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About this blog
Now that'd be a scent, wouldn't it?
Entries in this blog
I drank what?
More like Midlife-crisis Guard.
Working the oils.
This Winter and Spring.
15 minutes of fame.
Where I've been.
My commute to work is much shorter than it was back when I was writing BPAL reviews ... which means that I have less undisturbed time as a captive writer on the bus to jot down my impressions of what I do own.
Since about Spring, the already threadbare regional department I work in has dwindled from three employees to just one: me. Therefore, what little time I put into various boards is limited.
After nearly a year and half, my boyfriend and I still can't keep our hands off each other ... which also means that our weekends and thus a fair chunk of what would have been downtime online is taken up.
While I'd scaled back my visits with my mother -- who'd had a stroke in July of 2005 -- she was diagnosed with lung cancer after being admitted to the hospital for pneumonia on the 15th. I'm the main Power of Attorney, and am thus a little distracted.
So, while it feels that I don't know that many people on the BPAL threads anymore, it doesn't mean that I don't miss writing reviews. It's just ... I have a hard enough time figuring out when I'm going to do laundry and dishes. I find it amusing, though, that of the very few blogs here that I subscribed to read, nobody has actually posted anything in them! At least, these are the explanations. Only one is really good stuff. Maybe someday soon I'll get to the good stuff.
My forum Top Ten-ish entries.
Milk Moon vs. Budding Moon.
Coming up on nine months.
My sister found a woman whose mother does home care for people who need it. If we can get her sit with Mom for even four hours a day for a couple of days out of the week, we can switch off with the Chinatown place and take care of the majority of her care during the day.
Our brother can visit daily, a few hours out of each day, to do additional stuff for Mom. This wil free him up to be able to go to the gym and see his friends. There's also talk of seeing if he's willing to move in with Mom (free rent vs. living with a harpy. hmm) once his housing situation ends.
My niece and I can drop by in the evenings after work for a couple of hours, switching off nights like we currently do. However, we won't sleep over, and I won't have to drag a suitcase along with me on the bus.
My sister will continue to pick Mom up on Friday and keep her through Saturday night, but will take back Sunday as her day to prepare for work.
Mom will just have to suck it up, wear the Life Alert necklace, do her exercises and go where we tell her. If she gets mad, maybe she'll learn to type or something so that she'll actually work towards the independence she claims to want.
I'm hoping that all of this is taken care of and tidy before I go to California in May. Mom's going to go ballistic, but ... well, maybe that'll get her off her ass.
It is a horrible thing ...
Few and far between, part 2.
Few and far between, part 1.
Memorable roses.
Dirty scents.
Effective scents.
Chocolate scent notes.
boyfriend sniff-test
Note to self.
More scent notes.
Amber scents of note.
Shtinky Puddin'.
Dana O'Shee
Sugar Cookie
After receiving Chumley's Sniffie Box, I asked my boyfriend how he'd like to smell to others. He mentioned "chocolate and raspberry," so I made him his own custom scent. hee. Because he owns blacksmithing equipment and wants to get into the local Iron Worker's Union, I'm aware that dragons are a mascot of blacksmiths (fire, armor plating, etc). So, when I ended up with a couple of Ars Draconis scents as frimps, I handed them to him. He was particularly taken with Dragon's Hide, which has leather, and told me that he'd be interested in any other of the Lab's leather, Norse and Celtic scents. Based on a bit more he's mentioned, I've got some others in mind, too. He now owns 20+ imps, thanks to me. It was so cute, listening to him call himself a "BPAL scent whore." If I remember correctly, he's got: Graveyard Dirt - 5ml
His custom scent, ala Chumley
Temple: Celtic - decant
Temple Norse - decant
Dragon's Blood
Dragon's Heart
Dragon's Hide
Dragon's Milk
Dragon's Tears
Hearth `04
Hearth `05
Herr Drosselmeyer
Les Infortunes De La Vertu
Torture King
Black Annis
Black Lotus
Black Pearl
Sudha Segara
Given his interests, I figure that I should collect the following for him: Leather
Black Tower, The
Dead Man's Hand
Jolly Roger
*Spanked - have a sniffie, but he didn't like it
Dragon Moon - Lunacy blend
Dragon's Eye
Dragon's Musk
Dragon's Teeth - up and coming
Celtic & Norse
Phantom Queen
Favorite Color
Black Cat
Black Dahlia
Black Forest
Black Hellebore
Black Opal
Black Phoenix
Black Rose
Black Widow
Master - Twilight Alchemy Lab
Old Scratch
Sea of Glass
Water of Notre Dame
And perhaps a nice, gun-metal grey ammo case to keep them all in. *whistle*