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Sniffing my way through all my BPAL...

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Fae: A brilliant, ethereal scent: white musk, bergamot, heliotrope, peach and oakmoss.   In the imp: sweet and peachy.   On me: The white musk and peach have blended beautifully on my skin!! In the background I smell a floral green, which I think is the heliotrope and oakmoss. It smells very meadowy and I can almost see the fairies. On me, it reminds me of Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look on. This is a great thing because I opted not to buy it, and instead got Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. Now that there's a GC scent that smells like it, I'm going to be all over it!! And it's $15 vs $27.50 - pretty big difference.




Temple Viper

Temple Viper: Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop.   In the imp: Definitely getting a lot of Snake Oil from it, but it's sweeter and darker. I can't identify individual notes, but I can smell the sugar cake, frankincense, and champaca adding to the blend.   On me: This has to be the sexiest perfume I have ever worn!!! Sex in a bottle. It's Snake Oil, but different. Deeper, darker, definitely getting the sugarcane. The frankincense gives it a touch of incense without making it incensey. The champaca adds more spice to it. The opoponax makes this more vanilla-ey. So this is snake oil, only better and waaaaay sexier! I think I need 2 bottles of this one!!!!




Western Diamondback

Western Diamondback: Oil with leather, tonka bean, red sandalwood, and sage.   In the imp: Snake oil with sweetened leather, a bit of sandalwood and sage peeking out.   On me: I was afraid of the leather, as it usually goes wrong on me, but this one went right. I smelled the snake oil underneath, but got a nice blend of leather and sage in there too. No sign of the sandalwood, and maybe a peek at the tonka. This is a great blend. This will be turning into a bottle!





Habu: Snake Oil with ho wood, teak, black musk, and bamboo.   In the imp: Sweet snake oil! I think it is the bamboo making it sweet. Something a little woodsy, but no musk to be sniffed.   On me: This blended so well onto my skin. It was subtle, but very good smelling. Again, the snake oil is there, but as a bottom layer. On top of it was delicious sweet bamboo, a tiny bit of ho wood, and a bit of musk. This worked really well on me.





Cottonmouth: Snake Oil with linden blossom, calla lily, passion flower, and narcissus.   In the imp: A floral snake oil! But not even close to floral overkill, the snake oil balances out the florals to make this a very well rounded scent.   On me: A very sexy slightly floral scent with snake oil undertones just underneath. The perfect blend of vanilla, spices, and mainly passion flower. I couldn't stop smelling myself all night. This is definitely a must buy bottle.




Coral Snake

Coral Snake: Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia.   In the imp: Is there really snake oil in this? And where's the plumeria and gardenia? This smells very apple-y to me. Reminds me a bit of Bath and Body Works apple body splash.   On me: Wet was ALL apples. As it dried, the florals peeked out and it was a delicious blend of snake oil with fruits and florals. And then it dried down and the florals went away, leaving apple. After a bit, the plumeria decided to come out to keep the apple company. The snake oil is hanging out faintly underneath the apple and plumeria. This is definitely a complex scent. Verdict: It smells good, I alternate between smelling BBW Plumeria and Apple body splashes, and sometimes get straight up snake oil. It smells good, but it's not really my kind of scent.





Oya: Oya’s ofrenda is a Nigerian potion of love and war, sweetened by darkest plum. Oya winiwini!   In the bottle: Sweet plum and a little woodsy undertone?   On me: Wet it was a sweet plummy incense. When it began to dry down a bit it lost its sweetness and turned into a very dry woody scent that I couldn't place, which was disappointing. Then 10-15 minutes later the plummy sweetness came back to mix with the woody scent and I have a very sweet incense. I am loving the plum in this. And the way it morphs on my skin, which is loving it. This is a very purple scent (I'll have to resesarch Oya and see if purple is one of her colors).





