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My scented thoughts - Frimp of the day.

Who knows if anyone will read these things, but I think jotting down my scented thoughts somewhere would help me better sort out what I really like and don't like. And why not post those thoughts online? Because thats always a good idea...   I recently received a package from lorajc and inside she included two frimps from Possets. One is called Maryland, which I thought was cute because I currently live in Maryland   Here's a link to the scent description - http://possets.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=299   Maryland is a very sweet, aquatic, ozone scent and I'm adoring the hell out of it right now. Its like a cool-sweet scent. I'm worried that it doesnt last long, and I have only had it on for about 45 minutes. I dont mind. I would reapply this throughout the day if necessary. Can you really judge throw based on a small swatch on the wrist? Idk. I'd say this could possibly have medium throw if I have it on my wrists and on my neck. Maybe just light though.   I'm really loving Maryland, but I didn't expect to. I haven't tried many (any?) aquatic/ozone scents, but Maryland really has me thinking that I have stumbled upon an unexplored scent genre, a whole new world of sniff possibilities! The only blatantly aquatic/ozone scent I think I have is Lighting, which I have not tried yet. And hopefully having this little corner of the net to jot down my scented thoughts will push me to try the dozens (somewhere between 80-100+) of imps that I have not tried yet. I have a collectors mentality, which is fine, but not so productive or wise if I'm buying and buying without using my products. Thats what happened to me and makeup...   I have only tried one Possets scent before, and I've seen relatively underwhelming reviews on average, but I will be trying more of their scents. I will buy a bottle of Maryland in the near future. I love BPAL, but its nice to have other resources for scents. (Not that you really need anything else, BPAL seems to have an infinite supply of awesomeness.) Plus, Possets has cheaper bottles. I believe this is because many of their scents are not pure essential oils like BPAL oils. (correct me if I'm wrong, someone) I've tried Solstice Scents in the past, I probably ordered 20 samples or so, and NONE of them lasted more than 5 minutes on me, if that. very disappointing. I'm thinking whatever their base formula is (?), it doesnt work for me. I will have to sell them. They smell absolutely delicious and awesome in the imps though.   So yeah, Maryland is a winner for me.


