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BPAL Madness!
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wishlist, inventory, favorites, etc

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favorite / least favorite notes

FAVORITES Apple!!! Vanilla Cider White florals Sugar/Candy Any juicy fruit (not dried) Orange Cream Baked goods/pastry/oatmeal Soap/clean linen Sweet pea Tea Coconut     IFFY Jasmine Rose Lily Lilac Cinnamon Melon Fig Tree-y scents, e.g. pine needles Green/grassy smells (like them, but usually not on me) Leaves Frankincense, myrrh, other resins - love them, but highly dependent on other notes Coffee - can be a little much Chocolate/cocoa? haven't tried it yet!     LEAST FAVORITES Anise/licorice/pernod Almond ! Makes me nauseous 99% of the time. Meat/Savory Bitter/Sour notes Wine Plum Honey Woodsy, musty, e.g. oak "Raw" smelling sandalwood Leather (half the time smells like soap to me, other half it smells like... leather. neither is great.) Mint/menthol




wishlist / to try

verrry messy in-progress wishlist. eventually to be organized by priority, alphabetically, gc/le, etc. : ) please pardon any repeats.   see also: favorites/least favorites   5ml wishlist: boo (any year) sugar skull (any year) pumpkin v   belle epoque bordello brisingamen diwali (2007) embalming fluid glasgow hell's belle la bella donna della mia menta ladon languor lyonesse mary read medea miskatonic u morocco mouse's long sad tale titania venice   scents i want to try!: crowley third charm wilf snake charmer jareth theodosius scherezade *** the illustrated woman the lion *** gun moll banshee beat boomslang water dragon smut oneroi black tower snow white mme moriarty *** samhain the girl door boo maiden waters of notre dame *** lady lilith night hag visiting the lapland witches lust alice bastet *** perversion *** le lethe no. 93 engine *** haunted *** cockaigne *** halfling voodoo vixen urd fenris wolf rumpelstiltzchen hermia bliss chimera *** whip mag mell black lace *** under the harvest moon utrennyaya silver phoenix elegba pumpkin v *** antique lace*** hamadryad karme *** snow, glass, apples red lace *** bon vivant light of men's lives robotic scarab lady una good half elf Dionysia evil gobo liaison dragon's milk halloween: las vegas havisham     GC imps left to try, for completion: defutata desire hunger the lady of shalott le serpent qui danse les bijoux dragon's bone dragon's heart dragon's milk danse macabre darkness thanatopsis aureus event horizon fae intrigue morgause omen ozymandias the raven shattered velvet umbra zephyr djinn horreur sympathique kumiho wicked aizen-myoo mania obatala old scratch peitho xiuhtecuhtli verdandi megaera katharina how doth the little crocodile mage ranger good cathedral dirty hellfire baghdad bengal tingtagel tombstone


