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the SW questions just keep on comin'!

What are your favorite types of baked goods? How would you feel about candied citrus peel, chocolate-covered or not? Would you be interested in the mix version of the baked goods or perhaps a spice mix, something along those lines? I like muffins and scones and cakes and brownies and cookies and....are you getting the idea here? Yes to all of the other questions there!   Have you found any new loves since the beginning of the round that you wished you'd known to include on your questionnaire? Nope!     ***7/12*** Question...do you fret or take it personally when your witch or witchee gets too quiet? Like they figured you out and don't like you? I sometimes worry a little if my Witchee drops out of sight for a while, but I know everyone has life stuff going on, so I don't get too hung up on it beyond hoping people are okay.     Do you try to figure out who your witch is? Do you want your witch to give you clues? I like it when it's a surprise, but it can be fun to try to figure it out, too!     Who has a Kindle? If you do, would you like a Kindle gift card, Kindle accessories, etc. as a gift? Whadda you need? I don't have one.     What about other electronics (Blackberries, iPhone, etc.)? Do you need any accessories, etc. for those? I just have my stupid crappy cell phone.     ***7/8*** I've recently been listening to Rasputina's 'O Perilous World' album and am particularly enamored by '1816: the Year Without a Summer'. So I'd like to know if my witchee likes Rasputina, and would like any music by them? I have How We Quit the Forest (I *think* that's what it's called - haven't pulled it out in a while) and think they're pretty good. Haven't listened to much of them, though.




Yet more SW Summer 2009 questions!

What new scents from the update are calling your name?: I'm interested in trying Aperotos Eros, All in the Golden Afternoon, Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat, Brusque Violet, How Doth the Little Crocodile, Against Idleness and Mischief, 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster   I have easy access to Asian candies, tropical fruits(mangosteen, mango, durian, jackfruit) flavored biscuits/chips/snacks, dried tropical fruits, Japanese/korean/taiwanese cosmetics brands and music/CDs. Is there anything you will like from Singapore or Asia in general? Nothing in particular!     ***7/3-5*** Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones? If not, are there any you'd like to learn? What styles of music do you play, and are you interested in learning any different styles? I sing and play a bit of piano. I've had a guitar for a few years now, but kept trying to learn from one of those dumb books that has you playing Jingle Bells over and over, so I never stayed with it. I would love to have some better stuff to learn with - I need to start looking for tabs online.   Are you partial to any kind of comedy? Things I like: The State, Upright Citizens' Brigade, Eddie Izzard, Mitch Hedberg, Kids in the Hall, Monty Python, Tim and Eric Awesome Show Good Job   What did you do for the 4th and/or the holiday weekend? Went to a couple of parties, watched fireworks from atop a tower, ate lots of food, went to the bar a friend workds at to finish out the night   Partials, samples, sniffies? I think I'm missing the context of this question. These things are fine with me, if that's what is being asked!   Have you read anything by China Mieville, Neil Gaiman or Charles de Lint? If so, what? Like/dislike...?? Love Gaimain, haven't read the others.   Other than books/cds/dvds are there any "things" that you collect or symbols which you have an affinity for? I don't really collect anything, but I have a thing for birds - owls, peacocks, swallows, sparrows - and the Phoenix   Do you like musicals? What have you seen? What do you want to see? Any you'd like to own? I like some musicals. Nothing I can think of that I'd like to own. I'm looking forward to seeing Nine when it comes out in the fall.   What are your thoughts on J.R.R. Tolkein? He's cool.   If you answered that you would like recipes, are there any national or ethnic cuisines you prefer or don't prefer? I am pretty easy to please when it comes to food.   What's your favorite summer activity? Trips to The Cow - this fantastic italian ice/gelati place near my house. Sitting on my deck. Walking the dog. Going to the beach. Being outside at night and not being cold.   Would you like a recipe booklet (homemade) for homemade smoothies and shakes? Sure!   What's your favorite vacation spot? I like exploring new cities, but I also like lazing about on a tropical beach.   Would you like anything nostalgic? Things you loved from their childhood or maybe things you've always loved that were from a time before your own? I like vintage pin-up stuff.   ***7/2*** What styles of jewelry do you like? Bold and funky? Delicate and dainty? Short necklaces, long ones, chokers? Bracelets or anklets? I can't do chokers that are too tight - they make me a little uncomfortable. I think I tend more toward bold and funky than delicate and dainty, though I have all kinds of stuff. So helpful, I know.   Does my witchee like hats, a floppy summer sun hat or something more stylish? Would you like a hand knit cap or hat? I like hats!!! I have kind of a big head, though, just so you know.   What kind of shopper are you? Do you make a budget? Planner, or compulsive? Do you like to buy what's new, special offers, only the usual? I stay reasonable about stuff, but sometimes have been known to go on a bit of a rampage. Hehe.




