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2007 Book List

So, evidently I am going to primarily be using my blog for lists.   This is a list of books I've read/started/finished/etc. in 2007. 'Cause, you know, it's the in thing.   Read Entirely in 2007 1. The Trolley to Yesterday - John Bellairs 2. The Lamp from the Worlock's Tomb - John Bellairs 3. Vengence of the Witchfinder - John Bellairs 4. Doom of the Haunted Opera - John Bellairs 5. The Secret of the Underground Room - John Bellairs 6. The Great Snape Debate - Amy Berner, Orson Scott Card, Joyce Millman 7. Kushiel's Dart - Jacqueline Carey 8. Kushiel's Chosen - Jacqueline Carey 9. Kushiel's Avatar - Jacqueline Carey 10. Neverwhere - Mike Carey, Garth Ellis (graphic novel) 11. Alice in Wonderland - Louis Carroll (reread for forum Book Club) 12. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl (reread with son) 13. The Witches - Roald Dahl (reading with son) 14. A Christmas Carol and Other Stories - Charles Dickens (annual reread of ACC, first go round with "The Chimes" and "Cricket in the Hearth") 15. Geek Love - Katherine Dunn 16. Interworld - Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves 17. Vanished - Tess Garretson 18. Hell to Pay - Simon Green 19. Guilty Pleasures - Laurel K. Hamilton 20. The Laughing Corpse - LKH 21. Circus of the Damned - LKH 22. Bloody Bones - LKH 23. The Killing Dance - LKH 24. A Kiss of Shadows - LKH 25. A Caress of Twilight - LKH 26. Seduced by Moonlight - LKH 27. A Stroke of Midnight - LKH 28. Dead Until Dark - Charlene Harris 29. Living Dead in Dallas - Charlene Harris 30. Club Dead - Charlene Harris 31. Dead Witch Walking - Kim Harrison 32. The Good, the Bad, the Undead - Kim Harrison 33. Every Which Way but Dead - Kim Harrison 34. Fistfull of Charms - Kim Harrison 35. Native Tongue - Carl Hasissian 36. Injustice for All - J.A. Jance 37. Trial by Fury - J.A. Jance 38. Taking the Fifth - J.A. Jance 39. Improbable Cause - J.A. Jance 40. A More Perfect Union - J.A. Jance 41. Dismissed With Prejudice - J.A. Jance 42. Payment in Kind - J.A. Jance 43. Without Due Process - J.A. Jance 44. Failure to Appear - J.A. Jance 45. Lying in Wait - J.A. Jance 46. Breach of Duty - J.A. Jance 47. Long Time Gone - J.A. Jance 48. Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs - Chuck Klosterman 49. Swordpoint - Ellen Kushner 50. A Feast for Crows - George R.R. Martin 51. The Hedge Knight (graphic novel) - George RR Martin 52. Deerskin - Robyn McKinley 53. The Hero and the Crown - Robyn McKinley 54. Spindle's End - Robyn McKinley 55. Sunshine - Robyn McKinley 56. Moby Dick - Herman Melville (via LJ) 57. V for Vendetta (graphic novel) - Alan Moore 58. Sir Thursday (The Keys to the Kingdom) - Garth Nix 59. Island of the Blue Dolphins - Scott O'Dell (reread from childhood) 60. 3rd Degree - James Patterson 61. 4th of July - James Patterson 62. 5th Horseman - James Patterson 63. Angels and Other Strangers - Katherine Patterson (reread from childhood) 64. Clockwork - Phillip Pullman 65. The Firework Maker's Daughter - Phillip Pullman 66. The Antipope - Robert Rankin 67. Brightonomicon - Robert Rankin 68. Piece of My Heart - Peter Robinson 69. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling (reread) 70. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - J.K. Rowling (reread) 71. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban - J.K. Rowling (reread) 72. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling (reread) 73. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling (reread) 74. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling (reread) 75. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling (x2) 76. Broken Prey - John Sandford 77. Subterranean (Hellblazer novel) - John Shirley 78. Perfume: Story of a Murderer - Patrick Suskind 79. The Secret History - Donna Tartt 80. Take the Cannoli - Sarah Vowell 81. Dark Lover - J.R. Ward 82. Lover Eternal - J.R. Ward 83. Lover Awakened - J.R. Ward 84. Lover Revealed - J.R. Ward 85. Lover Unbound - J.R. Ward 86. Fables: Arabian Nights (and Days) Graphic Novel v. 7 - Bill Willingham 87. Fables: Wolves Graphic Novel v. 8 - Bill Willingham 88. Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall Graphic Novel (prequel) - Bill Willingham 89. Lord of Light - Roger Zalany   Started in 2006 or before, finished in 2007 Fragile Things - Neil Gaiman The Neverending Story - Michael Ende Cages - Dave McKeon (2005) Life of Pi (originally started in 2005, completely restarted because I lost the book and refound it!)   In progress (if not started in 2007, starting year in parens) Divine Horsemen, The Living Gods of Haiti - Myra Deren(2006) Ulysses - James Joyce (2005) Les Mis - Victor Hugo (via LJ) Jambalaya - L. Tisch Black House - Steven King/Peter Straub Dead to the World - Charlene Harris   The island of the just couldn't finish Haunted - Chuck Palonick




