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BPAL Madness!
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Um. Yay?

So I saw this on someone else's blog here and though it's not actually a meme, I'm bored and I like to think about these things. And of course, I love talking about myself.   Stuff I'd buy if I was disgustingly rich.   A car for me. Probably a Mercedes or a Volvo.   A new SUV/van type thing for my dad   A new car for my sister. (We have lots of barely standing cars.)   College. (Tuition.)   An imp of every scent evar.   A present for one particular friend who totally deserves one.   A good viola for me. Because that's actually important.   A trip to Europe to party with the cool people. And there, I'd go to an Apocalyptica concert since they don't go to any part of the U.S. but the Northeast. places that aren't here. (Thanks for bringing that to my attention, elbow.) Darn them. (Oh, and maybe I'd be crazy-rich-like and go find that little Italian place in Budapest and get more pizza. Mmmm.)   An iPod, since I just lost mine.   MUSIC. Lots of music and CDs and stuff.   Clothes from Anthropologie. Because I could finally afford them.   Give money to 1. Girl Scouts, specifically the barns. 2. Music stuff. 3. Church   STAMPS, since I never seem to keep up with them.   And that's all I can think of.




Stuffs for the Witch...should you be interested.

I've just been think of things that would make my day and aren't really things you buy... If you feel so inclined.   -Mail. I loooove mail. Be it postcards or letters or whatever. Whenever it's got my name on it (with no bill inside) my day gets better!   -Recipes. I don't cook right now (Ramen doesn't count), but I'll have a full kitchen in college (these dorms rock my world) and I'd like to be able to use it. I like to make brownies and baking type stuff, but our oven is broken at present. But if you have any yummy, easyish recipes hanging around...   -And I had more but I've forgotten them. Oh, well. Life Advice. College advice. Whatever advice. I pretty much could always use it.



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