More Summer SW questions!

Non-melting candies....what are your favorites? I like all kinds of hard candies, and would be interested in trying some more "unusual" flavors.   What are you happiest about (besides SW)? What makes you feel good this summer? Any summer? I love walking down the street in the city when it's not too too hot, and there's a bit of a breeze, and the sun is shining - there are so many adorable dogs around here, and it makes me smile to pass all of these pugs and other cuties happily walking with their people.   Do you like coffee and/or wine? Yes!   What are your thought on World Market? I did it.   If you are a dog lover, or gigantic dog nerd like I am, would you like any breed-related items from this site? If so, which breed(s)? My dog is a mutt! But I love corgis and pugs.   A witch wants to cheer you up. What are we cheering you up from? In other words, what are the most pressing problems you're facing right now? Huge life-transition kind of thing starting up right now. It's a long story. But I'm okay.   Who out there is equally challenged and would appreciate icons/banners as witchy gifts? I don't have need for them at the moment.   Lip balm? YES. But you know this already.   What's that one thing you keep meaning to get but keep forgetting or passing over? It's going to sound stupid, but I want to try those Yogatoes things. Haha!   ***6/30*** Have you any desire to read Hannibal? Already have!   If your witch goes to Convergence (or is bestest friends with someone, same thing), is there anything you'd love to have? I have so not even explored the possibilities of this. I would probably squee with delight at anything.   Are you freaking out over any of the discontinued scents, dear fellow Witches? Nope, thankfully!   For those candy loving witchees. Are there any 3 that u love and would like more of? I love caramels and dark chocolate, but now is not the time of year for them! I'm actually not a big candy eater.   And, are there any 3 that u just cannot stand and would not like any of? Circus peanuts!   Do you have an electric stove, and would you like a bowl and tarts to use the residual heat (and for extra safety)? Sure!   What is your favorite classic fairy tale or children's story ? The Little Prince is my favorite children's story - he's tattooed on my back.   What of the summer update (Egyptian, Lawn Ornaments, etc.) appeals most to you? Lawn Gnome! And I already bought The Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones. Yum!   With all this talk of chocolate, do you prefer milk or dark? DARK   ***6/29*** Do you like coconut? YES   Puddin' posts ebay sales of older stuff every now and then - what of the current lot are you dying for? Looks like there isn't anything up at the moment!   Do you tweet? Nope!   What kind of mythology are you interested in? All sorts - I'd like to get beyond the Greek and Roman that I am more familiar with.   ***6/28*** Which flavors are you interested to try from the Chocolate Research Facility? Crap, I can't find the link now! I like dark chocolate with anything in it, milk chocolate to a lesser degree, and can't stand white chocolate.   Do you wear makeup or nail polish? Need brushes, containers, storage, mani/pedi supplies? What colors and brands do you like? I should really not acquire any more makeup. Nail polish would be fine - some bright, fun colors!   Do you like shiney hanging porch decorations like windchimes or those things that spin and swirl in the wind? Oh yes!   Hair adornments? I like feathers and crazy burlesquey stuff - headbands with tulle and flowers and whatnot. Simple stuff is good, too. I've been growing my hair for a while now - for the longest time it was very short, so it's fun to play with it again!   Is there any infomercial product you're dying to try even though you know it probably sucks? I don't really have TV, so I don't know what's out there right now!   What are your favorite websites (besides this one, and the online shops you listed in your questionnaire)? Dinosaur Comics, Superpoop, Married to the Sea, Consumerist, Jezebel, PostSecret   If you could make your perfect scent (or at least most desired at the moment!) what would be in it? Since it's summer, I'll go with the only floral I love - violet. Maybe with something very green for this time of year!   So I have a question for the witchees, and hopefully mine will answer as well...In trying to decide what to fix for dinner, I thought that I've received some great recipes from friends (particularly the culinary mastermind that is scotchgrrl). I also have a few great recipes of my own. So would anyone like to receive some original, or very much loved recipes from his/her witch? Absolutely!   List things you DO NOT need any more of: As previously stated, I should be shot on the spot if seen buying any more makeup.   ***6/27*** Is there something that would offend you if you received it in your mail/gift/email)? (as in profanity, a bad words in an email/card/music ... or a card or something with a scantily dressed man/woman pictured on it, crude/immature humor tshirts, etc ...) Not at all.   What do you like to snack on? Nuts. (stifles 12-year-old-esque giggle)   What is the color scheme you use most when you decorate? Green, gray, orange, purple   If you have music or DVD's on your wishlist, do you mind getting a burned copy? How about if it is original packaging but previously used? Or do you only want it new? Used and burned is fine with me!!   Are you a candles person, incense person, or just a BPTP spritzer for room scents? All of them!   What is your favorite latin or faux latiny phrase? Don't have one!   ***6/26*** How are you doing for BPAL storage? Need any boxes? Could use some good imp storage, for sure! My cigar box is getting crowded and should probably just be for bottles at this point!   Is there any place you've visited where you feel like you left your heart there? Anywhere near the sea.   What one item would you just love to have that is made by a Switch Witch? I would love ANYTHING made by a Witch.   Is your abode a palace covered in fur, a disaster area ,or a neat freaks delight? There are definitely cat-hair tumbleweeds. Clean but cluttered.   Are there any phobias you have that you absolutely, positively, do NOT want anything from your witch referencing? Nope.   Are you a good witch or a bad witch?   What kind of a car do you drive and would you want something you could use in your car? Rear view mirror charms, steering wheel covers (a new thinkg for the knitters ), car blessing medicine bags All of those sound great - I drive a Saturn Vue.   Do you want to know when you have something coming in the mail, or would you rather it be a complete surprise? Either!   What is your mailbox situation? Small locked mailbox grouped with others, and a covered porch for packages - mailman walks them right up!   ***6/25*** Are you interested in Tarot or Tarot art? Definitely!   What would you think of soap samples/shampoo bar samples? (I believe the latter can be used as soap if you are not shampoo bar inclined). Or other sample sized bath/beauty products, for that matter? Fine by me!   What about burnables as in candles, tarts and/or incense? Oh yes!