13 Nights of Halloween Questions 2014

What are your thoughts on yarn and handmade yarny things?   Handmade anything is awesome and love and fabulous. But despite many many attempts at yarncraft I have come to the conclusion that I shall never be adept at things involving anything larger than an embroidery needle and floss.   For bath and body products: do you have a bathtub or shower?   I can do either with pretty much anything. All the bath and shower things!   Dear Swappee: is there anything you might have forgotten to put on your survey?   Nothing I can think of at the moment.   Are there any particular fandoms that you follow?   Fandoms (by which I mainly mean things I would be happy to receive swag about): Harry Potter (Ravenclaw here), Doctor Who, Muppets, Nightmare Before Christmas, StarWars (especially Yoda or Princess Leia or droids), Game of Thrones, Sandman, Firefly, Lego, Princess Bride   Do you own a wax/oil burner? (If no, would you like one?) Incense, y/n?   Oil/Wax/Incense/Candles:Scented candles in nommy autumnal scents are cool, no incense, wax melts/tarts or burning oils, please.   Would you like loose, fancy tea?   All the chocolatey, autumnal flavored tea.I also love a good Earl Gray.   What is your favorite fall activity?   Favorite activities - I have to go to a pumpkin patch with the kids. And then we have to carve crazy-ass jack o lanterns. October is probably my favorite month of the year - the weather here is fabulous - cool and crisp, but not cold yet. I love having whatever giant creature my husband and son come up with in our yard, and our skelemingos and other silly-creepy things. I love prepping for our Halloween party and then Halloween itself - filling the big candy bowl and getting the first wee trick-or-treaters...I really can't pick just one thing, but if I absolutely had to, it would probably be the pumpkin patch.   I'm in Japan, anything specifically Japanese-y you want?   Cute Halloweenie Sanrio stuffs would be fun, or other similar items. Probably not much in the way of sweets or snacks.   Please briefly describe (color, style, preferred type of beads) or provide a picture of (if it is suitable), the type of necklace (if any) you would be interested in getting. If you do not like necklaces, what kinds of jewelry (if any) would you want to wear?   What I really seriously kind of sort of need, to the extent that it is possible for me to actually *need* jewelry at this point in my life, is a bracelet in purples/blues. I particularly like loose bracelets with a single charm. I don't like what I think of as hippy-quasi-Indian flowery fittings between beeds. I would also love Halloweenie themed bracelets or earrings (I have a necklace that I love and can only wear this time of year already).   In terms of necklaces, something purple and/or red would be cool. I have a lot of blues and plain silver and oranges and even a couple of green tone ones, but purple in particular is missing, despite being my favorite color. I have been particularly drawn to long drapey multi-strand things lately, but really, I just love big bold colorful statement jewelry that leans modern (as opposed to Victorian or hippy costume beads), although I also love art deco/nouveau.   What about hot chocolate/malt drinks?   I kind of have more hot chocolate than I will ever be able to use and most of the time I am too lazy to actually heat milk, etc unless I'm making Hershey's for the kids. That said, if you have a line on amazing pumpkin spice hot chocolate where you just add water, I'm all in. As for malt drinks, assuming you mean like Ovaltine or something, I'm not strictly opposed, but it's not something I seek out and I'd probably prefer my carbs elsewhere.     If you said that you are interested in books (or DVDs or any relatively big standalone sort of item), would you be okay with having multiples of such items spread over a couple of days, or would you prefer 13 distinct themish packages?   Personally, while I wouldn't want, say 4 days of books and 5 days of DVDs and just 4 of other goodies, I would be cool with receiving 2-3 days of books if they are things you think I would really love.   How into the day themeing mentioned in the first post are you? All themed? A few maybe if they are fun? Not at all?   I would probably be more into general Halloweenie/Autumnal theming than say bologna or mincemeat. If it helps my treater out of a bind or if zie really can have a lot of fun with it, have at.   Speaking of DVDs - are you interested in receiving movies and if so, what sort?   Anything on my Amazon wishlist is fair game, if not terribly thematic. I don't have a whole lot of time to watch tv, period, unless it's at least 11 year old friendly, but I would love to see "Let the Right One In" and I have a fondness for old Steven King movies.   Back to the books - if you said you would like books, would you prefer I send you, say, my favorite Halloween anthology or something else spooky/scary, or something off your wishlist/want-to-read on goodreads?   Personally, books are love. I would particularly love a new thematic anthology (I have Halloween by Paula Guran and send it to everyone in these things...which means I'll have to make that last this time if I repeat it) or something kind of scary or otherwise autumnal, but really anything you think I'd love would be fabulous. My next project still in progress on goodreads is shelving my "want to read" books into "have them/don't have them", since right now it's a mix, but it should give you some ideas at the very least.   Process question: Do you want to know who is sending to you right away, or would you prefer to be surprised on the last day, to the extent possible? Likewise, do you have a preference for specifically numbered packages or for reach in and grab according to your fancy?   I definitely want to know who you are. I don't feel super strongly about when I find out, although tradition leans toward the end. In terms of numbering, both a free for all and specific numbering are fun, so whatever strikes you as most appropriate.     Would you be interested in solid perfume? What about lip balm?   I'm very much a BPAL only girl, so no on solid perfume. Lip balm forever, though, especially if it has SPF.     There was a lot of mention of not wearing costumes/not being allowed to at workplaces. Would you be interested in goth style or Halloween-themed(pumpkins, ghosts,etc.) normal clothes to wear instead, and what would be suitable?   I could probably get away with a costume more than actual club-wear and since I never actually get to wear any of the club wear I already own (and in fact might be raiding my stash of jewelry from my hardcore goth days for this swap, I'm a no on the gothy clothes question. I would love Halloweenie socks, accessories, fingerless gloves/armwarmers, t-shirts and other accessories (I'd lean more toward black/purple/spiders/bats than orange and pumpkins for anything other than socks or maybe jewelry). For that matter, a long wig could be fun - I actually borrowed a long black and purple wig and wore it to a work lunch for Halloween last year.   Rose City Comicon - Are any of them particularly appealing to you and/or your inner twelve-year-old (mine is calling dibs on the Goonies stuff)? I didn't see anything that jumps out at me in the vendor list, but my inner 12-year-old will fight your inner 12-year-old for Goonies. Day of the dead/ Dia de los Muertos stuff? I go back and forth on DDLM stuffs (as opposed to my much hoarded stash of the 2004 DDLM oil. I would love some sugar skull earrings, otherwise, I'm pretty particular. Question for all you knitters,crocheters and people who like yarn and yarnie things; can you give somebody just one or two balls of yarn? Can you make something out of that? Is it useful? This is definitely not directed at me, but no, I would get absolutely no use out of yarn, unless you made it into something for me. Does anything from this shop catch your eye? I have a lotion in some sort of vanilla from Debauchery that I really love and I'm a sucker for bubbling scrubs, so I'd be happy to try those - in terms of scents, the Black Honey and Buttermilk Nectar both look fabulous and every single one of the autumn scents I looked at looked promising. Dear Pumpkin: Do you have aversions to any animals or insects? Centipedes/millipedes, wasps, cockroaches. I would not want anything with them on. Otherwise, there's not much that freaks me out. How do you feel about canned foods like jams and things along those lines? They are love! Do you have a favourite colour scheme? Black/gray, jewel tones and dark, almost black versions of same. How do you feel about stickers (and stationery in general)? Stickers and cute note cards are fine. Pretty papers are not likely to get used. How do we feel about fibercrafting (knit, crochet, etc.)? wearables? crafted critters? If you would like a scarf or something similar, would you like it to be themed, like fall colors, or have a skull or other halloweenie motif/border? We think that any of these are amazeballs, particularly in halloweenie themes. What makes you feel pampered? A long hot bath with some sort of scented product (bath oll, bomb, something), with a cup of hot tea and a good book. OR a really luxe massage or a pedicure. New Question! We've covered what critters you don't like, but what about the critters that you DO like? What are your favorite animals/creatures, real or imagined? Bats, owls, ravens, spiders, lizards, gargoyles, pegasi, DRAGONS!   I have a dumb question! I know it's a big joke that we get everything five years later than everyone else in the world, but is there anything specifically Canadian you'd like? Maple things, chocolate bars, or any of our creepy chip flavours? Totally not a dumb question! I want maple everything and maple sugar candy is one of my favorite things in the world. Also, cheap Canadian chocolate is infinitely superior to cheap USian chocolate and I am happy to try any creepy chip flavors that do not include any of my blackout items (so no salmon dill blue cheese crisps). A new question from me: While I am stalking the restock of the Rice Pudding hot process soap, does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye?   My answer - the afore mentioned Rice Pudding soap, also sorbetto, soaps (I prefer the hot process to glycerin, but both are fabulous) or lotion in any of the following (in order of preference): The Bees Lament, Indian Summer, Avast, Little Paper Umbrellas, Candy Floss, Guy Falkes, Pink Salt, Beet It   Is there is any TAZO tea you have a hankering for? Zen, Awake, Passion, China Green Tips, Vanilla Roibois, Calm, Refresh? (tea bags in a tin) Cocoa Mint Mate looks yum, as does the Bushberry Black Iced.   How about any Teavana tea? (loose leaf) I love their toasted mates. Also, anything fruity/chocolaty. How about Starbucks coffee beans? If so, ground (and for what kind of filter) or whole bean? Whole bean, all the way. How about Starbucks coffee via (italian, columbia, anniversary, vanilla latte?) or Iced coffee via (caramel or regular?) Fruit flavored via (berry hisbiscus, cool lime, strawberry lemonade?) Pumpkin Spice Latte via? Pumpkin Spice Latte!!!!!!!!!! Nothing else there I'm willing to take the carbs for, though. Starbucks K-cups or Verismo pods? No thanks. Coffee/tea travel mugs or ceramic home mugs? Travel mugs would be fabulous. Coffee maker (french press) or tea steeper? A tea steeper would be cool. Anything else from Starbucks/Teavana? Syrups, honey, whatever? I always love honey. How would you feel about a gently-used card game? For example, something I may have purchased several years ago and maybe played with my daughter *twice* before she became a moody teenager, and too cool for card and/or board games? Oh, absolutely. Especially if it is pre-moody teen friendly. Alcoholic beverages in your goodies-- yay or nay (mostly I'm thinking minis, tho I did get a full bottle of liqueur in a Switch Witch years ago!)-- if yay, what kind? Total yay! I love whiskeys of pretty much all sorts, flavored vodkas, gin, weird artisan brews. Really there's not much I won't drink. CANDY CORN--- YAY OR NAY? Nay for me.   New question! Name at least one thing that you really wouldn't like to receive in your package.   Totally cribbing from someone else's answer and saying Spongebob stuff.   I have eyeshadow pigments which have been decanted from--as in the powder tapped out into another container,never used directly. (I don't use very much makeup, though I love it, so I keep shadow pigments clean so I can safely share.) Would a jar of pigment handled thus bother you or are you ok with costmetic-type stuff that has not been directly touched?   That is totally cool with me. Bring on the bright sparkles!   ETA: For those with fiber allergies, is it ok if you get, say, an ornament/amigur-whatsit yarn thing that has wool in the blend, as long as it's not something to be worn? Also, because I don't know, do people with wool allergies generally also have sensitivity to other fibers like alpaca? No fiber allergies here, so no worries. Just nothing too scratchy.   does anyone especially like or want anything from cost plus/world market?   I love World Market with an unholy passion. In fact, I should probably swing by there this weekend for my pumpkin, but the short answer is yes, that is a very safe place to shop for me.   does anyone need any small kitchen items or utensils?   Need is such a strong word. I would love measuring cups in weird sizes - 2 cup, 2/3, 3/4 sorts of things. I can always use more spatulas and measuring spoons, especially if they are colorful and/or seasonal. Also, wooden spoons or other non-stick pan friendly spoony things. And baking stuff - cupcake liners, sanding sugars, that sort of thing, are always grand.   Dearist Pumpkin- do you have a preference of edible/drinkable vs. non edible items in your package? Would you prefer your package heavier on one side or the other?   Probably more on the non-edible side. I'd be happy to have some edible/drinkables, though.   Any guilty pleasures? TV show you're embarassed to admit you like? Musical group/preference that seems out-of-place for you? Gray's Anatomy is probably the closest thing.   And now, a new question: to sort of piggy-back onto the question about small kitchen items, do you like to bake or cook, and if yes, are there any special ingredients, spices, or decorations for baked goods (like sprinkles in seasonal shapes or those decorative picks you put on top of cupcakes, for instance) that you would like? I love baking and would definitely love Halloweenie accessories, especially early on in the swap where I could incorporate things into our party.   Hey, Pumpkin! How do you feel about lounge pants/pajama pants? Sounds great. I probably need an XL.   Do you have long, medium, or short hair? What kids of hair accessories do you like to use?   Very very short is my hair. I make it kind of spiky with pomade and that's about it. My daughter has super long hair and will adopt any styling related goodies, hair oils, etc.   If you could have a lotion/soap scented just for you, what are some notes you'd like to see? Autumn themed? or tried and true loves?   I would love something autumnal, but not pumpkin (I have a Punkie Night lotion from Paintbox, so I'm good there). Maybe a spicy apple cidery scent or something? I tend toward more foody in my body products.     Pumpkin: Is there something that catches your eye from this shop?   I love love love the overall style, but I never wear gold. Very occassionally I'll wear copper, but in general, I prefer my jewelry silvertone, so assume that all of my lusting is imagining silver. To the extent that is possible, the Games necklace is amazeballs and now I want one in silvertone. I also like Rough Diamond, Circle Bib, Lightning Cloud, any of the Feathers and all the bracelets.   If I were going to the mountains tomorrow, for the apple harvest, would you wanted some dehydrated apple rings??? Late to this party, but sure!   If you have an Etsy favorites list, are all of the things on the list things you'd be happy to get, or are some of them gift ideas for other people, or stuff that you've already bought and loved but don't need more of, or for any reason not something you'd want to get in this swap? Everything on there is for MEMEMEME. Mostly it's sort of a general idea list, or a way for me to sort out the items I want to seriously consider from an update, but generally speaking, if you got me anything from there, I would be thrilled.   New question from me! how do you feel about music? would you like some? if so, what would you be interested in & in what format (do you still have somewhere to play CDs, or would a flash drive be better, etc)? Music would be cool, probably best as a burned CD. I don't have much of anything from the last 4-5 years or so, so indie/alt-country/rock in that vein would be fun.   Lilith Update?   I am interested in decants of Goofballs, Mermaid, Venustas, Very Pink Surprise Cake




