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[masterlist] Tested & Reviewed Scents

LATEST UPDATE: April 18, 2018.
Alphabetical by category, then name (hierarchy = LE - GC - BPTP). Use ctrl+ F to find a specific review. Discontinued general catalogue scents are listed under their original categories and indicated by a [*D] notation (some remain listed under the subheading 'discontinued' and will be moved to the correct group eventually). Scents preceded by a double asterisk [**] are wishlisted, and I will always be open to buying or swapping for these.

Most of my reviews use a five star rating system (★ - ★★★★★), which incorporates half stars where necessary (½). A general - but not always exact - guide to my ratings is as follows:

★★★★★: Beloved favourite, will always keep 1 or more bottles where possible
★★★★½: Love, will always keep an imp where possible
★★★★: Like a lot, would recommend, will rotate with other regular scents
★★★½: Like, would recommend, would consider repurchase
★★★: Like, but do not find original or imaginative, probably wouln't repurchase
★★½: Ambivalent, would not recommend or repurchase
★★: Dislike, would not recommend or repurchase
★½: Strongly dislike, would not recommend or repurchase
★: Unwearable, washed off immediately

☆ Limited Editions ☆

A Little Lunacy: Black Bear Moon Blauer Mond (2012) Mare Crisium (2015) Whirling Wind Moon

Anniversary: Jupiterian Phoenix Leather Phoenix Lunar Phoenix Martian Phoenix Mercurian Phoenix Saturnian Phoenix Solar Phoenix The Phoenix at Dawn The Phoenix at Dusk The Phoenix at Midday The Phoenix at Midnight Venusian Phoenix Yellow Metal with Mingled Purple Blushes

Art of the Unicorn: Bestiare du Moyen Age (2016) Crucifixion (2016) De Vos' Unicorn (2016) The Virgin and the Unicorn (2016)

Astrological: Capricorn

Bards of Ireland: Fairy Thorn

Chaos Theory: Fougere #31 Fougere #45 Fougere #52 Woods #70 Woods #71 Woods #72

Crimson Peak: Between Your Heart and Mine Firethornberry Tea Lullaby The First Time I Saw a Ghost

Halloweenies: A World Where There Are Octobers A Young Woman Appealing to a Witch Apple IV (2015) Autumn Cider Autumn Fancies Dead Leaves, Bourbon Vanilla & Myrrh Ghost House October (2011, 2015) Pomona Portrait of an Unidentified Man as Mephistopheles Pumpkin Latte (2011) Pumpkin Princess Punkie Night (2012) Samhain (2013) Second Spring The Unquiet Grave

Ligeia: Blacker Than the Raven Wings of Midnight

Lunar New Year: Wood Horse

Lupercalia: A Note from Propertius Box of Chocolates: Milk Chocolate with Macadamia, Coconut, Button Mushroom, and Marshmallow From You I Have Been Absent in the Spring Love and Sleep Luperci (2014) The Mark (2016) Mars Alator (2015) Mars Ultor (2015) Mount Fuji Reflected in Lake Misaica (2015) Night Scene (2016) Quaeris Quot Mihi Basiationes Saint Foutin de Varailles (2010, 2014) Signor Dildo (2015) The Expiration The Instructional Manual (2016) The Sick Rose There is a Garden in Her Face Thrice Toss These Oaken Ashes To His Mistress Going to Bed (2016) Valentine of Rome (2014) Venus Caelestis (2015) Venus Cloacina (2015) Venus Genetrix (2015) Venus Murcia (2015) Venus Obsequens (2015) Venus Verticordia (2015) Venus Victrix (2015) The Voice Womb Furie

Metamorphosis: Passion Butterfly

Neil Gaiman: Snow, Glass, Apples

Only Lovers Left Alive: Adam ** Eve Hal Kit June 23, 1868 The Diamond's Gong This is Your Wilderness

Pickman Gallery: ** Arana My Happy Day Rapunzel in Ballpoint Summoning Stone Play Structure

The Last Unicorn: Lady Una Yvaine

Yules: Faunalia (2014) Like Brooms of Steel Knecht Ruprecht (2012) Mari Lwyd (2014) Midnight Mass (2012) Skadi Stardust (2013) Sugar Cookie (2005) The Mahogany Tree The Visionary Winter-Time (2014) Yuletide (2014)

☆ Retail/Event Exclusives ☆

Retail: Black Heart (Dark Delicacies: Valentine's Day 2010) Conseratory Tableaux (Post War Trade: Who Killed Amanda Palmer? 2009) Lucifer (Dark Delicacies: The Salon, Travelling Exhibition 2007) Who In the World Am I? (Century Guild: Fragmented Alice 2014)

Events: At the Mid Hour of Night (Bat's Day 2014) Revisiting the Scents of Past Delight (Bat's Day 2014) Sing the Wild Song (Bat's Day 2014) Tis Thy Voice from the Kindgom of Souls (Bat's Day 2014) When Life Shone Warm in Thine Eyes (Bat's Day 2014) When Stars are Weeping (Bat's Day 2014)

Other: Server Gremlins (Lab Gift 2018)

