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Pretty Colors

http://a1.s6img.com/cdn/0007/v/1520279_7830855-stscrd01_l.jpg http://www.deviantart.com/download/123361964/Blue_Green_Texture_1167_by_Moon_WillowStock.jpg http://www.touristmaker.com/images/croatia/croatia-green-forest-and-waterfall.jpg http://poetrycorner.freedomblogging.com/files/2012/06/Summer-Forest-Dark-Green-Vegetation.jpg http://www.imgbase.info/images/safe-wallpapers/photography/water/15463_water_tropical_island.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/118/260036403_020100cbac.jpg And my avatar in the side bar, made by the ever-fabulous mousesong.




Heartswap Questions List

would you rather have the generalized feeling that someone is thinking of you (sooooomewheeere oooout theeere...) or would you like to know, off the bat, who your swapper is?   Also, you ladies and gents are speaking of rare things, if you could have one rare scent, what would it be?   Do you like graphic novels, and if so, what kinds?   Is there anything in the new Coraline update that you are wanting to try? Or even the past Lupers?   What fandoms, if any, do you have? Tv shows, comics/books, movies, specific characters, that kind of thing?   I have a new question! What of the new pickman gallery scents are you interested in?   What's your favorite kind of cookie?   Do you like nail polish? If so what colors?   What about bath products?   let's talk about handmade things: knits, books, jewelry, food, art, tchochkes.. what sort of 'just for You' items are you interested in receiving? Or, are you not really a handmade kind of person?   What are you yearning for from the C2E2 and/or Bats Day pre-date?   What kind of music do you like to listen to? Would you want your heartwarmer to make you a mix CD? For any specific purpose?   Anything you would like from the Asian grocery store?   Do you like Paintbox soap works, or villainess scrubs, soaps, etc?




Dear Witch, :)

(it helps to actually post things, instead of saving them to draft) Hi!   First off, I apologize for not being on the ball and posting very often the past couple of weeks.   You are fabulous and awesome, and have absolutely made my last several weeks with your attention and lovely gifts. I've loved receiving all of your e cards and all the carefully chosen goodies.   I love the hairthings(and so do a lot of people who comment on how cute they are), and the gummie bears are going to get me through forever. I love how the seller on etsy you gave me a gift certificate to is not only an amazing craftswoman, but a working mother trying to pursue her passions with a small, home-based business. I still haven't found a frame that truly suits your art, but I'm not giving up. Right now, she sits in a bookcase, so I can still see her. Everything you have said and done for me is just so personal-- at times I wonder if you have some sort of magic key to my thoughts, because you've managed to catch things that I didn't even know I had mentioned anywhere.   I googled the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, and you are right. It's so cute! And what they are doing is amazing. I think I'll be reading there more often now. Thanks!   So, just a quick thank you for being the most amazing Witch. I hope that you are having a lovely end of the week, and that only good things are taking up your time. I'm kind of that you still have more goodness in store, but I'm very excited for the reveal. Have a wonderful weekend!





Hi! I ramble, so I will put it here and not take up tons of thread space.     Ethically sourced creature things?   I'm averse to fur, and dead bugs would make me sad. Someone just made a very valid point that their pets might eat it, so no thank you on bones as well. feathers and plants are perfectly fine, though. Especially plants.   Who do I identify with?   Probably, the Little Mermaid and Rapunzel(haven't seen Tangled, though)? But, partly because of the trauma of sacrificing your hair. I look up to most of the heroines in my favorite stories, I guess, wanting to have characteristics like them, but not necessarily identifying with them as such.   I do prefer happy endings. But a dark twist on anything(so long as the baddie still gets theirs) is perfectly acceptable. And a dark aesthetic is lovely. Rat's Magic was one of my very favorite books as a small child.   The only time I was disappointed by an animal to human ending was in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, when Beast turned into Michael Bolton. As a kid, in the theatre, I remember there being an audible audience reaction of "AUGH!?!" Which was awesome.   I prefer humanoid fairytales, but I do still love animal stories(hedgehogs in a forest, etc.). Off the top of my head, I like the story where the monkey bets the elephant that he is stronger, and then bets the rhino the same, and then has them tug of war--because they are out of sight of each other. And, when they are both exhausted, he steals their bananas. Either it's an Aesop's Fable, or my imagination is even better than I give it credit for.   I'm currently watching both Grimm and Once Upon a Time, and liking them. Haven't seen Lost Girl, but I kind of want to now. As far as folklore goes, I like vampire, ghosts, and any kind of magical plant.   I'm not sure but I think I didn't include Princess Kaguya, or the Chinese version of Cinderella in my list of fairy tales. Of course, I probably didn't include a lot of them, but yeah. Like Sinbad and the valley of the shiny things(voyage #2, according to wiki), and also just for humor, there is a story of three brothers and a table that sets itself, a super strong donkey, and a club that smacks people. And the one with the three dogs, and the man who goes underwater and has to choose his true love from amongst her six identical sisters, and the one wit hteh super glue swan.... You know, I just like fairy tales, so you should pick something *you* will enjoy, and that will be awesome. And I should stop now.   Also, vaguely related, *HUGE* King's Quest fan. Wacky/unusual interpretations of fairy tales heartily welcomed.   So, I now have the phrase, 'kleptomaniacal lawn gnome' stuck in my head, so I will sign off.   Thank you for reading




Am I caught up yet?

First off, dear Witch, thank you for being so awesome! I wanted to say thank you for the wonderful decants earlier, but I have been running around like a crazy chicken, and I'm a little scattered at the moment. I was so surprised to get that package, you have no idea. I know you said you were packing something up in your mail, but that was literally the day before the package arrived. So either that was the fastest package EVER, or you have minions! Magical minions of awesome. Anyway, I have been having so much fun this weekend, testing things and making everyone else sniff them. My mother really liked Wild Swans at Coole(I was hoping she might). So a bottle of that might be making it's way into her stocking this year. And the only reason I am able to make that call is because you are so awesome! Thank you also for the reading! I think I might know what you are talking about. It does make sense. I only hope it isn't a warning not to go overboard purchasing Yules.   Though I don't think you need it--because you are amazing-- here is some quick ketchup(just in case):     10/13/10 Today I got one of the Starbucks Halloween Bearista Bears - it's dressed like a werewolf! Is this something witchees might like? Not really my thing. They are cute, but have a tendency to become clutter around here. Are you interested in Halloween costumes for your pet(s)? No, thank you.   10/14/10 Do you prefer scented or unscented lotions/moisturizers? either/or   10/18/10 So....let's say that you're my witchee, and you have an affinity for widgets. Let's also pretend that I sent you one of these widgets, but in a form that has a very special personal significance to me. Would you find that to be touching (in a "Yay, now I'll always use this and think of my witch!" way) or tacky (in a "My witch is making this all about her!" way)? Anything of significance to you will be loved. But please do include the story of it, if it's not a glaringly obvious association.   Have you had a chance to try Halloweenies? If so, which ones are you really really in love with this year? Pomegranate II is probably my favorite. I'm holding off on getting it-- because of SW, and deciding whether I wanted the whole patch... but I've decided it will probably be just that one(at the end of November)-- even thought the other poms are nice. Actually, so many of the 'Weenies this year were really nice, but I don't really *need* them.   Pocket shrines! Would you like one, made for a particular obsession of yours? Now that I have seen one, those are adorable. But no need to go out of your way, dear witch.   10/20/10 If you were my witchee, would you want to receive Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, or wouldn't that be your cup of classics? The title sounds interesting.   Would you like some homemade snack mix? sure   Knitterly Witchees, would you like a yarn bowl? The one linked was lovely, but looks rather fragile.   10/21/10 What are you most interested in from the Yule update? After looking at all of them and letting it sink in: Harlequin and Columbine. But you don't have to worry about that, dear Witch. I have to get it, because it was one of my favorite stories as a child. After that, Waltz of the Flowers, Sugar Plum Fairy, maybe Waltz of the Snowflakes, Autumn and Winter, and a few of the Christmas Carol ones-- but I haven't spent too much time contemplating. There is lots of time for Yule contemplation yet. Oh, and the Butterfly, and maybe the Lilac Wood from the Last Unicorn.   But I think I am good for scents. You have spoiled me so much already with LE decants. Thank you!