13 Nights of Halloween 2016

UPDATED 9/14/16

Anything here: http://paintboxsoapworks.com/ look like something you'd like to try (assuming that you're not already ordering it)?
My own answer is that I need just about everything in Red Right Hand, but I will probably be taking care of that myself.

Do you like stuff related to Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?
I love Day of the Dead conceptually and have been fascinated with it ever since reading Ray Bradbury's stories about Mexico as a kid, but the mass commodification of it makes me a little uncomfortable as a lily white atheist. I do have some beautiful sugar skull items which were given to me by someone sharing her culture which I treasure and I would absolutely welcome more in that vein.

Knitted Items?
Absolutely! I would particularly be interested in fingerless gloves, but just about anything, really. <3

Fandom/Specific Items?
Harry Potter, Ghostbusters (especially the new one), Doctor Who, Star Wars, also happy to take any My Little Pony stuff off your hands for my 6 year old (or me l).

Fall/Halloween Icons?
Bats, owls, gargoyles, skeletons, ravens,

First, talk to me about soaps- do you like them, and what kinds of scents/lather/varieties do you like?
Love soap! I tend to prefer hot process to glycerin, scents I think I cover pretty well in my questionnaire.

Second, tell me about teas! Favorites? Anything you'd like to try?
I love chocolate flavored and other sweet flavored teas, all the apple, pumpkin, chai this time of year.

Lastly, I go to Renn Faire- is there anything from there you might like?
It has been so long since I've been to one, I'm not even sure what I might like - jewelry, maile, that sort of thing is always good, I guess.

What Weenie of year's past are you seeking from the lab?
Nothing in particular. In terms of what I'm looking for and didn't purchase, my wishlist is in my sig.

Are you a shawl wearer- and if you don't wear one now, would you?
I would happily be a shawl wearer.

Tell me about LUSH- do you like them? If so, what are some of your favorite things from there? Particularly fond scents or products? Stuff you can't stand?
I don't care for their soap and I don't have a bathtub, so I don't currently have a use for bombs or melts...so, basically, I like Lush conceptually, but I don't actually use most of their products right now. I do love me some Lemony Flutter. Maybe lotion?

Japanese goodies?
I love Japanese sweets and Sanrio/Kawaii cuteness.

So, in this swap, you open a goodie every day. I have seen this gift direction done several different ways, but I am interested in which you are most keen to do. Would you rather:

A. have strict direction as to which gift is to be opened on which day(aka the number system)?
B.have a few gifts that are meant to be opened on specific days (ex: *this* one is for Halloween night only), but the rest be your choice?
C. have a free-for-all, grab bag-style box of goodies, where you are the sole arbiter of your goodie grabbing destiny(everything is wrapped but you pick the gift you want to open each day)?
D. be surprised?

I have received and given all of these ways and love them all. I know that is totally no help.