More Summer 2009 SW questions

Who knits? Do you also spin and dye? What supplies, that you wouldn't buy for yourself, would you just love to have for that activity? I knit a little bit - haven't had time to sit down and do it for a while. Never tried spinning and dyeing, though...   Do you like coffee? Whole bean or ground? Bold/Medium/Mild roast? I do like coffee! I don't drink it very regularly, but always enjoy it when I do. I have a grinder, so whole bean works for me!   So you have enough socks and wraps... (shush, VCW!) Are there any other knitted goods you might like? Lap blanket? Fingerless gloves? Arm warmers? Little knitted animals? Silk scarf? Head band? Wrist cuff? Dish clothes? Arm warmers would be fab! Or leg warmers! Or anything, really!   Are you obsessed with honey? If so, is there a particular kind you like best? Spun honey, flavored honeys, certain types of honey....etc. I LOVE HONEY   Is there anything you've been wanting to learn that your witch might be able to help you with? Nothing I can think of at the moment - I probably have way too many hobbies already!   Posters, yes or no? I'm always happy with beautiful things to put up on the walls!   What are your favorite animals? Or, what animals resonate strongly with you? Birds of many kinds - owls, sparrows, swallows, peacocks. Cats. Corgis. French bulldogs. Pugs.   Are there any historical figures you are particularly interested in - say, that you'd enjoy reading about, or movies, etc.? Plenty of people I'd be interested in learning more about, I'm sure, but nobody springs to mind at the moment.   What, if anything, are you earwormed with right now? Nothing, thankfully!!   What scent are you wearing right now, if any? No. 93 Engine - working my way through imps from the MD/VA swap.   Anyone reading an amazing book right now? Reading a book of short stories inspired by Neil Gaiman's Sandman series. Going pretty slowly, though, as I'm in rehearsals for a play and don't have much free time for reading. I get in bed, start reading, and fall asleep!   What is your favorite anime, or if you don't like that what is your favorite animated series? I've liked all of the Miyazaki movies I've seen.   Do you like villians that are funny because they are meant to be, or are you like me and love the villian that just can't seem to get his evil schemes to work? Both have their moments.   Tea. How do you feel about it? I feel good about it!   would my future witchee like to receive steampunk style jewelry? Sure!   Does your feline like catnip? Yep! They're both pretty into it, but Sgt. Grumbles is a FIEND for it.   Salt soap bars (soap made with a large quantity of salt, like salt-scrub-in-a-bar)? Never tried one, but sounds amazing.   How would you feel about homemade jelly/jam from home-grown berries? That would be awesome.   Homemade dill pickles? Made from cukes, beans, snap peas, baby zucchini? All of those sound great.   Based on Prior Carnivale act prototypes...which one are you truly excited about? Haven't been lucky enough to have encountered any of the prototypes.   Would it bother you if you are not the first person to receive the same gift? Imagine a Witch who always sends her favourite book, for example. Nope, not a problem! I do the same with regional stuff.   Pets: What do you have, and do they need/want anything? They're pretty much set, but they have not been observed complaining about any new toys or treats.   Does anyone play video games? What platform(s)? Are there any new or vintage games you would like? When I have the time, I do. I've been neglecting my DS lately, and need to get back on track with Folklore on the PS3. I should probably stay away from any new acquisitions!   Twilight fans, would you be interested in any products from this Etsy seller? If so, add the items you like to your Etsy favorites and make sure your wishlist is posted somewhere for your witch. Not into Twilight.   Are you in need of decanting supplies, wand caps, or other scent-related paraphernalia? I could probably use better imp storage.