A random list of Halloweenie/Horror type movies I enjoyed

Dracula (1931) Dracula (1992) Dracula (1979) Rose Red(okay, it's a mini series) the Haunting (1963) Nosferatu (1922) Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) Shadow of the Vampire Creature from the Black Lagoon Monster Squad (Bruce Campbell vs.)Army of Darkness In the Mouth of Madness Silent Hill Resident Evil Resident Evil:Apocalypse Sleepy Hollow Halloweentown House on Haunted Hill (1959) House on Haunted Hill (1999) Stay Alive The Ward From Hell Waxwork Fright Night (1985) Fright Night II (1988?) Skeleton Key Bless the Child The Mummy (1932) Killer Klowns from Outer Space Stigmata Constantine End of Days High Spirits Ghost Busters Shaun of the Dead Saint Ange The Howling VI: the Freaks Blood and Roses The nightmare Before Christmas Jack's Back Wolf Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Tokyo Gore Police Relic the Burbs El Orfanato The Others The Canterville Ghost Ginger Snaps Back: the Beginning The Crimson Rivers Beetlejuice Edward Scissorhands Creepshow Darkness Falls An American Werewolf in Paris The Happening Cursed Once Bitten Blade: Trinity Hello, Mary Lou, Prom Night 2 van Helsing League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Mr. Boogedy Gremlins Underworld Darkness What Lies Beneath The Gift Warlock Rocky Horror Picture Show Witches of Eastwick Gothic Legend Deep Rising Legion Tower of Terror The Breed the Craft Poltergeist Mimic Species Haunted Howling the Marsupials Subspecies Nadja Watcher in the Woods Mama(short film; still haven't seen the feature-length) Sleepwalkers Lawnmover Man It Spellcaster Night of the Creeps Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1920 Knife Edge The Frighteners




13 Nights Plain text

Welcome to 13 Nights of Halloween, Year 2! Your co-hosts this round will be Meaganola and Usagi.   In this swap, you will have the opportunity to gather 13 treats for another forumite, while someone else does the same for you. Then, on October 21st, all participants will begin the party, opening one gift per day until the grand finale, on November 2nd. As an added bonus, and for inspiration, we are offering the option of following themed October Days ideas (a la the amazing Wacky Days swap). Check them out! Sound like fun? Then jump in!   Technical details:   *Signups will be open until August 24th, or when the sixty slots are full-- whichever comes first. *This is a one-on-one, mystery match swap; you send a package to someone, someone sends a package to you. Note: you will probably not be receiving from the person you are sending to. *matches will go out within 48 hours of signups closing. *The mailing deadline is September 30th. Opening of packages will begin on October 21st, and end on November 2nd. *There will be a question about homemade food items. If you are intending to make such for your partner, you might want to include a small 'placeholder' gift for whichever day you want the food to be and mail the food a little closer to the actual opening deadline. This applies to perishables, like cookies and such, and not necessarily to things like jams or pickles, which should be fine for the waiting period.   Rules:   *Please only sign up for this if you are able to commit the time, resources, and/or funds necessary to this swap. *if the unforeseeable occurs--and you are unable to complete the swap, let me know ASAP, so that arrangements can be made and your swapper isn't left in the lurch. *Swaplifters will be reported. *Due to international shipping constraints, there is a firm mailing deadline of September 30th. We want everyone to be able to start opening their goodies on the same day-- that’s kind of the point of the swap. *please be prepared to gather a minimum of $30 worth of goodies, before shipping. This does not mean that you actually have to hand over $30 to a cashier somewhere. There are a some seriously crafty people and thrifty shoppers on this forum. Use your judgement as to value, I know it's good. *Shipping within the US is required to include tracking. If you are shipping international, please hang on to your receipt. *Starting on October 21st, you are responsible for reporting into this thread every day to squee about your goodies for the duration of the 13 Days.   If that sounds manageable, then please fill out the very long questionnaire below and PM it to Usagi.   Forum Name: Real Name: Mailing Address: Email Address:   Allergies, dietary, and lifestyle restrictions: For matching purposes, are there any common allergens in your environment, that might affect matching (pets, smoke, live in a field of ragweed)? Do you(or anyone who might come in contact or view of the contents of these glorious packages) have any kind of phobia, trigger, or squick-out which is likely to arise in fall or Halloween-themed goodies(please address concerns over spiders, ghosts, severed hands, etc., here)? Is there anything(that you know of) which it is illegal to mail to you, or that might cause Customs to become upset and hang on to your package?   Do you celebrate any fall holidays? Please feel free to place as much info/context as you wish: Are there certain things for these holidays--or your general love of fall-- that you would particularly appreciate receiving? If you celebrate Halloween, are you dressing up? *What as? *Would you like costume additions or accessories? Would you like decorations?   Favorite Colors: Least Favorite Colors: Favorite Flavors: Least Favorite Flavors: Do you like coffee and/or tea? Favorite snacks and treats: Favorite scents(both specific notes and perfume blends): Least Favorite Scents: Do you wear nail polish? Would you like makeup? *If you would like makeup, what sorts would you prefer? *Any favorite makeup brands, colors? *Any hated/not-preferred makeup brands, colors, or products(example: thanks to your sample box of choice, you hope never to see another black eyeliner as long as you live)? Favorite bath and body products?   Personal clothing style: Do you like jewelry? *If so, what sort? *What sizes and/or lengths do you prefer? Would you enjoy receiving wearables(shirts, socks, shoes, arm/legwarmers, hats,etc.)? *Sizing on wearables: Home style: Would you appreciate decoratives or art for your home? *Are there any restrictions(no naked people, no breakables, that kind of thing)?   What sort of music do you like? Are you okay with burned music CDs? Do you have VHS/DVD/Blu-Ray...Betamax? *does your player of choice have region restrictions? Is there anywhere that you would like a giftcard or online credit for? Hi! What are your hobbies? Would you like any supplies for your hobbies? Are there any crafts or hobbies you would like to try out, but haven't yet? Do you have gaming consoles, or play computer games? How about cosplay? Or tabletop gaming? Would you like to receive books? *what kind of books/format? How about magazines? PDFs and craft patterns?   Are there any other members of your household(significant other, furbabies, small, adorable humanoids, any other awesome person you consider part of your world) who might appreciate a little bit of fall-themed gifting?   Are you comfortable receiving homemade food items? Are you comfortable receiving good/like new condition used items? What are five inexpensive things you always appreciate receiving? Please place your wishlists here:   Is there anything else you would like to say to your swapper?   For our eyes only: Are you willing to ship internationally? Would you like to be paired with someone who will accept homemade food items? With whom have you swapped recently? Anyone you would especially enjoy swapping to? Anyone who you would rather not swap with? Do you mind being paired with Meaganola or Usagi(we might know who you were--but then, we might forget. It's a gamble)?




