NOTE: This is a duplicate of the topic waaaaaaaay down there at the bottom of the main review forum page. It's hard to see, so I decided to pin it up here and hopefully end the confusion. There are some reviews that are just really dang hard to find -- usually because of a typo on a Lab label or an accent mark in the name. So here's a list of the unsearchables, in alphabetical order.If I've left something out of either category, or if a link doesn't work, please PM a reviews mod (LiberAmoris or parrot_suspect) to fix it.
With the changes to the search engine in the past few months, even the shortest names (O, I'm looking at you) are searchable. Yay! So I've taken those off the list.
Label Typos/Misspellings
- Caligostro = Cagliostro (unreleased)
- Chyphre = Chypre (TAL)
- Hymn to Prosperpine = Hymn to Proserpine
- Khajurajo = Khajuraho
- The Lady of Shallot = The Lady of Shalott
- Langour = Languor
- Le Petit Mort = La Petite Mort
- Svaddhinaopatika = Svadhinaopatika
- Tulzcha = Tulzscha
Other Common Misspellings
- Caberet = Cabaret
- Et Lux Fruit = Et Lux Fuit
- Lithia = Litha
Unsearchable Names
- Fée
- Halôa
- Imp (by popular demand, since the word crops up so often in unrelated topics)
- Jólasveinar
- Original 13, the October '06 reformulation, the April '07 version and the July '07 version (you can search for 13, but it'll also pull up two pages of results with "13" in the date subtitle, so I've left these in the list)
- Snow-Flakes
Hope this helps!