The Witch is In/Out sign?
That is super cute! I could definitely find a use for something like that.

Pumpkin Spice or No Pumpkin Spice?
ALL THE PUMPKIN SPICE!!!!! Although I prefer caramel apple Oreos and Milky Ways.

Milk, white, and/or Dark Chocolate?
Milk or white. If there is something amazing and on the sweet side that only comes in dark, I don't dislike it, but I prefer rich chocolate tastes to bitter ones.

Do you like Yankee Candle? Anything you want from there?
I'm not opposed and I love autumn scents, but I'm not familiar enough with their current line to have strong preferences.

Anything you have your eye on at BPTP?
Not in particular, but I'm always happy for decants from my wishlist.

Bath and Body Works - yay or nay?
Personally, I am a fan of their lotion and body wash, but not any of their perfume/body sprays/etc (unless you have a stockpile of their dry spray that came in an aerosol can that's been out of production for a couple of years). I also really like their handsoaps for the sink, but have a ton. Likewise, candles.

Tell me of your Sock Dreams, please!
Link to my wishlist is in the post below this one!

I'd like to make some baked goods, would you like some? And if you have any food allergies what can I use as substitute?
Absolutely. No allergies, but I definitely want full sugar, no stevia or anything.
Anything special you want from the Target dollar spot?
I haven't checked it out recently, but I often find fun sticky notes or magnetic notepads there, fun pens, little art supplies.

I live in The Netherlands. If there's anything in particular that you'd like to get from here, now's the time to tell!
Struphwaffles (I am sure that I just butchered that), and I still covet more of the chocolate covered salty licorice that you, Nemi, sent me in another swap.

I'm sort of collecting Lush showergels.Regular collection, but also many Kitchen items. Are there any showergels you'd like to try? I'd be happy to make you samples!
I have no idea about any of these, so sure! I do like shower gel.

What is your stance on Glitter?
I have a 6 year old child who loves anything that sparkles. Thankfully, my stance on glitter is essentially bring it on or I would have already become homicidal.

Also, if you have a Goodreads or other online reading log, does it include a wishlist? Otherwise, is it safe to assume books on the 'to-read' section are wishlist items? Or are you less into keeping a physical copy of the book, and instead prefer to turn to the awesomeness of the library to get your to-read need accomplished.
My Goodreads is pretty comprehensive and I try to be good about noting whether I already have a copy or whether I want a copy as part of my sub-shelves - generally speaking, if it is marked as want-a-copy, I specifically want to own it, not get it from the library. If it is marked as on-my-shelves, I have a copy, I've just yet to read it. Otherwise, things are fair game. If I have neglected to note that I already own something that is on my to-read shelf and you end up sending me something that I already have, well, that's my bad.

Tea lovers, what do you like from Whittard?
I have never tried them, but would happily do so!

how about art? (Small/mailing safe sizes, course)
I have fairly limited space in our new house due to the layout, so while my answer is always yes, I'm a little less enthusiastic than I might otherwise be just due to circumstances.

Dearest Pumpkin - how much are you wedded to wishlists, say I have some read once books which I think you might like based on what you've read in the past, but there is nothing of the sort on your current Goodreads "to read" list?
I am not at all wedded to them. I do suggest checking my "read" shelf at Goodreads before investing in off-wishlist books, but I am always thrilled to receive new options that I may not have thought of or discovered yet!

How do you feel about reading series out of order? Obviously not in situations where the subsequent books are part of the same story arc where you will be totally lost and frustrated if you haven't read all of them, but say, standalone stories which are technically part of a series and which might obliquely reference past books, but not in such as way as to spoil the plot of the book which I happen to have in my possession that you might like.
In the situation I'm describing, I am totally fine - if you have, say, the 4th Tana French novel, send it on. If the story relies heavily on past action, I'd rather not, but especially for long detective series and others where the basic plot is wrapped up in each book, that's fine.

Would you be interested in a Halloween themed short story anthology?
Absolutely. I have Halloween edited by Paula Guran, but not any others.

Is there a limit to the number of books you'd like to receive?
I wouldn't want to only receive books, but I would be happy to have 3-4 nights of them if there's stuff you think I'd love.

Movies in 15 Minutes?
Why yes, I have read it and have a copy I'd love to pass on to a fellow forumite.

Question: What kind of phone do you have? I need to know....
I have a Galaxy S5 Active at present, but will hopefully be upgrading to a 7 at some point during the swap.

Have you seen the horror film The Babadook? If so, did you like it? Would you want something Babadook-themed?
I haven't seen it. Based on the description I googled I can't decide if I would probably love it or spend the entire time feeling ill over kids in danger.

Those who are amenable to yarnie things--ok, two questions: Any undesirable fibers (wool allergy, vegan so no critter hair at all, etc.)? and how do you feel about cowls/infinity scarves?
I'm not allergic or vegan or otherwise totally opposed to anything, but wool is definitely not my favorite fiber unless it is super soft. That's really my biggest requirement - I like things super soft. In terms of infinity scarves, I've never really gotten the knack for them. Which doesn't mean I'm opposed to them, I just don't have any.

Motherhood update:
Haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but will update!

So who likes incense? and is there a preferred scent? and cones or sticks? Would you like a burner for it?
Not sure if I mentioned this in my survey, but ABSOLUTELY NO INCENSE PLEASE. It will never ever get used unless I send it to someone else and is frequently a migraine trigger. So please no thank you.




12 Days of Christmas 2016


I love crocheting, it's my favorite hobby. Can I make you a scarf/cowl/sweater/lap blanket to keep you wintery-warm!?

Absolutely! I am not much of a cowl wearer, but otherwise, bring on all the homemade goodies, especially since yarn-craft and I do not get along.

How do you feel about knit socks? (Plain stockinette, lacework, cables, etc). Are there any other hand knit items you'd especially like? (Mittens, fingerless gloves, hats, etc).

Yes please! Fingerless gloves are another desire of mine.

How do you feel about amigurumi (i.e. little crochet toys), either characters from a fandom, wee animals, or as decorations?

I don't really have feelings about them, to be honest, which is a good excuse to show me why they are awesome! (This is as good a time as any to mention that I forgot to include Ghostbusters on my list of beloved fandoms.)

What kind of snacks do you like? Does dried fruit or crunchy dried vegetables sound appealing? Do you like (raw) honey? Jerky? Jam? What sort of local products do you like to receive as gifts? If you're familiar with products in the Pacific Northwest, is there anything specific you'd like to try?

I love dried fruit/veg/nut combos. I love honey, like good jerky, jam is fab. The only thing that jumps out at me from PNW that I wouldn't want is salmon anything. Otherwise, I love to try local snacks, bread mixes, that sort of thing.

If there's one place you could go in the world, where and why?

I really want to go to Australia and New Zealand. Truly, I want to go everywhere, but that's my next big desire.

What sort of dollar store items do you always get a kick out of?

I inevitably get distracted by the wall of tacky jewelry, but I never actually buy anything.

Do you like to receive plants or gardening stuff? Do you grow plants? What's your favourite flower, if you have one?

I would not want gardening stuff or plants. I generally prefer not to receive things I will inevitably kill. Calla lilies are my favorite flower.

If you had a custom perfume/beauty/bath product made for you, what would it be and what would the scent description look like? (everything from prose to the specific selection of notes)

Something spicy/creamy/red musky. Text would be a silly bit of poetry.

I love drawing! Either fanart chibis on the tablet or portrait work in graphite pencil... but it's been a while..so I'd love to use this as an excuse to draw something for you! If you could commission an art piece, would you choose traditional or digital artwork- and what would it be of?