13 Nights of Halloween Questions List

Are there any animals, birds or bugs that you don't like, scare you, or just plain freak you out?     Who likes to write with fountain pens?     Do you have a preferred type of pen?     What type of cellphone/mobile, music player, reader, tablet, or other gadgets are your babies? What are your opinions on accessories for them? Hard/soft cases, decals, danglies, carriers, etc?     What kind of tea do you like?     Do you have any favorite Halloween/fall-theme animals?     New (Weird) Question: I do a lot of resin work, specifically, insects in resin. Would receiving one be horrifying? Okay? Interesting?     Do you enjoy real, old fashioned scary? Not the new-fangled psychological scary...Im thinking dracula, frankenstein, ghosts, mummies, goblins, the disembodied hand...etc...     Are there any other perfume, or bath & body companies that you would like to try? Any that you have tried & would like more of? Or any you have tried, but don't want more of?     Are there food items that you adore, or have tried once, that you can't get where you are now, but would love to eat again?     I know we had a question about mix cds in the q'aire, but if you answered yes to a homemade cd, would you be interested in a themed mix? Such as Halloween classics, or dark and stormy classical, etc. and so forth?     How sick a sense of humour can you cope with?     If I were going to make you a polymer figurine-or-pendant-or-earrings-or-..., is there any particular thing you'd like more than other things(ex: a tiny 'you', or witch's hat earrings, or a ghost pendant, etc.)?     Would you be interested in a handwritten journal that had stuff for and about you(no, not stalker notations); for example, things about your astrological sign, or birthday, or year you were born or recipes or poetry or pictures? Like, a book that you could read, that was assembled just for you(in my sort of sloppy, lefthanded writing[i will write in print, not cursive, so you can still read it])     Are there any candies in particular you'd like to try? Or that you just can't get enough of?     Are there any candies you can't stand, and don't want to see in your box?     List 5 or 6 TV shows/Movies that you enjoy watching (and possible villains, if you can think of any):     Decorations: can you have them at your desk at work (assuming you have a desk at work) and would you like some?     Are there any books or short stories (or poems) you especially associate with this time of year or always want to reread in autumn?     How do you feel about skulls?     Do you like plushies?     Lip balm: tin or tube?     Do you or would you burn incense? What kind?     How about scented (or unscented) candles?     Do you prefer physical books, or would some form of e-reader book be okay? And if ebook, do you prefer Kindle, Nook, iBooks, or something else?     Oh, and are you okay with Graphic Novels/Comics?     Jewelry: Gold or Silver?     Whether you do or do not nail polish, would you be interested in nail wraps of any sort? Could be festive or not, any brand (in addition to things like Jamberry, there are plenty of other brands out there).     Would you like some home...made(?) fall pictures or photos to frame or put in a photobook? I will stalk the toads in my yard for you! Any particular things you'd enjoy photos of?     Are there any things (characters, bad guys, halloween-related-things, fandoms, etc) you absolutely can not stand or don't want in your goodies?     Is there anyone else in your household that would appreciate a little extra included for them(pets, children, spouse, SO, house spirits, etc.)? This is also known as 'Do I need to send two bags of caramel apple Milky way; one for you and one for you...to share with other people?' Also, this would be considered an extra, and not necessarily part of the 13 gifts.     Do the mp3 player/radio station thing!(optional, just because I always like this question )     Anything from the [Lilith's Birthday] update strike your fancy?     I know we had a question about getting into new hobbies/crafts already, but is there anything else you've always meant or wanted to learn about/learn more about but haven't got around to getting a book on or watching a show about it?     Both Sihaya Designs and Elements and Artifacts did updates this week - anything that interests you?     I have a pretty massive farmer's market by me - is there anything that you would like from there?     Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for?     Are there hot drinks that you like this time of year? If so, what would you like?     Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ?     How about homemade infused vodkas?     Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself?     If you are my trick or treater, would you be delighted by some cool Halloween fabric or would you wonder if I'd lost my mind?     What ONE non-discontinued GC scent do you absolutely love, but for whatever reason, haven't yet purchased a bottle for yourself?     Decorative box (not bigger than say, a cigar type box) - yea or nay?     On a scale from horrified to enraptured, how do you feel about this fabric? (ETA: if it were to be, say, a bag? >.> )     Kitchen stuff? Say spatulas with skulls on or an apron with a Halloween theme     A Game of Thrones: are you a fan of the TV series? Have you read the books or would you want to?     Would you like any home made jams? I can guarantee they are very yummy.     What is your favorite Halloween/Trick-or-Treat candy and would you like to have it included?     How much edible stuff do you want/would you expect? A little something in every package? A couple of treats along the way?     Assuming that I have a budget of X, would you mind if there were one big package that is 1/2X with the rest significantly smaller, but still fun, or would you prefer a more 1/13X breakdown?     Reveal - would you prefer it in the first package so we can chatter about things as you open, at the very end so you can drag out the surprise, or dealer's choice?     If you've noted that you like coffee/tea/hot cocoa or anything of the sort, can you elaborate? Do you like/not like flavored varieties? Would you prefer whole bean/ground/bagged/looseleaf/instant/have-to-heat-it-in-a-pan-with-milk? Do you feel like you've answered this question over and over again?     [is there anything you would like to try from the]WEENIES?!?!     Scary movies? Any that you are looking for swappee?     Homemade fudge, anyone?




