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A search for favorite scents.

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Ars Draconis

I'm trying out two Ars Draconis scents this week -- Dance of Death today and Twilight tomorrow. The Ars Draconis line lets me indulge my morbid side a bit. Though, I really have to wonder what I'll say if anyone asks what I'm wearing today. I think I'll wimp out and just give the notes.




Chasing the Dragons

The Ars Draconis line has been full of surprises. The first one I tried was a frimp of Dragon's Musk back in June. I didn't think I'd like it since I'm picky about musk, but I love it. Dragon's Blood smells like plumeria, which I was not expecting. Dragon's Milk burned, and since I'm not sensitive to DB, honey, or vanilla, I was definitely not expecting that either. I think it must have clove in it, or something smiliar that's not listed.





My 8-17 order should come today!   I ordered three imp packs because things were really stressful. That's a good reason, right?   The first imp pack is 6 Ars Draconis scents: Dragon's Blood, Dragon's Eye, Dragon's Milk, Dragon's Reverie, Dragon's Tears, and Ladon.   I've only tried one AD scent so far and that's Dragon's Musk, which I love. Dragons are my favorite fantasy creatures, so the AD category is one I'm very interested in.   The other two imp packs are scents I want because they remind me of Neil Gaiman's Endless:   Death -- Dance of Death, Twilight Delirium -- Delirium, Mania Desire -- Desire, Hunger Despair -- Ode on Melancholy Destiny -- Miskatonic University Destruction -- The Great Sword of War, Antony Dream -- Languor, Oneiroi   I hope I like all of them.   I was going to wear The Sportive Sun today since it's the last day of August but I decided against it since it's an LE and I only have one bottle. So, I'm wearing Faith.




More of What I Know Now That I Didn't Know in March

9. I shouldn't buy a GC bottle until I've finished the imp.   10. I should try a note before I dismiss it altogether. Just because some people hate _____, that doesn't necessarily mean that I will.   11. For any blend with more than three notes, my skin will usually eat half of them. Most likely the ones I'm really interested in.   12. Just because a blend is considered masculine, that doesn't automatically mean it won't work on me.




Intro to my blog

I've been part of this forum since March so it's about time I had a BPAL blog.   I still consider myself a BPAL newbie -- I've only been wearing BPAL for 5 months. I've tried over 100 blends and I'm still exploring what works for me and what doesn't.   What I know now that I didn't know in March:   1. I need to stay away from anything with clove, cinnamon, and mint since these burn.   2. My skin chemistry morphs lotus to bubblegum, so I can't wear anything with lotus in it either.   3. I love vetiver.   4. BPAL rose notes rock, but tea rose can overpower everything else.   5. If I'm on the fence about a GC blend, it's better to not get it. I can always try it later.   6. If I'm on the fence about a LE blend, it's better to get it then pass it on if it doesn't work.   7. Ordering as soon as I see the update is great, but waiting and deciding when I'm not as excited is better.   8. Any obsession is better when there are people to share it with.   Anyway, I ordered twelve bottles yesterday morning -- October's lunacy Hunter Moon, it's companion Aeaea, and eleven Halloweenies: bottles All Souls '07, Bonfire Night, Dia De Los Muertos '07, October, Sugar Skull '07, and Pumkins I - V, and the imp of A Murder of Crows. I still can't believe I ordered a dozen bottles at once. I blame it on this being my first BPAL Halloween -- I got too excited. Well, whatever doesn't work for me will be appreciated by others, I'm sure. My best friend is already wanting October, but that and Pumpkin III are the ones I'm really interested in, so she may have to fight me for it.



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