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decant or bottle......

......the inner debate continues.   I want Old Moon. I really do. All of this 'pining' I've been doing for a wintery/pine/fir scent (sorry, could not resist the pun).....and now people are saying this is the perfect one. On the one hand, I already have decants of Yuletide, Ice Queen, Death Of The Grave Digger, Jolasveinar, The Snow Storm, Mistletoe......Shivering Boy......Cloister Graveyard......in other words, many many wintery blends that I really like. More than I could use up in quite a long time. On the other hand.......that addition of 'lunar herbs and flowers' sounds soooo promising....makes me really lustful for Old Moon.......so I just don't know. I can't imagine that decants are going to be hard to find once people start getting this. But I haven't had a pending lab order in so long!   Bottom line.....I have way too many bills right now. I just better sit this one out. : (




aged Snake Oil

Today I broke out my first bottle of Snake Oil, since it's officially a year old now. What I noticed most is an increased sweetness. Also it smelled different on one forearm than on the other, like I didn't roll the bottle enough or something. It reminded me a lot of frankincense, which I don't think I've ever noticed about Snake Oil. But basically.....it just smelled really good!




The Salon

Since it has so many of my favorite scents, I think the Salon is my favorite of all the scent categories in the Lab's general catalogue. In light of that, I went back over the reviews and picked out a few that I want to try again. Some of them I even gave unfavorable reviews.....but still, I dare say that my nose is a little more seasoned now, and I may actually like them more now. And there were a couple that I traded or gave away and now I'm kicking myself....especially since they were the nice Lab labels from the imp packs.   I even considered getting more imp packs!   But I think what I'll do is continue going through my current (huge) stash of imps/decants, pick out the ones I don't want, and try another swapping post. This one will focus on the un-impables on my wish list. I figure since they are slightly harder to come by, it will be more of a challenging hunt.   I also still think I would do well to just get decants from now on, and only get a bottle if something is just screaming at me to love it. With the sheer number of decants I already have, it's absolutely silly to buy more bottles since it would take forever even put a dent in them. For example, I traded for a bottle of Midnight On The Midway, which I hardly ever wear, even though I do love it. It's a scent for very particular moods.....when I'm feeling somewhat confident, sexy maybe, but also classy and refined. I could never wear it to work, it's just too emphatic.   At work I've been wearing F5, Usher (bpal's Usher, not the commercial cologne), and sometimes CB I Hate Perfume scents......although now I can't remember which ones. Accords, I think....Snow and maybe Lava Rock. Tonight I didn't wear any kind of scent to work. I don't want to offend anyone so when I do wear something, it's very lightly applied.




this is where I bitch

I've been meaning to complain about this for a while but was never sure where to do it. Let me just get it out of my system so I can move on.   I get so irritated when I see someone post: "Oh, just buy the bottle! Even if you don't like it, you can always swap it later!" Um, I disagree that it's totally easy to just swap stuff away.   I have had lots of good swaps, and even successful sales, so don't get me wrong. Also....I do not bump my swaps/sales posts a whole lot, not even once a week. Usually I'll give it a bump just to keep it from being sent to the post cemetery. So it could possibly be said that I don't try hard enough.   BUT.......   I couldn't even swap away rares like Vanilla Bean SN, Corazon, Ice Queen, Snow Angel......things I wanted to swap for stuff on my wish-list, which IMO is a pretty long one and not too narrow. And I don't think I was being too picky about what I would swap for. A single note for a single note......well, that's what most everyone else does, isn't it? A whole bottle of Samhain sat on my swaps/sales pages for weeks, until I finally decided I would rather just keep it. In fact, I took pretty much everything off my posts and even retired my swaps post.   Actually I'm not completely bitter. Part of it is indecision on my part. I hate to get rid of something unless I'm absolutely sure it's not going to work for me (Pruno, Selkie, ahem....). I'm glad I didn't get rid of Samhainophobia because it turns out I really do like it. Also....I don't regret my purchases. I have found a new hobby and I feel more enriched because of it. : )




bitch, bitch, bitch.....