13 Nights of Halloween Questions list

What are your thoughts on yarn and handmade yarny things?     For bath and body products: do you have a bathtub or shower?     Dear Swappee: is there anything you might have forgotten to put on your survey?     Are there any particular fandoms that you follow?     Do you own a wax/oil burner? (If no, would you like one?)     Would you like loose, fancy tea?     Incense, y/n?     What is your favorite fall activity?     I'm in Japan, anything specifically Japanese-y you want?     Please briefly describe (color, style, preferred type of beads) or provide a picture of (if it is suitable), the type of necklace (if any) you would be interested in getting. If you do not like necklaces, what kinds of jewelry (if any) would you want to wear?     What about hot chocolate/malt drinks?     If you said that you are interested in books (or DVDs or any relatively big standalone sort of item), would you be okay with having multiples of such items spread over a couple of days, or would you prefer 13 distinct themish packages?   How into the day theming mentioned in the first post are you? All themed? A few maybe if they are fun? Not at all? Speaking of DVDs - are you interested in receiving movies and if so, what sort?   Back to the books - if you said you would like books, would you prefer I send you, say, my favorite Halloween anthology or something else spooky/scary, or something off your wishlist/want-to-read on goodreads?   Process question: Do you want to know who is sending to you right away, or would you prefer to be surprised on the last day, to the extent possible? Likewise, do you have a preference for specifically numbered packages or for reach in and grab according to your fancy?   Would you be interested in solid perfume? What about lip balm?     There was a lot of mention of not wearing costumes/not being allowed to at workplaces. Would you be interested in goth style or Halloween-themed(pumpkins, ghosts,etc.) normal clothes to wear instead, and what would be suitable?     I'm going to Rose City Comic Con during the shopping window. Any exhibitors/vendors/comics/etc. you're particularly interested in? OMG THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A GOONIES "NEVER SAY DIE" T-SHIRT! I AM TOTALLY GETTING THAT! Ahem. Yes. I mean... There are things! Are any of them particularly appealing to you and/or your inner twelve-year-old (mine is calling dibs on the Goonies stuff)? Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos stuff?     Does anything from this shop catch your eye?     Dear Pumpkin: Do you have aversions to any animals or insects?     How do you feel about canned foods like jams and things along those lines? Do you have a favourite colour scheme? How do you feel about stickers (and stationery in general)?     How do we feel about fibercrafting (knit, crochet, etc.)? wearables? crafted critters? If you would like a scarf or something similar, would you like it to be themed, like fall colors, or have a skull or other halloweenie motif/border?     What makes you feel pampered?     We've covered what critters you don't like, but what about the critters that you DO like? What are your favorite animals/creatures, real or imagined?     Is there anything specifically Canadian you'd like? Maple things, chocolate bars, or any of our creepy chip flavours?     Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye?     Is there is any TAZO tea you have a hankering for? Zen, Awake, Passion, China Green Tips, Vanilla Roibois, Calm, Refresh? (tea bags in a tin) How about any Teavana tea? (loose leaf) How about Starbucks coffee beans? If so, ground (and for what kind of filter) or whole bean? How about Starbucks coffee via (italian, columbia, anniversary, vanilla latte?) or Iced coffee via (caramel or regular?) Fruit flavored via (berry hisbiscus, cool lime, strawberry lemonade?) Pumpkin Spice Latte via? Starbucks K-cups or Verismo pods? Coffee/tea travel mugs or ceramic home mugs? Coffee maker (french press) or tea steeper? Anything else from Starbucks/Teavana? Syrups, honey, whatever?   How would you feel about a gently-used card game? For example, something I may have purchased several years ago and maybe played with my daughter *twice* before she became a moody teenager, and too cool for card and/or board games?     Alcoholic beverages in your goodies-- yay or nay-- if yay, what kind?   CANDY CORN--- YAY OR NAY?     Name at least one thing that you really wouldn't like to receive in your package.     I have eyeshadow pigments which have been decanted from--as in the powder tapped out into another container,never used directly. (I don't use very much makeup, though I love it, so I keep shadow pigments clean so I can safely share.) Would a jar of pigment handled thus bother you or are you ok with cosmetic-type stuff that has not been directly touched?     For those with fiber allergies, is it ok if you get, say, an ornament/amigur-whatsit yarn thing that has wool in the blend, as long as it's not something to be worn? Also, because I don't know, do people with wool allergies generally also have sensitivity to other fibers like alpaca?     Does anyone especially like or want anything from cost plus/world market?   Does anyone need any small kitchen items or utensils?     Dearest Pumpkin- do you have a preference of edible/drinkable vs. non edible items in your package? Would you prefer your package heavier on one side or the other?     Any guilty pleasures? TV show you're embarassed to admit you like? Musical group/preference that seems out-of-place for you?     And now, a new question: to sort of piggy-back onto the question about small kitchen items, do you like to bake or cook, and if yes, are there any special ingredients, spices, or decorations for baked goods (like sprinkles in seasonal shapes or those decorative picks you put on top of cupcakes, for instance) that you would like?     Hey, Pumpkin! How do you feel about lounge pants/pajama pants?     Do you have long, medium, or short hair? What kids of hair accessories do you like to use?     If I were going to the mountains tomorrow, for the apple harvest, would you wanted some dehydrated apple rings??? new question from me! how do you feel about music? would you like some? if so, what would you be interested in & in what format (do you still have somewhere to play CDs, or would a flash drive be better, etc)?   If you have an Etsy favorites list, are all of the things on the list things you'd be happy to get, or are some of them gift ideas for other people, or stuff that you've already bought and loved but don't need more of, or for any reason not something you'd want to get in this swap?     Are there any scents from the Lilith update you would like ? Any other you are looking for ?   Do you like Hello Kitty?




13 Nights of Halloween 2017

Are you okay with homemade food?
Yes. So long as it's not something that is going to go off on the way. Baked goods might be a pass, given that it seems like we are going to have a continuance of hot weather(by which I mean 100+ days), with the addition of humidity . Candies, canned or preserved, dried things, spice mixes, and anything like that should be okay, though-- just nothing that will melt or mold.

If you are okay with decorations, do you have a preference to table-top, wall hanging or window decorations?
I love decorations of all sorts.

How do you feel about stationary and/or papercrafting supplies?
I love them.

How do you feel about kitschy/silly Halloween jewelry?
It's fun. One thing I think I forgot in my questionnaire, though, is I don't have pierced ears. So, as awesome as the Halloween earrings are, those are not for me.

Would you like a Halloween wreath?
I'd love one. I had an absolutely gorgeous one made by a kind forumite, but it had dried gourds on it and it kind of died last year.

What rares are you dying to try???
Pink Moon 2017 and Vanilla Orchid SN? I missed them earlier this year, and would just like to sniff them, really. Other than that, my wishlist is pretty extensive.

Comic books and graphic novels:
are awesome.

Would you like to receive anything related to:

If so, any favorite characters?
Ariel for favorite princess, and all her awesome aquatic friends. This is not so much characters-- but since NMBC is Disney now, that whole shebang(if I had to pick favorites, it would be Oogie, Lock, Shock, and Barrel; because they have the best songs ).

And to be more specific about Disney: How do you feel about Beauty and the beast?
I loved the animated movie as a kid, have not seen the new live action. Belle would be a close runner up for favorite princess( because she's not a mermaid), along with Jasmine. Plus, books, inventions, and talking crockery are all awesome.

And what about Harry Potter related items?
Harry Potter is awesome. Would especially adore Frank, or other magical creature-centric, anything. Hogwarts House is Gryffindor, last time I checked. Ilvermorny house is Thunderbird. My patronus is(although I don't necessarily agree, I'm definitely not mad about it)... a brown hare. Well, I laughed, anyway. Luna's got a hare, too. So, I'm in good bunny company.