I...have no idea. Sorry, that is totally unhelpful. Maybe sketches of my kids?

Have we already answered questions about Christmas tree themes for this year?
We always do a tree, but it's not themed. Generally, we do a combo of modern bright colors, ornaments from my childhood, things my kids have made, souvenirs from vacations, and whatever characters my kids are currently into.

When it comes to makeup, what is your coloring? Fair, dark? Sensitive skin? Eye color? Hair color? Style....funky, natural? Any additional makeup info?
Fair with ruddy cheeks. Blue eyes. Dyed dark red hair. Makeup style is definitely funky - if I want to look natural, I just don't wear makeup. Otherwise, I usually do a bit of powder foundation, vibrant eye shadow crayon and black or blue/black mascara (note I DO NOT need more black mascara). Then a red or berry or burgundy lip color. I don't wear blush or lip liner or usually eye liner, although I will play with that sometimes. I am always in the market for more bold eye or lip colors, nail polishes (glitter is good) and could legit use a "glue" for loose powder shadow.

Is there any craft or hobby that you are interested in trying?
There's nothing I'm particularly jonsing for at the moment, but I've been a little curious about needle felting if there's an all inclusive kit you like. My daughter also loves crafty stuff, so things we could work on together would be fun.

Would anyone mind bath and body works items? Such as hand sanitizer, lotion, candles, car scents or soap?
I love their lotions and shower gel and some of their specialty spa stuff. I also love their candles, perhaps a bit too much.

Any Lush showergel (or other product) you'd like to try? I sort of collect their showergels, mostly from The Kitchen. So if there's anything you'd like to try, now's the time to tell!
My fave Lush products are their bath products, which I have no current ability to use, sadly. I don't care for their soap at all, their shower gels are okay. I do love me some Lemony Flutter, though.

Do you like licorice or would you like to try it? Would you prefer salt or sweet?
ALL THE LICORICE!!! I generally prefer sweet, but like salty if it is combined with something sweet (Nemi gave me some chocolate covered salty licorice last year that was AMAZING.)

I live in The Netherlands but I will visit England soon and might pay a visit to Germany. Anything special from here that you'd like to try?
Magnets, jewelry, local sweets and candy are among my travel related loves.

is you BPAL wishlist updated? If not: please do!
I will try to get that taken care of ASAP.

Do you like office supplies like pens, pencils, highlighters, sticky notes, etc?
I particularly love pens in all sorts of colors and sticky notes.

How do you feel about spicy, cheesy, or sour snacks?
Sure! I particularly like cheesy..

Would you like any cook-able mixes like for soup or baked goods, cooking ingredients like spices, sugars, salts, oils, or cooking gadgets?

Would you prefer bar soaps or bath gel?
I marginally prefer soap, just because I'm more likely to grab it to use.

Candles, wax melts, or incense - yea or nay?
Candles are fine, although I am kind of drowning in them. Please no incense or wax melts.

Jewelry - any preference about length of necklaces, earrings, etc?
The bigger and bolder the better. I do not wear post earrings, though. Otherwise, in terms of length, anything goes.

I don't do artificial sweeteners.Honey, agave, other actual sugar alternatives are fine. No stevia or stuff like that though.

Handmade items & homemade food:

Shakespearean swag:
This is my question, so I am pretty well set, but yes, I do love me some random Shakespeare.

Favorite Christmas story:
A Christmas Carol all day long, the book, adaptations, everything other than the Jim Carrey version.

Numbered packages or random:
Whatever you prefer, Snow Angel.

Goodreads or other wish lists:
Everything is in my swap help blog entry linked in my sig..

Books in a series-- in order?
If books are pretty much standalone, like Discworld or a lot of police procedural series, I am cool with random entries. For anything that is truly serial and the series is meant to tell a full story together, then I want them in order.

Trader Joe's:
I have one super close but I never actually go there, so it is fair game.(I love cookie butter ; -)

Shoe size
US womens 8, socks are wonderful

I'm going to San Diego next week. Are there any souvenirs from there you'd like? How about any little souvenirs in general that you appreciate receiving?
I can't think of anything SD specific, to be honest, but see above re my usual souvenirs.

Do you like Steampunk? Would you be interested in any jewelry inspired by steampunk?
I yes and yes! The biggest catch is a lot of steampunk jewelry I see is very gold/bronze based.

I make paper albums and journals. Would you be interested in receiving something like that? Would you like some other type of handmade paper craft?
I have so many journals that I never get around to using, so I should probably pass.

Are you currently ISO any BPAL new or otherwise? What are your top 10 scents?
I a not ISO anything in particular right now. I will try to get my wishlist updated ASAP. I listed a lot of my faves in my survey, I think.

Black Friday will be a thing during this swap, anything you might want that will be on awesome sale?
I'm sure there will be some deals on movies or games that are up my alley, but there's nothing specific I can think of (I tend to avoid any offline black Friday shopping).

Homemade stuff specifics:
Would you be interested in:
- Dried honeycrisp apples Yes
- Applesauce (with red hots for sweetness and cinnamon) Yes
- Rose petal liqueur Yes!
- Blackberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, or Peach Jam Yes!
- garlic dill pickles Yes
- raw honey from bees on our property Yes!
- Baked or homemade goods Always. Of particular interest from the list are rum balls, cranberry bars, fudge and trail mix. If you make extra fab brownies or breads, that's cool too.
- handsewn project bags or makeup bags? If you have thematic fabric or the desire to make something that fits with my fandoms, that would be super, but I don't really need them in general. Of particular interest would be Harry Potter, Doctor Who, NMBC, MLP. Bigger bags that could hold some of my daughter's huge MLP collection would actually be pretty fab.
- yarn, roving, batts, fiber? No thank you.
- any cross stitch items like a small wall hanging or bookmark? Bookmarks, dishtowels, pillows, other usable things would be great. I don't have much wall space for hangings, though.
- if you said you'd want a knitted item, are there any particular favorite patterns you'd like - I have no idea and am not on ravelry or relevantly on pinteroist. I am not real big on cable-knit or that sort of classic texture, though. For some reason, I now have an image of some sort of cephalopod texture and would be all over something like that, though. In terms of colors, any of the jewel tones I mention in my survey, especially black/gray/purples/teal.

If you said you liked candles/incense/etc., what are your favorite scents for such things?
I love anything evergreeny this time of year, or spicy foody kind of scents.

Do you like to cook and would you be interested in cookbooks?
I do cook, but I have a lot of cookbooks. I do love quirky fannish ones, though. I have Dining with the Doctor.

Do you like games (board/card), and if so for how many players?
Yes! I would particularly be interested in games that can be played with 2-3 players as well as larger groups.

If you have a Goodreads "to read" list, are those mostly books that you do not have and would like copies of, or are those mostly books that you already have piled on your shelves/lurking in your e-reader?
I have tried to break down what I have and what I want via an "on-my-shelves" sub-category. Anything on my to-read list that is not so marked is something I would be happy to receive, whether it specifically says "want a copy" or not.

Do you have a wood-burning fireplace or fire pit, and if so would you like handmade firestarters or scenting bundles to throw on it? (think bundles of apple wood chips and cinnamon bark, or little wax/herb/paper bundles with a wick)
Technically we have both fireplace and a metal fire bowl thing, although we have never used the former and rarely use the latter. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed, but these sound like the sort of thing I would acquire and never remember to use.

What animals do you think are considered cute?
Penguins, owls, birds generally, bats, lizards, seals, and I have a fondness for arctic animals specifically - white foxes, wolves, polar bears, etc.

