten Antikythera Mechanism



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