Pokemon? Any favorites?
I like Pokemon! Haven't played anything but Go in a million years, but I do still sort of collect the TCG cards ( because I buy them for treasure box, and sometimes there are doubles that are just too cute ). Pokemon are awesome. Top-of-my-head favorite are:
Dratini, Jigglypuff, Charmander, Mew, Ditto, Shaymin, and Mimikyu. A full favorites list would encompass probably a tenth of all Pokemon released so far, and that would be a bit ridiculous. I just like cute magical creatures with soulful eyes.

Is there any thing, category, or brand from which you would absolutely NOT like to receive things (ie., you're overrun with candy corn, you don't do scents outside of BPAL, or if you ever see another Stephen King item, it will be too soon)?
I hate Hershey's chocolate.Not really into Stephen King books, don't do slasher films, or the Saw franchise, FNaF, and I would rather not have anything made of bone or exoskeleton.

What kinds of art/art medium do you most enjoy, or would you most like to receive, in the context of this swap?
I love watercolor, and tiny figurines, but am also a big fan of the written word, imagery and rhyming. I'd love any art that looked old/aged, kind of dark fantasy or Victorian spooky, or seemingly normal images where something is just subtlely off-- especially *old* photos. Think Disneyland Haunted House or the pics in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiars

Bath & Body Works - love them or hate them? If the former, fave product types?
I like them. I don't really go there anymore, so whatever awesome packaging they come out with this year in the form of pockets backs, soap dispensers, or candles would be awesome to see-- and (although probably waaaayy too early in the season) someone told me their fir tree candle is amazing.

I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would be interested in?
Sailor Moon gachapon? San-X stuff, yuzu anything, and those seaweed caramels that I will probably never find again.

I'm in The Netherlands. Is there anything from The Netherlands/Europe that you're interested in?
Salmiak knotsen, Cassis, Roos Vicee, Potter's droppastilles... if you had access to drabbelkoek, and could send just a tin of those, I would be happy with that for all 13 nights, because it would make my mam's day. My dad might love you forever if you sent a roll of Droste pastilles. From Europe in general, Cadbury's Marvellous Creations with the popping candy and jelly babies (although this is probably the one thing on this list that I *can* actually order from here).

How would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures? if you are on board with that, would you want a big wood box (~50 bottles), a small wood box (~20 bottles) or a tin for carrying imps around?
I love boxes; whatever size you wanted to make.

If you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)?
Handmade anything is awesome! Fall leaf colors, or watery blues/greens

Nail wraps - yay or nay? Would including a small manicure set to go with them help?
I've never gotten around to trying them, but have seen some totally adorable patterns, and would totally be up to check them out. I don't know if a manicure set would help?




13 Nights of Halloween 2016

Paintbox Soapworks: Red Right Hand sounds amazing. Creeping Horror looks amazing. Pink Sand, Sky Blue Sky, Tiger Bar, Mister Blue Sky, Gardensong, April Fool, and the Summerhouse seem like they could all be fabulous, and Whiskers is a favorite. I love PBSW soaps and sorbettos.

Dia de los Muertos: Don't really celebrate it, but I like the aesthetic, and appreciate the practice of remembering and honoring departed loved ones in such awesome, happy ways. So totally send those calacas and flor de muerto seeds over here, if you are so inclined.

Handknit items: Totally! Whether it's wearable of decorative, hand done anything is always much appreciated, especially fall-themed.

Are there any fandoms or specific collectible genres you would appreciate things of/for(ex: you collect shot glasses, or the ninth Doctor is your bae)?

Books, blank journals, plants/seeds, and have been wanting to expand my strange and old photo/card collection. Probably more things, but don't even know right now. Dresden Files, LotR Pokemon, Dr. Who, Harry Potter(was sorted into Gryffindor, would probably be Ravenclaw, IRL, got sorted into Hufflepuff once[probably because they asked me questions about gardening and finding things, which are now Hufflepuff characteristics?], have nothing against Slytherin, except that the logistics of having to live in a dungeon for any length of time would drive me insane-- dungeons have no windows), Legend of Zelda, Sailor Moon, bunch of other stuff.
I'm not a hardcore fangirl on anything, but I fringe and enjoy lots of fandoms from the sidelines-- like Monster/Ever After High. Though I did just discover that there is a TV show of Ash vs. the Evil Dead, and my immediate drive was that I *needed* that, stat. Thankfully, I have honed my impulse control, for fear of becoming well-merched, but homeless. But you can bet that when that paycheck gets deposited next week, the awesomeness of Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi *will* be my treat. *mwahahahaha*

Do you have a favorite Fall/Halloween symbol?

Mine is bats. Bats all the time, doesn't even need to be seasonal. Cats, leaves, hedgehogs and creepy trees are also awesome.

First, talk to me about soaps- do you like them, and what kinds of scents/lather/varieties do you like?
I like soap, so long as it doesn't have any skin irritants, like SLS. Bar soap, soap scrub or whip; it's all good. I like the same kinds of scents I tend to like in perfume, I guess.

Second, tell me about teas! Favorites? Anything you'd like to try?
Tea is awesome. A really good jasmine tea is my favorite, I go for green over black, generally, and I seem to have developed a caffeine sensitivity over the past couple of years. This means a good decaf is even more appreciated. Herbal infusions are great, too. Not such a big fan of rooibos.

Lastly, I go to Renn Faire- is there anything from there you might like?
Beautiful costuming bits? Oh, and there always seem to be vendors with really nice perfume or aromatherapy oils and incense. Also, I don't know if all Ren' Faires have this, but the people with the poundy thing where you make your own amulet, and the ladies say 'Well struck, my lord!' every time the mallet falls? That's the best.

What Weenie of year's past are you seeking from the lab?
Hmm... Magnificent Autumn, Witch-Bride, Apple IV, Witch Riding a Dragon, A Witches' Sabbath, Young Woman Appealing to a Witch, Portrait of an Unidentified Man as Mephistopheles, and Dead Leaves, Frankincense and Copal. I think? Just testers or decants, mostly. Can you tell I pretty much missed out on Weenies last year?

Are you a shawl wearer- and if you don't wear one now, would you?
Yes, I am a shawl/scarf wearer. drapy, lovely shawls for wrapping around shoulders, and fluffy, cozy scarves that you can wrap to keep your neck warm and still have hangy bits. Scarves need to have good neck, coverage, though. The super scrawny scarves that may as well be a necklace, I don't get much use out of, sadly. Other than that, fabric and knit shawls/scarves are all wonderful.

Tell me about LUSH- do you like them? If so, what are some of your favorite things from there? Particularly fond scents or products? Stuff you can't stand?
Sandstone soap is the only specific thing I can think of off the top of my head. But I have loved their massage bars, lotions, fresh masks(Brazen Honey FTW), face cleansers(like Aqua Marina), and scrub bars(Buffy!) in the past. I just haven't been to a Lush in a long time, and have no idea what they have. For the Record, Emperor of Ice cream was once my one true Lush Love. If that were a scent, I would spray it all over everything, and then also wear it.
I don't have a tub, so bath things will be lost on me(though I did use a snowman, once, to make my underwear drawer smell *amazing*. I apologize if that is TMI).
I tend to avoid the SLS soaps (even though I *love* the scent of Honey, I Washed the Kids[or, at least, used to?]), and the solid shampoos. The little lip balm things are nice, and I've been curious about some of their perfume scents.