Questions for Summer 2009 SW!

What kinds of crafts does everyone either enjoy making or enjoy getting? Do you have a certain type of handmade item that you love to collect? Socks, boxes, jewelry, dolls etc? I enjoy all kinds of crafts - knitting, sewing, making jewelry, paper crafts, etc. I don't really collect much of anything, but getting handmade socks would be amazing. I know a lot of time and work goes into something like that, though I've never attempted socks.   Clearly, vegans are not into soaps with honey or milk, etc. But, if you're NOT a vegan, how would you feel about soaps made with emu oil? Squicked out/concerned about animal cruelty, or willing to try them? I'm fine with it. The company I work for makes a topical treatment for muscle pain, and it has emu oil in it. I couldn't do without that stuff!   Are there any of the BPTP bath oils you adore (particularly ones that you cannot get anymore). What about the room sprays? I haven't tried many of either. I got the Autumn set of oil and room spray and bath oil, and loved all of that. I'd like to try more!   How would you feel about an ultra-girlie shawl or wrap in summer-weight (lace)? Ooooo!   What would you think of hand-dyed items? Oooooo again!   So, I hear you don't like lacy wraps! How do you feel about hand-knit socks? Yes!   Are there any single notes (likely non bpal) that anyone is dying to have/try? I love honey everything, so I'd be down with that.   net flick or the likes gift subscriptions? A month of Netflicks vs a DvD? I'm a Netflix member, so I'm good on that.   Adorable Japanese characters? Yes! Cuteness!   My fiance sent me an early dvd rip of Coraline that he was given (pretty sure it's not been released yet, but I sometimes have a hard time keeping up) and I was wondering if anyone would like a copy of it? I saw it and loved it, and will probably buy it.   Do you collect dolls or miniatures? What kind? Do you like to get new clothes or items for them? Nope   If you were to make a seasonal mix CD for this summer, what would you name it? Hmmmm I don't know!!   Would you like any recycle/upcycle supplies for your crafting? My craft room is about to explode, so I should probably say no!   Is there a program you might have missed or show you love which is gone from the airwaves which might be found (or burned) for you by a Witch? Nothing I can think of at the moment!   Do you play any online games, like World of Warcraft? If so, what server do you play on, what's your character's name, etc.? I would get way too sucked in to that stuff. I had to take Civ III off my old computer cause I would stay up till 4:00 playing!   Would anyone like bath bombs or bath melts scented with one of their favorite Bpal scents? I do these for myself sometimes and find them to be quite enjoyable. Oooooh yes!   Would you like homemade cinnamon buns or sticky buns? YUM   Is there anyone here that likes Hello Kitty or any other Sanrio Characters? They're alright, but not huge into them.   Any non NZ or Aus witchee that I get gets Tim Tams, OK? Fine with me, I've never tried them!   How many potential witchees have an iPod, or download MP3s? I do!




No working for me! It's question time!

