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Missing Pavo

February 11, 2007 - Totally devastated Back on the 24th of January, about 2 hours before I had to leave on a long business trip, our huge Moluccan Cockatoo, Pavo, fell in her cage and broke her wing. It was touch and go fo awhile, but Thursday, the vet thought that she was on the slow road to recovery. Unfortunately, a fungal infection must have originated in the wing and she began to have respiratory distress yesterday evening. We rushed her to the emergency vet at 4am and then had to make the horrible decision. We couldn't leave for 2 hours because we couldn't stop crying long enough to handle anything. We finally, now, just dragged ourselves out of bed, only to find an empty cage and her medications and food. She was with us for 18 years.   RIP, dear sweet Pavo, RIP



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