I usually keep this about scent but I have to rant and rave for a minute.   I am so annoyed by people who write useless reviews on this forum! I realize their review might be useful to someone else. But it makes me feel like I wasted time clicking on the post to read it. I'm talking about when someone floods the reviews forum with very short reviews which basically reiterate the description of the scent (the Lab's description), and nothing more. And the very worst are when the person says "Oh, I couldn't even try this on my skin!". In my opinion, if you haven't tested it on your skin, you shouldn't review it!   If you're reading this and you have written this type of review, don't take it personally. I am just in a ranting mood and it's a small pet peeve I have. I totally understand the value of writing a review as a form of 'note to self', which is actually one of the reasons I write reviews. Otherwise I can forget that I've already tried a scent and don't need to try it again. So in other words, don't change your writing habits just because of me! : )   /rant




Falling Leaf Moon.....first impressions

First applied, this is lovely! Right away it's very sweet to me, and I don't really know which note is so sweet unless it's the opoponax. Anyway.....I can also smell the rain note, and it's the most lovely, delicate aquatic scent that I have experienced. It's so light and fragile that it's almost lost in the blend, but just strong enough that it stands out if you're 'looking' for it. I love aquatics and this aspect is stunning, but overall I don't consider this an aquatic scent.   After the scent warms and dries on my skin, it seems to actually get stronger. It loses a little bit of the complexity of the very first stage, and the sweetness starts to get to me a little bit. I don't like honey in perfume, and this starts to remind me of honey somewhat.....a little cloying. And this stuff really has staying power and strength!   I can really understand the comparisons to Samhain, but this reminds me even more of Autumn, except without the rose in that scent. I'm going to try applying with a lighter touch, and I refuse to give up on this scent, even though it turns too strong and a little cloying with the honey sweetness. What I learned from Samhain is that after 3 years, the sweetness balanced out with the other notes and it became something almost heartbreakingly beautiful. I hope for the same thing to happen with Falling Leaf Moon!




Egg Nog (2007 I think)

I tried this today, after the decant sat for a long time untouched. I was a little dismayed because it was barely there, and I thought it had aged badly or something. Then I read other reviews and I guess I'm not the only one! There is a little bit of throw, just a faint, sweet vanilla type of scent, with no spices or rum or anything like that. It's a cakey sort of scent, and I can barely pick up what might be some spices, only when I sniff up close.




Oh, the indecision!

As we all know, the Carnaval is leaving town very soon. I have a pretty decent selection of CD scents that I like, even a few bottles. Now is the time to get off the fence and decide on a couple that I've been waffling over.   I had a decant of Wulric the Wolfman, and I did like it a lot. For some reason I swapped it or gave it away, I can't remember....probably because I thought I would end up getting a bottle. Well, I still haven't, and time is running out.   I have a bottle of Doc Constantine, but it's only half full, and I'm wondering if I should get more or just leave it at that.   .......actually now it's getting busy here at work, more later.




(previous entry continued.....)

Inez and Aeronwen are both bottle worthy. And Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn. Have to re-try all of those, and again, make some decisions. Carnaval Diabolique is totally worth a bottle, so I have that one to consider as well. And I haven't even tried Isaac yet!! : /   On the plus side, I have a nice, completely full, well-aged bottle of Mme. Moriarty that I love. Ditto Midnight On The Midway and Antonino.   The big problem is Chaos Theory. I've been wanting a new round of CT for a long, long time......and I really want at least 6 or 7 bottles, possibly more. There is no way I can get all of this stuff, I just can't swing it. I think I'm actually pushing aside CD in favor of CT. CD will be around longer (and we still have more acts), and CT will only be around for a few weeks. And Chaos Theory is just so.......special! It's like my own little bottle of uniqueness, and a complete surprise, and just fun, fun, fun.   So there ya go, I guess my decision is made. Buckle your seatbelts, it's going to be a Chaotic ride!!




Oh, and also.....

Continuing my previous posts.....how could I overlook the Snake Pit? I bought the whole thing when it first came out, swapped out a couple of those bottles (Asp Viper, Banded Sea Snake, Green Tree Viper, Australian Copperhead....okay, more than a couple), and I still want to get rid of Saw-Scaled Viper, eventually. But with the ones that I've kept, I doubt that I will need any kind of Snake Oil-related scent again, ever.......especially since I have 2 bottles of Snake Oil itself 'cellared' (and it's hard to believe one of them will be 2 years old in November!). Oh and I swapped that imp of Anaconda for Doc Buzzard, a worthy trade in my opinion.   So unless Snake Charmer is re-released, I am good on Snakey scents for a long, long time. At the rate I wear oils, I may never use them up completely.




wishy wishy!