***10/6*** If you had to chose one BPAL scent and only ONE to have forever what would it be? Argh! Tough question. I have to go with Faith. ***10/4*** Who here likes Betty Page? Yeah, she's cool. How about original Trek Characters? No interest, really. If you were my witchee, would you like a jar of home made apple butter? This is assuming it turns out good... Um YES. ***10/1*** Are you interested in Tarot cards? And if so, are there particular decks you like (or don't or already have or whatever)? I haven't learned how to read them but have always been interested. I have one deck but I don't know what it's called or anything. What kind of tea (or coffee) puts you in a fall/Halloween mood? And where do you get it? Pumpkin spicy kind of stuff, any warm beverages! Favorite Halloweeen song? If you were my witchee, would you like dried honey crisp apple slices or other dried fruit? (We don't add anything to it AFAIK -- no sugar or spices.) YES! (do you see a theme with my answers to the food questions?) ***9/25*** Speaking of historical fiction, how does everyone feel about Sherlock Holmes? He's cool. Favorite cartoons or animated films? Miyazaki stuff, The Last Unicorn, Ratatouille, The Incredibles. When I was growing up I was all about Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life. Your take on the election? In other words, would you enjoy campaign related gifts, or prefer to stay neutral? Obama! Villians you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking? Hmmm bangable villains...Dr. Horrible, Angel (though I guess he goes back and forth on actually qualifying for this question), Dexter (not exactly a villain, I guess...), I'm sure there are more depending on levels of horniness of the day. Hahaha. TMI, I'm sure. Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go? Love it all. Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most? I don't read a lot of historical fiction. I should check some out.




Even more SW questions!

***9/24*** What sort of colors do you currently wear? Do you want to branch outside that? What would you like to try? I wear all sorts of colors, really. I do wear a lot of richer colors, and I do a lot of neutral stuff with bright accents like a scarf or something. If I look at my closet, there's a lot of black, but also a lot of blue, green, orange, and red. ***9/22*** About incense: do you like sticks or lose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn lose incense over a bit of charcoal? I do sticks and cones right now. I've never burned loose incense, but it sounds cool. What's everyone's favorite fairytale and what are your favorite versions of it? I like the one in which the girl comes out of her house to find a toad sitting outside. The toad goes into his little hole and brings out jewels. When he's back in his hole, the girl steals the jewels. The toad comes back outside, sees that his treasures are missing, and starts banging his head against the wall. He, of course, dies of blunt head trauma. The last line is something like "Who knows what treasures the toad would have shared." Something like that. As I'm sure you've guessed, my telling lacks the charm of the original. So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'? There is no such number, I'm sure. Who needs a recipe box? I have one - photo box + index cards = instant recipe box! ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? Sure!




Another set of SW questions!

Taking a break from worky stuff to catch up!   How does everyone feel about really green gifties? I was thinking of giving my witchee some of my handy-dandy "paper" towels (hand-sized, washable muslin squares--kinda like ultra-cheapo cloth napkins) in a kitchen-friendly decorative box, but I didn't want to seem preachy ("Stop using paper towels, you environment destroyer!"). Would y'all use something like that? I would not only use stuff like that, but I would love stuff like that!! I am pretty good on reusable shopping bags (now if only I could remember to put them back into the car after unloading groceries!!), just to let you know in case you're thinking of taking a green direction! What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? I probably shouldn't be starting anything new considering how many unfinished projects I have piled up! Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages? And if so, do you care if you get any CDs or mp3s you might have all ready? Or would you be able to find a way to post a list of things you're (a) looking for, or ( all ready have? I love getting new music. No worries on duplicating things I have. I have a looooot of music so it would be hard to list all of it! Polish goodies! Who wants them? Baked goods, candies, kielbasa, pirogies, magazines, you name it? Mmmmmmmmm ***9/18*** How do you avoid popping an item for yourself into an order you're placing for your witchie? That's impossible! Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size? I'm like a 6 I guess. I like boy-style ones (like the classic boy style, not the longer boyshorts, as I feel like they just cut unattractively into my thighs). Bikini style is good, too. I sometimes do thongs, but only when I'm avoiding panty lines. What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get? Nothing off the top of my head, though I do love tea! BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? I have only tried L'Autunno but would love to try others! Would you like to receive baked goods from your Witch? And if so, are there things you WOULDN'T like? I'm easy to please. ***9/16*** If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? Of course not! Experiment away! ***9/14-9/16*** Do you often drink take away coffe in paper mugs? Sometimes. Mostly I make tea and coffee at work and use a mug I bring from home. What would a perfume based on you smell like? Sweet and foody with spiciness. Some honey in there. Who here likes Wizard of Oz things? Not particularly. I mean, I don't dislike WofO but I'm not like Wooooo! ***9/13*** Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? I like MST3K but haven't watched any in ages. Never heard of RiffTrax, but I'd check it out! ***9/12*** What will you like from Singapore? Candies? Food? Asian crafts/toys? Anything! What is everyone's "luck" item? I don't have one. Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? Yes What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? Any kind of mail/SW package pretty much has this effect on me. Even just a postcard. How do you feel about Hello Kitty? It's okay. 9/11*** Legwarmers? Armwarmers? Dude. Yes. What is your favorite category of the GC? I have loved scents in all of the categories. Can't really pick just one! ***9/10*** Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? Definitely a fan!