So, in this swap, you open a goodie every day. I have seen this gift direction done several different ways, but I am interested in which you are most keen to do. Would you rather:

A. have strict direction as to which gift is to be opened on which day(aka the number system)?
B.have a few gifts that are meant to be opened on specific days (ex: *this* one is for Halloween night only), but the rest be your choice?
C. have a free-for-all, grab bag-style box of goodies, where you are the sole arbiter of your goodie grabbing destiny(everything is wrapped but you pick the gift you want to open each day)?
D. be surprised?
D! Whatever works best for you.

Who else goes for decorating with sass?
For the past few years, I have decorated with an ever decreasing half-hearted hope that there will be trick-or-treaters and awesome. Perhaps, what I need is some sass...

I live in Japan, is there anything from there you would specifically want?
Stationary(esp. Sentimental Circus), yuzu-flavored things, pictures of beautiful naturescaps-- like the Niyodo River or Ishigaki or Yakushima, .3 pilot pens in burgundy? To be honest, I'm not sure. If you think I would enjoy it, I'm sure I will.

Pumpkin Spice or No Pumpkin Spice?
I really hope I did not miss this in my questionnaire, but I have a food allergy to allspice, which is often found in pumpkin pie mix. Also, someone was kind enough to bring me home a Pumpkin Spice Latte last week-- which is usually the one no-fail pumpkin thing-- and it made me physically ill. That's fine. They seem to have been getting progressively sweeter the past few years, anyway. I'm just going to go see if the one Starbucks in the city has Frappulas again this year-- because Frappulas are delicious and involve raspberry.
That's a very long winded way of saying 'no' on pumpkin spice edibles.
Scented goods, on the other hand, are a definite possibility. So long as there is no buttery baked good-ness. B&BW Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin used to be a loved scent, once upon a time. Scents like that are A-OK.

Milk, white, and/or Dark Chocolate?
All the chocolate, so long as it isn't Hershey's chocolate, and doesn't taste like Hershey's chocolate.

Do you like Yankee Candle? Anything you want from there?
I don't dislike Yankee Candles, but I'm not into them enough to have any specific thing I want from them.

Anything you have your eye on at BPTP?
I didn't even know there'd been an update until this question.
The Serpentine, Jeune Femme Nourrissant une Licorne, Chastity with the Unicorn, and Portrait of a Young Woman with a Unicorn all sound lovely. But, again, I'm not pining over any of them, and would probably be quite pleased with a tester or decant.

Bath & Body Works
I liked them way back when the freesia actually smelled like freesias. Then they had that reformulation thing, and everything smelled all perfumey and synthetic to me. Their Halloween line is usually super cute, though, and baby bacs or tiny,anti-bac lotions to take to work would not go amiss. Also, someone told me they had a very tree-smelling Christmas candle(not that this has anything to do with Falloween).

I believe there are several pair on the 'Wearables' list in my Amazon wishlist. But, honestly, I destroy socks. You would probably be better off getting yourself some lovely Sockdreams socks, and getting me some of those cute, cheapie three-use socks from the craft store. It's sad.
edit: I just added some things of Sockdreams to the Amazon thing, possibly because I cannot resist making neverending lists of shiny things-- but hopefully to help give you an idea of the kinds of socks that I should absolutely not be wearing because they would be an instant Mortal Kombat fatality at my hands--err-- feet.

I'd like to make some baked goods, would you like some? And if you have any food allergies what can I use as substitute?
Baked goods are delicious, and I would love to try your baked goods. But, please bear in mind that it is still hovering at just over and under 100* here in Bumblemoo, and will likely continue to stay in the high 90s until the end of October/mid-November, at which point there will be a sudden freeze-- because this is how it rolls out here.
But, I'm willing to risk it if you are.
As far as allergies go, I am allergic to tomatoes and tomato products-- which doesn't always extend to ketchup, but sometimes, and so I tend to avoid all the lycopene goodness of that particular food, just in case. I have no idea what you would substitute tomatoes with, but let's go with ... CUCUMBER! One can never have too much cucumber.
More problematically(and more likely, in baking), Allspice is not my friend. Pumpkin spice mix is, therefor, also not my friend, and pumpkin pie-- regardless of whether the mix has Allspice in it or not-- is also a no-go, because something about the flavor/texture combo causes my gastric system to rebel, and my throat closes up.
Please do feel free to replace pumpkin spice with cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, cardamom, ginger, sugar, saffron almond meal, or any combination of the above.
You are awesome and thoughtful just for asking this, whether or not you are my Scarecrow, because food allergies suck, and baked goods are awesome.

The Witch is In/Out sign?
There is a distinct likelihood that I not only own a revolving tagged signboard of this, but a similarly themed t-shirt, and one that says "Witch and Famous". If it wasn't going to immediately get clocked for what word it was replacing, there is a possibility that I'd be on the lookout for a shirt that said "I'm not *a* witch, I'm THE Witch, and that's Ms. Witch to you."
But I digress. These signy things are awesome, as are the Halloween countdown ones.

Anything special you want from the Target dollar spot?
The Target Dollar Spot is like a magical stationary, sticker, and back-to-school teaching supply wonderland. I don't get into Target very often, but I'm sure their Halloween stuff must be ACE. I'll totally take anything you want to send me. A- far as not-necessarily-Halloween that may or may not be on clearance by now(the lady said two weeks, and that was a month ago...) all that stationery and planner stuff that had little leaves and flowers in muted mints, teals, and peaches? Yeah, that. Other than that, cool stick pins, post-its, totally random useful office supplies and home decor/organizational stuff...
Seriously, it is only slightly more safe leaving me to roam things like the Target Dollar Spot than it is to let me loose in a used book store.

I live in The Netherlands. If there's anything in particular that you'd like to get from here, now's the time to tell!
Salmiak lollies, honing drop, zwart witjes, original roosvicee, cassis(or cassis/zwarte bessen flavored anything), wine gums... I'd be happy with most snoep, actually. Most of the other stuff I can think of would be either really large, really heavy, or technically illegal to send.

What is your stance on Glitter?
I don't mind glitter at all-- even when it falls off. I just walk around pretending I shed faery sparkles for a while.

Also, if you have a Goodreads or other online reading log, does it include a wishlist? Otherwise, is it safe to assume books on the 'to-read' section are wishlist items? Or are you less into keeping a physical copy of the book, and instead prefer to turn to the awesomeness of the library to get your to-read need accomplished.

My Goodreads and Amazon both have dedicated wishlist sections. I think Goodreads is largely manga right now, though(because I am lazy and don't sync things).

how about art? (Small/mailing safe sizes, course)
Sure! I think there are some ideas on my Etsy list. But I'd love just about anything you wanted to make for me, too.

Tea lovers, what do you like from Whittard?