Bold type just means I have a particular interest, or higher priority for that scent. Colored text indicates added after first post. I try to update this pretty often....   possible bottles Baron Samedi Dragon's Blood Fearful Pleasure Great Sword Of War The Mad Hatter Satan and Death With Sin Intervening Three Gorgons   On the Fence, at the Carnaval!! (not sure if I want whole bottles of these or not) Carnaval Diabolique Isaac, the Living Skeleton Priala, the Human Phoenix The Chapel Theodosius, the Legerdemain Wulric, the Wolfman   GC imps that I want Aelopile Baghdad Bathsheba Black Hellebore Brisingamen Bruised Violet Compound The Caterpillar Danube Death Cap Deep In Earth The Dormouse Dragon's Reverie Eclipse Fascinum Frumious Bandersnatch Hamadryad Hanging Gardens Hecate Hymn To Proserpine Imp Inferno Intrigue Jersey Devil Kill-Devil Kubla Khan Kumari Kandam Lampades Libertine Love's Torments Lyonesse Mad Hatter Mandrake Mary Read Medea Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Nero Niflheim No. 93 Engine Nostrum Remedium Othello Penthus The Phantom Wooer Phoenix Steamworks Plunder Port Royal Queen of Sheba Rome Salome Santo Domingo Scales Of Deprivation Schrodinger's Cat Shanghai Shango Strangler Fig Sundew Sybaris To A Woman Tombstone Tushnamatay Unicorn Verdandi Voodoo   'Set Only' imps/unimpables I would like (imps or decants) And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt The Ecstacy of St. Theresa Famine Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji Haloes The House Judith Victorious La Vague Lucretia Madonna Mama-Ji Parsifal Rozpustnica Silence Three Brides   Decant Me (partial decants? half decants? droplets? all are acceptable, I just want to try these) The Bloody Sword Boo Bam Cagliostro The Chapel The Contract Of Theophilus Of Adana The Cracked Bell Damnation Dia De Los Muertos Fire Eater Isaac, the Living Skeleton Ivanushka Knucklebones Long Night Moon Moana Opuhi Pumpkin Patch III (2007) Shill Tiki Queen Tupapau Upa Upa Yule   Single Notes dream list (decants) Ambergris, Black Cherry, Black Musk, Black Poppy, Cherry, Licorice Bark, Light Myrrh, Oakmoss, Red Musk, Red Mysore Sandalwood, Redwood, Siberian Musk, Tonka Bean, White Sandalwood   The following are basically for my own reference....it helps me to keep this all in one place, and the update onslaught is just about killing me! But I do love trying all the new stuff.   Czech and Speake Cuba Frankincense and Myrrh   Possets Aiden Crickets Eve Nigel Rhode Island Vermont   CB I Hate Perfume Wild Hunt




Moody Myrtle

I have quit smoking again. I worked myself up to it, picked a date, and took the plunge. Please excuse any moody outbursts, I apologize in advance.   I also quit drinking, since that usually leads to smoking (music leads to dancing, and dancing leads to touching).   Anyway, this shouldn't be hard for me, I have already quit both for over 7 years in the past, and I was pretty dumb to start again.




Ranting and raving....

First of all.....if you're reading this, and I complain about something that you do, please don't take it personally. Just a minor pet peeve of mine.   I've noticed a trend lately with reviews. People are writing their reviews based only on sniffing the scent in the vial, not putting it on the skin. This drives me crazy. Basically, it's like judging a book by it's cover. In my experience, most scents smell totally different, or they go through changes, after they touch a person's skin. I admit, when I go to a meet 'n sniff, I don't try on every scent that I come across. I smell some of them in the bottle and make a judgment based solely on that impression. But that is different from writing a review for other people to read.   When I read a review of a scent, and the person didn't actually try it on, I write it off as completely useless to me.