NES and N64 games!

Here's the rundown!   Nintendo! NES sytem and controllers Batman Castlevania Castlevania 2: Simon’s Quest Castlevania 3: Dracula’s Curse Contra Dance Aerobics Donkey Kong 3 Double Dragon Double Dragon 2 Double Dribble Dragon Warrior (one of my most favorite games ever. Sigh) Duck Hunt Duck Tales (2 copies) Galaga Gauntlet Ghostbusters (2 copies) Ghosts ‘n Goblins Gumshoe Gyromite Jaws John Elway’s Quarterback Karnov Kid Icarus Legend of Zelda Marble Madness Megaman 2 Megaman 3 Metroid Ninja Gaiden Ninja Gaiden 2 Operation Wolf Pinball Robocop Rygar Spelunker Strider Super Mario Brothers Super Mario Brothers 2 Super Mario Brothers 3 (2 copies) Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt/Track Meet T&C Surf Design Techmo Bowl Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game Track and Field 2 Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link     N64 system and controllers memory cards (4 I think) Castlevania Donkey Kong 64 Excitebike 64 F-Zero X Jet Force Gemini Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Mario Golf Mario Party 2 Mario Party 3 Mario Tennis Perfect Dark Star Wars Episode 1 Racer




More questions!

And then I must do work!   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Never tried it! What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Arcana, Possets, CB: I Hate Perfume Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? Nope, never have! Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Oh yes. I would enjoy art of any kind. And old graveyards are so interesting to me. What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? Oh man, tons of stuff in my queue. Looks like some of the Community features aren't working on Netflix.com at the moment, so I can't link you! ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? a little piano, trying to learn guitar. I'm best with my voice. What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? Haven't tried it! How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? Not really into them, unless it's something really super cool. Then it would go on my desk at work! Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? Should be fine now Who likes pirates? Pirates are cool What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? I think it's a fascinating and beautiful holiday. Never celebrated it, but I love the intention behind it. What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? I like it! If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? Probably best, yeah! Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? Usually I like the same things in both Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? I don't do a lot of florals, generally speaking. Definitely not rose. ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? YES




More questions and answers!

I should totally be writing about a prostate supplement right now. But too bad.   ***9/8*** What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? Something outside, like visiting an orchard or going to a wine festival and sitting with friends on a blanket drinking wine all day. ***9/7*** If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? My cats like toys with catnip in them, and those feather toys on sticks. We have to hide those because they will walk around with them at night, scraping them along the wood floor in the bedroom or jumping up on the bed with them and poking us. Arthur likes toys he can chew on, and he likes things that squeak. Argentwolf gave him peanut butter treats last time and he lives for those things. What's your ringtone? A whistling one that's from the offerings on the phone. I could never decide on one to download. Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? Addams Family What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? I drink tea pretty much every day. I either drink it plain or with honey. At work I use disposable tea filters for loose tea, but would not be opposed to having something more permanent! The nice big mug I take to work is on its last legs. How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? I love being introduced to new stuff! Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? I usually give input but Chris ends up really doing the planning. Tarts? Yes/no? This would be a yes but I got rid of my burner cause I kind of broke it. I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? I love trying new foods!! I looooove salty caramel. ***9/6*** What's your favorite animal? Oh, so many! Swallows! Owls! Monkeys! Dogs (corgis, pugs, bulldogs, etc. etc.)! Kitties! Pandas! If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be? Let's go with...Tom Waits, Michael Stipe, Nigella Lawson. ***9/5*** If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? Carnivale, Firefly, Arrested Development, Angel I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? Mmmm snuggly. What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? Tortilla chips+shredded cheese+oven or microwave. Ice cream of many kinds. Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? I will be trying very hard to resist!! Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Nope How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? I feel good about it! ***9/4*** What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc. I can't answer this! Too hard! Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I have this. For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose? Depends - if I'm feeling like just grabbing it quickly, bag. Otherwise, loose. Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Yep, it gets cold! I'm good on scarves because of my mom going on a crochet rampage once she learned how. Other stuff would be neat, though! Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? Argentwolf witched me last time, so she knows me pretty well. I'm buddies with strangemodegirl, dixiehellcat, cordia (my witchee from last round), purplemoonshoes, alianthe, I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.




