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Muse's BPAL Scent Wishlist :)

^ Denotes scents I have tried via Imps and have fallen in love with and am longing for a full size bottle   * Are the TOP scents I want to try in each category.   All other scents I'd love to try the Imps (where available!)!   When I buy/trade off, this list will be updated!     This list is MOSTLY a reminder for myself, but I'm adding it to my wishlists 'cause someone I adore suggested to do so. I think she secretly wants some hehe. I'll be buying a 6pack of IMPS every month or so, so this list will deplete quickly and eventually turn into a swap page, lol.   =========================== Bewitching Brews Hymn to Prosperpine ^Empyreal Mist Anne Bonny Incantation Scarecrow Sudha Segara *Leanan Sidhe I Died for Beauty The Coiled Serpent Zephyr Aeval Saint-Germain Veil   -------------------   Funereal Oils Embalming Fluid *Twilight Darkness Haunted Shroud Eternal Sheol   ------------------   Dark Elements *Undertow Hurricane   -----------------   Sin & Salvation Sea of Glass *Black Dahlia Death on a Pale Horse Fallen Envy Gluttony Dirty Anathema Lust Pride The Scales of Deprivation   ------------------   Love Potions The Temptation Snake Oil O Perversion La Belle au Bois Dormant Severin Suspiro *Muse (Of course!) Succubus Saturnalia   ----------------   Diabolus *Wicked Baobhan Sith Rage   ------------------   Mad Tea Party Cheshire Cat The Unicorn *The Queen of Hearts Alice Frumious Bandersnatch Drink Me The Pool of Tears   -----------------   Illyria Titania Oberon Tamora Ophelia Katharina Rosalind *Goneril Regan Desdemona *Juliet Caliban Viola Titus Andronicus   -----------------   Wanderlust *Bayou Uruk Prague *Kyoto Delphi Jezirat al Tennyn Neo-Tokyo Eden Whitechapel Santo Domingo Danube Lyonesse Versailles Port Royal Venice Manhattan Yerevan he Hanging Gardens * Niflheim   ---------------   Ars Draconis * Ladon Tanin'iver Dragon's Musk   ---------------



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