Halloween Update/breakdown

Breakdown! I have rated some of these according to my interest, on a scale of 1-5.   ALL SAINTS 2010 Based on a venerable French pontifical incense blend: monastic frankincense and myrrh, Damascus rose, Russian gardenia, cassia, and lily of the valley wafting on a chill Autumn wind. A celebration of the glory and suffering of the saints and matryrs of the Church. Not interested. All those flowers sound like soap to me.   ALL SOULS 2010 A day of remembrance and intercession. Without the prayers and sacrifices of their families and loved ones, the faithful departed may not be cleansed of their venal sins, and thereby cannot attain beatific vision. On November 2nd, prayers are sung and offerings are made to aid lost souls in transcending purgatory. An incense blend that invokes the higher qualities of mercy and compassion, mingled with the soft, sugared currant scent of offertory soul cakes. I like my decant of All Souls '06, and I might want more of this. It starts out cakey and turns into floral incense, in a good way. 3/5     BLUE PUMPKIN FLOSS Puffy clouds of pumpkin candyfloss with a trickle of blackberry juice. Not for me, thanks....more for all the gals who've been waiting for this!   BOO 2010 Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream No thank you......   CALAVERAS Clever little satirical poems in the style of epitaphs written to tease the living and ease grief over a loved one's passing. Xocolatl, tequila, copal incense, smoke-dried jalapeños, vanilla pods, and cajeta. I'll have to look up a couple of these notes, but I am not a big fan of copal (I do like it in incense, but not perfume), and I'm leaning towards nyet on this one.     DIA DE LOS ÑATITAS Hydrangea blossoms and rose petals, cigarette smoke, cocoa leaves, and chichi. Leaning towards no....don't really need a scent with rose and chocolate. Is chichi milk? 2/5   FLOR DE MUERTO The orange marigold, or zempasúchitl, has been one of Death's symbols since the pre-Columbian era. The yellow and orange petals are believed to represent the rays of the sun, bringing joy and light to the souls dwelling in the realm of the dead. These flowers surround Day of the Dead altars to guide the spirits to their offerings. I am interested, because I just like the idea of marigold perfume. They remind me of my grandma Nena, who liked to grow them. And it seems like they would be sort of a bitter or earthy floral, but really I have no idea. Want to try! 4/5   GHOULISH This season's Ridiculous Scent! Creepy like Creepy and as spooky as Spooky, this is the scent of a black cherry and coconut amaretto confection gently laced with saffron. Hmmm....at first I thought no, not interested. But reading it again, it sounds rather decadent and almost incensey, even though it's a foody/drinky scent. Sounds kind of sexy, actually. Decant? 3/5   THE HAG Black musk, bay leaves, galangal, bourbon vetiver, blackcurrant, and rum. Interesting.....I know I need to try this, so decant. Blackcurrant and rum are the iffy notes. 4/5     GOLLETES A circular pastry glazed with pink sugar that symbolizes the sweetness of life and the certainty of death. Nope, no thanks!   HUESOS DE SANTO 2010 Orange-glazed cake, dotted with anise seed, and filled with custard, set beside a bouquet of celebratory funeral flowers. I like my decant of the last one, but I wouldn't need a whole bottle. Perhaps another decant if it crosses my path. 3/5   LAMBS-WOOL 2010 A popular holy day beverage in 18th century Ireland: roasted apples mashed into warmed milk and ale, with nutmeg, sugar, ginger, and clove. I like this scent but in the end it was just too sweet, to the point of being cloying. I want more spices and ale, I think. I'll watch reviews and see if it has changed since last time. 2/5   NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY Dewy green leaves colored by Moroccan amber, ginseng, and rooibos. Ha ha....reminds me of the Outsiders or one of those old teen movies. Anyway, this sounds great, and I'm really interested in trying it. 4/5   OCTOBER 2010 Dry, cold autumn wind. A rustle of red leaves, a touch of smoke and sap in the air. Well, I love this scent, but I don't need any more unless it has changed a lot from the previous one.   PUMPKIN LATTE Espresso, pumpkin syrup, smoky vanilla bean, milk, raw sugar, and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg. Worth a decant to sniff but not super exciting to me. 3/5   PUNKIE NIGHT 2010 This is a light-hearted scent: apple orchards, bright cranberries, and a touch of warm cider. Never was very interested in this scent, for some reason. Sounds too fruity with the cranberries, I generally don't like berries in my perfume.   SAMHAIN 2010 Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein. I can most likely skip Samhain this year, since I have 2 bottles and several decants of various years already. I do love Samhain, though.   SUGAR SKULL 2010 Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits. Hmmm......I have half a bottle from '07, and decants of '05 and '08.....do I need more? I love Sugar Skull, but maybe a decant will be enough for me. 4/5   THE WILD SWANS AT COOLE October twilight. Falling leaves breaking the stillness of cool water, with sweet autumn clematis, feather-soft orris root, luminous white chypre, and muguet. Hmmmm....kind of on the edge about this one but leaning towards no. Sounds very pretty but orris and muguet sound powdery and/or soapy to me. 2/5   HALLOWEEN: BROOKLYN Flowering dogwood, weeping cherry, Korean pine, camellia, moonflower, Alberta spruce, arborvitae, and crab apples. These notes sound soapy to me, especially moonflower. I'll pass on this one (even though pine and spruce make me want to sniff.....). 