You mentioned scarves in your questionnaire. Are you referring to a chunky thick keep-me-warm-in-a-snowstorm scarf, or a light and lacy could-be-warm-if-I-wound-it-a-hundred-times scarf?
I don't think I did, actually. But generally, I like big shawl like winter scarves more than light lacy scarves.

I stalked your etsy and noticed you like gemstones in jewellery!
If yes, what's a list of your favorite semi-precious gemstones?

Sapphires, garnets, moonstone...honestly, I care more about color and overall style than gemstones themselves.

And what is your ring size in US?
I really would prefer not to receive rings. Sorry! I can barely wear my wedding and engagement rings anymore, let alone others.

Would you like to receive a photography print? My pictures are mainly of animals or landscapes. What would you prefer? Any favourite animals you'd like to receive a picture of? Would you also like to receive postcards?
These are beautiful, but outside of owls or birds that I could share with my daughter, I really don't have wall space right now.

Thinking about your package arriving and unwrapping, would you prefer more foody items or more non-foody things?
Non-foody, please. Some food items are wonderful, but I would prefer that less than half be treats, thanks!

Name a handful of things you would LOVE to see in your 12 Days gifts!
Jewelry, books, a mix cd of seasonal music, fun sparkly decorations, socks or arm warmers... Grabbing this from the thread, but I also love fandom blind bags, incl. Lego!

Anybody else pay attention to Solstice Scents?
Nope. I am a BPAL only gal and do not wear anything else.

If I were go get my shit together to actually bake before December 7, would you have any interest in fruitcake?
My own question, so the YES I LOVE IT answer can probably be assumed, but yes, I love fruitcake - even the stereotypical brick - but especially people's different recipes. I go pretty much gaga over any holiday fruit bread - panatella, stollen, etc.

If I were still feeling the alcoholic spirit and decided to make boozy chocolate balls of some sort, do you have a preference for bourbon, rum or Irish whiskey?
I have no real preference. In terms of drinking, I lean toward whiskeys, but all the booze is welcome over here.