English Rose, White Peony, Black Currant, Jasmine, Jasmine pearls-- and, I've never had them but, Cherry Blossom, Pear Guava, Bohemian Raspberry, all the hot chocolate, and Orange Blossom sound kind of awesome.

Shiro Cosmetics?

I apologize, I did not see this question until someone mentioned it. Everything on the site looks awesome, but especially the duochrome shadows, Elemental Glows, Darth Side of the Moon, Blood of my Enemies, and Felix Felicis. I had a really long list of specific shadows I'd love a sample of... but then I was an idiot and paged out of the list I was making. Moon Prism Power, Apparatus, Lost Daughters, and Maiden Queen were among them ,though, I'm pretty sure.

Dearest Pumpkin - how much are you wedded to wishlists, say I have some read once books which I think you might like based on what you've read in the past, but there is nothing of the sort on your current Goodreads "to read" list?
I would definitely be interested in things not on my wishlist, if you think that I'd like them.
The only exceptions to this would be Anita Blake, Stieg Larsson, Song of Ice and Fire, and Twilight. I want none of these, please. Anita Blake because a lot of it began to feel like smut and horrible things for shock value, rather than plot structure. Stieg Larsson and SoIaF because multiple people who know me well say that-- as good as they are-- I will not be okay with them, and sparklepires because a librarian friend actually gifted me the entire series, because I needed to read it, just so I would know.
I am pretty much game for anything else, that isn't a festival of non-con, gore, or animal cruelty.
Also, I don't mind if the books are less 'like new', and more 'slightly manky'. The best books are not always the shiny, pristine ones.

How do you feel about reading series out of order? Obviously not in situations where the subsequent books are part of the same story arc where you will be totally lost and frustrated if you haven't read all of them, but say, standalone stories which are technically part of a series and which might obliquely reference past books, but not in such as way as to spoil the plot of the book which I happen to have in my possession that you might like.
I have no problem with this, at all. I read books out of order all the time.

Would you be interested in a Halloween themed short story anthology?

Is there a limit to the number of books you'd like to receive?
There is no such things as "too many books", "only not enough space" and "not enough years left in life." I have long surpassed the not enough years freak out, and I will *find* space. Oh yes.

Have you read Movies in 15 Minutes by our very own Cleolinda? Would you like to?
I've read a couple of them... on Livejournal? but a lot of the movies listed in the table of contents are not my cup of tea. So I will pass. It still floors me, though, how many fabulously talented people there are on the forum. That's so awesome.

Question: What kind of phone do you have? I need to know....
I have a Amazon Fire Phone-- which I flung off of a blanket and up into the air last month, shattering the screen... It *was* a pretty awesome phone. I will probably be breaking down and start paying installments on a Galaxy Note 7 at next month's paycheck.