3/5   HALLOWEEN: LOS ANGELES The sky on fire: a strange incense of burning brush, junegrass, tumbleweeds, chaparral, and wild sage. I love the description and the imagery supplied by Beth. I forget what chaparral is but I want to try this. Decant first, probably. 4/5   HALLOWEEN: NEW ORLEANS The distinctive scent of the Mississippi at night mingling with sweet olive and Spanish moss. Moss is not always good to me, but sometimes very good to me. Worth a try because I do like aquatics in general. 4/5   HALLOWEEN: SAN FRANCISCO Salt air wafting in from the bay. Rain falling on rain-soaked leaves. Sounds awesome! Decant first, just to be cautious. 4/5   POMEGRANATE I Pomegranate, poet's jasmine, and benzoin. Well, I like benzoin, but pomegranate and jasmine are not thrilling to me. Probably pass. 2/5   POMEGRANATE II Pomegranate, white musk, lemon verbena, grapefruit, pink lime. Yeah...this is probably the least interesting of the pom. scents to me. Pass-ola. 1/5   POMEGRANATE III Pomegranate, Tamil Nadu sandalwood, lavender, tamarind, hazelnut, Atlas cedarwood, sugar date, bitter clove, and Arabian myrrh. Potential decant. 3/5   POMEGRANATE IV Pomegranate, cognac, red musk, cocoa, tobacco absolute, star anise, and thyme. Don't like cocoa that much with a couple of exceptions. Probably pass.....maybe decant. We'll see. 3/5   POMEGRANATE V Pomegranate, carnation, amber, cardamom, neroli, vetiver, black pepper, and opium tar. Hmm, sounds interesting, kind of foppish? Possibly worth a try. 3/5   Pomegranate patch only imp: THE HERAEON OF ARGOS Argive Hera. The temple in the Argolid that was dedicated to Hera, the Queen of Heaven, in her aspect as the Great Triple Goddess. Pomegranate, apple blossom, fig, willow bark, and almond. Not calling to me very much, although I would definitely try it if it crossed my path. 2/5   THE BYRONIC ANTIHERO An aristocratic cologne of titanic passions, moody and brooding. This scent is dark with disillusionment and cynicism: a Victorian fougère and a dashing carnation boutonnière tainted by a cloud of khus, yew, and patchouli. Hmmm, sounds interesting, and did I mention foppish somewhere else? Could be a nice proper dude-fume. Possible decant. 3/5   THE CREEPING MIST A muculent, brumous, ill-omened scent: orris, yuzu, white ginger, linden flower, petitgrain, and lotus. Interesting. Orris tells me to back away, and in general not my kind of scent.....but could still be worth a try. Will watch reviews and possibly try a decant if I see it available somewhere. 2/5   THE DECREPIT HOUSE An architectural doppelganger reflecting a ruined soul: dilapidated planks of mahogany and cypress wood perched feebly on a grim foundation of long-dead leaves, black musk, patchouli, galbanum, tobacco absolute, fragonia, and oakmoss. Yay, another Poe scent! I like them. This looks like a bleak and dreary Halloween scent and it's worth a decant, probably. 4/5   A HOWL IN THE DARKNESS A scent evocative of a forest at midnight, with animalic brown musk, wild sage, Terebinth pine, black oak, and a chilly shock of terror personified by kunzea, cistus labdanum, verbena, juniper, metallic ozone, and white mint. Aww, the description and concept are reaching out to me with grabbing hands, but I just don't like brown musk. I'm going to have to try a decant of this and hope for the best. This kind of reminds me of the updated Wolf Moon, which I love. 4/5   THE INFERNAL LOVER A creamy, sensual, honeyed red musk. Don't usually like honey at all, but still.....I'd like to sniff this at some point. 2/5   ECCLESIASTICAL EXCESSES Faustian depravity: daemonorops, rose-infused frankincense, vetiver, mate absolute, and clove bud. If this is one of those scents where the rose is just a hint, I could be interested. I'll be watching reviews. 2/5     ENCROACHING MADNESS A yellow smell. Old foul, bad yellow things. Honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, balsam, hydrangea, and helichrysum. I would love to try this just because of the inspiration. But reading the notes listed, I'd have to say 'pass'. We'll see. 2/5   THE SHADOWY AND THE SUBLIME A sudden and shocking insight into the vast, ineffable, overwhelming power of Nature, stirred by a vision or experience of perfected beauty and perfected terror, that changes the soul irretrievably. An epiphany: Moroccan amber, wisteria, ambergris accord, white rose, magnolia, white mint, angelica, bergamot, and myrrh. This probably has too many flowers, and white rose and I do not get along. Love the description and imagery, though. 2/5   THE MADWOMAN Dusty white sandalwood, ragged cloth, and a dry, long-dead bridal bouquet. Just like the preceding scent, love the concept, but not the notes listed. 'Dusty white sandalwood' doesn't appeal to me, and neither does the bouquet. 1/5   ODD PORTENTS Black rose, olibanum, dark musk, myrrh, blackcurrant, lavender buds, bourbon geranium, and amber incense. Again with the rose! And I was excited about this one. I might still try this, but I don't really like geranium in perfume either. Another possible decant.... 3/5   THE UNSAVORY GRAVE-DIGGERS An unearthed oakwood coffin, cemetery weeds, and a hint of booze. Sounds a little dank. I'll be watching reviews. 2/5   THE UNSTEADY GOVERNESS White tea and violet leaf. Not calling me. 2/5   .....so looks like I'm pretty safe with a few exceptions. I like the sound of the San Francisco and LA Halloween scents, and a few others like Nothing Gold Can Stay and the marigold one. I'll probably play my usual game and gamble on something I'm not sure about (the marigold scent sounds like a good candidate because I have no idea how that will smell), and get a few decants. I also need to go back and try Lambs-Wool again just to be sure.   And finally, I need to read the text more slowly for the Goth Lit scents, as that could change my mind on one or more of them. I noticed it says Vol. 1.....will there be more volumes? Interesting!