Hope: Hope is sugared rose   I'll start off with: I don't like rose. I have never liked rose-scented anything. It always always smelled like cheap $2 perfume to me. No rose in creams, sprays, anything scented. So, yes, I avoid rose. But, I gave this a shot and got a decant.   In the bottle: I like rose? What? It was very sweet, which changed what I don't like about the rose smell into something yummy. I could like it!   On me: I am so very confused. It's still rose, but that sweet rose that was awesome in the imp. It's much sweeter than regular rose, which makes me like it. I'm trying to tell my brain that not all rose is bad, and that this is good. Because it is good. But right now the nose and brain are at odds. I might have to wear this a few times before deciding on a bottle. But I really really liked Faith in the imp so if it's good on me.....   ETA: I've since worn this several times and it is a beautiful rose scent that I *do* enjoy! I have to be in the mood for it, but when I am it is lovely. Bottle - oh yes.




Tiresias, the Androgyne

Tiresias, the Androgyne: Dark, moody, and bittersweet: black currant, patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon leaf, caramel, muguet, and red sandalwood.   In the imp: It smells totally foody, I get A LOT of sweet caramel. No sign of patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon, or sandalwood. Maybe a bit of currant.   On me: OMG it is heavenly!! And it morphs. The throw smells all foody and caramelly. When I put my nose up to my wrist to sniff (which I've been doing very frequently), it's a completely different scent. I get a caramel sweetened black currant with a fair amount of red sandalwood to balance it out and make it non-foody. I LOVE THIS!!! It has very good throw and medium wear time. I wish I would have brought some with me to work to reapply. A bottle of this is definitely needed.




Beltane 08

Beltane 08: Mugwort, French rose, Lily of the Valley, broom, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, foxglove, woodruff, rowan wood, ivy, sandalwood, spring mint, thyme, iris, copal, and night blooming jasmine.   In the bottle: Green!! This is a deliciously green Spring scent. I definitely get mint, but it blends in really well with the herbs and greens I'm smellling. I don't get any flowers out of this, but I'm sure they're hiding there somewhere.   On me: It was deliciously minty for about 10 seconds, and then the mint lost its sweetness and turned bitter. And then I began smelling like some sort of scented cleaning product. NOT good. No mint, no herbs, no flowers, only cleaning product. Hours later, it faded into a very faint floral but that's it.   Unfortunately, this totally bombed on me. And it smelled soooo good in the bottle.




The Flower Song

The Flower Song: Pomegranate wine, lotus root, river reeds, hyssop, and barley.   In the bottle: Not floral, as the title would suggest. I get sweet pomegranite and lotus, with something else I can't identify (I don't know what hyssop and barley smell like).   On me: Oh this scent was made for me! The predominant notes are pomegranate and plum (no plum listed, but it smells like plum to me), with deliciously sweet lotus root and river reeds right behind them. I'm sure the hyssop and barley are there, I just don't know how to find them. This is exquisitely blended, and works wonderfully on me. This was a last minute, unsniffed add on a whim even though most of the Lupercalias didn't do much for me. I'm so glad this fell into my shopping cart!





Faith: Sugared Violets   In the imp: A very sweet sharp violet softened by delicious sugar   On me: True to the imp, smells much like it did in the imp. Soft and sweet, yet still sharp and deliciously violet. I definitely need to get Hope & Faith bottles!




Sunrise With Sea-Monsters

Sunrise With Sea-Monsters: Ocean mist, kelp, ambergris, amber, white pear, osmanthus, freesia, and seafoam accord.     In the imp: Lots of delicious ocean mist, a bit of kelp, and the seafoam. Not detecting any freesia, pear, or amber in this.   On me: I definitely feel the humor in this, I can visualize funny looking sea-monsters splashing around. This is wonderfully blended, as I can't pick out any notes in particular. It definitely reminds me of the ocean.




Two Monsters

Two Monsters: Oakmoss, vetiver, black musk, champaca flower, leather, patchouli, ginger, Japanese pittosporum, ambergris and white pepper.   In the Imp: Upon first sniff I didn't think it would work. I got a lot of leather, which has a 50/50 chance of going wrong on my skin, and vetiver, whichusually goes wrong on me if it's GC but not with CD blends.   Wet: The wrong kind of leather and some rotted spinach smelling vetiver underneath. I didn't even wait for the drydown and tossed it into the swaps pile.   And then, 10 minutes later, this scent morphed into one of the most amazing scents I have ever tried. Talk about a morpher!!! It reminds me of Temple Viper, another favorite. The leather blends beautifully with the resins and champaca to create an slightly leathery sweet incense scent that is absolutely amazing!! Must hoard. It has a very good throw and I get the feeling has a pretty long staying power too. Oh yes, I need a bottle.