~Snow Bunny Quests~

NEW QUESTIONS ADDED 11.21 3:30 ish   Milk or dark chocolate: Yes please! I like to think that I prefer dark, but really, secretly, I think I like milk just a little better, and I prefer bits in (crispies, caramel, fruit, etc). White is nice too.   Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. What are you interested in, Bunny? I ordered everything that I'm seriously interested in and have updated my wishlist with what I didn't order.   Coin purses: I think I already answered this one, but I probably wouldn't get much use out of one.   If your fox were to knit something for you, would it be a lacy shawl or a pair of socks? Yes please! I really truly would love either.   Would anyone else be interested in a soap dish or something like that? I don't really have a use (or a place) for one, honestly.   Are you a Harry Potter fan? If so, which house do you identify with, and why? Would you want knitted things/replicas/accessories in your house colours? YES! I'm mostly Ravenclaw, with a side of either Gryffindor or Slytherin, depending on who's sorting. I would love a house scarf, as I think I already mentioned.   Are there any Yules from *PAST* years that you're interested in trying? Including past winter inquisitions? There's nothing that screams at me, but what I want to try is in my wishlist.   Let's talk about fruit! Do you like dried fruit or h ate it? Like some but not others? I'm not opposed to it, but dried fruit is not something I'd ever actively seek out unless I'm making fruitcake. I do LOVE fruitcake.   How do you feel about cherries? Prefer the sweet or tart versions? Dried? Jam? Salsa? Hot sauce? BBQ sauce? All your cherries are belong to me. I'm not so into hot sauce, though.   Bunnies! What is your general philosophy about patterns for accessories such as socks, scarves, and tights? Do you like solids? Stripes? Polka dots? Weird patterns like harlequin-type stuff? Any of the above? Patterns are love. Random not-so-patterns are also love.   Bunny, are you interested in anything from Geek Chic Cosmetics?   I've never heard of them. I do wear makeup, but other than a nice blue-black mascara, I'm pretty set at the moment.   Chile, yay or nay? Herm. Neither? I like a little heat, but I'm set for spicy chocolate and it's not a flavor I actively seek out otherwise.   Would you rather have an early reveal, or would you prefer one close to the end of the round? I do love me a surprise, but so long as you reveal at some point, I'm good either way.   Stuffed microbes from Think Geek LOVE THEM! Every year I covet the Christmas boxes.   Baking supplies? I think I've covered this pretty well?   Anniversary Update! Does anything interest you, Bunny? The only one I didn't order was Midnight, since the jasmine has the potential to be fatal. I'd love a sniffie of that one, otherwise, I'm set.   Cthulhu, yes or no? Of course!     NEW QUESTIONS ADDED 11.7 @ 2:00ish   A question: reveal, yes or no? Please yes! I hate not knowing who to thank! I do love the suspense of wondering who is sending to me, though. I usually reveal in the last shipment.   Any favorite cuddly characters? I used to be really into Sanrio, but not so much anymore. I love Uglydolls. And Kermit. But mostly I just like soft cuddly things. I don't really collect anything anymore.   Charity gifts? Either fair-trade type stuff, or virtual type gifts, like vaccinations or school supplies being bought on your behalf, or something along those lines? Sure.   Bunny, are you interested in tarts from Two Timing Tart? What scents, if any, are you interested in? Wow, those look amazing. I'd be interested in trying tarts or candles of any of the following: Insomniac, Tease, Teatime With Mary Pickford, Innocence, Bombshell, ANY of the autumn or winter seasonals, Exp 3 or 5, Sex Kitten, Pornography   Do you need any holiday recipes? Is there something in particular that you'd like baked or made for you? And for those of you doing the no sugar/low sugar, etc. thing these days, how about savory things? I don't *need* any holiday recipes, but I'd love any you'd like to share, along with just about any baked goods. I like savories as well as sweets, but there's *no* need to avoid sugar.   Speaking about candles, how much do you look forward to the BPTP candles that will be launched on Etsy? I don't know if there will be other scents than the Samhain and Pumpkin Cookie one, but is there a specific one you are longing for? Both Samhain and Pumpkin Cookie sound amazing.   Does anyone have issues with gently used things like books, etc.? Not at all!   Are you a big ol' nerd for any particular subject? Science, math, linguistics, etc? Or particular authors/fandoms? Not really. The book post I linked below probably answers this best. I am sort of into Harry Potter fandom, but not madly. Probably my nerdiest passion is Shakespearian adaptations, like Kurasawa's Ran and Throne of Blood, Rosencranz and Gildenstern are Dead and the like.   Bunnies, how do you feel about lemon-flavored items, like lemon marmalade, lemon curd, lemon pound cake, or lemon cookies? All your lemon are belong to me.   Fingerless mittens or full mitts? Er...I've never had fingerless, so I have no idea! Although reading some of the comments to this one, it would seem that I need some fingerless gloves for those days when it's frakkin cold in my office and I can no longer use my space heater because it keeps tripping the breaker. Not that I'm bitter about that or anything.   Pink? I don't hate pink, especially if it veers toward raspberry/purply, but it's definitely not a fave.   Thematic scarves? Extrapolating from the Tom Baker scarf discussion, I am not enough of a Doctor Who fan to covet this particular scarf, but I would love a Hogwarts house scarf! Ravenclaw or Slytherin, or Slytherclaw (which would work well with the movie colors).   What are your opinions on traditional holiday cookie flavorings? I'm thinking anise and cardamom in particular. I'm not sure my love for anise and cardamom can be adequately conveyed through the written word. BRING THEM ON!!!!!   Do you like artisan oils and vinegars? Very much. I have rather a surplus of EVOO at the moment though. I keep meaning to make my own infused oils and can never gather the right supplies (bottles and such). In terms of vinegars, I love love love them.   Any crafty pursuits you’ve been dying to experiment with? Would you like a little kit of something you’ve never tried? Do you need any particular items for your new or existing stash? I would love to learn to knit, but I fail miserably at any yarncraft I try. I have done needlepoint in the past and am pretty good at it, but I haven't done it in years.   2012 calendar? Not really. We get really nice freebies through our zoo membership, so I'm set for my wall calendar. A page a day calendar could be fun if my Fox sees something that just screams my name, otherwise, I'm good, calendar wise.   NEW QUESTIONS ADDED 11.4 @ 3:00ish   Stealing coldandsleepy's idea to put the new ones first:   What was the best holiday present you ever got?   Oh wow. A couple of years ago my husband managed to completely and utterly surprise me with a stained glass window that is the perfect complement to one we already had hanging in our living room, which is awesome, both in terms of how well he knows me, how hard it was to find, and the fact that I had ABSOLUTELY no idea. And last year he managed to shock both my son and I with a piano. Also, our daughter was arguably conceived on/around our 13th wedding anniversary.   Bunny, what scent are you desperately wanting to be resurrected this year with the Anniversary update? Hrm. I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess, in terms of wishes, I'd go with King of Spades. Or the original Lugnasadah or Mabon.   Groupon for Moxie Nouveau! Dear Bunneh, is this something that would interest you? Honestly, I'm pretty much a BPAL loyalist. I've tried half a dozen or so other companies and just never like them as much as I do my BPAL.   Bun-bun, what's your favourite colour?   Purple! (Real purple, not lavender)   Your favourite gemstone?   Honestly, as long as it's sparkly and has pretty colors, I don't really have a favorite, per se. I love big chunky rocks of just about any sort.   Your favourite animal (real or imaginary)? Dragons! And spiders and bats and squids and frogs and lizards and penguins and...oh hell. I'm the mom who continues to buy her kid the 1000th stuffed animal because we don't have that species of buffalo yet. In terms of animals to live with, definitely cats and fish and frogs and lizards.   And do you have any intense phobias? Not really. I'm not fond of bees or wasps or other stingy things in my immediate presense, but I love representations of bees.   Facebook/twitter: I use my real name on facbook and pretty much only friend people I actually know and/or have had an extensive online relationship with. I'm emandink on twitter.   Are you Nano-ing this month, bunny? If so, how would you feel about merch/donations to the cause? Not this year, sadly.   Do you like/need boxes for perfume/knicknacks? I like them perhaps a little too much - I actually have some extra boxes, as I moved my BPAL to a cabinet a few years ago.   Coffee or tea? With caffine or without? Flavors (if so, what?) or no? Whole bean/ground/loose leaf/bags? Yes please! Coffee must have caffiene, tea can go whichever way it chooses. Love flavored coffee (vanilla/fruity/caramel/spicy), but only if ground, otherwise, love wholebean dark roasts with fruity/caramel notes. Flavored tea strongly preferred - similar likes + chocolate! Coffee grinding preferences as noted, tea bags are more convenient, but I am fully equiped for a wonderful loose leaf tea.   Do you have a strong preference for any sort of bath and body product brands (i.e. etailer/etsy type cos, department store/specialty brands like Lush) or are you cool with anything that doesn't smell like Bunnybane? I try to stick with small/woman owned companies where I can, but if you find something that seems right up my alley at Target, I will be thrilled no matter what.   ______________________________________________ Good golly y'all!   I'm going to throw this out up front because I totally forgot to mention it in my survey - please do not send me anything with artificial sweeteners. I can sometimes tolerate stevia, but a lot of them give me migraines and I just don't like them. I try to avoid HFCS as well, but I'd rather have something loaded with that than sucrolose or acesulfame.   1. $20 from Walgreens... I'd surely start in the makeup/nail polish aisle and would probably pick up some sort of totally impractical color(s) in one or both areas. Then, if I take it seriously and stay with the fun (as opposed to picking up one of the vitamin supplements I'm low on or something), then I'd probably grab some fun sparkly markers or pens (I love brightly colored sharpies), and then hit the chocolate aisle - depending on what I have left over and my mood, I'd either grab a Cadbury fruit and nut, some Lindt truffles, a marshmallow santa or whatever new strange chocolate caramel concoction is on sale. Or maybe HoHos.   2. I live near a brick and morter location for a really, really good spice store. Would you use cooking spices and if you would, what would you need? (It's Penzey's if you want to Google it.) I got the giant bakers gift crate for Christmas last year. So, er, nothing from that one, I guess. In general, except for curries, I tend to prefer solo herbs and spices to blends, and I have pretty good coverage at the moment for the basics, but I do love the idea. (And for starfish, I think? Their cinnamons are, indeed, amazing.)   