Berry Moon update

Here's what I think.   BERRY MOON A golden summer musk with warm fig, orange blossom honey, sweet blueberries, and bright velvety crimson raspberries.   Not for me, I'm relieved to say (because I have no money to buy it anyway!). I like the sound of golden summer musk, and maybe fig, but nothing else here is my bag.   STINKY A cure for sweaty bits and sticky wilting. Stinky is a summer refresher ‘foom for people that don’t dig run-of-the-mill “clean” scents: newly-washed skin with a dusting of rice milk, white honey, and baby powder.   Hee-hee! Also not for me.....but if this wasn't inspired by little Lilith, I'll eat my hat! : )   APEROTOS EROS Unloving love: benzoin, Indian musk, massoia bark, myrrh, ambrette seed, galbanum, bergamot, and fir.   This is probably the most interesting thing on the whole update for me. Indian musk might be soapy for me, but otherwise I'm game for an imp.     WHOSO LIST TO HUNT Sensual brown musk, rich amber, English rose, oak bark, and moss.   Just not calling to me......brown musk sounds powdery, and I'm not very much into rose.   ALICE’S EVIDENCE Containing nary a neutron of meaning: rum-quince-cassis with prune and a bit of black ginger.   This could be interesting, but I'm not a huge fan of fruity scents (which seem to abound in this update!), so I'm probably safe to pass on this one.   ALL IN THE GOLDEN AFTERNOON A bizarre blend of pineapple, tangerine, tobacco, apricot, and seltzer coated with hazy amber and heady sun-baked flowers.   More fruit! I like to eat it but not wear it. Of course there are exceptions to every rule.   TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE BAT A sparkly, batty little scent: green tea, melon, mint, lime rind, and champagne grape with lemon balm, mullein, and toadflax.   Again, a little too fruity for me. I really don't like melon, and probably not champagne grape either.   IMPERIOUS TIGER-LILY (Tiger-lily, ginger root, neroli, purple fruits, and frankincense.)   I actually kind of like Tiger-Lily. However, I generally steer clear of neroli, and again, there are those fruits.   SNOOTY ROSE (Red rose, oud, plum, bergamot, and red sandalwood.)   Not to be snooty, but no rose for me, thank you!   HIGH-STRUNG DAISIES (Daisy, pink carnation, pink pepper, and sugar.)   Hee hee.....the story makes me giggle.....but very much not a scent for me!   BRUSQUE VIOLET (Violet petal, violet leaf, osmanthus, orris, mint, and opoponax.)   Hmm, never really got into violet, but I wouldn't be against trying this. Maybe I'll tack on an imp when I order again.   HOW DOTH THE LITTLE CROCODILE Chocolate peppermint, mint-soaked vanilla, pistachio, oakmoss, and green cedar.   I'd be more interested, if not for the chocolate note. Sounds like a fun scent, though!   AGAINST IDLENESS AND MISCHIEF Pollen-dusted honey, diligent tonka, steadfast chamomile, and goodly hyssop.   Eh, I am really not into honey. Definitely not for me.   ‘TIS THE VOICE OF THE LOBSTER A woody, musky-weird base glooping over with blackberry preserves, a twist of mandarin, strawberry juice, pulverized watermelon, and a handful of smushed gardenia petals.   Well, I like woody, musky weirdness, but that's about it, out of all those notes!   THE SLUGGARD Pious frankincense, angelic gardenia, unsoiled pear, and staunch ho wood conflict with prickly, overgrown thistle, idle labdanum, and lethargic lavender.   This has potential, I just can't imagine what it will smell like! It might be the biggest 'wild-card' for me, in this update. Definitely worth a try.   So, overall, I'm really relieved that I'm safe from just about everything here! I was a little worried, but now I've got more time to save up for the upcoming goodies.