King Cobra

King Cobra: Snake Oil with orris, frankincense, and copal.   In the imp: A very resiney Snake Oil   On me: Snake Oil with incese!!! A dryer incense, not like Temple Viper at all but still very good. After several hours it smells mostly just like snake oil, but that's what reapplying is for. Verdict: Yum! I wouldn't mind swapping for a bottle of this too.





I got decants of the Tikis that didn't appeal to me too much, and bottles of those that did. The verdict? Most of them didn't work at all on me.   Tiki Queen: Smelled like Bubbleicious Bubblegum on me. I guess that's not bad, but it wasn't what I wanted to smell like.   Tiki King: OMG coconut heaven in the bottle!!! And on me, it turned into a very weird lemony coconut, but the sweet turned to bitter and wasn't all that great. Damn.   Te Po: Smelled like the cherry syrup they put into Cherry Coke. And then upon drydown it was a combination of artificial cherry syrup and red hots. This might be great if I was 12, but it wasn't for me.   Marae: I had high hopes!!! But alas, it smelled like very faint baby cologne on me. Bah.   Boo Bam: Meh   Blue Fire: artificial blueberry explosion??? I'm keeping it to give it a second shot because I really wanted to like it!!!   Moai: Nasty ashes, ick.   Rangoon Riptide: Meh   Tupapau: Meh   The few that worked:   Screeching Parrot: Delicious apricots and pineapple, and some pomegranite too. Yay!   Upa Upa: Oh yes! Coconut and vanilla, and they don't go all weird. Heaven!!   Moana: It's very ocean-y clean.   Opuhi: Delicious!




The Organ Grinder

The Organ Grinder: Almond milk, sarsaparilla, tobacco smoke, black patchouli and white pine bark.   In the imp: A delicous almondy scent, though not as strong of an almond as those with almond oil. I also get some sarsaparilla and pine bark, but this is so well blended I can't pick out the other notes.   On me: Better than in the imp! A beautiful almond/woodsy scent. For about half an hour/45 minutes that is. It then decided to turn into disgusting SOURED MILK! About as bad as Milk Moon 07 - ick. Thankfully the throw still smells pretty good, and I only get strong soured milk upon sniffing my wrists, but it's awful. And I can't seem to wash it off, so I'm stuck with it. And I can't smell too closely because it makes me nauseous. So far it seems determined to last on my skin all freaking day. This is not nice.




Antonino, The Carny Talker

Antonino, The Carny Talker: White musk, wild plum, vetiver, black coconut, verbena, fig, and lavender.   In the imp: I was expecting this to be dark, and was scared of the vetiver (usually my nemesis). Instead, I got this beautiful feminine scent of plum, verbena, and fig. Couldn't find the coconut, and thankfully not the vetiver.   On me: A beautiful blend of precious. The vetiver hid, and I'm ever sooooo thankful!! The musk helped the plum and fig bloom without being fruity. The verbena gave it a teeny bit of citrus so change things up, and the lavender really rounded this scent out beautifully. The coconut helped make this scent sweet, but I can't detect any coconut on me. I think Antonino was really "Antonina" because this is a very feminine scent. I'm in love, and must get a bottle of this before CD comes down.




Mr. Nancy

Mr. Nancy: Sugar cookies with bay rum, tobacco, and lime.   In the imp: Sweet cookie yumminess!!!   On me: Where did the cookie go? I smell like bread dough with a whole ton of cinnamon in it. No cinnamon in the notes, could it be the bay rum? Only bay rum usually doesn't smell like cinnamon to me though. Very strange. This will be a pass.




I've started testing some salons....Exhibit III...