Autumn 2008 Questions!

What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? handmade stuff is awesome, mix cds, make me an avatar or something fun like that, pretty much any variety of hard candies for keeping at my desk at work (I had a bag of Jolly Ranchers in my drawer and it was nice to have a little post-lunch treat every afternoon!) - I'm definitely not into "stuff for stuff's sake"! Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? had to check - yeah it does! If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? I keep a french press at work, but mostly use it for Teeccino, a coffee subsitute. The chocolate mint flavor is awesome. Mmmm. At home we use a regular filter basket one, and we grind the coffee ourselves. I don't drink coffee very often, because it makes me pretty jittery. What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, why can't I think of anything else right now?! How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Sometimes I mix a little bit of BPAL with unscented lotion (Moisturizing Creme from Trader Joes FTW), sometimes I'll use scented stuff like Villainess stuff. Sometimes I'll use a sugar scrub in my evening shower and just let that be my scent - Dulces En Fuego from Villainess is mmmmmmm. Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? Incense and oil diffusers for the most scent, candles too. Usually candles end up being just for atmosphere, but I have a few spiced cider scented ones that pack a delicious-smelling punch! BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I am a bigtime scent-oriented person. More than any other sense, smells bring memories back, evoking past times and places. I love it, but sometimes I end up feeling overly nostalgic. I love the smell of leaves in the fall, I love the smell before and after a summer rain. I love the feeling of leaves crunching underfoot, but the feeling of snow doing the same mostly makes my skin crawl. I used to do a lot of costume design, and still sew - I have great interest in different textures. ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Homemade stuff is awesome. I love cooking, so getting spices would be super neat. What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Sgt. Grumbles (cat): named for this. Bartleby (cat): sort of Melville, sort of stupid rat creature from the comic series Bone. Arthur (dog): named for the album by the Kinks. ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Enjoy AiW, but not a freak for it or anything. Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Nope! Do you have phobias? I can't walk too close to edges of stuff, like at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, because I have the irrational fear that I would go momentarily crazy and jump. I'm not afraid I'm going to fall, but am afraid that I'll just leap off. How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I am always up for being introduced to new music! Would you rather get food or jewellery? no preference Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: not particularly. I mean, I'm sure I'd find them interesting for a little while, but as I said above, not really into stuff for stuff's sake. Colorforms and Shrinky Dinks, however, are another story. English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Can't think of anything, but always like new taste experiences! Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. Not really a fanfic person, but I certainly won't complain about any creative endeavor undertaken by my Witch Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? I have a whole bunch of beads already being neglected, so I think any more would be crazy. Haha. Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I've not yet done a theme package but am toying with some ideas for one this time. Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Yeah! Luckily I haven't had need for one in a while. I have bacon and egg band-aids! What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! Hmmm I'm not sure I have one. Oh how about "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" from 30 Rock? How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? I do! I'm generally pretty bad at action games, and go on and off with playing in general. A few years back, I had to take Civilization III off my computer because I was staying up until 3 or 4 am playing. I go on and off with Animal Crossing on the DS (just recently went back on after a loooooong off period, but haven't picked it up in about a month, so all the work I did weeding the town is probably undone by now). I've been playing Folklore on the PS3 but can't get past this one boss guy and have been bugging my husband to sweep in and kill it! I have Wii, Nintendo DS, PS3, Sega Genesis, and oldschool Nintendo. The last 2 aren't hooked up and I am wavering on getting rid of them. What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Oh, man, lots of stuff! I think I answered this already though! Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? not yet, only my 3rd round! What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I really like Urban Decay ( my 10th anniversary palette), though the ones that are really glittery tend to make my cheeks glittery as well, which is annoying. I like Fyrinnae, but only really use her stuff for burlesque shows because using the loose pigments is often just too much for me when scrambling to get ready for work in the morning. I like all colors of eyeshadow. Sometimes I go for neutral, sometimes just eyeliner (I love eyeliner), sometimes bright. Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? YES to all! What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? I found out that cordia, my last witchee, is really into collecting old photographs, so I hunted some down for her. They seemed to make her really happy, so I was proud of that. And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? Hmmm nothing I can think of ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? I do both, and have a stash to work through before I allow myself anything new. I'm sure I could use some different sized needles/hooks but I don't remember what I already have at the moment! Who here has an etsy shop? Hopefully will in the near future. What are your two favorite etsy shops? I've got them in my Etsy favorites Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. Nope. I joined ravelry, but haven't really gotten into much past browsing. Hope to change that soon. ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? You're going to miss having a summer vacation, but it's worth it. Oh, and you're getting a dog! Get ready for that! If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? Probably sing and hope it led to more! Robots versus zombies: who wins? Robots cause it's not like the zombies can eat them or anything. What would zombie say? aaeeeeeeeeeegh (does that look like a groan?) Where are a few of your favorite places? the beach, my back deck, places I loved visiting but might not go again cause there are more places to see - Iceland, Copenhagen. Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? April 22nd! What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? nothing like this Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I don't really do soaps as much as I do shower gels, but I have loved stuff from Arcana. Do you like kilts and would you wear one? Used to, totally would again! What's your favorite book? The Little Prince What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? hmmm regular sized socks. I have a big head, I think. Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? Yep! Love Sandman and other Gaiman stuff, Watchmen, Blankets, Y: The Last Man, dark stuff, funny stuff. Not really into straight-up superheroish stuff. Symbols that are meaningful to me? birds, the Little Prince, ladybugs By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? night owl What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Hmm...I think I would listen to a wider variety of music live, like things I don't normall listen to, because it is live and there is that energy going on. What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Mulled wine, spiced cider, hot chocolate ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I don't do them regularly, but do enjoy them when I do. Sudoku is fun, I play that on Brain Age on the DS sometimes. Favorite poet? William Carlos Williams, Seamus Heaney, Sylvia Plath, W.H. Auden, E. E. Cummings, Naomi Shihab Nye Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Not too creepy as I am a wuss. I get way too freaked out at those haunted house things. I always get this feeling that the people are going to go crazy and really hurt me. I just realized how insane I sound, that coupled with the whole "jumping off the edge" thing from above. Maybe I have trust issues or something. Reserved or Raunchy? either! Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Hmm I think I have elements of all four going on. But I guess everyone does, really. Tea or Coffee in the morning? Usually tea or yerba mate Fruity snacks or chocolate? depends on my mood. I like chocolate but never eat a lot at one time Would you accept art? YES Antiques or Brand New? both! What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Off the top of my head: burlesque, pasties, bird(s), swallow(s), little prince, letterpress, owl, octopus, wings, honey Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? Wool sometimes makes me itch if it's right up against my skin What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? Nothing I can think of! Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? Not generally. I make exceptions for ladybugs, butterflies, and interesting looking moths, those I prefer those from afar i haz no imp storage. do you? Sort of - they're all crammed in a small box, but it is tall enough that they stand up, but not too tall. Starting to get really crowded in there! ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? Tomatoes, watermelon, winter squash, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli rabe, oregano, dill, rosemary, mint, basil. Cucumbers, strawberries, cilantro, and beans were a failure, still holding out for the broccoli to produce. Artichoke plant still tiny - will hopefully produce next season. What incense scents do you prefer? I haven't come across any that I haven't liked Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? I have Halloween candle holders that throw ghost, pumpkin, and bat shadows. That's about the extent of decorating. I do dress up, though! Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? I like them all! Do you like horror flicks? Really depends. I don't like "torture porn." I love cheesy horror. I like psychological stuff. I will admit that I sometimes hide my eyes at really scary stuff. Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? I tried to learn calligraphy. I have tried too many things, and drop interest. So my studio/craft room is full of a bunch of stuff I hardly touch anymore! What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I have a ton right now! Need penpals, then we can talk about more stationery! ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? I usually end up buying something if I've wanted it long enough What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? toooooo many - see wishlist! Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? One on right shoulder - the Little Prince - posted a picture on the SW thread. Looking to get another. Maybe something bird-oriented, like a classic swallow, but also toying with the idea of a peacock feather curling around my left hip. Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? YES What is your favorite crafting supply? at the moment I've been focused on burlesque costuming, so anything for that! Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? left Any period of time that you love? I take a lot of joy in many different periods, from a costume design perspective. I was once told my body was made for the Empire period. I love the look of the 40s, and a bit of the 50s. Love the 20s look, but too curvy for a flapper!



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