That Feeling again

I guess basically it's insecurity that I'm feeling. NYE was fun, but ever since then I've been worrying that I made an ass of myself....said the wrong things.....acted like a dumbass......etc. I hung out with 3 of my friends, 2 of them are a couple I know, both very good looking, good friends, always gracious to me and I know I worry needlessly. They were nothing but nice and let me crash on their couch, invited me to a great dinner, went out of their way to make fun drinks I hadn't tried before (caiphirina? I don't know how to spell it), but I can't seem to just let go of my worries and just have fond memories of the whole night. I envy them because I am single and when I let myself think about it, not really happy about it, so I usually just try to focus on school and work. Anyway.....just feeling totally unworthy and trying to write about it to get it all out. Really nothing new in my world.





So now I'm kicking myself, because I just tried Brom Bones, and holy-mother-of-pearl......this is beyond sexy. I'm definitely going to need a whole bottle of this, rather than a puny decant. I already loved Quincey Morris, and this is close but even better. Just incredible. This should have been my bottle choice, rather than Chant D'Autumne (which I like, but nothing like B. Bones......).




draft for ISO post

Decants/imps would be perfect, even if they're not completely full.   And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt The Chapel Isaac, The Living Skeleton Knucklebones Three Gorgons




Lawn Gnome

This scent is quite unusual, and I appreciate the artistry behind it. I have found over 3 tests that I probably won't wear it out and about, but I will keep my decant. It's so unique, I'd like to have it around for when the mood strikes.   Mostly I smell a heavy sweetness, and fruit. I enjoy cooking with molasses, but it's not something I ever thought I'd want to smell like! I found that the molasses combined with the moss and patchouli give this scent an earthy, almost smokey element that is truly compelling. After multiple tests I noticed that the sugary element comes close to banana when I sniff up close, kind of like Mr. Nancy did (until it aged and didn't smell like banana any more). In fact, Lawn Gnome is almost like Mr. Nancy's rugged, outdoorsy cousin. Same family, but more into camping and gardening (duh), not cocktail lounges or fedoras.   The only problem is that something about this scent turns on me far into the dry-down. It becomes just a little flat and almost ashy, but I can't pin down what's causing it. I truly loved the opening stages enough to keep this around.





I am so freakin' excited! And I want to talk about it but I have nobody to yak at.   There is a new game coming out, made by the people who made Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus. I have been waiting patiently for info for a very long time. I knew it would be exclusive to PS3, and I knew I'd have to get a PS3 system just to play this, whenever it comes out.   Anyway, there was a trailer for the game leaked to the internet last week (working title is Project Trico). It looks amazing. It hasn't been confirmed as being real, but I'm betting it is, because it looks too good to be a fake. Apparently the video is over a year old, so the finished product will be even better. I can't wait to play this!!   I would be really happy if it came out this fall or winter. I realize it may take longer, but my fingers are crossed. Hopefully more will be announced at E3 this week.




Labores Solis

This is the scent that I can never spell. : /   It has given me different impressions the three times that I wore it. Mostly it is herbal, resins, and somehow slightly woody. I can pick out chamomile, frankincense, and amber. I have never learned to identify saffron (I'm not sure what it tastes like either), but I think it adds a slight medicinial, bitter feel from what I've heard. Not unpleasant at all. At first I didn't think this scent was powdery, but I put some on tonight and applied very lightly (not sure if that made the difference), and it definitely is powdery this time, kind of the same way that Minotaur is powdery.   Anyway, this reminds me of several other bpal scents, like Sol, Sagittarius, and Carceri D'Invenzione as portalkat mentioned. I swear there's a little bit of wood in here. So, do I like it? Yes! I didn't care for Sol all that much, but this seems to be more like what I wanted from that scent. It's unique. I can wear this to work, because it's not all dark and sexy, even with the element of darkness.