3. Do you like knitted goods? If so, what would you like, what colors, and do you have any sensitivites or preference when it comes to type of yarn (ex: wool: yay or nay? Do you prefer machine washable materials? Do you not care?)? Absolutely love knitted goods. Strongly prefer machine washable and soft, but I'm not allergic to wool or anything. I am all about dark colors and jewel tones - black, grey, purple, green, blue, red. Not so much orange, yellow or pink...or white or brown.   4. Hey swap partner... could you use a new mug? I can always use a new mug, size large.   5. Is there any sort of regional food/drink/treat you miss or have always wanted to try? I love flavored/varietal honeys and those maple sugar leaves. Are those regional? Also, Indian and British sweets. In general, I would love to try anything that my Fox considers her regional specialties.   6. Do you do a Christmas tree? If yes is it themed or specially colored or do you just have all different ornaments and such? We do do a tree and it is a total mishmash of things from my childhood, ornaments gifted to the kids (lots of snowmen and alligators, and snowgators...long story) and just pretty things we've purchased over the years.   7. Would you like a special ornament? Sure! We tend to do cute, but not "country", fwiw.   8. Tim Tams. Yay or nay? Yes please!   9. I know some people are squicked out at the idea of eating things that other people make, or the thought of deep fried cookies sends them into cardiac arrest. If you were my fox, would you like to receive some homemade goodies, or would you prefer that your goodies came from the store? I would love homemade goodies. Maybe not deep fried cookies, though.   10. Would any Bunny like to receive Holiday serving bowls, trays, platters etc...? Winter/Christmas or Thanksgiving/Fall themed? Sure! I host Thanksgiving every year and Christmas Eve dinner and love holiday themed dishes.   11. My lovely fluffy Snow Bunny, would you like a body scrub made by me? If so, what scent(s) would you like, if you had to think along the lines of essential oils? And would you prefer sugar or salt? A dryer scrub or one that's more oily/moist? Ooh, absolutely. I love scrubs (oily/moist sugar typically, although I wouldn't say no to a citrussy salt scrub). I think I covered my general scent preferences pretty well in my questionaire, but holiday scents I particularly like are grapefruit + pine/spruce or sweet/cookie type scents with pine/spruce.   12. Dear snow bunny, do you like candles? If yes, then what kind? Scented (what scents), unscented, what colors, do you like them plain/painted on the outside/with decorations attached to the surface/sculpted? Love candles, especially this time of year (holiday cookie/christmas tree/spicy are alwaus good, although not so much cinnamon). I tend to prefer jar candles or votives, since I have kids and need to keep them out of the way.   13. Also what do you think of little soaps? I know most people don't use soaps nowadays but I love the chocolate/vanilla/cocoa/butter/sugar combo scents that I see at beauty stores.... Love them!   14. Socks! Slippers! Do you love them or not really wear them? If you love them, do you also love Sock Dreams? Love socks (generally not more than knee highs, though, and generally in the colors I listed above or holiday. Holiday socks are love!), love Sock Dreams (especially BBella). I do wear slippers, but I'm pretty particular about them, so that could be tough.   15. Would you wear something like http://www.ravelry.c...astic-cowl]this if your Fox were to knit you one? If so, what color? Hrm. That's not really my style, to be honest, unless it were big enough to use as a shawl instead.   16. New question: talk to me of coffee. Whole bean? Ground? Flavored, not flavored? Decaf, whole caff? Favorite roasters? Drip, french press, keurig? BRING ON THE TEA? Whole bean dark roast or flavored ground. Whole caff. (We have a grind and brew combo where you can't just switch out beans.) Locally, I like Beanetics, but I'm really not that picky. Tea is love and I'm all about the seasonal flavors and chocolate blends here, bags or loose.   17. Who else here loves or would like to try Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics? If so, what would you like? I've never heard of them.   18. Have you tried anything from Cocoa Pink and if so, what products and scents do you like or would like to try? I haven't. I'm not really that into hair stuff, as it's short and pretty low maintainance.   19. Anybody into nail polish? Any color or formula preferences? I like painting my toenails (my fingers never last long enough to make it worthwhile, to be honest), but I'm not "into" it, per se. I'd love a cool sparkly blue or green (and I do covet the Muppet colors that someone's supposed to be coming out with soonish), but it's not something anyone should go out of their way for.   20. If you found a $50 bill on the ground and were to place a Lab order, what would be in it? (And shipping is free through the magical BPAL unicorn!) Hmmmm. That's a tough one. Probably Tattered Lace and Ein Kuss Von Krampus from Dark Delacacies.   21. Is there any particular holiday DVD that you don't have that you would like to own? Nothing jumps to mind, as we tend to buy/tivo stuff as we get the itch for it.   22. How do you feel about superheros? Are you a Marvel or DC fan? Do you have a favorite hero? Generally I tend to be more of a Vertigo (Sandman/Hellblazer/Preacher/that sort) of gal. So, DC, I guess. I'm not so much into superheroes as I am darker graphic novel type comics.   23. would you like a Paintbox from Paintbox Soapworks? If so, which scents? That looks awesome, but I try to avoid glycerine soaps.   24. Do you have kids (or kid-like pets) who your fox may want to take into account, either in terms of a little extra goody or simple safety? 2 kids (8 year old boy, 18 month old girl, he tends to inherit all wee toys, stickers and to share in appropriate snacky things). Also 2 cats, but they tend to stick to themselves and actually don't really do the treat thing. Same with the fish/snails and the hermit crab.   25. Lush? I love the Buche de Noel cleanser, Lemony Flutter and I tend to like a lot of the holiday bubble bar scents, so long as they aren't floral (I haven't had a chance to go through this year's offerings though). I don't like their soaps at all, which makes me sad, since they tend to sound delightful.   26. Honey/Beeswax? Honey is an absolute yes. Not sure what I'd do with beeswax, but if it came with suggestions, I'd be game, I guess.   27. TJs - we have them around here but they are always horribly crowded on the weekends and I can just never be bothered. I do really like their crumpets, though.   28. Paintbox Yulies? - So, while I'm not up for the soaps, scrubs and lotion are always good. Snoggin sounds devine, as does Comfort and Joy. White Snow, Bright Snow and the Victorious Sun sound nice too...For that matter, looking at the rest of the LEs, Avast, Guy Faukes, Indian Summer and Smiling Jack all sound lovely.   29. If I were to place ONE LAST Weenie order, (uh, which I will) what would you want me to include for you? (presuming that is that the order can get here in time, bites nails)? I did a pretty good job on this year's Weenies on my on. The stuff on my wishlist is pretty much stuff I just want to sniff. This is prolly as good a place as any to mention that I know my WL is pretty heavy on harder to find/LE type stuff. While I always love BPAL, I totally don't expect it.   Will you be away for any part of the round? Nope.   Anyone else with an Etsy store and a member of Tradeaholics (or you could join) and interested in bartering for gifts for their bunny? Nope.   What type of books do you like? Dying to read anything? I adore books. I keep a running list of everything I've read throughout the year here in my .org blog - it goes back to 2007, I think. Yeep. I may just make a new post with my answers to the Bookworm swap, to be honest, since that's prolly the easiest way to keep track of things (here!. But I do love interesting, not too sappy, holiday stories. And I'm jonsing for some Authurian legends at the moment for some reason (not MZB, as I've either read or have on my to read shelves many of her books). Also, I love a Kindle, if that matters. ;-)   If you like Christmas music (or anyother holiday music, for that matter), what kind of style do you like? Traditional? Modern and poppy? Indie? I love Christmas and holiday music and I'm a sucker for modern/indie compilations. I have a lot of holiday music though (I wanna say 300+ songs on my iPod), but I haven't gotten anything in the past couple of years.   Do you enjoy things that taste like roses? For example chewing gum, turkish delight, delicious goo that you eat by the spoonful out of a glass jar (and they all taste of rose. Yes, we have all these in Greece.)   I do! Lavender as well. I don't really chew gum though.   Also, same question about mastic. Would you be interested in trying it out? (If yes, any preferences? for example you would prefer to try the chewing gum, the turkish delight, an Easter bun, the raw resin itself, anything?)   I don't think I've ever tried it, but I'm always up for new experiences.   I live in the city of the chickenwing. If I were to send you something savory, what's your heat tolerance (or sweet and heat for that matter)? I like things spicy, but not necessarily hot, if that makes any sense? Nothing more than a "medium", basically. I do love sweet-spicy combos (chili chocolate, baked goods, etc, but mostly if I can actually taste the flavors). That being said, I'm really not a huge fan of the chickenwing.   If your fox/bunny were to gift you with a giftcard from anywhere, as in any store food wise, music wise etc. what giftcard would you like? Amazon is always good, as is Starbucks, since I do like to treat myself there ocassionally. Other online only options would be Sock Dreams, Soap Box, Villainess, someplace similar that my Fox wants to surprise me with. I'm always up for discovering new places. Lego would be fun too.   If I were to send you chocolate is there anything I should avoid as in nuts, cherries etc.? Also, what are some of your favorite holiday candies? I'm not real nuts about nuts (HA!), unless there's lots of dried fruit and other stuff (e.g., the aforementioned fruit & nut bar). I love caramel, marshmallow, cherries, other fruity bits. Also, despite not being a huge fan of nuts, I do love marzipan. One thing I've learned about myself recently is that while I do love high quality chocolate (or moderate, even) with bits in, I don't like things that are too outlandish, like curry or fennel. My love affair with Vosges is suffering for this fact, as I like their caramels and truffles, but not so much the candy bars. In terms of holiday faves, divinity, fudge, peppermint chocolates, marzipan and I love me a marshmallow santa.   Does anything from FusionSweets interest you? The caramel marshmallows sound AMAZEBALLS. As do the chocolate orange marshmallows. If I were to do a pick 4, I'd choose the chocolate marshmallow, grasshopper, lavender and vanilla. For caramels, the apple cider, lemon ginger, star anice etc, and French lavender honey all sound fabulous. But I have alot of caramels about right now, so the marshmallows would definitely be my first choice.   Interested in anything from the Elements and Artifacts Yule update? I almost bought these yesterday. Everything else I wanted is long gone.   Mulling spices? I love mulling spices, but unless my Fox likes to make their own amazing blend, I have a jar of Penzy's on hand for this season.



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