12 Days of Delight

Posting Question answers here now, so that they can be centrally located-- and so I can ramble all I want. *mwa ha ha* I'll repeat all the questions. The answers may vary from before. They will likely be even longer. It will be a surprise!   Lush: is awesome. Sandstone soap is probably my currently available favorite, but there are lots of other things I love there. Even SLS inclusive things from there would get love here(much to my skin's unhappiness). Fruitcake: I like homemade fruitcake. We used to make huge batches when I was little. There was very little cake, and mostly nuts and fruits, with a bit of port(?). I'd love to try anyone's homemade fruitcake.   Recipes: I love them. I don't always follow them, but that does not make them any less awesome.   Baked goods: I would have them as a food staple, if I didn't have to deal with the health fallout. I love all the baked goods! Baked goods will be warmly received and quickly eaten. I especially like cookies, and bayou brownies-- we sadly lost the best bayou brownie recipe on earth a looooong time ago in moving, and have been striving to find one as awesome since.   Candies: I like candy. I'm especially fond of gummies and black licorice. Chocolate is always awesome. For homemade candies, fudge and caramel are big winners(if you can make anything beyond that, you are my hero. I tried making taffy once, and ended up with burned hands and blue corkscrew hardcandy. It tasted good, though).   Stuffed Monsters dollies: Are adorable. I went to LadyWench's Etsy store, and those little guys are awesome.   How do you feel about mini handmade art projects? I feel that they are awesome.   Kitty toys: My cats like toys. My cats like catnip. My cats have a habit of destroying anything from the petstore made of fabric or furry stuff. Seriously. They take out shoes. My cats are a small army of incredibly destructive ninja thieves.   If you expressed an openness to candles and/or room scent thingies, would you be okay with something that smells like winter holiday spices, baked goods, and greenery-- even if it says 'Autumn'? I am. Christmas tree is one of my favorite smells. I must say(since I was the one that asked), I bought one of the candles in question, to test just how winter it is, and it is fabulously winter. I will likely buy one for my Delightee. Which is good, because all of the 'Christmas' candles out so far are not that awesome-- with the exception of the Yankee Candle Spice Cake. That one smelled really good.   On the slightly off chance that I manage to make a Sinterklaas run before the mailing deadline, are there any Dutch/Indonesian food items you might be interested in? I will buy my things, on the off-chance I make it down there.   Are there any books you've been meaning to read but just never get the chance to? I'm a book hoarder. I have so many books. I'm in love with the idea of books-- of worlds captured in pages, and the thoughts of thousands of minds and imaginations condensed in to the printed word. Any books you would like to send my way will be loved and appreciated. I'm currently working my way through the last four years of Xanth, catching up on the 'Naked' regency series, a Llewellyn's magical almanac that my sister gifted me last year(it has a dragon on it), and I would be reading a biography of Agatha Christie-- except that I've misplaced it. Books I don't already have that I have been staring at longingly: Angela Carter's Nights at the circus,The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern-- which I have been wanting to read since before it was even out, but somehow haven't gotten, and Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. There are a bunch more more my amazon list, but those three sprang to mind.     Anything you're particularly wanting from the Lab/Post at the moment? My wishlist is pretty up-to-date. I will probably buy Witch Dance, Goldenrod Crab Spider, and Tears of Lilith before they come down, but anything on my list would be awesome.   From the Post, I'v been eyeing Spider Silk bath oil and Torn Candy Bag. I was looking at the Dead Leaves and Desolation candle, but I think I may have talked myself down. When/If the Goldfish Pool locket comes back, I may splurge on getting it.   How about GCs you keep meaning to get but never get around to? I've been looking at getting a bottle of Baobhan Sith, and testers of the Labyrinth Scents.   Cookbooks! Would you want any? Sure! Especially if they are about baking, herbs, or have a good recipe for Chicken Tajine-- oh, and anything with gorgeous pictures.   Do you have any fandoms? I like many things, but I am not super hardcore over anything...I think? I love Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, JRR Tolkien-- is Miss Marple a fandom? I like a lot of fandoms for their own sake, just because of the hilarious crack they come up with sometimes. There are a lot of anime, manga, book, and TV series that I really enjoy. If you would like a more comprehensive list, just let me know. It will be quite long, though.   Are you interested in any other etailers? If so, name one item from each that you're dying to try. Haunt: Witch-Wife(anything) Arcana:Murder Ballad Blues(as perfume) Conjure Oils: White Tiger Deep Midnight:Tea with a Dragon(there are other scents listed on my Etsy fav.s) Midnight Gypsy: Epicurean Cocoa Pink: Prudence(greasy body oil[hey, that's what it's called ]) Nocturne Alchemy: I'd love to try something from them, but I have no idea what-- Blood Orange Crystal, maybe? Possets- Hatshepsut? She was an awesome figure, her perfume could be equally awesome... Blooddrop-- mystery perfume!(I am such a sucker for grabbag type things) Moxie Nouveau-- Siren?   That's all of the etailers I haven't tried I can think of. Seriously, though, I would be thrilled to try anything from anyone I haven't tried. That's pretty much anything not BPAL or Violette Market.   Does anything from Sock Dreams interest you? Thigh high socks, over the knee socks. I have thick thighs and I think I am developing mankles, or cankles or whatever. My legs are voluptuous and not slender. I like stripey socks, and scrunchy socks, and super long socks, tights, leggings, and the $5 chevron sleeves.     Any movies (holiday or otherwise) that you want to see but never get around to? Woman in Black The Raven the Fall   Do you need any smartphone accessories (case, skin, etc)? I would love a rubberized hard case for a Samsung Galaxy Note i717, mine broke.   Tea, cocoa, other wintery drinks - interested? Yes. I love green and white tea. I like black tea, but shouldn't have a lot. Cocoa is awesome, milk drinks are awesome, Punjabi chai is awesome.   Small samples of homemade booze? That would be really cool. If it was something I could use in recipes(say for baked goods or candies) that would be doubly awesome.   Are there any other swaps you're involved in that may overlap with this one? No.   QUICK QUESTION: How would everyone feel about a slightly odd holiday specialty, Rosemary Pinenut Brittle? It's a blend of salty/sweet/savory and crunchy and I love it...but it's a bit expensive and labor intensive to make if it won't be met with enthusiasm. You can also opt for a "sample" size with the recipe, since I'll likely make one batch for home eating anyway. Bring on the Brittle! A small sample with the recipe(if you are okay sharing it)would be absolutely lovely.   Are there any subscriptions/gift cards you would be interested in? I like giftcards. Any music obtaining places or book buying places(though, mostly flesh and blood books, I have no ereader), Etsy, Amazon, does ebay do giftcards? I buy things from Half.com sometimes. Whatever you thought to send would be beyond totally awesome, and find a use, I'm sure.   Would you like anything from Cocoa Pink?   Prudence, Black Kittens, Violet Pixie Dust, Boogeyman-- lots of things sound yummy? The oils sound cool, or lotions, and that 'I'm 29' serum sounds cool.   How do you feel about stationery I love it. Paper, journals, fine point pens, notecards, stickers-- love it all.   Will gift boxes be welcome? Boxes are one of my favorite things. you put things it them, and then you open them later and it's just awesome.   Do you need any small things? I'm kind of guessing that this might not be a question directed at me, since I wrote kind of a novel about small/inexpensive awesome things in the questionnaire, but I'll go for it again! I'm taking 'need' here as things that I would very much like and might not otherwise buy. For things that are small in size that I probably actually *need*(though these are not exactly inexpensive): organic, brown algae extract caplets from the deep sea. Yeah...   Anyways! Here are many things that I would love for sure-- which are also small: Nailpolish loose powder/mineral eyeshadow jewelry string dolls(I had a problem where I was using all my quarters on these and baby Bok Choy boys last year. They are just so cute!) MP3 downloads/music/mix CDs stamps chocolate gummies lip stain ATC card packs stationery(like the kind that's $1-$2 at Michael's or Joann's; I'm totally pleased with those and use them lots) used books recipes perfume/EO samples? a slanted tweezer makeup brushes(ELF is one of my favorites; their studio line is comparable, if not better than a lot of high end brushes I've tried) scented candles tiny nutcrackers pens/pencils art supplies in general crochet hooks yarn apple chips or other dried fruits   If I think of anything else, I will try to add it. But I am seriously easy to please. If you are thinking of it, i will probably love it.   I am A-OK with having an item come later/separately from the big box-- as this is a worrying potentiality on one of the things for my Delightee.   Do you like knitwear? Yes, I do. I especially like scarves and hats.   Nail polish, yay or nay? What colors if yay? Yea, polish! I prefer 3free, but almost any color. I've been especially inclined towards metallics lately, and I would love to try those matte ones or a super holo duochrome.   Would you like hand dyed things, particularly scarves? What colors are you most interested in? I would love hand dyed things, particularly scarves. The colors I would most love would probably be blue-greens, or blue greens combined with anything else-- or maybe something fall colored. I'm easy on this. Scarves are love.   Card Games? Sure! As I said in thread, I'm not quite sure what, though. But I like games, so card away.   Wild rice, maple syrup, red sauce? I'd love to try LucyBoo's wild rice or maple syrup. I'm assuming that red sauce is made from tomatoes, though, and that would not be my friend, at all. however, if you'd already gotten it, or anything similar, there are other people here who would probably be thrilled if I made them dinner with homemade(and no doubt delicious) sauce.   Anything you might like from Bath&Body Works? Sinful Vanilla, or any vanilla from there, I think? Lemon, berry, sugarplum, mint, scented things; candles, sweet cinnamon pumpkin and such, and fun-named pocket bacs. I take them when I go teach(some people just don't wash their hands...)and the kids love the funky ones. No soaps or shower gels, please, as they are not my friend. Hand soap, though, is A-OK, as my hands are constantly getting harshed anyway, poor things.   Would you be interested in short mead packets from Ambrosia Farms? No, thank you. If you wanted to send yeast and your own recipe that would be cool, though.   Would you like cookie cutters? Sure! Preferrably metal ones, for durability, but any kind of shapes, especially fancy of unusual-- or really tiny. Or those strange ones that cut out a shape in the middle of the top of sandwich type cookies.   Would you like local honey or other localish products available via my local farmer's market? For that matter, how about infused salts (there's an amazing basalmic salt that a local place does) or vinegars or spice/seasoning packets? Yes, I would, especially the honeys that the bees went to a certain kind of plant or plant collection, like Marin Wildflower honey, or Eucalyptus honey, or that kind of thing. All the salts, especially infused, especially sea salt infused. Flavored sugars are awesome, too. Woo, vinegar, spices, and seasoning!     What are five of your favorite fruits? Mandarin, blackberry, raspberry, pummelo, currant(red or black)   What are five of your favorite herbs/spices? Mint, cilantro, ginger(powdered, mostly, for cooking;love it as a plant, too),cardamom, cinnamon   Are there any recent scents you may want to try? My greedy, little typing fingers have been very wild and loose about putting things on my wishlist lately. The only things not added as of right now is Miss Addie, which sounds yummy.   Dear Delightee - how do you feel about getting a book that is in the middle of a series. Say, I just finished reading something that looks to be something you would love based on your stated preferences, but it is book 2 (or 20) in a series? I'm fine with that.   Gift Cards? I could have sworn we covered this, but sure!   Red Cross Fundraiser scents? I'd like to try Miss Addie, possibly Wars of Venus.