Another one of "those" moods

I'm at work....I'm bored, anxious, and nervous all at the same time. I want to write things but it's all random and unconnected.   I have 2 final exams Saturday.....well, another one online that is due by Saturday, so 3 all together. I'm freaking out because I think my grades are right on the C/D edge, and I need to do really well on my exams. I can't get any D's, I just can't. If I do, my tuition won't get paid by my employer, and I will most likely have to wait another year to move forward in this program. So yeah, I'm freaking out.   Speaking of work, I am in need of some nights off. I am off this weekend, but Saturday's final exams kind of ruin the weekend. Sure I'm off Saturday night, but then I go back Sunday night, which doesn't leave me much time to do anything. What do I want to do? Well, I've been wanting to visit my friend Kevin in Columbus (Ohio), and to really relax I want more than one night off to do this. Then, next week is my spring break, except I work almost every night. I'm off Wednesday night but that's it. Long story short, I am getting burned out and I need a break.   And these people that I deal with at work are driving me crazy! In fact I have to cut this short because we're getting busy again and I have to actually work instead of typing in a blog.




wish list 2009/Jan

[i will periodically copy and past my wish-list, because I edit it pretty often and sometimes like to look at old versions]   Bold type just means I have a particular interest, or higher priority for that scent. I try to update this pretty often....   5ml interests...or partials, I love partials! : ) A Blade Of Grass Baron Samedi Carceri d'Invenzione Carnaval Diabolique Cloister Graveyard In The Snow Great Sword Of War Obatala Satan and Death With Sin Intervening Scales Of Deprivation Theodosius Three Gorgons Wood Phoenix   GC imps that I want (imps/decants would be delightful) Aelopile Baghdad Bensiabel Black Hellebore Brisingamen Bruised Violet Compound The Caterpillar Deep In Earth Frumious Bandersnatch Hanging Gardens Hecate Imp Inferno Intrigue Jersey Devil Kill-Devil Lampades Libertine Love's Torments Lyonesse Mary Read Nero Niflheim No. 93 Engine Nostrum Remedium The Phantom Wooer Port Royal Queen of Sheba Rome Santo Domingo The Sea Foams Blood Serpents With Glittering Eyes And Forky Tongues Strangler Fig Sundew Sybaris Thorns To A Woman Tushnamatay Verdandi The Witch's Garden   'Set Only' imps/unimpables I would like (imps or decants) The Ecstacy of St. Theresa Famine Haloes The House The Ifrit La Vague Lucretia Madonna Parsifal Silence Three Brides Three Gorgons   LE/Trading Post/etc Decants ISO any testable amount 413 U.S. 15/Miller Vs. California The Blood Garden The Bloody Sword Cagliostro The Chapel The Contract Of Theophilus Of Adana The Cracked Bell Damnation Humbug Knucklebones Long Night Moon Moana Pumpkin Patch III (2007) Scattered Gloom Shill Tupapau Uncertain Horror Upa Upa Virgo 2007 Yule   Single Notes dream list (decants) Ambergris, Black Cherry, Black Musk, Black Poppy, Cherry, Licorice Bark, Light Myrrh, Oakmoss, Red Musk, Red Mysore Sandalwood, Redwood, Siberian Musk, Tonka Bean, White Sandalwood





Bleeehhhhhh.........   My 5th night in a row at work.......do not feel like being here.......wish I brought my real paper journal with me........but I do actually have school work I should be doing. But I don't really have the attention span right now!   I'm finding myself very busy lately, and it seems like there's not enough time in the day to do the things I want or need to do. So I don't even try. With the time I do have I end up laying around playing video games. Ah well, life could be worse, and I really can't complain.   Spending too much money on perfume lately, but that's nothing new. I have Mad Hatter and Baron Samedi bottles on the way, which is awesome.   Can't seem to settle on one topic so that's all for now.




Scent locket

I don't have a scent locket. I've thought about buying one, and I bought one for my sister, but I've never bought one for myself. I always think, "I have so many different scents that I can hardly decide what to wear on any given day. A scent locket is just going to make that decision more complex and difficult. It's like adding another layer to the whole business when what I really want to do is simplify".   However, every once in a while I come across a scent that is really nice, but seems that it would be better suited for a scent locket. So now I'm going to start making note of that here. Tamamo-No-Mae is such a scent. It is very, very lovely, but somewhat fleeting. When I first put it on, it has these delicate, sparkly top notes, something almost minty, that could be from the tea or maybe ginger, or who knows what. Anyway, I love that part of the scent, but on my skin it lasts all of 5 minutes! It's still a great scent after that, just very subtle and kind of like skin-incense, the powder stuff (although I've never tried that). Kind of fruity and smokey-sweet at the same time.   So, as a note to myself, or a reminder, when I do eventually get a scent locket, Tamamo-No-Mae would be a great scent for it. I think that sparkly note in the beginning might last longer, and the scent as a whole might be a little stronger in a locket. If I find more scents that seem tailor-made for a locket, I'll continue to make note of it here.



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