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TAL: Energy at the Ready

Tomorrow is the Blogathon. I'll be blogging 24 hours for charity, raising money for the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. From 9am EST until 9am the following morning, I'll be posting every 30 minutes.   Last year, we had a blast, but around 4am I was really fighting the sleep. Cold showers, coffee, slaps in the face. Nothing helped for long. This time, sure I'll still have the coffee and the showers, but I'm depending on TAL: Energy to be my secret weapon.   I've chosen a couple of bright, refreshing scents to get me through most of the day (I'm thinking Ides of March for early in the day, perhaps Sol Invictus later on), but when it comes to that grueling last leg, its gotta be a TAL.




Update Blues

Well, not really blues. Just sort of... update uncertainties, I guess.   I tried to be good, and ordered just three bottles. My rent went up this month and my budget is tighter, so I limited myself to Thunder Moon, Selkie and Robin Goodfellow. I really had to bite my lip to keep from ordering Cancer, but now I've checked my checking account balance and its higher than I thought it would be. do I go back and order the Cancer? (And maybe a bottle of Lysander, which sounds lovely), or do I continue to assert my iron will.   No no... I can do without the Cancer, can't I?   I managed to resist the Gemini, which is my sign, though now I find myself wanting a bottle, or at least a decant. But the pear and the lettuce and the mallow and the chamomile all sounds so beautiful.   The hermia sounds good too. All the notes are glorious, except for the honeysuckle. Dear lord honeysuckle goes rancid on me. I love the smell of the flowers, but the oil is just awful on me. Like play-dough. So I guess I won't be getting any hermia.   If I hold out and don't order the Cancer, I'll still need to get a Lysander sooner or later.   GCs on my immediate want-list: Oblivion, Black Tower, and I think I may soon spring for a bottle of Thanatos unsniffed. It sounds like me.   I now I have four pending orders. Thats outrageous. Some of my orders need to ship so I don't feel like such an addict. Not to mention - I simply cannot make an order for Cancer while I have four other orders pending... hmmm... perhaps that'll save me.




Pending Orders

I can't believe I once again have 3 pending lab orders. How does this happen?   This time, two of the orders are TAL orders though. I generally don't feel as guilty about TAL orders because they're very practical for me. Very useful. They're also very cost effective compared to how I used to do things.   There was a time when I'd keep an enormous collection of essential oils and use combinations of different ones for different purposes. In my present situation (a lot of moving around since Katrina) it just isn't feasible for me to have such a collection, so the TALs are a godsend. Its great to have a small collection of blends for specific purposes. Those that I'll use often, I'll get big bottles of. And those that I'll use less often, I can always find decants of.   I'm pretty picky about magical ingredients, but I really trust the TALs. I've had such great results with the ones I've used.   Oh and the pending BPAL order is my Blue Moon order.   I keep feeling like I should have ordered a bottle of Gemini. I'm such a total Gemini, but I already have a bunch of lavender blends, and I was a bit put off by the orchid. Though I love Frankencense and Benzoin. It had Benzoin, right? Or was it Sandalwood? Now I don't remember. Doesn't matter, I love both.   I might try to score a decant of it later on, but right now I want to work on getting all the TALs I want, and also buy some of the GCs that I really really want (Black Tower, Oblivion, Dragon's Heart, Delphi).   And now that I've been totally bewitched by Bad Luck Woman Blues, I want to try more mossy, peppery and caramelly scents. No longer afraid of foody scents, I'm diving in. But I want foody scents that aren't TOO foody. I'm sure I'll find something lovely.   Don't I always?




Anyone ever done this?

Like many forumites I like to tuck in a few extras with anything I sell - frimps, tea, candy. What have you. The problem with candy is, everytime I buy a bag of it with the intention of using it with forum orders, I always end up eating the whole thing. Usually in one sitting. Am I going to have to start buying candy I dislike?




No one understands my BPAL obsession

Thats why I began a blog over here on BPAL. The Gods know I have enough blogs, but none of them even whisper of BPAL. Most of my friends would be perplexed. "Perfume? You're into perfume?" Yeah I am, what can I say.   I've tried to enable a couple of friends whom I think would be more receptive to the idea, but thus far there's only been a cursory interest from one female friend. My best friend is male, and even more low-maintenance than I am, so he'll never go for BPAL. Another male friend - a magician - is showing some interest in the TALS. I've sent him some decants and perhaps they'll draw him into the world of BPAL, who knows.   The only person in my life who is as thrilled with BPAL as I am is my 9 year old niece, who has a growing collection of imps, and who is saving up for her first bottle. Her favorite blend so far is Cobra Lily (her taste in fragrances is very different from mine).   So here's where I tuck all my BPAL-related musings. Other stuff will find its way in here I'm sure.



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