I think this is going to be one of my favorite categories!!   Madonna: Hyssop, pomegranate, Angel’s Trumpet, Indonesian patchouli, iris, white orchid, and frankincense.   OMFG I need buckets of this!!!!!! The white orchid dominates, but is balanced out by the pomegranite to make this a very sweet beautiful orchid. The hyssop (I think) sweetens it up nicely, and the frankincense makes it resiney enough to give a bit of an incense feel. This is heaven!!!! Bottle - yes, must have bottle.   Love and Pain: Lavender, Balkan tobacco, black musk, dark vanilla, and golden copaifera.   This is the most beautiuful lavender blend!!! The tobacco keeps it from getting overly floral, but didn't stand out on its own (thankfully, because I amp it like crazy). The dark vanilla and black musk work beautifully to turn the lavender into a very dark purple type of scent, very sensual. Bottle is definitely needed!!   Death and Life Completed: Grey amber, carnation, lemon balm, hydrangea, Chinese peony, white sandalwood, cypress, juniper, cedar, hibiscus, and African daisy.   Peony!! This is what I wanted peony moon to smell like. For me it's mostly peopny and hibiscus, no amber anywhere unfortunately. The sandalwood and cedar complement the florals very niceley and give it a bit of a woodsey feel.   Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death: Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm.   It's hard to tell what I'm smelling specifically, but the honey in this is amped A LOT! I think it's the honey/almond combination. This is so well blended that I can't pick out the notes. It smells very good, but it's not "me" so I'll probably pass on this one.





Yvaine: The high, crystalline scent of a star-filled night with blue lavender and lush magnolia.   In the imp: Not sure about this, it doesn't smell very appealing and I get some sort of citrus?   On me: This totally blossoms, and the weirdness goes away. The lavender is sweetened up by something in there, and the magnolia peeks out but doesn't make the blend overly flora. It really does embody Yvaine, to my Stardust-loving-self. This is very yummy and a bottle is needed.




Lady Una

Lady Una:Honey musk, green tea leaf, blackberry leaf, vanilla bean, and fae spices.   In the imp: Deliciously honey musky blackberry. Yummy!! What are fae spices?   On me: I am getting a lot of honey musk and peach, even though peach isn't listed in the notes. Everything else ran and hid - I'm thinking I smell the fae spices but I can't pinpoint that. It's very faint, not a lot of throw or staying power. It smells good, but it's not my kind of scent. I was hoping for a honey-berry-vanilla scent, and this was definitely not that.





Spider: White ginger, artemesia, vetiver, nutmeg, King mandarin, bergamot, and lime.   In the imp: sweet masculine goodness. Indistinct notes, but it smells wonderful.   On me: First, I "blind" tested, as I grabbed the imp without looking at the notes. This has vetiver and it doesn't smell like rotted spinach!! Yay!! On me: A very beautiful masculine sexy scent, and it smells wonderful on me. The ginger and bergamot work beautifully together, and I believe I'm getting some King mandarin too. No lime in sight, but that's good because citrus usually goes weird on me. This one is a major shock - it's got vetiver AND lime and it still smells freaking awesome on me!!! I think me needs a bottle of this. There is something femininely sexy to me about wearing awesome smelling masculine scents.





Bilquis: Honey, myrrh, lily of the valley, rose otto, fig leaf, almond, ambrette, red apple, and warm musk.   In the imp: Sweet delicious honey and almond. Heaven!!!   On me: The almondy sweetness vanishes, and the rose otto comes to the forefront. At first it was a very perfumey blend, but now it is almost entirely rose. This would be wonderful for a rose fan, as it is a very complex and slightly sweet rose blend.... but I am not a fan so I'll have to pass on this one.




Resurrection of the Flesh

Resurrection of the Flesh: Frankincense, hyssop, heliochrysum, ylang ylang, copal, angelica, and rose geranium. Featured in the Salon: detail of the fresco.     In the imp: WoW! The resins and ylang ylang blend so beautifully together. A quick test tells me this will be a favorite.   On me: a delicious incensey blend fused with the beauty of ylang ylang. For maybe half an hour. And then it fades to almost nothing. My skin ate it, and in eating it the fragrance that is left isn't even classifiable. It's something, but so faint that it isn't much. I am very disappointed by this.