☆ General Catalogue ☆

Ars Amatoria: Bathsheba Bordello Brisingamen Carnal Desire Follow Me Boy Golden Priapus Hunger La Belle Au Bois Dormant Le Serpent Qui Danse Rapture Siren Spellbound Whoso List to Hunt [*D]

Ars Draconis: Ladon

Ars Moriendi: Deep in Earth Embalming Fluid Haunted Les Fleurs du Mal Zombi

Bewitching Brews: Anne Bonny Arcana Bewitched Black Forest (2009, 2016) Blood Blood Amber Blood Kiss Calico Jack Debauchery Dee Eclipse Fire of Love Follow Me Boy Grog Khubla Khan La Bella Donna Mia Mente Masquerade Mata Hari Ode on Melancholy Red Devil Swank ** The Hesperides [*D] The Jersey Devil Tushnamatay Undertow Veil Wolf's Heart

Carnaval Diabolique: Banded Sea Snake Faith & Hope, The Siamese Twins Green Tree Viper

Conjure Bag: Fire of Love French Love

Diabolus: Akuma Baobhan Sith Black Annis Black Phoenix Horreur Sympathetique Kitsune-Tsuki Malice Wicked

Discontinued: Ehecatl House of Night Iambe Moon Rose Szepasszony The Unicorn

Excolo: Anteros Baron Samedi Hades Hedylogos Nyx Old Scratch Persephone Qandisa Sjöfn Skuld Tezcatlipoca Thanatos Tlazolteotl

Illyria: Helena The Apothecary

Inspiration: Bram Stoker

Mad Tea Party: Alice Alice's Evidence Croquet King of Hearts Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Queen of Hearts The Dormouse The Red Queen Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat Two, Five, and Seven

Marchen: Fire for thy Stepmother's Daughter's Prunella Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds The Black Rider The Red Rider The Sea Foams Milk Vasilissa Veritas

A Picnic in Arkham: Al-Azif Azathoth

Pharmacopaeia: TKO

Phoenix Steamworks: The Antikythera Mechanism

Rappaccini's Garden: Black Hellebore Honey [*D] Blood Lotus Blood Rose Chokecherry Honey Love Lies Bleeding Redoul Honey Strangler Fig The Zieba Tree

RPG Series: Bard Dwarf Fighter Orc

The Salon: The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil [*D]

Sin and Salvation: Cathedral Death on a Pale Horse Dorian Paramatman The Bow and Crown of Conquest The Great Sword of War Wrath

Wanderlust: 51 Athens Bayou Bengal Cairo Eden Jezirat al Tennyn [*D] Kyoto Morocco Paris Prague Versailles Whitechapel

☆ Black Phoenix Trading Post ☆

Atmosphere: Villa Diodati (prototype) Alchemical Laboratory

Fatherhood: Playing Tag in a Garden Full of Gods

Lilith: Blood and Judgement So Well Comeddled (2015) Catch Me, Dad (2015) Meus Amor Aeternus (2015)

Lupercalia: Gold and Tears (2015) Ruined Roses (2015)

Yules: A Lady Tall and White (2014) Neither Peace Nor Rest (2014)




[masterlist] Wishlist

LATEST UPDATE: April 17, 2016. Listed alphabetically and, where possible, by sub-category. Use ctrl+ F to find a specific scent. [**] indicates a priority wish.

As a general guide, I almost always love blends incorporating apple, vanilla, fig, amber, lavender, violet, tea, moss, or wood notes. I typically avoid blends with musk, most roses, wine/alcohol, or 'skin' notes, as they are hit-and-miss on my skin. I am unable to wear anything with cinnamon (it causes extreme irritation) and lemon (it's a migraine trigger).

☆ Limited Editions & Retail/Event Exclusives ☆

Bards of Ireland: (none)

Lilith: Walking the Prime Meridian

Only Lovers Left Alive: Eve [**] achieved! Thank you, five year anniversary release!

☆ Discontinued Scents ☆
Arachne Asphodel Black Dahlia Bluebeard Bruja Calliope Clio [**] Damnation Desdemona Despair Dissipation Dublin Ephemera Ether Fairy Market Glitter Hamadryad Hurricane Hymn to Prosperpine La Belle Dame Sans Merci Severin

☆ General Catalogue ☆

Ars Amatoria: Forbidden Fruit Kabuki Libertine Lilium Inter Spinas Lucy's Kiss Maiden Perversion Spellbound Suspiro The Lady of Shalott Vicomte de Valmont

Ars Draconis: Dragon's Milk

Ars Moriendi: Nocturne Thanatopsis

Bewitching Brews: Aeval Aureus Dana O'Shee Fae Highwayman Incantation Jack Juke Joint Leanan Sidhe Mata Hari Morgause Omen Ouija Poisoned Apple The Forest Reverie Velvet Wilde Yggdrasil

Conjure Bag: (none)

Diabolus: A Countenance Foreboding Evil Marie Serpent's Kiss Villain

Excolo: Megaera

Illyria: Lear Queen Gertrude Rosalind

Mad Tea Party: (none)

Phoenix Steamworks: The Coil

Rappacini's Garden: Belladonna

Sin and Salvation: Seraphim

Wanderlust: Lyonesse Pontarlier



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